예제 #1
def get_cpmeshfn(cp, lp):
    """Get the path for the specific bott calculation that uses the calc parameter dict cp on a glat with lattice
    parameters lp.
    if 'rootdir' in cp:
        cpmeshfn = get_cmeshfn(lp, rootdir=cp['rootdir'])
        print '\n kfns: get_cpmeshfn(): rootdir is found in cp:'
        print 'cpmeshfn ==> ', cpmeshfn, '\n'
        print '\n kfns: get_cpmeshfn(): rootdir is NOT found in cp!'
        cpmeshfn = get_cmeshfn(lp)

    cpmeshfn = dio.prepdir(cpmeshfn)

    # Form cp subdir
    if isinstance(cp['omegac'], np.ndarray):
        if 'check' in cp:
            if cp['check']:
                print "Warning: cp['omegac'] is numpy array, using first element to get cpmeshfn..."
        cpmeshfn += 'omc' + sf.float2pstr(cp['omegac'][0], ndigits=4) + '/'
        cpmeshfn += 'omc' + sf.float2pstr(cp['omegac'], ndigits=4) + '/'

    # cpmeshfn += cp['basis'] + '/'
    # print 'cpmeshfn = ', cpmeshfn
    # sys.exit()
    return cpmeshfn
예제 #2
def build_hex_kagperframe(lp):
    """Build a hyperuniform centroidal lattice with partially kagomized points beyond a distance
    alph*Radius/Halfwidth of sample. "per" here means "percolation", referring to the randomly added kagomized elements.

    lp : dict
        lattice parameters dictionary
    xy, NL, KL, BL, LVUC, LV, UC, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, PV, lattice_exten = bhex.generate_honeycomb_lattice(
    max_x = np.max(xy[:, 0])
    max_y = np.max(xy[:, 1])
    min_x = np.min(xy[:, 0])
    min_y = np.min(xy[:, 1])
    LL = (max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y)
    BBox = np.array([[min_x, min_y], [min_x, max_y], [max_x, max_y],
                     [max_x, min_y]])

    # Grab indices (vertices) to kagomize: select the ones farther than alph*characteristic length from center
    if lp['shape'] == 'square':
        lenscaleX = np.max(BBox[:, 0]) * lp['alph']
        lenscaleY = np.max(BBox[:, 1]) * lp['alph']
        kaginds = np.where(
                np.abs(xy[:, 0]) > lenscaleX,
                np.abs(xy[:, 1]) > lenscaleY))[0]
    elif lp['shape'] == 'circle':
        # todo: handle circles
    elif lp['hexagon'] == 'hexagon':
        # todo: handle hexagons

    # Select some fraction of vertices (which are points) --> xypick gives Nkag of the vertices (xy)
    Nkag = round(lp['percolation_density'] * len(kaginds))
    ind_shuffled = np.random.permutation(np.arange(len(kaginds)))
    xypick = np.sort(ind_shuffled[0:Nkag])

    xy, BL = blf.decorate_kagome_elements(xy,
    NL, KL = le.BL2NLandKL(BL)
    if (BL < 0).any():
        # todo: make this work
        print 'Creating periodic boundary vector dictionary for kagper_hucent network...'
        PV = np.array([])
        PVxydict = le.BL2PVxydict(BL, xy, PV)
        PVx, PVy = le.PVxydict2PVxPVy(PVxydict, NL)

    # If the meshfn going to overwrite a previous realization?
    lattice_exten = 'hex_kagperframe' + lattice_exten[9:] +\
                    '_perd' + sf.float2pstr(lp['percolation_density'], ndigits=2) +\
                    '_alph' + sf.float2pstr(lp['alph'], ndigits=2)
    return xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp
예제 #3
def build_hyperuniform_annulus(lp):
    """Build an annular sample of hyperuniform centroid network structure.

    lp : dict
        lattice parameters dictionary. Uses lp['alph'] to determine the fraction of the system that is cut from the

    xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten
    xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_hyperuniform(
    # Cut out the center and all particles more than radius away from center.
    radius = min(np.max(xy[:, 0]), np.max(xy[:, 1]))
    rad_inner = radius * lp['alph']
    dist = np.sqrt(xy[:, 0]**2 + xy[:, 1]**2)
    keep = np.logical_and(dist > rad_inner, dist < radius)
    # PVxydict and PV should really not be necessary here, since the network is not periodic
    if PVxydict:
        print 'PVxydict = ', PVxydict
        raise RuntimeError(
            'Annulus function is not designed for periodic BCs -- what are you doing?'
        xy, NL, KL, BL = le.remove_pts(
            keep, xy, BL, check=lp['check'])  # , PVxydict=PVxydict, PV=PV)

    lattice_exten += '_alph' + sf.float2pstr(lp['alph'])
    return xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten
예제 #4
def build_isocent_kagframe(lp):
    """Build a hyperuniform centroidal lattice with kagomized points beyond distance alph*Radius/Halfwidth of sample

    lp : dict
        lattice parameters dictionary
    from lepm.build import build_iscentroid
    # if lp['NP_load'] < 1:
    #     lp['NH'] += 5
    #     lp['NV'] += 5

    xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten = build_iscentroid.build_iscentroid(
    # Grab indices (vertices) to kagomize: select the ones farther than alph*characteristic length from center
    if 'kagframe' in lp['LatticeTop']:
        lenscaleX = np.max(BBox[:, 0]) * lp['alph']
        lenscaleY = np.max(BBox[:, 1]) * lp['alph']
        kaginds = np.where(
                np.abs(xy[:, 0]) > lenscaleX,
                np.abs(xy[:, 1]) > lenscaleY))[0]
    elif 'kagcframe' in lp['LatticeTop']:
        eps = 1e-9
        lenscale = np.max(
            np.sqrt(xy[:, 0]**2 + xy[:, 1]**2)) * lp['alph'] + eps
        kaginds = np.where(np.sqrt(xy[:, 0]**2 + xy[:, 1]**2) > lenscale)[0]
    elif lp['hexagon'] == 'hexagon':
        # todo: handle hexagons

    xy, BL = blf.decorate_kagome_elements(xy,

    # if trim_after:
    #     print 'trim here'

    NL, KL = le.BL2NLandKL(BL)
    if (BL < 0).any():
        # todo: make this work
        print 'Creating periodic boundary vector dictionary for kagper_hucent network...'
        PV = np.array([])
        PVxydict = le.BL2PVxydict(BL, xy, PV)
        PVx, PVy = le.PVxydict2PVxPVy(PVxydict, NL)

    # name the output network
    lattice_exten = lp['LatticeTop'] + lattice_exten[
        10:] + '_alph' + sf.float2pstr(lp['alph'], ndigits=2)
    return xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp
예제 #5
def get_cpmeshfn(cp, lp):
    """Get the path for the specific haldane model's chern calculation that uses the chern parameter dict cp.
    if 'rootdir' in cp:
        cpmeshfn = get_cmeshfn(lp, rootdir=cp['rootdir'])
        print '\n kfns: get_cpmeshfn(): rootdir is found in cp:'
        print 'cpmeshfn ==> ', cpmeshfn, '\n'
        print '\n kfns: get_cpmeshfn(): rootdir is NOT found in cp!'
        cpmeshfn = get_cmeshfn(lp)

    # Form cp subdir
    if isinstance(cp['omegac'], np.ndarray):
        if 'check' in cp:
            if cp['check']:
                print "Warning: cp['omegac'] is numpy array, using first element to get cpmeshfn..."
        cpmeshfn += '_omc' + sf.float2pstr(cp['omegac'][0], ndigits=7)
        cpmeshfn += '/omc' + sf.float2pstr(cp['omegac'], ndigits=7)
    cpmeshfn += '/'  # + cp['basis'] + '/'
    return cpmeshfn
예제 #6
def get_cmeshfn(lp, rootdir=None):
    """Prepare the path where the cherns for a particular lattice are stored. If rootdir is specified, use that for the
    base of the path. Otherwise, adopt the base of the path from the lattice_params dict (lp) of the lattice.

    lp : dict
        lattice parameters dictionary
    rootdir : str or None
        The root of the directory to which to save the chern calculation data

    cmeshfn : str
    meshfn_split = lp['meshfn'].split('/')
    ind = np.where(np.array(meshfn_split) == 'networks')[0][0]
    cmeshfn = ''
    if rootdir is None:
        for strseg in meshfn_split[0:ind]:
            cmeshfn += strseg + '/'
        cmeshfn = dio.prepdir(rootdir)
    cmeshfn += 'kspace_chern_magnetic_gyro/'
    for strseg in meshfn_split[(ind + 1):]:
        cmeshfn += strseg + '/'

    # Form physics subdir for interaction_range, aoverl, Omk, Omg, V0_pin_gauss, V0_spring_gauss
    cmeshfn += 'aol' + sf.float2pstr(lp['aoverl'], ndigits=8) + '/'
    if 'intrange' in lp['meshfn_exten']:
        cmeshfn += 'interaction_range{0:04d}'.format(lp['interaction_range']) + '/'

    eps = 1e-7
    if 'ABDelta' in lp:
        if np.abs(lp['ABDelta']) > eps:
            cmeshfn += 'ABd' + '{0:0.4f}'.format(lp['ABDelta']).replace('.', 'p').replace('-', 'n') + '/'
    if 'OmKspec' in lp:
        if lp['OmKspec'] != '':
            cmeshfn += lp['OmKspec']
            cmeshfn += 'Omk' + sf.float2pstr(lp['Omk'], ndigits=3)
        cmeshfn += 'Omk' + sf.float2pstr(lp['Omk'], ndigits=3)
    cmeshfn += '_Omg' + sf.float2pstr(lp['Omg'], ndigits=3)

    if 'pinconf' in lp:
        if lp['pinconf'] > 0:
            cmeshfn += '/pinconf' + '{0:04d}'.format(lp['pinconf'])

    # Now start final part of path's name
    print 'lp[V0_pin_gauss] = ', lp['V0_pin_gauss']
    if lp['V0_pin_gauss'] > 0 or lp['V0_spring_gauss'] > 0:
        dcdisorder = True
        cmeshfn += '/pinV' + sf.float2pstr(lp['V0_pin_gauss'], ndigits=4)
        cmeshfn += '_sprV' + sf.float2pstr(lp['V0_spring_gauss'], ndigits=4)
        dcdisorder = False

    return cmeshfn
예제 #7
def build_hex_kagframe(lp):
    """Build a hyperuniform centroidal lattice with kagomized points beyond distance alph*Radius/Halfwidth of sample

    lp : dict
        lattice parameters dictionary
    xy, NL, KL, BL, LVUC, LV, UC, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, PV, lattice_exten = bhex.generate_honeycomb_lattice(
    max_x = np.max(xy[:, 0])
    max_y = np.max(xy[:, 1])
    min_x = np.min(xy[:, 0])
    min_y = np.min(xy[:, 1])
    LL = (max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y)
    BBox = np.array([[min_x, min_y], [min_x, max_y], [max_x, max_y],
                     [max_x, min_y]])

