예제 #1
def addComments(self, event=None):
    #@+<< addComments docstring >>
    #@+node:ekr.20171123135625.35: *3* << addComments docstring >>
    #@@pagewidth 50
    Converts all selected lines to comment lines using
    the comment delimiters given by the applicable @language directive.

    Inserts single-line comments if possible; inserts
    block comments for languages like html that lack
    single-line comments.

    @bool indent_added_comments

    If True (the default), inserts opening comment
    delimiters just before the first non-whitespace
    character of each line. Otherwise, inserts opening
    comment delimiters at the start of each line.

    *See also*: delete-comments.
    #@-<< addComments docstring >>
    c = self
    p = c.p
    head, lines, tail, oldSel, oldYview = self.getBodyLines()
    if not lines:
        g.warning('no text selected')
    # The default language in effect at p.
    language = c.frame.body.colorizer.scanLanguageDirectives(p)
    if c.hasAmbiguousLanguage(p):
        language = c.getLanguageAtCursor(p, language)
    d1, d2, d3 = g.set_delims_from_language(language)
    d2 = d2 or ''
    d3 = d3 or ''
    if d1:
        openDelim, closeDelim = d1 + ' ', ''
        openDelim, closeDelim = d2 + ' ', ' ' + d3
    # Comment out non-blank lines.
    indent = c.config.getBool('indent-added-comments', default=True)
    result = []
    for line in lines:
        if line.strip():
            i = g.skip_ws(line, 0)
            if indent:
                result.append(line[0:i] + openDelim +
                              line[i:].replace('\n', '') + closeDelim + '\n')
                result.append(openDelim + line.replace('\n', '') + closeDelim +
    result = ''.join(result)
                     undoType='Add Comments',
예제 #2
    def __init__(self,
        gen_refs=False,  # True: generate section references,
        language=None,  # For @language directive.
        name=None,  # The kind of importer, usually the same as language
        state_class=None,  # For i.scan_line
        Importer.__init__: New in Leo 6.1.1: ic and c may be None for unit tests.
        # Copies of args...
        self.importCommands = ic = importCommands
        self.c = c = ic and ic.c
        self.encoding = ic and ic.encoding or 'utf-8'
        self.gen_refs = gen_refs
        self.language = language or name  # For the @language directive.
        self.name = name or language
        language = self.language
        name = self.name
        assert language and name
        assert self.language and self.name
        self.state_class = state_class
        self.strict = strict  # True: leading whitespace is significant.

        # Set from ivars...
        self.has_decls = name not in ('xml', 'org-mode', 'vimoutliner')
        self.is_rst = name in ('rst',)
        self.tree_type = ic.treeType if c else None  # '@root', '@file', etc.

        # Constants...
        if ic:
            data = g.set_delims_from_language(self.name)
            self.single_comment, self.block1, self.block2 = data
            self.single_comment, self.block1, self.block2 = '//', '/*', '*/'  # Javascript.
        if ic:
            self.escape = c.atFileCommands.underindentEscapeString
            self.escape_string = r'%s([0-9]+)\.' % re.escape(self.escape)
            # m.group(1) is the unindent value.
            self.escape_pattern = re.compile(self.escape_string)
        self.ScanState = ScanState  # Must be set by subclasses that use general_scan_line.
        self.tab_width = 0  # Must be set in run, using self.root.
        self.ws_pattern = re.compile(r'^\s*$|^\s*%s' % (self.single_comment or ''))

