def load_hdf5_chern(self, h5fn, load_paramsregs=False): # todo: test this method # Load data from hdf5 file fi = h5py.File(h5fn, "r") # Get subdir path from h5fn hfnsplit = self.cp['cpmeshfn'].split( '/' + self.gyro_lattice.lp['LatticeTop'] + '/') subgroup = hfnsplit[-1] self.chern_finsize = fi[subgroup].attrs['chern_finsize'] if load_paramsregs: # Load each kitaev region dictionary into the nested params_regs dictionary subg_preg = le.prepdir(subgroup) + 'params_regs' if subg_preg in fi: preg_groups = fi[le.prepdir(subgroup) + 'params_regs'] ind = 0 for preg_fn in preg_groups: if ind % 200 == 0: print 'Loading params_regs #', ind, ' of ', len( paramregdicts.attrs), '\n' ksizekey = preg_fn.split('ksize')[-1] pregdict = {} for key in fi[subg_preg + '/' + preg_fn].attrs: pregdict[key] = fi[subg_preg + '/' + preg_fn].attrs[key] self.params_regs[ksizekey] = pregdict ind += 1 else: print 'Could not load requested params_regs from hdf5...' fi.close()
def plot_eigval_hist(self, infodir=None, show=False): print 'mass: self.eigval = ', self.eigval fig, DOS_ax = leplt.initialize_DOS_plot(self.eigval, 'mass', pin=-5000) if infodir is not None: infodir = le.prepdir(infodir) plt.savefig(infodir + 'eigval_mass_hist.png') if show: plt.clf()
def plot_projector_locality_singlept(haldane_lattice, proj_ind, dists, magproj, ax=None, save=True, outdir=None, network_str='none', show=False, alpha=1.0): """ Plot the locality of the projection operator wrt a point Parameters ---------- haldane_lattice : HaldaneLattice instance The network on which to characterize the projector proj_ind : int The haldane index to analyze wrt dists : dists : NP x NP float array Euclidean distances between points. Element i,j is the distance between particle i and j magproj : NP x NP float array Element i,j gives the magnitude of the projector connecting site i to particle j evxymag : 2*NP x NP float array Same as magproj, but with x and y components separate. So, element 2*i,j gives the magnitude of the x component of the projector connecting site i to the full xy of particle j and element 2*i+1,j gives the magnitude of the y component of the projector connecting site i to the full xy of particle j. outdir : str or None Path to save dists and magproj as pickles in outdir, also saves plots there network_str : str Description of the network for the title of the plot. If 'none', network_str = haldane_lattice.lp['LatticeTop']. show : bool Plot the result (forces a matplotlib close event) alpha : float opacity """ # Initialize plot if ax is None: fig, axes = leplt.initialize_1panel_fig(Wfig=90, Hfig=None, x0frac=0.15, y0frac=0.15, wsfrac=0.4, hs=None, vspace=5, hspace=8, tspace=10, fontsize=8) ax = axes[0] if network_str is 'none': network_str = haldane_lattice.lp['LatticeTop'] ax.scatter(dists[proj_ind], np.log10(magproj[proj_ind]), s=1, color='k', alpha=alpha) ax.set_title('Locality of projection operator $P$\nfor ' + network_str + ' network') ax.set_xlabel('Distance $|\mathbf{x}_i-\mathbf{x}_j|$') ax.set_ylabel('$\log_{10} |P_{ij}|$') if save: if outdir is None: outdir = le.prepdir(haldane_lattice.lp['meshfn'].replace( 'networks', 'projectors')) le.ensure_dir(outdir) plt.savefig(outdir + haldane_lattice.lp['LatticeTop'] + '_projector_xy2_log_{0:06d}'.format(proj_ind) + '.png', dpi=300) ax.set_xlim(-0.5, 5) ax.set_ylim(-3, 0) plt.savefig(outdir + haldane_lattice.lp['LatticeTop'] + '_projector_xy2_zoom_log_{0:06d}'.format(proj_ind) + '.png', dpi=300) # save dists and magproj as pkl outfn = outdir + haldane_lattice.lp[ 'LatticeTop'] + "_dists_singlept_{0:06d}".format(proj_ind) + ".pkl" with open(outfn, "wb") as fn: pickle.dump(dists[proj_ind], fn) with open( outdir + haldane_lattice.lp['LatticeTop'] + "_magproj_{0:06d}".format(proj_ind) + ".pkl", "wb") as fn: pickle.dump(magproj[proj_ind], fn) if show:
