예제 #1
    def read(cls, json_data):
        _fml = cls()
        _fml.count = len(json_data['FileManifestList'])

        for _fmj in json_data.pop('FileManifestList'):
            _fm = FileManifest()
            _fm.filename = _fmj.pop('Filename', '')
            _fm.hash = blob_to_num(_fmj.pop('FileHash')).to_bytes(
                160 // 8, 'little')
            _fm.flags |= int(_fmj.pop('bIsReadOnly', False))
            _fm.flags |= int(_fmj.pop('bIsCompressed', False)) << 1
            _fm.flags |= int(_fmj.pop('bIsUnixExecutable', False)) << 2
            _fm.file_size = 0
            _fm.chunk_parts = []
            _fm.install_tags = _fmj.pop('InstallTags', list())

            for _cpj in _fmj.pop('FileChunkParts'):
                _cp = ChunkPart()
                _cp.guid = guid_from_json(_cpj.pop('Guid'))
                _cp.offset = blob_to_num(_cpj.pop('Offset'))
                _cp.size = blob_to_num(_cpj.pop('Size'))
                _fm.file_size += _cp.size
                if _cpj:
                    print(f'Non-read ChunkPart keys: {_cpj.keys()}')

            if _fmj:
                print(f'Non-read FileManifest keys: {_fmj.keys()}')


        return _fml
예제 #2
    def package_savegame(self, input_folder: str, app_name: str = '',
                         epic_id: str = '', cloud_folder: str = '',
                         include_filter: list = None,
                         exclude_filter: list = None,
                         manifest_dt: datetime = None):
        :param input_folder: Folder to be packaged into chunks/manifest
        :param app_name: App name for savegame being stored
        :param epic_id: Epic account ID
        :param cloud_folder: Folder the savegame resides in (based on game metadata)
        :param include_filter: list of patterns for files to include (excludes all others)
        :param exclude_filter: list of patterns for files to exclude (includes all others)
        :param manifest_dt: datetime for the manifest name (optional)
        m = Manifest()
        m.meta = ManifestMeta()
        m.chunk_data_list = CDL()
        m.file_manifest_list = FML()
        m.custom_fields = CustomFields()
        # create metadata for savegame
        m.meta.app_name = f'{app_name}{epic_id}'
        if not manifest_dt:
            manifest_dt = datetime.utcnow()
        m.meta.build_version = manifest_dt.strftime('%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S')
        m.custom_fields['CloudSaveFolder'] = cloud_folder

        self.log.info(f'Packing savegame for "{app_name}", input folder: {input_folder}')
        files = []
        for _dir, _, _files in os.walk(input_folder):
            for _file in _files:
                _file_path = os.path.join(_dir, _file)
                _file_path_rel = os.path.relpath(_file_path, input_folder).replace('\\', '/')

                if include_filter and not _filename_matches(_file_path_rel, include_filter):
                    self.log.debug(f'Excluding "{_file_path_rel}" (does not match include filter)')
                elif exclude_filter and _filename_matches(_file_path_rel, exclude_filter):
                    self.log.debug(f'Excluding "{_file_path_rel}" (does match exclude filter)')


        if not files:
            if exclude_filter or include_filter:
                self.log.warning('No save files matching the specified filters have been found.')
            return self.files

        chunk_num = 0
        cur_chunk = None
        cur_buffer = None

        for _file in sorted(files, key=str.casefold):
            s = os.stat(_file)
            f = FileManifest()
            # get relative path for manifest
            f.filename = os.path.relpath(_file, input_folder).replace('\\', '/')
            self.log.debug(f'Processing file "{f.filename}"')
            f.file_size = s.st_size
            fhash = sha1()

            with open(_file, 'rb') as cf:
                while remaining := s.st_size - cf.tell():
                    if not cur_chunk:  # create new chunk
                        cur_chunk = Chunk()
                        if cur_buffer:
                        cur_buffer = BytesIO()
                        chunk_num += 1

                    # create chunk part and write it to chunk buffer
                    cp = ChunkPart(guid=cur_chunk.guid, offset=cur_buffer.tell(),
                                   size=min(remaining, 1024 * 1024 - cur_buffer.tell()))
                    _tmp = cf.read(cp.size)
                    if not _tmp:
                        self.log.warning(f'Got EOF for "{f.filename}" with {remaining} bytes remaining! '
                                         f'File may have been corrupted/modified.')
                    fhash.update(_tmp)  # update sha1 hash with new data

                    if cur_buffer.tell() >= 1024 * 1024:
                        cur_chunk.data = cur_buffer.getvalue()
                        ci = self.finalize_chunk(cur_chunk)
                        self.log.info(f'Chunk #{chunk_num} "{ci.path}" created')
                        # add chunk to CDL
                        cur_chunk = None

            f.hash = fhash.digest()