        # Settings...

        # State vars.
        self.errors = 0
        if ic:
            ic.errors = 0  # Required.
        self.parse_body = False
        # Keys are headlines. Values are disambiguating number.
        self.refs_dict: Dict[str, int] = {}
        self.root = None
        self.skip = 0  # A skip count for x.gen_lines & its helpers.
        self.vnode_info: Dict[str, Any] = {}
        self.ws_error = False
예제 #3
def flattenOutlineToNode(self, event=None):
    Append the body text of all descendants of the selected node to the
    body text of the selected node.
    c, root, u = self, self.p, self.undoer
    if not root.hasChildren():
    language = g.getLanguageAtPosition(c, root)
    if language:
        single,start,end = g.set_delims_from_language(language)
        single,start,end = '#', None, None
    bunch = u.beforeChangeNodeContents(root)
    aList = []
    for p in root.subtree():
        if single:
            aList.append('\n\n===== %s %s\n\n' % (single, p.h))
            aList.append('\n\n===== %s %s %s\n\n' % (start, p.h, end))
        if p.b.strip():
            lines = g.splitLines(p.b)
    root.b = root.b.rstrip() + '\n' + ''.join(aList).rstrip() + '\n'
    u.afterChangeNodeContents(root, 'flatten-outline-to-node', bunch)
def flattenOutlineToNode(self, event=None):
    Append the body text of all descendants of the selected node to the
    body text of the selected node.
    c, root, u = self, self.p, self.undoer
    if not root.hasChildren():
    language = g.getLanguageAtPosition(c, root)
    if language:
        single,start,end = g.set_delims_from_language(language)
        single,start,end = '#', None, None
    bunch = u.beforeChangeNodeContents(root)
    aList = []
    for p in root.subtree():
        if single:
            aList.append('\n\n===== %s %s\n\n' % (single, p.h))
            aList.append('\n\n===== %s %s %s\n\n' % (start, p.h, end))
        if p.b.strip():
            lines = g.splitLines(p.b)
    root.b = root.b.rstrip() + '\n' + ''.join(aList).rstrip() + '\n'
    u.afterChangeNodeContents(root, 'flatten-outline-to-node', bunch)
예제 #5
def deleteComments(self, event=None):
    #@+<< deleteComments docstring >>
    #@+node:ekr.20171123135625.37: *3* << deleteComments docstring >>
    #@@pagewidth 50
    Removes one level of comment delimiters from all
    selected lines.  The applicable @language directive
    determines the comment delimiters to be removed.

    Removes single-line comments if possible; removes
    block comments for languages like html that lack
    single-line comments.

    *See also*: add-comments.
    #@-<< deleteComments docstring >>
    c = self
    p = c.p
    head, lines, tail, oldSel, oldYview = self.getBodyLines()
    result = []
    if not lines:
        g.warning('no text selected')
    # The default language in effect at p.
    language = c.frame.body.colorizer.scanLanguageDirectives(p)
    if c.hasAmbiguousLanguage(p):
        language = c.getLanguageAtCursor(p, language)
    d1, d2, d3 = g.set_delims_from_language(language)
    if d1:
        # Remove the single-line comment delim in front of each line
        d1b = d1 + ' '
        n1, n1b = len(d1), len(d1b)
        for s in lines:
            i = g.skip_ws(s, 0)
            if g.match(s, i, d1b):
                result.append(s[:i] + s[i + n1b :])
            elif g.match(s, i, d1):
                result.append(s[:i] + s[i + n1 :])
        # Remove the block comment delimiters from each line.
        n2, n3 = len(d2), len(d3)
        for s in lines:
            i = g.skip_ws(s, 0)
            j = s.find(d3, i + n2)
            if g.match(s, i, d2) and j > -1:
                first = i + n2
                if g.match(s, first, ' '): first += 1
                last = j
                if g.match(s, last - 1, ' '): last -= 1
                result.append(s[:i] + s[first:last] + s[j + n3 :])
    result = ''.join(result)
        head, result, tail, undoType='Delete Comments', oldSel=None, oldYview=oldYview)
예제 #6
def deleteComments(self, event=None):
    #@+<< deleteComments docstring >>
    #@+node:ekr.20171123135625.37: *3* << deleteComments docstring >>
    #@@pagewidth 50
    Removes one level of comment delimiters from all
    selected lines.  The applicable @language directive
    determines the comment delimiters to be removed.

    Removes single-line comments if possible; removes
    block comments for languages like html that lack
    single-line comments.