    # Grab indices (vertices) to kagomize: select the ones farther than alph*characteristic length from center
    eps = 1e-9
    if lp['shape'] == 'square':
        lenscaleX = np.max(np.abs(BBox[:, 0])) * lp['alph'] + eps
        lenscaleY = np.max(np.abs(BBox[:, 1])) * lp['alph'] + eps
        kaginds = np.where(
                np.abs(xy[:, 0]) > lenscaleX,
                np.abs(xy[:, 1]) > lenscaleY))[0]
    elif lp['shape'] == 'circle':
        # todo: handle circles
    elif lp['hexagon'] == 'hexagon':
        # todo: handle hexagons

    xy, BL = blf.decorate_kagome_elements(xy,
    NL, KL = le.BL2NLandKL(BL)
    if (BL < 0).any():
        # todo: make this work
        print 'Creating periodic boundary vector dictionary for kagper_hucent network...'
        PV = np.array([])
        PVxydict = le.BL2PVxydict(BL, xy, PV)
        PVx, PVy = le.PVxydict2PVxPVy(PVxydict, NL)

    # If the meshfn going to overwrite a previous realization?
    lattice_exten = 'hex_kagframe' + lattice_exten[9:] +\
                    '_alph' + sf.float2pstr(lp['alph'], ndigits=2)
    return xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp
예제 #8
def build_kaghu_centframe(lp):
    """Build a hyperuniform centroidal lattice with kagomized points inside distance alph*Radius/Halfwidth of sample

    lp : dict
        lattice parameters dictionary
    xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten = bhex.build_hucentroid(

    # Grab indices (vertices) to kagomize: select the ones farther than alph*characteristic length from center
    if lp['shape'] == 'square':
        lenscaleX = np.max(BBox[:, 0]) * lp['alph']
        lenscaleY = np.max(BBox[:, 1]) * lp['alph']
        kaginds = np.where(
                np.abs(xy[:, 0]) < lenscaleX,
                np.abs(xy[:, 1]) < lenscaleY))[0]
    elif lp['shape'] == 'circle':
        # todo: handle circles
    elif lp['hexagon'] == 'hexagon':
        # todo: handle hexagons

    xy, BL = blf.decorate_kagome_elements(xy,
    NL, KL = le.BL2NLandKL(BL)
    if (BL < 0).any():
        print 'Creating periodic boundary vector dictionary for kagper_hucent network...'
        # The ith row of PV is the vector taking the ith side of the polygon (connecting polygon[i] to
        # polygon[i+1 % len(polygon)]
        PV = np.array([[LL[0], 0.0], [LL[0], LL[1]], [LL[0], -LL[1]],
                       [0.0, 0.0], [0.0, LL[1]], [0.0, -LL[1]], [-LL[0], 0.0],
                       [-LL[0], LL[1]], [-LL[0], -LL[1]]])
        PVxydict = le.BL2PVxydict(BL, xy, PV)
        PVx, PVy = le.PVxydict2PVxPVy(PVxydict, NL)

    # If the meshfn going to overwrite a previous realization?
    lattice_exten = 'kaghu_centframe' + lattice_exten[10:] +\
                    '_alph' + sf.float2pstr(lp['alph'], ndigits=2)
    return xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp
예제 #9
def build_kagper_hucent(lp):
    """Build a hyperuniform centroidal lattice with some density of kagomization (kagper = kagome percolation)

    lp : dict
        lattice parameters dictionary
    xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten = build_hucentroid(

    # Select some fraction of vertices (which are points) --> xypick gives Nkag of the vertices (xy)
    Nkag = round(lp['percolation_density'] * len(xy))
    ind_shuffled = np.random.permutation(np.arange(len(xy)))
    xypick = np.sort(ind_shuffled[0:Nkag])

    xy, BL = blf.decorate_kagome_elements(xy,
    NL, KL = le.BL2NLandKL(BL)
    if (BL < 0).any():
        print 'Creating periodic boundary vector dictionary for kagper_hucent network...'
        PV = np.array([])
        PVxydict = le.BL2PVxydict(BL, xy, PV)
        PVx, PVy = le.PVxydict2PVxPVy(PVxydict, NL)

    # If the meshfn going to overwrite a previous realization?
    mfok = le.meshfn_is_used(le.build_meshfn(lp)[0])
    while mfok:
        lp['subconf'] += 1
        mfok = le.meshfn_is_used(le.build_meshfn(lp)[0])

    lattice_exten = 'kagper_hucent' + lattice_exten[10:] + \
                    '_perd' + sf.float2pstr(lp['percolation_density'], ndigits=2) + \
                    '_r' + '{0:02d}'.format(int(lp['subconf']))
    return xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp
def movie_cherns_varyloc(ccoll, title='Chern number calculation for varied positions',
                         filename='chern_varyloc', rootdir=None, exten='.png', max_boxfrac=None, max_boxsize=None,
                         xlabel=None, ylabel=None, step=0.5, fracsteps=False, framerate=3):
    """Plot the chern as a function of space for each haldane_lattice examined

    ccoll : ChernCollection instance
        The collection of varyloc chern calcs to make into a movie
    title : str
        title of the movie
    filename : str
        the name of the files to save
    rootdir : str or None
        The cproot directory to use (usually self.cp['rootdir'])
    exten : str (.png, .jpg, etc)
        file type extension
    max_boxfrac : float
        Fraction of spatial extent of the sample to use as maximum bound for kitaev sum
    max_boxsize : float or None
        If None, uses max_boxfrac * spatial extent of the sample asmax_boxsize
    xlabel : str
        label for x axis
    ylabel : str
        label for y axis
    step : float (default=1.0)
        how far apart to sample kregion vertices in varyloc
    fracsteps : bool
    framerate : int
        The framerate at which to save the movie
    max_boxfrac : float
        Fraction of spatial extent of the sample to use as maximum bound for kitaev sum
    max_boxsize : float or None
        If None, uses max_boxfrac * spatial extent of the sample asmax_boxsize
    rad = 1.0
    divgmap = cmaps.diverging_cmap(250, 10, l=30)

    # plot it
    for hlat_name in ccoll.cherns:
        hlat = ccoll.cherns[hlat_name][0].haldane_lattice
        if hlat.lp['shape'] == 'square':
            # get extent of the network from Bounding box
            Radius = np.abs(hlat.lp['BBox'][0, 0])
            # todo: allow different geometries

        # Initialize the figure
        h_mm = 90
        w_mm = 120
        # To get space between subplots, figure out how far away ksize region needs to be, based on first chern
        # Compare max ksize to be used with spatial extent of the lattice. If comparable, make hspace large.
        # Otherwise, use defaults
        ksize = ccoll.cherns[hlat_name][0].chern_finsize[:, 2]
        cgll = ccoll.cherns[hlat_name][0].haldane_lattice.lattice
        maxsz = max(np.max(cgll.xy[:, 0]) - np.min(cgll.xy[:, 0]),
                    np.max(cgll.xy[:, 1]) - np.min(cgll.xy[:, 1]))
        if max_boxsize is not None:
            ksize = ksize[ksize < max_boxsize]
            if max_boxfrac is not None:
                max_boxsize = max_boxfrac * maxsz
                ksize = ksize[ksize < max_boxsize]
                ksize = ksize
                max_boxsize = np.max(ksize)
        if max_boxsize > 0.9 * maxsz:
            center0_frac = 0.3
            center2_frac = 0.75
        elif max_boxsize > 0.65 * maxsz:
            center0_frac = 0.35
            center2_frac = 0.72
        elif max_boxsize > 0.55 * maxsz:
            center0_frac = 0.375
            center2_frac = 0.71
            center0_frac = 0.4
            center2_frac = 0.7

        fig, ax = initialize_1p5panelcbar_fig(Wfig=w_mm, Hfig=h_mm, wsfrac=0.4, wssfrac=0.4,
                                              center0_frac=center0_frac, center2_frac=center2_frac)

        # dimensions of video in pixels
        final_h = 720
        final_w = 960
        actual_dpi = final_h / (float(h_mm) / 25.4)

        # Add the network to the figure
        hlat = ccoll.cherns[hlat_name][0].haldane_lattice
        netvis.movie_plot_2D(hlat.lattice.xy, hlat.lattice.BL, 0 * hlat.lattice.BL[:, 0],
                             None, None, ax=ax[0], fig=fig, axcb=None,
                             xlimv='auto', ylimv='auto', climv=0.1, colorz=False, ptcolor=None, figsize='auto',
                             colormap='BlueBlackRed', bgcolor='#ffffff', axis_off=True, axis_equal=True,

        # Add title
        if title is not None:
            ax[0].annotate(title, xy=(0.5, .95), xycoords='figure fraction',
                           horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center')
        if xlabel is not None:
        if ylabel is not None:

        # Position colorbar
        sm = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(cmap=divgmap, norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=-1, vmax=1))
        # fake up the array of the scalar mappable.
        sm._A = []
        cbar = plt.colorbar(sm, cax=ax[1], orientation='horizontal', ticks=[-1, 0, 1])

        # Add patches (rectangles from cherns at each site) to the figure
        print 'Opening hlat_name = ', hlat_name
        done = False
        ind = 0
        while done is False:
            rectps = []
            colorL = []
            for chernii in ccoll.cherns[hlat_name]:
                # Grab small, medium, and large circles
                ksize = chernii.chern_finsize[:, 2]
                if max_boxsize is not None:
                    ksize = ksize[ksize < max_boxsize]
                    if max_boxfrac is not None:
                        cgll = chernii.haldane_lattice.lattice
                        maxsz = max(np.max(cgll.xy[:, 0]) - np.min(cgll.xy[:, 0]),
                                    np.max(cgll.xy[:, 1]) - np.min(cgll.xy[:, 1]))
                        max_boxsize = max_boxfrac * maxsz
                        ksize = ksize[ksize < max_boxsize]
                        ksize = ksize
                        max_boxsize = np.max(ksize)

                # print 'ksize =  ', ksize
                # print 'max_boxsize =  ', max_boxsize

                xx = float(chernii.cp['poly_offset'].split('/')[0])
                yy = float(chernii.cp['poly_offset'].split('/')[1])
                nu = chernii.chern_finsize[:, -1]
                rad = step
                rect = plt.Rectangle((xx-rad*0.5, yy-rad*0.5), rad, rad, ec="none")

            p = PatchCollection(rectps, cmap=divgmap, alpha=1.0, edgecolors='none')
            p.set_clim([-1., 1.])

