class ImageModel(object): """ this class uses functions of lens_model and source_model to make a lensed image """ def __init__(self, data_class, psf_class, lens_model_class=None, source_model_class=None, lens_light_model_class=None, point_source_class=None, extinction_class=None, kwargs_numerics=None, kwargs_pixelbased=None): """ :param data_class: instance of ImageData() or PixelGrid() class :param psf_class: instance of PSF() class :param lens_model_class: instance of LensModel() class :param source_model_class: instance of LightModel() class describing the source parameters :param lens_light_model_class: instance of LightModel() class describing the lens light parameters :param point_source_class: instance of PointSource() class describing the point sources :param kwargs_numerics: keyword arguments with various numeric description (see ImageNumerics class for options) :param kwargs_pixelbased: keyword arguments with various settings related to the pixel-based solver (see SLITronomy documentation) """ self.type = 'single-band' self.num_bands = 1 self.PSF = psf_class self.Data = data_class self.PSF.set_pixel_size(self.Data.pixel_width) if kwargs_numerics is None: kwargs_numerics = {} self.ImageNumerics = NumericsSubFrame(pixel_grid=self.Data, psf=self.PSF, **kwargs_numerics) if lens_model_class is None: lens_model_class = LensModel(lens_model_list=[]) self.LensModel = lens_model_class if point_source_class is None: point_source_class = PointSource(point_source_type_list=[]) self.PointSource = point_source_class self.PointSource.update_lens_model(lens_model_class=lens_model_class) x_center, y_center = self.PointSource.update_search_window( search_window=np.max(self.Data.width), x_center=x_center, y_center=y_center, min_distance=self.Data.pixel_width, only_from_unspecified=True) self._psf_error_map = self.PSF.psf_error_map_bool if source_model_class is None: source_model_class = LightModel(light_model_list=[]) self.SourceModel = source_model_class if lens_light_model_class is None: lens_light_model_class = LightModel(light_model_list=[]) self.LensLightModel = lens_light_model_class self._kwargs_numerics = kwargs_numerics if extinction_class is None: extinction_class = DifferentialExtinction(optical_depth_model=[]) self._extinction = extinction_class if kwargs_pixelbased is None: kwargs_pixelbased = {} else: kwargs_pixelbased = kwargs_pixelbased.copy() self._pixelbased_bool = self._detect_pixelbased_models() if self._pixelbased_bool is True: from slitronomy.Util.class_util import create_solver_class # requirement on SLITronomy is exclusively here self.SourceNumerics = self._setup_pixelbased_source_numerics( kwargs_numerics, kwargs_pixelbased) self.PixelSolver = create_solver_class( self.Data, self.PSF, self.ImageNumerics, self.SourceNumerics, self.LensModel, self.SourceModel, self.LensLightModel, self.PointSource, self._extinction, kwargs_pixelbased) self.source_mapping = None # handled with pixelated operator else: self.source_mapping = Image2SourceMapping( lensModel=lens_model_class, sourceModel=source_model_class) def reset_point_source_cache(self, cache=True): """ deletes all the cache in the point source class and saves it from then on :param cache: boolean, if True, saves the next occuring point source positions in the cache :return: None """ self.PointSource.delete_lens_model_cache() self.PointSource.set_save_cache(cache) def update_psf(self, psf_class): """ update the instance of the class with a new instance of PSF() with a potentially different point spread function :param psf_class: :return: no return. Class is updated. """ self.PSF = psf_class self.PSF.set_pixel_size(self.Data.pixel_width) self.ImageNumerics = NumericsSubFrame(pixel_grid=self.Data, psf=self.PSF, **self._kwargs_numerics) def source_surface_brightness(self, kwargs_source, kwargs_lens=None, kwargs_extinction=None, kwargs_special=None, unconvolved=False, de_lensed=False, k=None, update_pixelbased_mapping=True): """ computes the source surface brightness distribution :param kwargs_source: list of keyword arguments corresponding to the superposition of different source