# 0.6 EKR: (eliminated g.top) # - Add c arg to writeNodeAndTree. # - Set encoding to sys.getdefaultencoding() if there is no @encoding directive in effect. # 0.7 EKR: cmd_ functions now get c arg. # 0.8 EKR: set __plugin_name__ rather than __name__ #@-<< version history >> #@+<< imports >> #@+node:ekr.20040909105522: ** << imports >> import leo.core.leoGlobals as g try: # From win32 extensions: http://www.python.org/windows/win32/ import win32com.client client = win32com.client except ImportError: client = g.cantImport('win32com.client') if g.isPython3: import configparser as ConfigParser else: import ConfigParser import sys #@-<< imports >> #@+others #@+node:ekr.20050311165238: ** init def init(): '''Return True if the plugin has loaded successfully.'''
# That is, not installed properly by unit tests. # # 0.3 EKR: # - Declared click_registry and coloured_nodes global in init. #@-<< version history >> #@+<< imports >> #@+node:pap.20041020001240.2: ** << imports >> import leo.core.leoGlobals as g import leo.plugins.tkGui as tkGui leoTkinterTree = tkGui.leoTkinterTree try: import Tkinter as Tk except ImportError: Tk = g.cantImport("Tkinter") if g.isPython3: import configparser as ConfigParser else: import ConfigParser import threading import time #@-<< imports >> #@+others #@+node:ekr.20050310105438: ** init def init():
#@+leo-ver=5-thin #@+node:ekr.20050130120433: * @file test/failed_import.py '''A plugin to test import problems.''' import leo.core.leoGlobals as g def onStart(tag, keywords): pass # pylint: disable=unused-import try: import xyzzy except ImportError: g.cantImport('xyzzy', pluginName='failed_import') def init(): '''Return True if the plugin has loaded successfully.''' g.registerHandler("start2", onStart) g.plugin_signon(__name__) return True #@-leo
from xml.dom import minidom if g.isPython3: import io StringIO = io.StringIO else: import cStringIO StringIO = cStringIO.StringIO try: import Ft from Ft.Xml import InputSource from Ft.Xml.Xslt.Processor import Processor except ImportError: g.cantImport("Ft",__name__) Ft = None import weakref #@-<< imports >> #@+<<parser problems>> #@+node:mork.20041024091024: ** <<parser problems>> #@@killcolor #@+at # 1. Having space before the start of the document caused it not to work. I fixed this by striping the whitespace from the start # and end of the data at xslt time. # # 2. having a @ right before a tag causes it to not process. # It appears to be safe to follow this pattern: # @ </end>
# That is, not installed properly by unit tests. # # 0.3 EKR: # - Declared click_registry and coloured_nodes global in init. #@-<< version history >> #@+<< imports >> #@+node:pap.20041020001240.2: ** << imports >> import leo.core.leoGlobals as g import leo.plugins.tkGui as tkGui leoTkinterTree = tkGui.leoTkinterTree try: import Tkinter as Tk except ImportError: Tk = g.cantImport("Tkinter") if g.isPython3: import configparser as ConfigParser else: import ConfigParser import threading import time #@-<< imports >> #@+others #@+node:ekr.20050310105438: ** init def init ():
from xml.dom import minidom if g.isPython3: import io StringIO = io.StringIO else: import cStringIO StringIO = cStringIO.StringIO try: import Ft from Ft.Xml import InputSource from Ft.Xml.Xslt.Processor import Processor except ImportError: g.cantImport("Ft",__name__) Ft = None import weakref #@-<< imports >> #@+<<parser problems>> #@+node:mork.20041024091024: ** <<parser problems>> #@@killcolor #@+at # 1. Having space before the start of the document caused it not to work. I fixed # this by striping the whitespace from the start and end of the data at xslt # time. # # 2. having a @ right before a tag causes it to not process. # It appears to be safe to follow this pattern:
#@+leo-ver=5-thin #@+node:ekr.20050130120433: * @file test/failed_import.py '''A plugin to test import problems.''' import leo.core.leoGlobals as g def onStart(tag,keywords): pass # pylint: disable=unused-import try: import xyzzy except ImportError: g.cantImport('xyzzy',pluginName='failed_import') def init(): '''Return True if the plugin has loaded successfully.''' g.registerHandler("start2", onStart) g.plugin_signon(__name__) return True #@-leo
# 0.6 EKR: (eliminated g.top) # - Add c arg to writeNodeAndTree. # - Set encoding to sys.getdefaultencoding() if there is no @encoding directive in effect. # 0.7 EKR: cmd_ functions now get c arg. # 0.8 EKR: set __plugin_name__ rather than __name__ #@-<< version history >> #@+<< imports >> #@+node:ekr.20040909105522: ** << imports >> import leo.core.leoGlobals as g try: # From win32 extensions: http://www.python.org/windows/win32/ import win32com.client client = win32com.client except ImportError: g.cantImport('win32com.client') client = None if g.isPython3: import configparser as ConfigParser else: import ConfigParser import sys #@-<< imports >> #@+others #@+node:ekr.20050311165238: ** init def init (): '''Return True if the plugin has loaded successfully.''' ok = client is not None # Ok for unit test: just uses Plugins menu.