            # Add the patches of nu calculations for each site probed

            # Draw the kitaev cartoon in second axis with size ksize[ind]
            polygon1, polygon2, polygon3 = kfns.get_kitaev_polygons(ccoll.cp['shape'], ccoll.cp['regalph'],
                                                                    ccoll.cp['regbeta'], ccoll.cp['reggamma'],
            patchlist = []
            patchlist.append(patches.Polygon(polygon1, color='r'))
            patchlist.append(patches.Polygon(polygon2, color='g'))
            patchlist.append(patches.Polygon(polygon3, color='b'))
            polypatches = PatchCollection(patchlist, cmap=cm.jet, alpha=0.4, zorder=99, linewidths=0.4)
            colors = np.linspace(0, 1, 3)[::-1]

            # Save the plot
            # make index string
            indstr = '_{0:06d}'.format(ind)
            hlat_cmesh = kfns.get_cmeshfn(ccoll.cherns[hlat_name][0].haldane_lattice.lp, rootdir=rootdir)
            specstr = '_Nks' + '{0:03d}'.format(len(ksize)) + '_step' + sf.float2pstr(step) \
                      + '_maxbsz' + sf.float2pstr(max_boxsize)
            outdir = hlat_cmesh + '_' + hlat.lp['LatticeTop'] + '_varyloc_stills' + specstr + '/'
            fnout = outdir + filename + specstr + indstr + exten
            print 'saving figure: ' + fnout
            fig.savefig(fnout, dpi=actual_dpi*2)

            # Save at lower res after antialiasing
            f_img = Image.open(fnout)
            f_img.resize((final_w, final_h), Image.ANTIALIAS).save(fnout)

            # clear patches
            # del p

            # Update index
            ind += 1
            if ind == len(ksize):
                done = True

        # Turn into movie
        imgname = outdir + filename + specstr
        movname = hlat_cmesh + filename + specstr + '_mov'
        subprocess.call(['./ffmpeg', '-framerate', str(int(framerate)), '-i', imgname + '_%06d' + exten, movname + '.mov',
                         '-vcodec', 'libx264', '-profile:v', 'main', '-crf', '12', '-threads', '0',
                         '-r', '30', '-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p'])
예제 #11
def mode_scaling_tune_junction(lp, args, nmode=None):
    """First plot scaling for all modes as junction coupling is increased. Then, plot the nth mode as the
    scaling parameter evolves (typically the bond strength between particles that are nearer than some threshold).

    Example usage:
    python gyro_lattice_class.py -mode_scaling_tune_junction -LT hexjunction2triads -N 1 -OmKspec union0p000in0p100 -alph 0.1 -periodic
    python gyro_lattice_class.py -mode_scaling_tune_junction -LT spindle -N 2 -OmKspec union0p000in0p100 -alph 0.0 -periodic -aratio 0.1
    python gyro_lattice_class.py -mode_scaling_tune_junction -LT spindle -N 4 -OmKspec union0p000in0p100 -alph 0.0 -periodic -aratio 0.1

    python ./build/make_lattice.py -LT spindle -N 1 -periodic -check -skip_polygons -skip_gyroDOS -aratio 0.1
    python ./build/make_lattice.py -LT spindle -N 2 -periodic -check -skip_polygons -skip_gyroDOS -aratio 0.1
    python ./build/make_lattice.py -LT spindle -N 4 -periodic -skip_polygons -skip_gyroDOS -aratio 0.1
    python ./build/make_lattice.py -LT spindle -N 6 -periodic -skip_polygons -skip_gyroDOS -aratio 0.1 -check
    python ./build/make_lattice.py -LT spindle -N 8 -periodic -skip_polygons -skip_gyroDOS -aratio 0.1 -check

    nmode : int, int list, or None


    nkvals = 50
    if lp['LatticeTop'] in ['hexjunctiontriad', 'spindle', 'hexjunction2triads']:
        kvals = -np.unique(np.round(np.logspace(-1, 1., nkvals), 2))  # [::-1]
        dist_thres = lp['OmKspec'].split('union')[-1].split('in')[-1]
        lpmaster = copy.deepcopy(lp)
        lat = lattice_class.Lattice(lp)
        if nmode is None:
            todo = np.arange(len(lat.xy[:, 0]))
        elif type(nmode) == int:
            todo = [nmode]
            todo = nmode

        outfn = dio.prepdir(lat.lp['meshfn']) + 'glat_eigval_scaling_tune_junction'
        eigvals, first = [], True
        for (kval, dmyi) in zip(kvals, np.arange(len(kvals))):
            lp = copy.deepcopy(lpmaster)
            lp['OmKspec'] = 'union' + sf.float2pstr(kval, ndigits=3) + 'in' + dist_thres
            # lat = lattice_class.Lattice(lp)
            glat = GyroLattice(lat, lp)
            eigval, eigvect = glat.eig_vals_vects(attribute=True)
            if first:
                eigvals = np.zeros((len(kvals), len(eigval)), dtype=float)

            eigvals[dmyi, :] = np.imag(eigval)
            first = False

        # Plot flow of modes
        print 'eigvals = ', eigvals
        fig, axes = leplt.initialize_2panel_centy(Wfig=90, Hfig=65, x0frac=0.17, wsfrac=0.38)
        ax, ax1 = axes[0], axes[1]
        ymax = np.max(eigvals, axis=1)
        for kk in range(int(0.5 * len(eigvals[0])), len(eigvals[0])):
            ydat = eigvals[:, kk]
            ax.loglog(np.abs(kvals), ydat, 'b-')

        ax.set_ylabel('frequency, $\omega$')
        ax.set_xlabel("coupling, $\Omega_k'$")
        if lp['LatticeTop'] == 'hexjunction2triads':
            ax.text(0.5, 0.9, 'Spectrum formation \n in double honeycomb junction',
                    ha='center', va='center', transform=fig.transFigure)
        elif lp['LatticeTop'] == 'spindle':
            if lp['NH'] == lp['NV']:
                nstr = str(int(lp['NH']))
                nstr = str(int(lp['NH'])) + ', ' + str(int(lp['NV']))
            ax.text(0.5, 0.9, 'Spectrum formation \n ' + r'in spindle lattice ($N=$' + nstr + ')',
                    ha='center', va='center', transform=fig.transFigure)

        lat.plot_BW_lat(fig=fig, ax=ax1, save=False, close=False, title='')
        plt.savefig(outfn + '_kmin' + sf.float2pstr(np.min(kvals)) + '_kmax' + sf.float2pstr(np.max(kvals)) + '.pdf')

        for ii in todo:
            modefn = dio.prepdir(lat.lp['meshfn']) + 'glat_mode_scaling_tune_junction_mode{0:05d}'.format(ii) +\
                     '_nkvals{0:04}'.format(nkvals) + '.mov'
            globmodefn = glob.glob(modefn)
            if not globmodefn:
                modedir = dio.prepdir(lat.lp['meshfn']) + 'glat_mode_scaling_tune_junction_mode{0:05d}/'.format(ii)
                previous_ev = None
                first = True
                dmyi = 0
                for kval in kvals:
                    lp = copy.deepcopy(lpmaster)
                    lp['OmKspec'] = 'union' + sf.float2pstr(kval, ndigits=3) + 'in' + dist_thres
                    # lat = lattice_class.Lattice(lp)
                    glat = GyroLattice(lat, lp)
                    eigval, eigvect = glat.eig_vals_vects(attribute=True)

                    # plot the nth mode
                    # fig, DOS_ax, eax = leplt.initialize_eigvect_DOS_header_plot(eigval, glat.lattice.xy,
                    #                                                             sim_type='gyro', cbar_nticks=2,
                    #                                                             cbar_tickfmt='%0.3f')
                    fig, dos_ax, eax, ax1, cbar_ax = \
                        leplt.initialize_eigvect_DOS_header_twinplot(eigval, glat.lattice.xy, sim_type='gyro',
                                                                     ax0_pos=[0.0, 0.10, 0.6, 0.60],
                                                                     ax1_pos=[0.6, 0.15, 0.3, 0.60],
                                                                     header_pos=[0.1, 0.78, 0.4, 0.20],
                                                                     xlabel_pad=8, fontsize=8)

                    # Get the theta that minimizes the difference between the present and previous eigenvalue
                    if previous_ev is not None:
                        realxy = np.real(previous_ev)
                        thetas, eigvects = gdh.phase_fix_nth_gyro(glat.eigvect, ngyro=0, basis='XY')
                        modenum = gdh.phase_difference_minimum(eigvects, realxy, basis='XY')
                        # print 'thetas = ', thetas
                        # if theta < 1e-9:
                        #     print 'problem with theta'
                        #     sys.exit()
                        thetas, eigvects = gdh.phase_fix_nth_gyro(glat.eigvect, ngyro=0, basis='XY')
                        modenum = ii

                    glat.lattice.plot_BW_lat(fig=fig, ax=eax, save=False, close=False, axis_off=False, title='')
                    fig, [scat_fg, scat_fg2, pp, f_mark, lines_12_st], cw_ccw = \
                        leplt.construct_eigvect_DOS_plot(glat.lattice.xy, fig, dos_ax, eax, eigval, eigvects,
                                                         modenum, 'gyro', glat.lattice.NL, glat.lattice.KL,
                                                         marker_num=0, color_scheme='default', sub_lattice=-1,
                                                         amplify=1., title='')

                    # fig, ax_tmp, [scat_fg, pp, f_mark, lines12_st] = \
                    #     glat.plot_eigvect_excitation(ii, eigval=eigval, eigvect=eigvect, ax=eax, plot_lat=first,
                    #                                  theta=theta, normalization=1.0)  # color=lecmaps.blue())

                    # Store this current eigvector as 'previous_ev'
                    previous_ev = eigvects[modenum]

                    # scat_fg.remove()
                    # scat_fg2.remove()
                    # pp.remove()
                    # if f_mark is not None:
                    #     f_mark.remove()
                    # lines_12_st.remove()
                    # eax.cla()