light profiles :param kwargs_lens: list of keyword arguments corresponding to the superposition of different lens profiles :param kwargs_extinction: list of keyword arguments of extinction model :param unconvolved: if True: returns the unconvolved light distribution (prefect seeing) :param de_lensed: if True: returns the un-lensed source surface brightness profile, otherwise the lensed. :param k: integer, if set, will only return the model of the specific index :return: 2d array of surface brightness pixels """ if len(self.SourceModel.profile_type_list) == 0: return np.zeros(self.Data.num_pixel_axes) if self._pixelbased_bool is True: return self._source_surface_brightness_pixelbased( kwargs_source, kwargs_lens=kwargs_lens, kwargs_extinction=kwargs_extinction, kwargs_special=kwargs_special, unconvolved=unconvolved, de_lensed=de_lensed, k=k, update_mapping=update_pixelbased_mapping) else: return self._source_surface_brightness_analytical( kwargs_source, kwargs_lens=kwargs_lens, kwargs_extinction=kwargs_extinction, kwargs_special=kwargs_special, unconvolved=unconvolved, de_lensed=de_lensed, k=k) def _source_surface_brightness_analytical(self, kwargs_source, kwargs_lens=None, kwargs_extinction=None, kwargs_special=None, unconvolved=False, de_lensed=False, k=None): """ computes the source surface brightness distribution :param kwargs_source: list of keyword arguments corresponding to the superposition of different source light profiles :param kwargs_lens: list of keyword arguments corresponding to the superposition of different lens profiles :param kwargs_extinction: list of keyword arguments of extinction model :param unconvolved: if True: returns the unconvolved light distribution (prefect seeing) :param de_lensed: if True: returns the un-lensed source surface brightness profile, otherwise the lensed. :param k: integer, if set, will only return the model of the specific index :return: 2d array of surface brightness pixels """ ra_grid, dec_grid = self.ImageNumerics.coordinates_evaluate if de_lensed is True: source_light = self.SourceModel.surface_brightness(ra_grid, dec_grid, kwargs_source, k=k) else: source_light = self.source_mapping.image_flux_joint(ra_grid, dec_grid, kwargs_lens, kwargs_source, k=k) source_light *= self._extinction.extinction( ra_grid, dec_grid, kwargs_extinction=kwargs_extinction, kwargs_special=kwargs_special) source_light_final = self.ImageNumerics.re_size_convolve( source_light, unconvolved=unconvolved) return source_light_final def _source_surface_brightness_pixelbased(self, kwargs_source, kwargs_lens=None, kwargs_extinction=None, kwargs_special=None, unconvolved=False, de_lensed=False, k=None, update_mapping=True): """ computes the source surface brightness distribution, using pixel-based solver for light profiles (from SLITronomy) :param kwargs_source: list of keyword arguments corresponding to the superposition of different source light profiles :param kwargs_lens: list of keyword arguments corresponding to the superposition of different lens profiles :param kwargs_extinction: list of keyword arguments of extinction model :param unconvolved: if True: returns the unconvolved light distribution (prefect seeing) :param de_lensed: if True: returns the un-lensed source surface brightness profile, otherwise the lensed. :param k: integer, if set, will only return the model of the specific index :param update_mapping: if False, prevent the pixelated lensing mapping to be updated (saves computation time if previously computed). :return: 2d array of surface brightness pixels """ ra_grid, dec_grid = self.SourceNumerics.coordinates_evaluate source_light = self.SourceModel.surface_brightness(ra_grid, dec_grid, kwargs_source, k=k) if de_lensed is True: source_light = self.SourceNumerics.re_size_convolve( source_light, unconvolved=unconvolved) else: source_mapping = self.PixelSolver.lensingOperator source_light = source_mapping.source2image( source_light, kwargs_lens=kwargs_lens, kwargs_special=kwargs_special, update_mapping=update_mapping, original_source_grid=True) source_light = self.ImageNumerics.re_size_convolve( source_light, unconvolved=unconvolved) # undo