def plot_projector_locality(haldane_lattice, dists, magproj, evxymag, outdir=None, network_str='none', show=False, alpha=None): """ Plot the locality of the projection operator Parameters ---------- haldane_lattice : HaldaneLattice instance The network on which to characterize the projector dists : dists : NP x NP float array Euclidean distances between points. Element i,j is the distance between particle i and j magproj : NP x NP float array Element i,j gives the magnitude of the projector connecting site i to particle j evxymag : 2*NP x NP float array Same as magproj, but with x and y components separate. So, element 2*i,j gives the magnitude of the x component of the projector connecting site i to the full xy of particle j and element 2*i+1,j gives the magnitude of the y component of the projector connecting site i to the full xy of particle j. outdir : str or None Path to save dists and magproj as pickles in outdir, also saves plots there network_str : str Description of the network for the title of the plot. If 'none', network_str = haldane_lattice.lp['LatticeTop']. show : bool Plot the result (forces a matplotlib close event) alpha : float or None opacity. If none, sets alpha = 3./len(dists) """ if alpha is None: alpha = 3. / len(dists) # Initialize plot fig, ax = leplt.initialize_1panel_fig(Wfig=90, Hfig=None, x0frac=0.15, y0frac=0.15, wsfrac=0.4, hs=None, vspace=5, hspace=8, tspace=10, fontsize=8) # print 'np.shape(xymag) = ', np.shape(xymag) for ind in range(len(dists)): ax[0].scatter(dists[ind], np.log10(evxymag[:, 2 * ind].ravel()), s=1, color='r', alpha=alpha) ax[0].scatter(dists[ind], np.log10(evxymag[:, 2 * ind + 1].ravel()), s=1, color='b', alpha=alpha) if network_str is 'none': network_str = haldane_lattice.lp['LatticeTop'] ax[0].set_title('Locality of projection operator $P$\nfor ' + network_str + ' network') ax[0].set_xlabel('Distance $|\mathbf{x}_i-\mathbf{x}_j|$') ax[0].set_ylabel('$|P_{ij}|$') if outdir is None: outdir = le.prepdir(haldane_lattice.lp['meshfn'].replace( 'networks', 'projectors')) le.ensure_dir(outdir) plt.savefig(outdir + haldane_lattice.lp['LatticeTop'] + '_projector_log.png', dpi=300) ax[0].set_xlim(-0.5, 5) ax[0].set_ylim(-3.5, 0.5) plt.savefig(outdir + haldane_lattice.lp['LatticeTop'] + '_projector_zoom_log.png', dpi=300) if show: plt.clf() # Combine x and y # put projector magnitude on log-log plot fig, ax = leplt.initialize_1panel_fig(Wfig=90, Hfig=None, x0frac=0.15, y0frac=0.15, wsfrac=0.4, hs=None, vspace=5, hspace=8, tspace=10, fontsize=8) for ind in range(len(dists)): ax[0].scatter(dists[ind], np.log10(magproj[ind]), s=1, color='k', alpha=alpha) ax[0].set_title('Locality of projection operator $P$\nfor ' + network_str + ' network') ax[0].set_xlabel('Distance $|\mathbf{x}_i-\mathbf{x}_j|$') ax[0].set_ylabel('$\log_{10} |P_{ij}|$') if outdir is None: outdir = le.prepdir(haldane_lattice.lp['meshfn'].replace( 'networks', 