                    # Plot where in evolution we are tracking
                    ngyros = int(np.shape(eigvals)[1] * 0.5)
                    halfev = eigvals[:, ngyros:]
                    for row in halfev.T:
                        ax1.loglog(np.abs(kvals), row, 'b-')

                    trackmark = ax1.plot(np.abs(kval), np.abs(np.imag(eigval))[modenum], 'ro')
                    ax1.set_xlabel(r"vertex coupling, $\Omega_k'$")
                    ax1.set_ylabel(r"frequency, $\omega$")

                    plt.savefig(modedir + 'DOS_' + '{0:05}'.format(dmyi) + '.png', dpi=200)

                    dmyi += 1
                    first = False

                # Make movie
                imgname = modedir + 'DOS_'
                movname = modedir[:-1] + '_nkvals{0:04}'.format(nkvals)
                lemov.make_movie(imgname, movname, indexsz='05', framerate=5, rm_images=True, save_into_subdir=True,
예제 #12
파일: movies.py 프로젝트: npmitchell/lepm
def save_normal_modes_mass(mass_lattice,
    Plot the normal modes of a coupled gyros with fixed pivot points and make a movie of them.
    Note that b and c are built INTO the signs of OmK and Omg.
    --> b (0 -> 'hang',  1 -> 'stand').
    --> c (0 -> aligned with a,  1 -> aligned with a)

    mass_lattice : MassLattice instance
        with attributes including .lattice, .lp, etc
    datadir: string
        directory where simulation data is stored
    rm_images : bool
        Whether or not to delete all the images after a movie has been made of the DOS
    gapims_only : bool
        Whether to just plot modes near the middle of the DOS frequency range
    save_into_subdir: bool
        Whether to save the movie in the same sudir where the DOS/ directory (containing the frames) is placed.
    mlat = mass_lattice
    NP = len(mlat.lattice.xy)
    print 'Getting eigenvals/vects of dynamical matrix...'
    # Find eigval/vect
    eigval, eigvect = mlat.get_eigval_eigvect()
    kk = mlat.kk
    mass = mlat.mass

    # prepare DOS output dir
    if datadir == 'auto':
        datadir = mlat.lp['meshfn']

    if 'meshfn_exten' in mlat.lp:
        exten = mlat.lp['meshfn_exten']
    elif mlat.lp['dcdisorder']:
        # there should be meshfn_exten defined in lp, but since there is not, we make it here
        if 'V0_pin_gauss' in mlat.lp:
            if mlat.lp['V0_pin_gauss'] > 0:
                exten = '_pinV' + sf.float2pstr(mlat.lp['V0_pin_gauss']) + \
                        '_strV' + sf.float2pstr(mlat.lp['V0_spring_gauss'])
        if 'V0_pin_flat' in mlat.lp:
            if mlat.lp['V0_pin_flat'] > 0:
                exten = '_pinVf' + sf.float2pstr(mlat.lp['V0_pin_flat']) + \
                        '_strVf' + sf.float2pstr(mlat.lp['V0_spring_flat'])
        exten = ''

    DOSdir = datadir + 'DOS' + exten + '/'

    # Prepare for plotting
    # Options for how to color the DOS header
    if color == 'pr':
        ipr = mlat.get_ipr()
        colorV = 1. / ipr
        lw = 0
        cbar_label = r'$p$'
        colormap = 'viridis_r'
    elif color == 'ipr':
        ipr = mlat.get_ipr()
        colorV = ipr
        lw = 0
        cbar_label = r'$p^{-1}$'
        colormap = 'viridis'
    elif color == 'ill':
        ill = mlat.get_ill()
        colorV = ill
        cbar_label = r'$\lambda^{-1}$'
        lw = 0
        colormap = 'viridis'
        colorV = None
        lw = 1.
        cbar_label = ''
        colormap = 'viridis'

    print 'plotting...'
    # print 'lemov: eigval = ', eigval
    # plt.plot(np.arange(len(eigval)), eigval, '.-')
    # plt.show()
    # sys.exit()
    fig, DOS_ax, eig_ax = leplt.initialize_eigvect_DOS_header_plot(

    dostitle = r'$m = $' + '{0:0.2f}'.format(mlat.lp['mass'])
    if mlat.lp['ABDelta']:
        dostitle += r'$\pm$' + '{0:0.2f}'.format(mlat.lp['ABDelta'])
    dostitle += r' $k=$' + '{0:0.2f}'.format(mlat.lp['kk'])

    # SAVE eigenvals/vects as images
    # First check that we actually need to make the images: if rm_images == True and the movie exists, then stop if
    # overwrite==False

    # Construct movname
    names = DOSdir.split('/')[0:-1]
    # Construct movie name from datadir path string
    movname = ''
    for ii in range(len(names)):
        if ii < len(names) - 1:
            movname += names[ii] + '/'
            if save_into_subdir:
                movname += names[ii] + '/' + names[ii] + '_DOS'
                movname += names[ii]
                # movname += '_DOS' + gyro_lattice.lp['meshfn_exten']

    if not (not overwrite and rm_images and glob.glob(movname + '.mov')):
        done_pngs = len(glob.glob(DOSdir + 'DOS_*.png'))
        # check if normal modes have already been done
        if not done_pngs:
            # decide on which eigs to plot
            totN = len(eigval)
            todo = range(int(round(len(eigval))))

            if done_pngs < len(todo):
                dmyi = 0
                for ii in todo:
                    if np.mod(ii, 50) == 0:
                        print 'plotting eigvect ', ii, ' of ', len(eigval)
                    # mlat.lattice.plot_BW_lat(fig=fig, ax=DOS_ax, save=False, close=False, axis_off=False, title='')
                    fig, [scat_fg, scat_fg2, p, f_mark, lines_12_st], cw_ccw = \
                        leplt.construct_eigvect_DOS_plot(mlat.lattice.xy, fig, DOS_ax, eig_ax, eigval, eigvect,
                                                         ii, 'mass', mlat.lattice.NL, mlat.lattice.KL,
                                                         marker_num=0, color_scheme='default', sub_lattice=-1)
                    plt.savefig(DOSdir + 'DOS_' + '{0:05}'.format(dmyi) +
                    dmyi += 1


    # Save DOS as movie
    imgname = DOSdir + 'DOS_'
        './ffmpeg', '-i', imgname + '%05d.png', movname + '.mov', '-vcodec',
        'libx264', '-profile:v', 'main', '-crf', '12', '-threads', '0', '-r',
        '100', '-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p', '-start_number',

    if rm_images:
        # Delete the original images
        if not save_into_subdir:
            print 'Deleting folder ' + DOSdir
            subprocess.call(['rm', '-r', DOSdir])
            print 'Deleting folder contents ' + DOSdir + 'DOS_*.png'
            subprocess.call(['rm', '-r', DOSdir + 'DOS_*.png'])
예제 #13
파일: movies.py 프로젝트: npmitchell/lepm
def save_normal_modes_Nashgyro(gyro_lattice,
    Plot the normal modes of a coupled gyros with fixed pivot points and make a movie of them.
    Note that b and c are built INTO the signs of OmK and Omg.
    --> b (0 -> 'hang',  1 -> 'stand').
    --> c (0 -> aligned with a,  1 -> aligned with a)

    datadir: string
        directory where simulation data is stored
    R : NP x dim array
        position array in 2d (3d might work with 3rd dim ignored)
    NL : NP x NN array
        Neighbor list
    KL : NP x NN array
        spring connectivity array
    OmK : float or NP x NN array
        OmK (spring frequency array, for Nash limit: (-1)^(c+b)kl^2/Iw'
    Omg : float or NP x 1 array
        gravitational frequency array, for Nash limit: (-1)^(c+1)mgl/Iw
    params : dict
        parameters dictionary
    dispersion : array or list
        dispersion relation of...
    rm_images : bool
        Whether or not to delete all the images after a movie has been made of the DOS
    gapims_only : bool
        Whether to just plot modes near the middle of the DOS frequency range
    save_into_subdir: bool
        Whether to save the movie in the same sudir where the DOS/ directory (containing the frames) is placed.
    glat = gyro_lattice
    NP = len(glat.lattice.xy)
    print 'Getting eigenvals/vects of dynamical matrix...'
    # Find eigval/vect
    eigval, eigvect = glat.get_eigval_eigvect()
    OmK = glat.OmK
    Omg = glat.Omg

    # prepare DOS output dir
    if datadir == 'auto':
        datadir = glat.lp['meshfn']

    if 'meshfn_exten' in glat.lp:
        exten = glat.lp['meshfn_exten']
    elif glat.lp['dcdisorder']:
        # there should be meshfn_exten defined in lp, but since there is not, we make it here
        if glat.lp['V0_pin_gauss'] > 0:
            exten = '_pinV' + sf.float2pstr(glat.lp['V0_pin_gauss']) + \
                    '_strV' + sf.float2pstr(glat.lp['V0_spring_gauss'])
        elif glat.lp['V0_pin_flat'] > 0:
            exten = '_pinVf' + sf.float2pstr(glat.lp['V0_pin_flat']) + \
                    '_strVf' + sf.float2pstr(glat.lp['V0_spring_flat'])
        exten = ''

    DOSdir = datadir + 'DOS' + exten + '/'

    # Prepare for plotting
    print 'Preparing plot settings...'
    omg, omk, do_bc_determined, bcstr, btmp, ctmp, pin = determine_bc_pin(
        Omg, OmK)
    do_bc = do_bc and do_bc_determined

    # Options for how to color the DOS header
    if color == 'pr':
        ipr = glat.get_ipr()
        colorV = 1. / ipr
        lw = 0
        cbar_label = r'$p$'
        colormap = 'viridis_r'
    elif color == 'ipr':
        ipr = glat.get_ipr()
        colorV = ipr
        lw = 0
        cbar_label = r'$p^{-1}$'
        colormap = 'viridis'
    elif color == 'ill':
        ill = glat.get_ill()
        colorV = ill
        cbar_label = r'$\lambda^{-1}$'
        lw = 0
        colormap = 'viridis'
        colorV = None
        lw = 1.
        cbar_label = ''
        colormap = 'viridis'

    print 'plotting...'
    fig, DOS_ax, eig_ax = leplt.initialize_eigvect_DOS_header_plot(

    dostitle = r'$\Omega_g = $' + '{0:0.2f}'.format(glat.lp['Omg'])
    if glat.lp['ABDelta']:
        dostitle += r'$\pm$' + '{0:0.2f}'.format(glat.lp['ABDelta'])
    dostitle += r' $\Omega_k=$' + '{0:0.2f}'.format(glat.lp['Omk'])

