# # Verify Lender ID has valid format and pull lender history. # if options.kiva_id is None: if 'GATEWAY_INTERFACE' not in environ: kiva_id = environ["USER"] else: exit(3) else: kiva_id = options.kiva_id lender.check_lender_id(kiva_id) my_countries, not_loaned = lender.read_lender_csv(kiva_id,private,verbose,display) # # Check for loans in countries we haven't hit yet. # loans_found = loan.find_new_loans(not_loaned,loan_count,verbose) if newonly: print "Searched all new countries." exit(0) if len(loans_found) < loan_count: print "Found %s loans for new countries. Looking for less used countries." % len(loans_found) loans_found = loan.find_old_loans(loans_found,my_countries,loan_count,verbose)
verbose = 'verbose' in arg_list display = 'display' in arg_list newonly = 'newonly' in arg_list rss = 'rss' in arg_list private = 'private' in arg_list set_cookie = 'private' not in arg_list kiva_id = cgi.escape(form.getfirst('lender', 'empty')).strip('"\'') if kiva_id == 'empty': try: cookie = Cookie.SimpleCookie(os.environ["HTTP_COOKIE"]) kiva_id = cookie["lender"].value except: print if not lender.check_lender_id(kiva_id): print print "Lender ID is invalid." exit(1) if set_cookie: expiration = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=60) print 'Set-Cookie: lender=' + kiva_id + "; expires=" + expiration.strftime("%a, %d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S PST") print loan_count = form.getfirst('count','1') if not loan_count.isdigit() and int(loan_count) <= 0: loan_count = '1' loan_count = int(loan_count) print '<p>Hello %s!</p>' % kiva_id