flux normalization performed by re_size_convolve (already handled in SLITronomy) source_light_final = source_light / self.Data.pixel_width**2 return source_light_final def lens_surface_brightness(self, kwargs_lens_light, unconvolved=False, k=None): """ computes the lens surface brightness distribution :param kwargs_lens_light: list of keyword arguments corresponding to different lens light surface brightness profiles :param unconvolved: if True, returns unconvolved surface brightness (perfect seeing), otherwise convolved with PSF kernel :return: 2d array of surface brightness pixels """ if self._pixelbased_bool is True: if unconvolved is True: raise ValueError( "Lens light pixel-based modelling does not perform deconvolution" ) return self._lens_surface_brightness_pixelbased(kwargs_lens_light, k=k) else: return self._lens_surface_brightness_analytical( kwargs_lens_light, unconvolved=unconvolved, k=k) def _lens_surface_brightness_analytical(self, kwargs_lens_light, unconvolved=False, k=None): """ computes the lens surface brightness distribution :param kwargs_lens_light: list of keyword arguments corresponding to different lens light surface brightness profiles :param unconvolved: if True, returns unconvolved surface brightness (perfect seeing), otherwise convolved with PSF kernel :return: 2d array of surface brightness pixels """ ra_grid, dec_grid = self.ImageNumerics.coordinates_evaluate lens_light = self.LensLightModel.surface_brightness(ra_grid, dec_grid, kwargs_lens_light, k=k) lens_light_final = self.ImageNumerics.re_size_convolve( lens_light, unconvolved=unconvolved) return lens_light_final def _lens_surface_brightness_pixelbased(self, kwargs_lens_light, k=None): """ computes the lens surface brightness distribution , using pixel-based solver for light profiles (from SLITronomy) Important: SLITronomy does not solve for deconvolved lens light, hence the returned map is convolved with the PSF. :param kwargs_lens_light: list of keyword arguments corresponding to different lens light surface brightness profiles :return: 2d array of surface brightness pixels """ ra_grid, dec_grid = self.ImageNumerics.coordinates_evaluate lens_light = self.LensLightModel.surface_brightness(ra_grid, dec_grid, kwargs_lens_light, k=k) lens_light_final = util.array2image(lens_light) return lens_light_final def point_source(self, kwargs_ps, kwargs_lens=None, kwargs_special=None, unconvolved=False, k=None): """ computes the point source positions and paints PSF convolutions on them :param kwargs_ps: :param k: :return: """ point_source_image = np.zeros((self.Data.num_pixel_axes)) if unconvolved or self.PointSource is None: return point_source_image ra_pos, dec_pos, amp = self.PointSource.point_source_list( kwargs_ps, kwargs_lens=kwargs_lens, k=k) ra_pos, dec_pos = self._displace_astrometry( ra_pos, dec_pos, kwargs_special=kwargs_special) point_source_image += self.ImageNumerics.point_source_rendering( ra_pos, dec_pos, amp) return point_source_image def image(self, kwargs_lens=None, kwargs_source=None, kwargs_lens_light=None, kwargs_ps=None, kwargs_extinction=None, kwargs_special=None, unconvolved=False, source_add=True, lens_light_add=True, point_source_add=True): """ make an image with a realisation of linear parameter values "param" :param kwargs_lens: list of keyword arguments corresponding to the superposition of different lens profiles :param kwargs_source: list of keyword arguments corresponding to the superposition of different source light profiles :param kwargs_lens_light: list of keyword arguments corresponding to different lens light surface brightness profiles :param kwargs_ps: keyword arguments corresponding to "other" parameters, such as external shear and point source image positions :param unconvolved: if True: returns the unconvolved light distribution (prefect seeing) :param source_add: if True, compute source, otherwise without :param lens_light_add: if True, compute lens light, otherwise without :param point_source_add: if True, add point sources, otherwise without :return: 2d array of surface brightness pixels