    *See also*: add-comments.
    #@-<< deleteComments docstring >>
    c = self
    p = c.p
    head, lines, tail, oldSel, oldYview = self.getBodyLines()
    result = []
    if not lines:
        g.warning('no text selected')
    # The default language in effect at p.
    language = c.frame.body.colorizer.scanLanguageDirectives(p)
    if c.hasAmbiguousLanguage(p):
        language = c.getLanguageAtCursor(p, language)
    d1, d2, d3 = g.set_delims_from_language(language)
    if d1:
        # Remove the single-line comment delim in front of each line
        d1b = d1 + ' '
        n1, n1b = len(d1), len(d1b)
        for s in lines:
            i = g.skip_ws(s, 0)
            if g.match(s, i, d1b):
                result.append(s[: i] + s[i + n1b:])
            elif g.match(s, i, d1):
                result.append(s[: i] + s[i + n1:])
        # Remove the block comment delimiters from each line.
        n2, n3 = len(d2), len(d3)
        for s in lines:
            i = g.skip_ws(s, 0)
            j = s.find(d3, i + n2)
            if g.match(s, i, d2) and j > -1:
                first = i + n2
                if g.match(s, first, ' '): first += 1
                last = j
                if g.match(s, last - 1, ' '): last -= 1
                result.append(s[: i] + s[first: last] + s[j + n3:])
    result = ''.join(result)
    c.updateBodyPane(head, result, tail, undoType='Delete Comments', oldSel=None, oldYview=oldYview)
예제 #7
 def __init__(self,
     gen_refs=False, # True: generate section references,
     language=None, # For @language directive.
     name=None, # The kind of importer, usually the same as language
     state_class=None, # For i.scan_line
     # Copies of args...
     self.importCommands = ic = importCommands
     self.c = c = ic.c
     self.encoding = ic.encoding
     self.gen_refs = gen_refs
     self.language = language or name
         # For the @language directive.
     self.name = name or language
     language = self.language
     name = self.name
     assert language and name
     assert self.language and self.name
     self.state_class = state_class
     self.strict = strict
         # True: leading whitespace is significant.
     # Set from ivars...
     self.has_decls = name not in ('xml', 'org-mode', 'vimoutliner')
     self.is_rst = name in ('rst',)
     self.tree_type = ic.treeType # '@root', '@file', etc.
     # Constants...
     data = g.set_delims_from_language(self.name)
     self.single_comment, self.block1, self.block2 = data
     self.escape = c.atFileCommands.underindentEscapeString
     self.escape_string = r'%s([0-9]+)\.' % re.escape(self.escape)
         # m.group(1) is the unindent value.
     self.escape_pattern = re.compile(self.escape_string)
     self.ScanState = ScanState
         # Must be set by subclasses that use general_scan_line.
     self.tab_width = 0 # Must be set in run, using self.root.
     self.ws_pattern = re.compile(r'^\s*$|^\s*%s' % (self.single_comment or ''))
     # Settings...
     # State vars.
     self.errors = 0
     ic.errors = 0 # Required.
     self.parse_body = False
     self.refs_dict = {}
         # Keys are headlines. Values are disambiguating number.
     self.skip = 0 # A skip count for x.gen_lines & its helpers.
     self.ws_error = False
     self.root = None
예제 #8
def addComments(self, event=None):
    #@+<< addComments docstring >>
    #@+node:ekr.20171123135625.35: *3* << addComments docstring >>
    #@@pagewidth 50
    Converts all selected lines to comment lines using
    the comment delimiters given by the applicable @language directive.

    Inserts single-line comments if possible; inserts
    block comments for languages like html that lack
    single-line comments.

    @bool indent_added_comments

    If True (the default), inserts opening comment
    delimiters just before the first non-whitespace
    character of each line. Otherwise, inserts opening
    comment delimiters at the start of each line.

    *See also*: delete-comments.
    #@-<< addComments docstring >>
    c = self; p = c.p
    head, lines, tail, oldSel, oldYview = self.getBodyLines()
    if not lines:
        g.warning('no text selected')
    # The default language in effect at p.
    language = c.frame.body.colorizer.scanLanguageDirectives(p)
    if c.hasAmbiguousLanguage(p):
        language = c.getLanguageAtCursor(p, language)
    d1, d2, d3 = g.set_delims_from_language(language)
    d2 = d2 or ''; d3 = d3 or ''
    if d1:
        openDelim, closeDelim = d1 + ' ', ''
        openDelim, closeDelim = d2 + ' ', ' ' + d3
    # Comment out non-blank lines.
    indent = c.config.getBool('indent-added-comments', default=True)
    result = []
    for line in lines:
        if line.strip():
            i = g.skip_ws(line, 0)
            if indent:
                result.append(line[0: i] + openDelim + line[i:].replace('\n', '') + closeDelim + '\n')
                result.append(openDelim + line.replace('\n', '') + closeDelim + '\n')
    result = ''.join(result)
    c.updateBodyPane(head, result, tail, undoType='Add Comments', oldSel=None, oldYview=oldYview)
예제 #9
def deleteComments(self, event=None):
    #@+<< deleteComments docstring >>
    #@+node:ekr.20171123135625.37: *3* << deleteComments docstring >>
    #@@pagewidth 50
    Removes one level of comment delimiters from all
    selected lines.  The applicable @language directive
    determines the comment delimiters to be removed.