'projectors')) le.ensure_dir(outdir) plt.savefig(outdir + haldane_lattice.lp['LatticeTop'] + '_projector_xy2_log.png', dpi=300) ax[0].set_xlim(-0.5, 5) ax[0].set_ylim(-3.5, 0.5) plt.savefig(outdir + haldane_lattice.lp['LatticeTop'] + '_projector_xy2_zoom_log.png', dpi=300) if show: plt.clf() # save dists and magproj as pkl with open(outdir + haldane_lattice.lp['LatticeTop'] + "_dists.pkl", "wb") as fn: pickle.dump(dists, fn) with open(outdir + haldane_lattice.lp['LatticeTop'] + "_magproj.pkl", "wb") as fn: pickle.dump(magproj, fn)
# Global geometric params parser.add_argument( '-delta', '--delta', help='for hexagonal kitaev region, deformation opening angle', type=float, default=2. / 3.) args = parser.parse_args() #################################################################################### #################################################################################### cprootdir = '/Users/npmitchell/Desktop/test/chern/' # Grab and prepare directories for both input (datadir) and output (outdir) if args.seriesdir is not 'none': outdir = le.prepdir(cprootdir + args.seriesdir) datadir = le.prepdir(args.rootdir + args.seriesdir) else: outdir = le.prepdir(cprootdir) datadir = args.rootdir le.ensure_dir(outdir) cp = { 'ksize_frac_arr': le.string_sequence_to_numpy_array(args.ksize_frac_array, dtype=float), 'omegac': args.omegac, 'regalph': args.regalph, 'regbeta':
proj_ind = ((lat.xy[:, 0] - xyloc[0])**2 + (lat.xy[:, 1] - xyloc[1])**2).argmin() print 'proj_ind = ', proj_ind else: proj_ind = args.proj_ind kpfns.plot_projector_locality_singlept(glat, proj_ind, dists, magproj, outdir=None, network_str=network_str) # Save evxyproj as pkl evxyproj = np.dstack( (proj[2 * proj_ind, :], proj[2 * proj_ind + 1, :]))[0].T outdir = le.prepdir(glat.lp['meshfn'].replace('networks', 'projectors')) with open( outdir + glat.lp['LatticeTop'] + "_evxyproj_singlept_{0:06d}".format(proj_ind) + ".pkl", "wb") as fn: pickle.dump(evxyproj, fn) fig, ax, cbar_ax = kpfns.plot_projector_singlept_network(glat, evxyproj, fig=None, ax=None, wsfrac=0.5, vspace=0) plt.savefig(outdir + glat.lp['LatticeTop'] + '_projector_singlept_network.pdf')
def load_chern_hdf5(cherndir, cn, overwrite=False, verbose=False): """ From cherndir, load chern_finsize.txt, chern_params.txt, lattice_params.txt, params_regs, and contribs into hdf5 group cn. Parameters ---------- cherndir : str Path to chern data on disk cn : h5py subgroup Where the data will be stored in hdf5 format overwrite : bool Overwrite the data if already exists in the hdf5 format verbose : bool Output more to command line """ # load numpy array chern_finsize.txt print 'loading ' + le.prepdir(cherndir) + 'chern_finsize.txt' chern_finsize = np.loadtxt(le.prepdir(cherndir) + 'chern_finsize.txt', delimiter=',') cn.attrs['chern_finsize'] = chern_finsize # load dict chern_params.txt cp = le.load_params(le.prepdir(cherndir) + 'chern_params.txt') if 'cp' not in cn: cpgroup = cn.create_group('cp') # By continuing we are not overwriting data overwriting = False else: cpgroup = cn['cp'] # By continuing we are overwriting data overwriting = True if overwrite or not overwriting: for key in cp: cpgroup.attrs[key] = cp[key] # load lattice_params.txt if it exists if glob.glob(cherndir + 'lattice_params.txt'): # load dict chern_params.txt if verbose: print 'creating lp group in ', cn lp = le.load_params(le.prepdir(cherndir) + 