    # Make strings for spring, pin, k, and g values
    if do_bc:
        springstr_Hz = '{0:.03f}'.format(omk[0] / (2. * np.pi))
        pinstr_Hz = '{0:.03f}'.format(omg[0] / (2. * np.pi))
        springstr_Hz = ''
        pinstr_Hz = ''

    if springstr_Hz != '' and pinstr_Hz != '':
        text2show = 'spring = ' + springstr_Hz + ' Hz,  pin = ' + pinstr_Hz + ' Hz\n' + '\n' + bcstr

    # Add schematic of hanging/standing top spinning with dir
    if do_bc:
        schem_ax = plt.axes([0.85, 0.0, .025 * 5, .025 * 7], axisbg='w')
        # drawing
        schem_ax.plot([0., 0.2], [1 - btmp, btmp], 'k-')
        schem_ax.scatter([0.2], [btmp], s=150, c='k')
                       -(-1)**ctmp * 0.06,
                       0.3 * (-1)**(btmp + ctmp),
        wave_x = np.arange(-0.07 * 5, 0.0, 0.001)
        wave_y = 0.1 * np.sin(wave_x * 100) + 1. - btmp
        schem_ax.plot(wave_x, wave_y, 'k-')
        schem_ax.set_xlim(-0.1 * 5, .21 * 5)
        schem_ax.set_ylim(-0.1 * 7, .21 * 7)

    # SAVE eigenvals/vects as images
    # First check that we actually need to make the images: if rm_images == True and the movie exists, then stop if
    # overwrite==False

    # Construct movname
    names = DOSdir.split('/')[0:-1]
    # Construct movie name from datadir path string
    movname = ''
    for ii in range(len(names)):
        if ii < len(names) - 1:
            movname += names[ii] + '/'
            if save_into_subdir:
                movname += names[ii] + '/' + names[ii] + '_DOS'
                movname += names[ii]
                # movname += '_DOS' + gyro_lattice.lp['meshfn_exten']

    if not (not overwrite and rm_images and glob.glob(movname + '.mov')):
        done_pngs = len(glob.glob(DOSdir + 'DOS_*.png'))
        # check if normal modes have already been done
        if not done_pngs:
            # decide on which eigs to plot
            totN = len(eigval)
            if gapims_only:
                middle = int(round(totN * 0.25))
                ngap = int(round(np.sqrt(totN)))
                todo = range(middle - ngap, middle + ngap)
                todo = range(int(round(len(eigval) * 0.5)))

            if done_pngs < len(todo):
                dmyi = 0
                for ii in todo:
                    if np.mod(ii, 50) == 0:
                        print 'plotting eigvect ', ii, ' of ', len(eigval)
                    # glat.lattice.plot_BW_lat(fig=fig, ax=DOS_ax, save=False, close=False, axis_off=False, title='')
                    fig, [scat_fg, scat_fg2, p, f_mark, lines_12_st], cw_ccw = \
                        leplt.construct_eigvect_DOS_plot(glat.lattice.xy, fig, DOS_ax, eig_ax, eigval, eigvect,
                                                         ii, sim_type, glat.lattice.NL, glat.lattice.KL,
                                                         marker_num=0, color_scheme='default', sub_lattice=-1)
                    plt.savefig(DOSdir + 'DOS_' + '{0:05}'.format(dmyi) +
                    dmyi += 1


    # Save DOS as movie
    imgname = DOSdir + 'DOS_'
        './ffmpeg', '-i', imgname + '%05d.png', movname + '.mov', '-vcodec',
        'libx264', '-profile:v', 'main', '-crf', '12', '-threads', '0', '-r',
        '100', '-pix_fmt', 'yuv420p'

    if rm_images:
        # Delete the original images
        if not save_into_subdir:
            print 'Deleting folder ' + DOSdir
            subprocess.call(['rm', '-r', DOSdir])
            print 'Deleting folder contents ' + DOSdir + 'DOS_*.png'
            subprocess.call(['rm', '-r', DOSdir + 'DOS_*.png'])
예제 #14
def build_lattice(lattice):
    """Build the lattice based on the values stored in the lp dictionary attribute of supplied lattice instance.

    lattice : lattice_class lattice instance
        The instance of the lattice class, with the following attributes populated:
        lattice.xy = xy
        lattice.NL = NL
        lattice.KL = KL
        lattice.BL = BL
        lattice.PVx = PVx
        lattice.PVy = PVy
        lattice.PVxydict = PVxydict
        lattice.PV = PV
        lattice.lp['BBox'] : #vertices x 2 float array
            BBox is the polygon used to crop the lattice or defining the extent of the lattice; could be hexagonal, for instance.
        lattice.lp['LL'] : tuple of 2 floats
            LL are the linear extent in each dimension of the lattice. For ex:
            ( np.max(xy[:,0])-np.min(xy[:,0]), np.max(xy[:,1])-np.min(xy[:,1]) )
        lattice.lp['LV'] = LV
        lattice.lp['UC'] = UC
        lattice.lp['lattice_exten'] : str
            A string specifier for the lattice built
        lattice.lp['slit_exten'] = slit_exten
    # Define some shortcut variables
    lattice_type = lattice.lp['LatticeTop']
    shape = lattice.lp['shape']
    NH = lattice.lp['NH']
    NV = lattice.lp['NV']
    lp = lattice.lp
    networkdir = lattice.lp['rootdir'] + 'networks/'
    check = lattice.lp['check']
    if lattice_type == 'hexagonal':
        from build_hexagonal import build_hexagonal
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, PV, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_hexagonal(
    elif lattice_type == 'hexmeanfield':
        from build_hexagonal import build_hexmeanfield
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, PV, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_hexmeanfield(
    elif lattice_type == 'hexmeanfield3gyro':
        from build_hexagonal import build_hexmeanfield3gyro
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, PV, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_hexmeanfield3gyro(
    elif 'selregion' in lattice_type:
        # amorphregion_isocent or amorphregion_kagome_isocent, for ex
        # Example usage: python ./build/make_lattice.py -LT selregion_randorg_gammakick1p60_cent -spreadt 0.8 -NP 225
        #  python ./build/make_lattice.py -LT selregion_iscentroid -N 30
        #  python ./build/make_lattice.py -LT selregion_hyperuniform -N 80
        from lepm.build.build_select_region import build_select_region
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_select_region(
    elif lattice_type == 'frame1dhex':
        from build_hexagonal import build_frame1dhex
        # keep only the boundary of the lattice, eliminate the bulk
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_frame1dhex(
    elif lattice_type == 'square':
        import lepm.build.build_square as bs
        print '\nCreating square lattice...'
        xy, NL, KL, BL, lattice_exten = bs.generate_square_lattice(
            shape, NH, NV, lp['eta'], lp['theta'])
        print 'lattice_exten = ', lattice_exten
        PVx = []
        PVy = []
        PVxydict = {}
        LL = (NH + 1, NV + 1)
        LVUC = 'none'
        UC = 'none'
        LV = 'none'
        BBox = np.array([[-LL[0] * 0.5, -LL[1] * 0.5],
                         [LL[0] * 0.5,
                          -LL[1] * 0.5], [LL[0] * 0.5, LL[1] * 0.5],
                         [-LL[0] * 0.5, LL[1] * 0.5]])
    elif lattice_type == 'triangular':
        import lepm.build.build_triangular as bt
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = bt.build_triangular_lattice(
    elif lattice_type == 'linear':
        from lepm.build.build_linear_lattices import build_zigzag_lattice
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_zigzag_lattice(
        lp['NV'] = 1
    elif lattice_type == 'deformed_kagome':
        from lepm.build.build_kagome import generate_deformed_kagome
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, PV, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = generate_deformed_kagome(
    elif lattice_type == 'deformed_martini':
        from lepm.build.build_martini import build_deformed_martini
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_deformed_martini(
    elif lattice_type == 'twisted_kagome':
        from lepm.build.build_kagome import build_twisted_kagome
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_twisted_kagome(
    elif lattice_type == 'hyperuniform':
        from lepm.build.build_hyperuniform import build_hyperuniform
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_hyperuniform(
    elif lattice_type == 'hyperuniform_annulus':
        from lepm.build.build_hyperuniform import build_hyperuniform_annulus
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_hyperuniform_annulus(
        lp['shape'] = 'annulus'
    elif lattice_type == 'isostatic':
        from lepm.build.build_jammed import build_isostatic
        # Manually tune coordination of jammed packing (lets you tune through isostatic point)
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_isostatic(
    elif lattice_type == 'jammed':
        from lepm.build.build_jammed import build_jammed
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_jammed(
    elif lattice_type == 'triangularz':
        from lepm.build.build_triangular import build_triangularz
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_triangularz(
    elif lattice_type == 'hucentroid':
        from lepm.build.build_hucentroid import build_hucentroid
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_hucentroid(
    elif lattice_type == 'hucentroid_annulus':
        from lepm.build.build_hucentroid import build_hucentroid_annulus
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_hucentroid_annulus(
        lp['shape'] = 'annulus'
    elif lattice_type == 'huvoronoi':
        from lepm.build.build_voronoized import build_huvoronoi
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LL, BBox, lattice_exten = build_huvoronoi(
        LVUC = 'none'
        LV = 'none'
        UC = 'none'
    elif lattice_type == 'kagome_hucent':
        from lepm.build.build_hucentroid import build_kagome_hucent
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_kagome_hucent(
    elif lattice_type == 'kagome_hucent_annulus':
        from lepm.build.build_hucentroid import build_kagome_hucent_annulus
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_kagome_hucent_annulus(
        lp['shape'] = 'annulus'
    elif lattice_type == 'kagome_huvor':
        from lepm.build.build_voronoized import build_kagome_huvor
        print('Loading hyperuniform to build lattice...')
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LL, BBox, lattice_exten = build_kagome_huvor(
        LV, LVUC, UC = 'none', 'none', 'none'
    elif lattice_type == 'iscentroid':
        from lepm.build.build_iscentroid import build_iscentroid
        print('Loading isostatic to build lattice...')
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten = build_iscentroid(
    elif lattice_type == 'kagome_isocent':
        from lepm.build.build_iscentroid import build_kagome_isocent
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten = build_kagome_isocent(
    elif lattice_type == 'overcoordinated1':
        from lepm.build.build_overcoordinated import generate_overcoordinated1_lattice
        xy, NL, KL, BL, SBL, LV, UC, LVUC, lattice_exten = generate_overcoordinated1_lattice(
            NH, NV)
        PVxydict = {}
        PVx = []
        PVy = []
        if lp['check']:
            le.display_lattice_2D(xy, BL)
    elif lattice_type == 'circlebonds':
        from lepm.build.build_linear_lattices import generate_circle_lattice
        xy, NL, KL, BL, LV, UC, LVUC, lattice_exten = generate_circle_lattice(
        PVxydict = {}
        PVx = []
        PVy = []
        lp['NV'] = 1
        minx = np.min(xy[:, 0])
        maxx = np.max(xy[:, 0])
        miny = np.min(xy[:, 1])
        maxy = np.max(xy[:, 1])
        BBox = np.array([[minx, miny], [minx, maxy], [maxx, maxy],
                         [maxx, miny]])
        LL = (maxx - minx, maxy - miny)
    elif lattice_type == 'dislocatedRand':
        from lepm.build.build_dislocatedlattice import build_dislocated_lattice
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LL, BBox, lattice_exten = build_dislocated_lattice(
    elif lattice_type == 'dislocated':
        if lp['dislocation_xy'] != 'none':
            dislocX = lp['dislocation_xy'].split('/')[0]
            dislocY = lp['dislocation_xy'].split('/')[1]
            dislocxy_exten = '_dislocxy_' + dislocX + '_' + dislocY
            pt = np.array([[float(dislocX), float(dislocY)]])
            pt = np.array([[0., 0.]])
            dislocxy_exten = ''
        if lp['Bvec'] == 'random':
            Bvecs = 'W'
            Bvecs = lp['Bvec']
        xy, NL, KL, BL, lattice_exten = generate_dislocated_hexagonal_lattice(
            shape, NH, NV, pt, Bvecs=Bvecs, check=lp['check'])
        lattice_exten += dislocxy_exten
        PVx = []
        PVy = []
        PVxydict = {}
        LL = (np.max(xy[:, 0]) - np.min(xy[:, 0]),
              np.max(xy[:, 1]) - np.min(xy[:, 1]))
        BBox = np.array([[np.min(xy[:, 0]), np.min(xy[:, 1])],
                         [np.max(xy[:, 0]), np.min(xy[:, 1])],
                         [np.max(xy[:, 0]), np.max(xy[:, 1])],
                         [np.min(xy[:, 0]), np.max(xy[:, 1])]])
        LV = 'none'
        UC = 'none'
        LVUC = 'none'
    elif lattice_type == 'penroserhombTri':
        if lp['periodicBC']:
            from lepm.build.build_quasicrystal import generate_periodic_penrose_rhombic
            xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, BBox, PV, lattice_exten = generate_periodic_penrose_rhombic(
            LL = (PV[0, 0], PV[1, 1])
            PVx, PVy = le.PVxydict2PVxPVy(PVxydict, NL)
            from lepm.build.build_quasicrystal import generate_penrose_rhombic_lattice
            xy, NL, KL, BL, lattice_exten, Num_sub = generate_penrose_rhombic_lattice(
                shape, NH, NV, check=lp['check'])
            LL = (np.max(xy[:, 0]) - np.min(xy[:, 0]),
                  np.max(xy[:, 1]) - np.min(xy[:, 1]))
            BBox = blf.auto_polygon(shape, NH, NV, eps=0.00)
            PVx = []
            PVy = []
            PVxydict = {}