of the simulation """ model = np.zeros((self.Data.num_pixel_axes)) if source_add is True: model += self.source_surface_brightness( kwargs_source, kwargs_lens, kwargs_extinction=kwargs_extinction, kwargs_special=kwargs_special, unconvolved=unconvolved) if lens_light_add is True: model += self.lens_surface_brightness(kwargs_lens_light, unconvolved=unconvolved) if point_source_add is True: model += self.point_source(kwargs_ps, kwargs_lens, kwargs_special=kwargs_special, unconvolved=unconvolved) return model def extinction_map(self, kwargs_extinction=None, kwargs_special=None): """ differential extinction per pixel :param kwargs_extinction: list of keyword arguments corresponding to the optical depth models tau, such that extinction is exp(-tau) :param kwargs_special: keyword arguments, additional parameter to the extinction :return: 2d array of size of the image """ ra_grid, dec_grid = self.ImageNumerics.coordinates_evaluate extinction = self._extinction.extinction( ra_grid, dec_grid, kwargs_extinction=kwargs_extinction, kwargs_special=kwargs_special) extinction_array = np.ones_like(ra_grid) * extinction extinction = self.ImageNumerics.re_size_convolve(extinction_array, unconvolved=True) return extinction def _displace_astrometry(self, x_pos, y_pos, kwargs_special=None): """ displaces point sources by shifts specified in kwargs_special :param x_pos: list of point source positions according to point source model list :param y_pos: list of point source positions according to point source model list :param kwargs_special: keyword arguments, can contain 'delta_x_image' and 'delta_y_image' The list is defined in order of the image positions :return: shifted image positions in same format as input """ if kwargs_special is not None: if 'delta_x_image' in kwargs_special: delta_x, delta_y = kwargs_special[ 'delta_x_image'], kwargs_special['delta_y_image'] delta_x_new = np.zeros(len(x_pos)) delta_x_new[0:len(delta_x)] = delta_x[:] delta_y_new = np.zeros(len(y_pos)) delta_y_new[0:len(delta_y)] = delta_y x_pos = x_pos + delta_x_new y_pos = y_pos + delta_y_new return x_pos, y_pos def _detect_pixelbased_models(self): """ Returns True if light profiles specific to pixel-based modelling are present in source model list. Otherwise returns False. Currently, pixel-based light profiles are: 'SLIT_STARLETS', 'SLIT_STARLETS_GEN2'. """ source_model_list = self.SourceModel.profile_type_list if 'SLIT_STARLETS' in source_model_list or 'SLIT_STARLETS_GEN2' in source_model_list: if len(source_model_list) > 1: raise ValueError( "'SLIT_STARLETS' or 'SLIT_STARLETS_GEN2' must be the only source model list for pixel-based modelling" ) return True return False def _setup_pixelbased_source_numerics(self, kwargs_numerics, kwargs_pixelbased): """ Check if model requirement are compatible with support pixel-based solver, and creates a new numerics class specifically for source plane. :param kwargs_numerics: keyword argument with various numeric description (see ImageNumerics class for options) :param kwargs_pixelbased: keyword argument with various settings related to the pixel-based solver (see SLITronomy documentation) """ # check that the required convolution type is compatible with pixel-based modelling (in current implementation) psf_type = self.PSF.psf_type supersampling_convolution = kwargs_numerics.get( 'supersampling_convolution', False) supersampling_factor = kwargs_numerics.get('supersampling_factor', 1) compute_mode = kwargs_numerics.get('compute_mode', 'regular') if psf_type not in ['PIXEL', 'NONE']: raise ValueError( "Only convolution using a pixelated kernel is supported for pixel-based modelling" ) if compute_mode != 'regular': raise ValueError( "Only regular coordinate grid is supported for pixel-based modelling" ) if (supersampling_convolution is True and supersampling_factor > 1): raise ValueError( "Only non-supersampled convolution is supported for pixel-based modelling" ) # setup the source numerics with a (possibily) different supersampling resolution supersampling_factor_source = kwargs_pixelbased.pop( 'supersampling_factor_source', 1) kwargs_numerics_source = kwargs_numerics.copy() kwargs_numerics_source[ 'supersampling_factor'] = supersampling_factor_source kwargs_numerics_source['compute_mode'] = 'regular' source_numerics_class = NumericsSubFrame(pixel_grid=self.Data, psf=self.PSF, **kwargs_numerics_source) return source_numerics_class