'lattice_params.txt') if 'lp' not in cn: lpgroup = cn.create_group('lp') else: lpgroup = cn['lp'] for key in lp: lpgroup.attrs[key] = lp[key] # Store params_regs if glob.glob(cherndir + 'params_regs/'): pregs = cn.create_group("params_regs") for preg_fn in glob.glob(cherndir + 'params_regs/params_regs_*.txt'): pregname = preg_fn.split('/')[-1] # load dict params_regs_ksize#p###.txt params_regs = le.load_params(preg_fn) prgroup = pregs.create_group(pregname) for key in params_regs: prgroup.attrs[key] = params_regs[key] elif glob.glob(cherndir + 'params_regs.pkl'): if verbose: print 'found params_regs pickle: ' + cherndir + 'params_regs.pkl' with open(glob.glob(cherndir + 'params_regs.pkl')[0], "rb") as fn: pregdict = pkl.load(fn) if "params_regs" not in cn: pregs = cn.create_group("params_regs") else: pregs = cn["params_regs"] # print 'pregdict = ', pregdict for prkey in pregdict: if verbose: print 'Creating group in pregs: ', prkey params_regs = pregdict[prkey] prgroup = pregs.create_group(prkey) for key in params_regs: prgroup.attrs[key] = params_regs[key] # Store contribs if glob.glob(cherndir + 'contribs/'): print 'found contributions directory: ' + cherndir + 'contribs/' cons = cn.create_group("contribs") for contrib_fn in glob.glob(cherndir + 'contribs/contribs_*.txt'): contribname = contrib_fn.split('/')[-1] # load dict contribs_ksize#p###.txt contribs = le.load_params(contrib_fn) print 'contribname = ', contribname ctgroupname = contribname.split('_')[-1].split('.')[0].split(['ksize'])[-1] print 'ctgroupname = ', ctgroupname ctgroup = cons.create_group(ctgroupname) for key in cons: ctgroup.attrs[key] = contribs[key] elif glob.glob(cherndir + 'contribs.pkl'): print 'found contributions pickle: ' + cherndir + 'contribs.pkl' with open(glob.glob(cherndir + 'contribs.pkl')[0], "rb") as fn: contribs = pkl.load(fn) if 'contribs' not in cn: cons = cn.create_group("contribs") else: cons = cn['contribs'] for ckey in contribs: if verbose: print 'Creating group in cons: ', ckey contrib = contribs[ckey] ctgroup = cons.create_group(ckey) for key in contrib: ctgroup.attrs[key] = contrib[key] else: print 'Data already exists and overwrite=False: skipping load...' return cn
if meshfn not in f: fmf = f.create_group(meshfn) else: fmf = f[meshfn] # Get chernfns which are dirs chernfns = le.find_subdirs('Omk*polyoff*', meshfndir) for cherndir in chernfns: chernname = cherndir.split('/')[-2] # Check if chernname holds the chern calculation or is a set of chern calculations. # If chernname ends in _XY, then it holds the chern calculation. Otherwise, it is a set. if cherndir[-4:-1] == '_XY': # If chern subgroup in meshfn subgroup has not been made and data exists, load it if chernname not in fmf and glob.glob(le.prepdir(cherndir) + 'chern_finsize.txt'): cn = fmf.create_group(chernname) load_chern_hdf5(cherndir, cn, overwrite=args.overwrite_existing_data, verbose=args.verbose) elif glob.glob(le.prepdir(cherndir) + 'chern_finsize.txt'): cn = fmf[chernname] load_chern_hdf5(cherndir, cn, overwrite=args.overwrite_existing_data, verbose=args.verbose) else: print 'data missing, skip chern...' else: # Chernname is a set of calculations at different positions in the network. if chernname not in fmf: csubgroup = fmf.create_group(chernname) else: csubgroup = fmf[chernname] # Get chernfns which are dirs: offset in Y is a subdir