        LVUC = 'none'
        LV = 'none'
        UC = 'none'
    elif lattice_type == 'penroserhombTricent':
        from lepm.build.build_quasicrystal import generate_penrose_rhombic_centroid_lattice
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PV, LL, BBox, lattice_exten = generate_penrose_rhombic_centroid_lattice(
        # deepcopy PVxydict to generate new pointers
        PVxydict = copy.deepcopy(PVxydict)
        if lp['periodicBC']:
            PVx, PVy = le.PVxydict2PVxPVy(PVxydict, NL)
            PVx, PVy = [], []

        # Rescale so that median bond length is unity
        bL = le.bond_length_list(xy, BL, NL=NL, KL=KL, PVx=PVx, PVy=PVy)
        scale = 1. / np.median(bL)
        xy *= scale
        PV *= scale
        print 'PV = ', PV
        BBox *= scale
        LL = (LL[0] * scale, LL[1] * scale)

        print 'after updating other things: PVxydict = ', PVxydict
        if lp['periodicBC']:
            PVx *= scale
            PVy *= scale
                (key, val * scale) for key, val in PVxydict.items())
            PVx = []
            PVy = []

        LVUC = 'none'
        LV = 'none'
        UC = 'none'
    elif lattice_type == 'kagome_penroserhombTricent':
        from build.build_quasicrystal import generate_penrose_rhombic_centroid_lattice
        xy, NL, KL, BL, lattice_exten = generate_penrose_rhombic_centroid_lattice(
            shape, NH + 5, NV + 5, check=lp['check'])

        # Decorate lattice as kagome
        print('Decorating lattice as kagome...')
        xy, BL, PVxydict = blf.decorate_as_kagome(xy, BL)
        lattice_exten = 'kagome_' + lattice_exten

        xy, NL, KL, BL = blf.mask_with_polygon(shape,

        # Rescale so that median bond length is unity
        bL = le.bond_length_list(xy, BL)
        xy *= 1. / np.median(bL)

        minx = np.min(xy[:, 0])
        miny = np.min(xy[:, 1])
        maxx = np.max(xy[:, 0])
        maxy = np.max(xy[:, 1])
        BBox = np.array([[minx, miny], [minx, maxy], [maxx, maxy],
                         [maxx, miny]])
        LL = (np.max(xy[:, 0]) - np.min(xy[:, 0]),
              np.max(xy[:, 1]) - np.min(xy[:, 1]))
        PVx = []
        PVy = []
        PVxydict = {}
        LVUC = 'none'
        LV = 'none'
        UC = 'none'
    elif lattice_type == 'random':
        xx = np.random.uniform(low=-NH * 0.5 - 10,
                               high=NH * 0.5 + 10,
                               size=(NH + 20) * (NV + 20))
        yy = np.random.uniform(low=-NV * 0.5 - 10,
                               high=NV * 0.5 + 10,
                               size=(NH + 20) * (NV + 20))
        xy = np.dstack((xx, yy))[0]
        Dtri = Delaunay(xy)
        TRI = Dtri.vertices
        BL = le.Tri2BL(TRI)
        NL, KL = le.BL2NLandKL(BL, NN='min')

        # Crop to polygon (instead of trimming boundaries)
        # NL, KL, BL, TRI = le.delaunay_cut_unnatural_boundary(xy, NL, KL, BL, TRI, thres=lp['trimbound_thres'])
        shapedict = {shape: [NH, NV]}
        keep = blf.argcrop_lattice_to_polygon(shapedict, xy, check=check)
        xy, NL, KL, BL = le.remove_pts(keep, xy, BL, NN='min')

        lattice_exten = lattice_type + '_square_thres' + sf.float2pstr(
        polygon = blf.auto_polygon(shape, NH, NV, eps=0.00)
        BBox = polygon
        LL = (np.max(BBox[:, 0]) - np.min(BBox[:, 0]),
              np.max(BBox[:, 1]) - np.min(BBox[:, 1]))
        PVx = []
        PVy = []
        PVxydict = {}
        LVUC = 'none'
        LV = 'none'
        UC = 'none'
    elif lattice_type == 'randomcent':
        from lepm.build.build_random import build_randomcent
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_randomcent(
    elif lattice_type == 'kagome_randomcent':
        from lepm.build.build_random import build_kagome_randomcent
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_kagome_randomcent(
    elif lattice_type == 'randomspreadcent':
        from lepm.build.build_randomspread import build_randomspreadcent
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_randomspreadcent(
    elif lattice_type == 'kagome_randomspread':
        from lepm.build.build_randomspread import build_kagome_randomspread
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_kagome_randomspread(
    elif 'randorg_gammakick' in lattice_type and 'kaghi' not in lattice_type:
        # lattice_type is like 'randorg_gamma0p20_cent' and uses Hexner pointsets
        # NH is width, NV is height, NP_load is total number of points. This is different than other conventions.
        from build_randorg_gamma import build_randorg_gamma_spread
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_randorg_gamma_spread(
    elif 'randorg_gamma' in lattice_type and 'kaghi' not in lattice_type:
        # lattice_type is like 'randorg_gamma0p20_cent' and uses Hexner pointsets
        from build_randorg_gamma import build_randorg_gamma_spread_hexner
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = \
    elif 'random_organization' in lattice_type:
            if isinstance(lp['relax_timesteps'], str):
                relax_tag = lp['relax_timesteps']
                relax_tag = '{0:02d}'.format(lp['relax_timesteps'])
            raise RuntimeError(
                'lattice parameters dictionary lp needs key relax_timesteps')

        points = np.loadtxt(
            networkdir +
            'random_organization_source/random_organization/random/' +
            'random_kick_' + relax_tag + 'relax/out_d' +
            '{0:02d}'.format(int(lp['conf'])) + '_xy.txt')
        points -= np.mean(points, axis=0)
        xytmp, trash1, trash2, trash3 = blf.mask_with_polygon(shape,
                                                              points, [],

        xy, NL, KL, BL = le.delaunay_centroid_lattice_from_pts(xytmp,
        polygon = blf.auto_polygon(shape, NH, NV, eps=0.00)

        if check:
            le.display_lattice_2D(xy, BL)