class ImageModel(object): """ this class uses functions of lens_model and source_model to make a lensed image """ def __init__(self, data_class, psf_class, lens_model_class=None, source_model_class=None, lens_light_model_class=None, point_source_class=None, extinction_class=None, kwargs_numerics={}): """ :param data_class: instance of ImageData() or PixelGrid() class :param psf_class: instance of PSF() class :param lens_model_class: instance of LensModel() class :param source_model_class: instance of LightModel() class describing the source parameters :param lens_light_model_class: instance of LightModel() class describing the lens light parameters :param point_source_class: instance of PointSource() class describing the point sources :param kwargs_numerics: keyword argument with various numeric description (see ImageNumerics class for options) """ self.type = 'single-band' self.PSF = psf_class self.Data = data_class self.PSF.set_pixel_size(self.Data.pixel_width) self.ImageNumerics = NumericsSubFrame(pixel_grid=self.Data, psf=self.PSF, **kwargs_numerics) if lens_model_class is None: lens_model_class = LensModel(lens_model_list=[]) self.LensModel = lens_model_class if point_source_class is None: point_source_class = PointSource(point_source_type_list=[]) self.PointSource = point_source_class self.PointSource.update_lens_model(lens_model_class=lens_model_class) x_center, y_center = self.PointSource.update_search_window( search_window=np.max(self.Data.width), x_center=x_center, y_center=y_center, min_distance=self.Data.pixel_width) self._psf_error_map = self.PSF.psf_error_map_bool if source_model_class is None: source_model_class = LightModel(light_model_list=[]) self.SourceModel = source_model_class if lens_light_model_class is None: lens_light_model_class = LightModel(light_model_list=[]) self.LensLightModel = lens_light_model_class self.source_mapping = Image2SourceMapping( lensModel=lens_model_class, sourceModel=source_model_class) self.num_bands = 1 self._kwargs_numerics = kwargs_numerics if extinction_class is None: extinction_class = DifferentialExtinction(optical_depth_model=[]) self._extinction = extinction_class def reset_point_source_cache(self, bool=True): """ deletes all the cache in the point source class and saves it from then on :param bool: boolean, if True, saves the next occuring point source positions in the cache :return: None """ self.PointSource.delete_lens_model_cache() self.PointSource.set_save_cache(bool) def update_psf(self, psf_class): """ update the instance of the class with a new instance of PSF() with a potentially different point spread function :param psf_class: :return: no return. Class is updated. """ self.PSF = psf_class self.PSF.set_pixel_size(self.Data.pixel_width) self.ImageNumerics = NumericsSubFrame(pixel_grid=self.Data, psf=self.PSF, **self._kwargs_numerics) def source_surface_brightness(self, kwargs_source, kwargs_lens=None, kwargs_extinction=None, kwargs_special=None, unconvolved=False, de_lensed=False, k=None): """ computes the source surface brightness distribution :param kwargs_source: list of keyword arguments corresponding to the superposition of different source light profiles :param kwargs_lens: list of keyword arguments corresponding to the superposition of different lens profiles :param kwargs_extinction: list of keyword arguments of extinction model :param unconvolved: if True: returns the unconvolved light distribution (prefect seeing) :param de_lensed: if True: returns the un-lensed source surface brightness profile, otherwise the lensed. :param k: integer, if set, will only return the model of the specific index :return: 1d array of surface brightness pixels """ if len(self.SourceModel.profile_type_list) == 0: return np.zeros((self.Data.num_pixel_axes)) ra_grid, dec_grid = self.ImageNumerics.coordinates_evaluate