    Removes single-line comments if possible; removes
    block comments for languages like html that lack
    single-line comments.

    *See also*: add-comments.
    #@-<< deleteComments docstring >>
    c, p, u, w = self, self.p, self.undoer, self.frame.body.wrapper
    # "Before" snapshot.
    bunch = u.beforeChangeBody(p)
    # Initial data.
    head, lines, tail, oldSel, oldYview = self.getBodyLines()
    if not lines:
        g.warning('no text selected')
    # The default language in effect at p.
    language = c.frame.body.colorizer.scanLanguageDirectives(p)
    if c.hasAmbiguousLanguage(p):
        language = c.getLanguageAtCursor(p, language)
    d1, d2, d3 = g.set_delims_from_language(language)
    # Calculate the result.
    changed, result = False, []
    if d1:
        # Remove the single-line comment delim in front of each line
        d1b = d1 + ' '
        n1, n1b = len(d1), len(d1b)
        for s in lines:
            i = g.skip_ws(s, 0)
            if g.match(s, i, d1b):
                result.append(s[:i] + s[i + n1b:])
                changed = True
            elif g.match(s, i, d1):
                result.append(s[:i] + s[i + n1:])
                changed = True
        # Remove the block comment delimiters from each line.
        n2, n3 = len(d2), len(d3)
        for s in lines:
            i = g.skip_ws(s, 0)
            j = s.find(d3, i + n2)
            if g.match(s, i, d2) and j > -1:
                first = i + n2
                if g.match(s, first, ' '):
                    first += 1
                last = j
                if g.match(s, last - 1, ' '):
                    last -= 1
                result.append(s[:i] + s[first:last] + s[j + n3:])
                changed = True
    if not changed:
    # Set p.b and w's text first.
    middle = ''.join(result)
    p.b = head + middle + tail  # Sets dirty and changed bits.
    w.setAllText(head + middle + tail)
    # Set the selection range and scroll position.
    i = len(head)
    j = ins = max(i, len(head) + len(middle) - 1)
    w.setSelectionRange(i, j, insert=ins)
    # "after" snapshot.
    u.afterChangeBody(p, 'Indent Region', bunch)
예제 #10
def addComments(self, event=None):
    #@+<< addComments docstring >>
    #@+node:ekr.20171123135625.35: *3* << addComments docstring >>
    #@@pagewidth 50
    Converts all selected lines to comment lines using
    the comment delimiters given by the applicable @language directive.

    Inserts single-line comments if possible; inserts
    block comments for languages like html that lack
    single-line comments.

    @bool indent_added_comments

    If True (the default), inserts opening comment
    delimiters just before the first non-whitespace
    character of each line. Otherwise, inserts opening
    comment delimiters at the start of each line.

    *See also*: delete-comments.
    #@-<< addComments docstring >>
    c, p, u, w = self, self.p, self.undoer, self.frame.body.wrapper
    # "Before" snapshot.
    bunch = u.beforeChangeBody(p)
    # Make sure there is a selection.
    head, lines, tail, oldSel, oldYview = self.getBodyLines()
    if not lines:
        g.warning('no text selected')
    # The default language in effect at p.
    language = c.frame.body.colorizer.scanLanguageDirectives(p)
    if c.hasAmbiguousLanguage(p):
        language = c.getLanguageAtCursor(p, language)
    d1, d2, d3 = g.set_delims_from_language(language)
    d2 = d2 or ''
    d3 = d3 or ''
    if d1:
        openDelim, closeDelim = d1 + ' ', ''
        openDelim, closeDelim = d2 + ' ', ' ' + d3
    # Calculate the result.
    indent = c.config.getBool('indent-added-comments', default=True)
    result = []
    for line in lines:
        if line.strip():
            i = g.skip_ws(line, 0)
            if indent:
                s = line[i:].replace('\n', '')
                result.append(line[0:i] + openDelim + s + closeDelim + '\n')
                s = line.replace('\n', '')
                result.append(openDelim + s + closeDelim + '\n')
    # Set p.b and w's text first.
    middle = ''.join(result)
    p.b = head + middle + tail  # Sets dirty and changed bits.
    w.setAllText(head + middle + tail)
    # Calculate the proper selection range (i, j, ins).
    i = len(head)
    j = max(i, len(head) + len(middle) - 1)
    # Set the selection range and scroll position.
    w.setSelectionRange(i, j, insert=j)
    # "after" snapshot.
    u.afterChangeBody(p, 'Add Comments', bunch)