        # Rescale so that median bond length is unity
        bL = le.bond_length_list(xy, BL, NL=NL, KL=KL, PVx=PVx, PVy=PVy)
        xy *= 1. / np.median(bL)
        polygon *= 1. / np.median(bL)

        lattice_exten = lattice_type + '_relax' + relax_tag + '_' + shape + '_d' + \
        LL = (np.max(xy[:, 0]) - np.min(xy[:, 0]),
              np.max(xy[:, 1]) - np.min(xy[:, 1]))
        PVxydict = {}
        PVx = []
        PVy = []
        BBox = polygon
    elif lattice_type == 'flattenedhexagonal':
        from lepm.build.build_hexagonal import generate_flattened_honeycomb_lattice
        xy, NL, KL, BL, LVUC, LV, UC, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, lattice_exten = \
            generate_flattened_honeycomb_lattice(shape, NH, NV, lp['aratio'], lp['delta'], lp['phi'], eta=0., rot=0.,
                                                 periodicBC=False, check=check)
    elif lattice_type == 'cairo':
        from lepm.build.build_cairo import build_cairo
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_cairo(
    elif lattice_type == 'kagper_hucent':
        from lepm.build.build_hucentroid import build_kagper_hucent
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_kagper_hucent(
    elif lattice_type == 'hex_kagframe':
        from lepm.build.build_kagcentframe import build_hex_kagframe
        # Use lp['alph'] to determine the beginning of the kagomized frame, surrounding hexagonal lattice
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_hex_kagframe(
    elif lattice_type == 'hex_kagcframe':
        from lepm.build.build_kagcentframe import build_hex_kagcframe
        # Use lp['alph'] to determine the beginning of the kagomized frame, surrounding hexagonal lattice
        # as circlular annulus
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_hex_kagcframe(
    elif lattice_type in ['hucent_kagframe', 'hucent_kagcframe']:
        from lepm.build.build_kagcentframe import build_hucent_kagframe
        # Use lp['alph'] to determine the beginning of the kagomized frame, surrounding hucentroid decoration
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_hucent_kagframe(
    elif lattice_type == 'kaghu_centframe':
        from lepm.build.build_kagcentframe import build_kaghu_centframe
        # Use lp['alph'] to determine the beginning of the centroid frame, surrounding kagomized decoration
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_kaghu_centframe(
    elif lattice_type in ['isocent_kagframe', 'isocent_kagcframe']:
        from lepm.build.build_kagcentframe import build_isocent_kagframe
        # Use lp['alph'] to determine the beginning of the kagomized frame, surrounding hucentroid decoration
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_isocent_kagframe(
    elif lattice_type == 'kagsplit_hex':
        from lepm.build.build_kagome import build_kagsplit_hex
        # Use lp['alph'] to determine what fraction (on the right) is kagomized
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_kagsplit_hex(
    elif lattice_type == 'kagper_hex':
        from lepm.build.build_kagome import build_kagper_hex
        # Use lp['alph'] to determine what fraction of the radius/width (in the center) is kagomized
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_kagper_hex(
    elif lattice_type == 'hex_kagperframe':
        from lepm.build.build_kagcentframe import build_hex_kagperframe
        # Use lp['alph'] to determine what fraction of the radius/width (in the center) is partially kagomized
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_hex_kagperframe(
    elif lattice_type == 'kagome':
        from lepm.build.build_kagome import build_kagome
        # lets you make a square kagome
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, PV, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_kagome(
    elif 'uofc' in lattice_type:
        from lepm.build.build_kagcent_words import build_uofc
        # ['uofc_hucent', 'uofc_kaglow_hucent', 'uofc_kaghi_hucent', 'uofc_kaglow_isocent']:
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_uofc(
    elif 'chicago' in lattice_type:
        from lepm.build.build_kagcent_words import build_chicago
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_chicago(
    elif 'chern' in lattice_type:
        from lepm.build.build_kagcent_words import build_kagcentchern
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_kagcentchern(
    elif 'csmf' in lattice_type:
        from lepm.build.build_kagcent_words import build_kagcentcsmf
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_kagcentcsmf(
    elif 'thanks' in lattice_type:
        # example:
        # python ./build/make_lattice.py -LT kaghi_isocent_thanks -skip_gyroDOS -NH 300 -NV 70 -thres 5.5 -skip_polygons
        from lepm.build.build_kagcent_words import build_kagcentthanks
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_kagcentthanks(
    elif 'curvys' in lattice_type:
        # for lattice_type in ['kaghi_isocent_curvys', 'kaglow_isocent_curvys',
        #                      'kaghi_hucent_curvys', 'kaglow_hucent_curvys', kaghi_randorg_gammakick1p60_cent_curvys',
        #                      'kaghi_randorg_gammakick0p50_cent_curvys', ... ]
        # example usage:
        # python ./build/make_lattice.py -LT kaghi_isocent_curvys -NH 100 -NV 70 -thres 5.5 -skip_polygons -skip_gyroDOS
        from lepm.build.build_kagcent_words import build_kagcentcurvys
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_kagcentcurvys(
    elif 'hexannulus' in lattice_type:
        from lepm.build.build_conformal import build_hexannulus
        xy, NL, KL, BL, lattice_exten, lp = build_hexannulus(lp)
        LL = (np.max(xy[:, 0]) - np.min(xy[:, 0]),
              np.max(xy[:, 1]) - np.min(xy[:, 1]))
        PVxydict = {}
        PVx = []
        PVy = []
        UC = np.array([0, 0])
        LV = 'none'
        LVUC = 'none'
        minx = np.min(xy[:, 0])
        miny = np.min(xy[:, 1])
        maxx = np.max(xy[:, 0])
        maxy = np.max(xy[:, 1])
        BBox = np.array([[minx, miny], [minx, maxy], [maxx, maxy],
                         [maxx, miny]])
    elif 'accordion' in lattice_type:
        # accordionhex accordiony accordionkagy
        # Example usage:
        # python ./build/make_lattice.py -LT accordionkag -alph 0.9 -intparam 2 -N 6 -skip_polygons -skip_gyroDOS
        # nzag controlled by lp['intparam'], and the rotation of the kagome element is controlled by lp['alph']
        if lattice_type == 'accordionhex':
            from lepm.build.build_hexagonal import build_accordionhex
            xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp, xyvx = build_accordionhex(
        elif lattice_type == 'accordionkag':
            from lepm.build.build_kagome import build_accordionkag
            xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, PV, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_accordionkag(
        elif lattice_type == 'accordionkag_hucent':
            from lepm.build.build_hucentroid import build_accordionkag_hucent
            xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = \
        elif lattice_type == 'accordionkag_isocent':
            from lepm.build.build_iscentroid import build_accordionkag_isocent
            xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = \
    elif 'spindle' in lattice_type:
        if lattice_type == 'spindle':
            from lepm.build.build_spindle import build_spindle
            xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, PV, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_spindle(
    elif lattice_type == 'stackedrhombic':
        from lepm.build.build_rhombic import build_stacked_rhombic
        xy, NL, KL, BL, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, PV, LL, LVUC, LV, UC, BBox, lattice_exten = build_stacked_rhombic(
    elif 'junction' in lattice_type:
        # accordionhex accordiony accordionkagy
        if lattice_type == 'hexjunction':
            from lepm.build.build_hexagonal import build_hexjunction
            xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp, xyvx = build_hexjunction(
        elif lattice_type == 'kagjunction':
            from lepm.build.build_kagome import build_kagjunction
            xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp = build_kagjunction(


    # For reference: this is how to change z
    # le.cut_bonds_z(BL,lp['target_z'])
    # ##cut N bonds for z
    # N2cut = int(round((z_start-target_z)*len(BL)/z_start))
    # allrows = range(len(BL))
    # inds = random.sample(allrows, N2cut)
    # keep = np.setdiff1d(allrows,inds)
    # bnd_z = BL[keep]

    # Cut slit
    if lp['make_slit']:
        print('Cuting notch or slit...')
        L = max(xy[:, 0]) - min(xy[:, 0])
        cutL = L * lp['cutLfrac']
        x0 = -L * 0. + cutL * 0.5 - 1.  # 0.25*L+0.5
        BL, xy = blf.cut_slit(BL, xy, cutL + 1e-3, x0, y0=0.2)
        slit_exten = '_cutL' + str(cutL / L) + 'L_x0_' + str(x0)

        print('Rebuilding NL,KL...')
        NP = len(xy)
        if latticetop == 'deformed_kagome':
            nn = 4
        elif lattice_type == 'linear':
            if NP == 1:
                nn = 0
                nn = 2
            nn = 'min'

        NL, KL = le.BL2NLandKL(BL, NP=NP, NN=nn)

        # remake BL too
        BL = le.NL2BL(NL, KL)
        slit_exten = ''
        NP = len(xy)

    if lp['check']:
        print 'make_lattice: Showing lattice before saving...'
        # print 'PVx = ', PVx
        # print 'PVy = ', PVy
        le.display_lattice_2D(xy, BL, PVxydict=PVxydict)

    lattice.xy = xy
    lattice.NL = NL
    lattice.KL = KL
    lattice.BL = BL
    lattice.PVx = PVx
    lattice.PVy = PVy
    lattice.PVxydict = PVxydict
    lattice.LVUC = LVUC
    lattice.lp = lp
    lattice.lp['BBox'] = BBox
    lattice.lp['LL'] = LL
    lattice.lp['LV'] = LV
    lattice.lp['UC'] = UC
    lattice.lp['lattice_exten'] = lattice_exten
    lattice.lp['slit_exten'] = slit_exten
    lattice.lp['Nparticles'] = NP
    return lattice
예제 #15
def get_bcpath(cp, lp, rootdir=None, method='varyloc'):
    """Get the path for outputting info on a collection of chern calculations that uses the chern parameter dict cp.

    cp : dict
        parameters for chern collection
    lp : dict
        lattice parameters for the haldane lattice for which many cherns are computed
    rootdir : str
        Root path where info for collections of cherns are stored
    method : str
        String describing how to categorize the many cherns

    cpmesh : str
    meshfn_split = lp['meshfn'].split('/')
    ind = np.where(np.array(meshfn_split) == 'networks')[0][0]
    ccmeshfn = ''
    if rootdir is None:
        for strseg in meshfn_split[0:ind]:
            ccmeshfn += strseg + '/'
        ccmeshfn = dio.prepdir(rootdir)
    ccmeshfn += 'cherns/'
    for strseg in meshfn_split[(ind + 1):]:
        ccmeshfn += strseg + '/'

    ccmeshfn += method
    # Form physics subdir for t1, t2, V0_pin_gauss, V0_spring_gauss
    if 'pureimNNN' in lp:
        if lp['pureimNNN']:
            cmeshfn += 'pureimNNN' + '_'
    if 't2angles' in lp:
        if lp['t2angles']:
            cmeshfn += 't2angles' + '_'
    cmeshfn += 'pin' + sf.float2pstr(lp['pin'])
    cmeshfn += '_t1_' + sf.float2pstr(lp['t1'])
    cmeshfn += '_t2_' + sf.float2pstr(lp['t2'])
    if np.abs(lp['t2a']) > 1e-7:
        cmeshfn += '_t2a_' + sf.float2pstr(lp['t2a'])