if de_lensed is True: source_light = self.SourceModel.surface_brightness(ra_grid, dec_grid, kwargs_source, k=k) else: source_light = self.source_mapping.image_flux_joint(ra_grid, dec_grid, kwargs_lens, kwargs_source, k=k) source_light *= self._extinction.extinction( ra_grid, dec_grid, kwargs_extinction=kwargs_extinction, kwargs_special=kwargs_special) source_light_final = self.ImageNumerics.re_size_convolve( source_light, unconvolved=unconvolved) return source_light_final def lens_surface_brightness(self, kwargs_lens_light, unconvolved=False, k=None): """ computes the lens surface brightness distribution :param kwargs_lens_light: list of keyword arguments corresponding to different lens light surface brightness profiles :param unconvolved: if True, returns unconvolved surface brightness (perfect seeing), otherwise convolved with PSF kernel :return: 1d array of surface brightness pixels """ ra_grid, dec_grid = self.ImageNumerics.coordinates_evaluate lens_light = self.LensLightModel.surface_brightness(ra_grid, dec_grid, kwargs_lens_light, k=k) lens_light_final = self.ImageNumerics.re_size_convolve( lens_light, unconvolved=unconvolved) return lens_light_final def point_source(self, kwargs_ps, kwargs_lens=None, kwargs_special=None, unconvolved=False, k=None): """ computes the point source positions and paints PSF convolutions on them :param kwargs_ps: :param k: :return: """ point_source_image = np.zeros((self.Data.num_pixel_axes)) if unconvolved or self.PointSource is None: return point_source_image ra_pos, dec_pos, amp, n_points = self.PointSource.linear_response_set( kwargs_ps, kwargs_lens, with_amp=True, k=k) for i in range(n_points): point_source_image += self.ImageNumerics.point_source_rendering( ra_pos[i], dec_pos[i], amp[i]) return point_source_image def image(self, kwargs_lens=None, kwargs_source=None, kwargs_lens_light=None, kwargs_ps=None, kwargs_extinction=None, kwargs_special=None, unconvolved=False, source_add=True, lens_light_add=True, point_source_add=True): """ make an image with a realisation of linear parameter values "param" :param kwargs_lens: list of keyword arguments corresponding to the superposition of different lens profiles :param kwargs_source: list of keyword arguments corresponding to the superposition of different source light profiles :param kwargs_lens_light: list of keyword arguments corresponding to different lens light surface brightness profiles :param kwargs_ps: keyword arguments corresponding to "other" parameters, such as external shear and point source image positions :param unconvolved: if True: returns the unconvolved light distribution (prefect seeing) :param source_add: if True, compute source, otherwise without :param lens_light_add: if True, compute lens light, otherwise without :param point_source_add: if True, add point sources, otherwise without :return: 1d array of surface brightness pixels of the simulation """ model = np.zeros((self.Data.num_pixel_axes)) if source_add is True: model += self.source_surface_brightness( kwargs_source, kwargs_lens, kwargs_extinction=kwargs_extinction, kwargs_special=kwargs_special, unconvolved=unconvolved) if lens_light_add is True: model += self.lens_surface_brightness(kwargs_lens_light, unconvolved=unconvolved) if point_source_add is True: model += self.point_source(kwargs_ps, kwargs_lens, kwargs_special=kwargs_special, unconvolved=unconvolved) return model def extinction_map(self, kwargs_extinction=None, kwargs_special=None): """ differential extinction per pixel :param kwargs_extinction: list of keyword arguments corresponding to the optical depth models tau, such that extinction is exp(-tau) :param kwargs_special: keyword arguments, additional parameter to the extinction :return: 2d array of size of the image """ ra_grid, dec_grid = self.ImageNumerics.coordinates_evaluate extinction = self._extinction.extinction( ra_grid, dec_grid, kwargs_extinction=kwargs_extinction, kwargs_special=kwargs_special) extinction_array = np.ones_like(ra_grid) * extinction extinction = self.ImageNumerics.re_size_convolve(extinction_array, unconvolved=True) return extinction