예제 #1
class MinimalGameHandler:
    The :class:`MinimalGameHandler` class takes care of the interface to the ALE and tries to do nothing else. It's
    meant for advanced users who need fine control over every aspect of the process. It has many functions that are simply
    wrappers of the underlying ALE but with pythonic names/usage.

    rom : byte string
        Specifies the directory to load the rom from. Must be a byte string: b'dir_for_rom/rom.bin'
    frame_skip : int
        Default 4. Number of frames to skip inbetween action. This sets frame skip on the Stella environment
    show_rom : boolean
        Default False. Whether or not to show the game. True takes longer to run but can be fun to watch
    def __init__(self, rom, frame_skip=4, show_rom=False):
        # set up emulator
        self.ale = ALEInterface(show_rom)
        self.ale.setInt(b'frame_skip', frame_skip)

        # setup gamescreen object. I think this is faster than recreating an empty each time
        width, height = self.ale.getScreenDims()
        self.gamescreen = np.empty((height, width, 1), dtype=np.uint8)

    def reset(self):

    def step(self, action, clip=None):
        reward = 0
        if clip is not None:
            reward += np.clip(self.ale.act(action), 0, clip)
            reward += self.ale.act(action)
        return reward

    def get_gamescreen(self, converted=True):
        self.gamescreen = self.ale.getScreenGrayscale(self.gamescreen)

        if converted:
            # convert ALE gamescreen into 84x84 image
            processedImg = imresize(self.gamescreen[33:-16, :, 0], 0.525, interp='nearest')
            return processedImg
            # we return a copy here because converted returns a copy also. And its easier for exp replay
            return np.copy(self.gamescreen)

    def get_game_over(self):
        return self.ale.game_over()

    def get_legal_actions(self):
        return self.ale.getMinimalActionSet()