    # Form cp subdir
    if method != 'omegac':
        if isinstance(cp['omegac'], np.ndarray):
            print "Warning: cp['omegac'] is numpy array, using first element to get cpmeshfn..."
            ccmeshfn += '_omc' + sf.float2pstr(cp['omegac'][0])
            ccmeshfn += '_omc' + sf.float2pstr(cp['omegac'])

    ccmeshfn += '_Nks' + str(int(len(cp['ksize_frac_arr'])))
    ccmeshfn += '_' + cp['shape']
    ccmeshfn += '_a' + sf.float2pstr(cp['regalph'])
    ccmeshfn += '_b' + sf.float2pstr(cp['regbeta'])
    ccmeshfn += '_g' + sf.float2pstr(cp['reggamma'])
    ccmeshfn += '_polyT' + sf.float2pstr(cp['polyT'])
    if method != 'varyloc':
        ccmeshfn += '_polyoff' + sf.prepstr(cp['poly_offset']).replace(
            '/', '_')
        ccmeshfn += '_' + cp['basis'] + '/'

    return ccmeshfn
예제 #16
def build_OmK(mglat, lp, OmK):
    """Construct OmK from supplied OmK (may be None or 'none') and lattice parameter dictionary lp

    mglat : MagneticGyroLattice instance
        The mgnetic gyro lattice for which to build interaction strength matrix (each element is l^2 k_m / I omega)
        Note: the distance between two particles is NOT included in OmK. Instead it is computed on the fly in dynamical
        matrix construction
    OmK : N x max(#NN) float array or None or 'none'
        bond frequencies matching the KL and NL arrays, with bonds weakened along gridlines
    lp : dict
        lattice parameter dictionary

    OmK :
    lp_Omk : float
        value for key 'Omk' to be added to lp
    lp_meshfn_exten : str
        value for key 'meshfn_exten' to be added to lp
    if OmK == 'auto' or OmK is None:
        # Check if a string specifier for OmK is given. If it can be understood, create that bond strength pattern.
        # If it is an unknown string, then OmK must be supplied.
        if 'OmKspec' in lp:
            if lp['OmKspec'] not in ['', 'none', None]:
                if 'gridlines' in lp['OmKspec']:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        'Should OmKspec be built on lattice (NN) or magnetic (long range) connections?'
                    # Here, OmKspec must be of the form:
                    # 'gridlines{0:0.2f}'.format(gridspacing).replace('.', 'p') + \
                    # 'strong{0:0.3f}'.format(lp['Omk']).replace('.', 'p').replace('-', 'n') + \
                    # 'weak{0:0.3f}'.format(args.weakbond_val).replace('.', 'p').replace('-', 'n')
                    spec = lp['OmKspec'].split('gridlines')[1]
                    gridspacing = float(
                        spec.split('strong')[0].replace('p', '.'))
                    strong = float(
                            'p', '.').replace('n', '-'))
                    weak = float(
                                                      '.').replace('n', '-'))
                    maxval = max(np.max(np.abs(mglat.lattice.xy[:, 0])),
                                 np.max(np.abs(mglat.lattice.xy[:, 1]))) + 1
                    OmK = OmK_spec_gridlines(mglat.lattice, lp, gridspacing,
                                             maxval, strong, weak)
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        'OmKspec in lp cannot be translated into OmK, must supply OmK or edit to'
                        + ' interpret given OmKspec')
                lp_meshfn_exten = '_OmKspec' + lp['OmKspec']
                if (OmK == OmK[np.nonzero(OmK)][0] * mglat.KL).all():
                    # This is just the boring case where OmK is not special (all bonds are equal).
                    lp_Omk = OmK[np.nonzero(OmK)][0]
                    if lp_Omk != -1.0:
                        lp_meshfn_exten = '_Omk' + sf.float2pstr(lp['Omk'])
                        lp_meshfn_exten = ''
                elif (OmK != lp['Omk'] * np.abs(mglat.KL)).any():
                    lp_Omk = -5000
                    lp_Omk = lp['Omk']
                done = True
                # OmKspec is in lp, but it is None or 'none'. Try a different method to obtain OmK.
                done = False
            # OmKspec is not in lp. Try a different method to obtain OmK.
            done = False

        if not done:
            if 'Omk' in lp:
                # print 'magnetic_gyro_functions: using Omk from lp...'
                OmK = lp['Omk'] * np.abs(mglat.KL)
                lp_Omk = lp['Omk']
                if lp_Omk != -1.0:
                    lp_meshfn_exten = '_Omk' + sf.float2pstr(lp['Omk'])
                    lp_meshfn_exten = ''
                print 'magnetic_gyro_functions: giving OmK the default value of -1s...'
                OmK = -1.0 * np.abs(mglat.KL)
                lp_Omk = -1.0
                lp_meshfn_exten = ''
        # This is the case where OmK is specified. Pass it along to output and discern what to give for lp_meshfn_exten
        # Output OmK <-- input OmK
        # Use given OmK to define lp_Omk (for lp['Omk']) and lp[meshfn_exten].
        # If Omk is a key in lp, correct it if it does not match supplied OmK
        if 'Omk' in lp:
            if (OmK == lp['Omk'] * np.abs(mglat.KL)).any():
                # This is the case that OmK = Omk * np.abs(KL). Give a nontrivial meshfn_exten if Omk != -1.0
                lp_Omk = lp['Omk']
                if lp_Omk != -1.0:
                    lp_meshfn_exten = '_Omk' + sf.float2pstr(lp['Omk'])
                    lp_meshfn_exten = ''
                # OmK given is either some constant times KL, or something complicated
                # If it is a constant, discern that constant and update lp
                kinds = np.nonzero(OmK)
                if len(kinds[0]) > 0:
                    # There are some nonzero elements in OmK. Check if all the same
                    OmKravel = OmK.ravel()
                    KLravel = mglat.KL.ravel()
                    if (OmKravel[np.where(abs(KLravel))] == OmKravel[np.where(
                        print 'Updating lp[Omk] to reflect specified OmK, since OmK = constant * np.abs(KL)...'
                        lp_Omk = OmKravel[np.where(abs(KLravel))[0]]
                        # OmK is something complicated, so tell meshfn_exten that OmK is specified.
                        lp_meshfn_exten = '_OmKspec'
                        if 'OmKspec' in lp:
                            lp_meshfn_exten = '_Omkspec' + lp['OmKspec']
                        lp_Omk = -5000

                    lp_Omk = 0.0
                    lp_meshfn_exten = '_Omk0p00'
            # Check if the values of all elements are identical
            kinds = np.nonzero(OmK)
            if len(kinds[0]) > 0:
                # There are some nonzero elements in OmK. Check if all the same
                value = OmK[kinds[0][0], kinds[1][0]]
                if (OmK[kinds] == value).all():
                    lp_Omk = value
                    lp_Omk = -5000
                lp_Omk = 0.0
                lp_meshfn_exten = '_Omk0p00'

    return OmK, lp_Omk, lp_meshfn_exten
                #     mgc.add_mgyro_lattice(mglat)
                lpii = copy.deepcopy(lp_submaster)
                lpii[args.glatparam] = paramV[0]
                mglat = magnetic_gyro_lattice_class.MagneticGyroLattice(lat, lpii)

                print 'Creating bott collection from single-lattice magnetic_gyro_collection...'
                bmgcoll = bott_magnetic_gyro_collection.BottMagneticGyroCollection(mgc, cp=cp)
                bmgcollcoll.add_bott_mgyro_collection(bmgcoll, delta)
                bmgcoll.calc_botts_vary_glatparam('ABDelta', paramV, reverse=args.glatparam_reverse, auto_omegac=True,
                                                  save_eigv=False, force_hdf5_eigv=False)
                print '\n\n\n\nbmgcollcoll.bott_mgyro_collections = ', bmgcollcoll.bott_mgyro_collections

            outname = cprootdir + 'bott_magnetic_gyro/' + lp['LatticeTop'] + '_NH' + str(lp['NH']) + \
                      '_aol' + sf.float2pstr(lp['aoverl'], ndigits=8) + \
                      '_vpin' + sf.float2pstr(lp['V0_pin_gauss'], ndigits=8) + \
            dio.ensure_dir(cprootdir + 'bott_magnetic_gyro/')
            # Form title
            title = 'Bott phase diagram ' + r'$a/\ell$=' + '{0:0.2f}'.format(lp['aoverl']) + \
                    r' $V_{p}$=' + '{0:0.2f}'.format(lp['V0_pin_gauss'])

            bmgcollcoll.plot_bott_lpparam_glatparam(outname=outname, title=title, glatparam=args.glatparam)

        # # Collate botts for one lattice with a mgyro_lattice parameter that varies between instances of that lattice
        # lp_master = copy.deepcopy(lp)
        # paramV = sf.string_sequence_to_numpy_array(args.paramV, dtype=float)
        # if args.lpparam == 'delta':
        #     # vary delta between lattices
        #     deltaV = np.arange(0.7, 1.31, 0.1)
예제 #18
                deltagrid = np.vstack((deltagrid, deltas))
                abdgrid = np.vstack((abdgrid, abds))
                cherngrid = np.vstack((cherngrid, cherns))

        fig, ax, cax = leplt.initialize_1panel_cbar_cent()
        cmap = 'bbr0'
        # deltagrid.reshape((len(abds), -1))
        # abdgrid.reshape((len(abds), -1))
        # cherngrid.reshape((len(abds), -1))
        # leplt.plot_pcolormesh_scalar(deltagrid, abdgrid, cherngrid, outpath=None, cmap=cmap, vmin=-1.0, vmax=1.0)
        leplt.plot_pcolormesh(deltagrid / np.pi, abdgrid, cherngrid, 100, ax=ax,
                              make_cbar=False, cmap=cmap, vmin=-1.0, vmax=1.0)
        # ax.scatter(deltagrid, abdgrid, c=cherngrid, cmap=cmap, vmin=-1.0, vmax=1.0)
        sm = leplt.empty_scalar_mappable(vmin=-1.0, vmax=1.0, cmap=cmap)
        cb = plt.colorbar(sm, cax=cax, orientation='horizontal')
        cb.set_label(label=r'Chern number, $\nu$', labelpad=-35)
        cb.set_ticks([-1, 0, 1])
        ax.set_xlabel(r'Lattice deformation angle, $\delta/\pi$')
        ax.set_ylabel(r'Inversion symmetry breaking, $\Delta$')
        specstr = '_aol' + sf.float2pstr(lp['aoverl']) + '_Omk' + sf.float2pstr(lp['Omk'])
        specstr += '_delta' + sf.float2pstr(np.min(deltagrid)) + '_' + sf.float2pstr(np.max(deltagrid))
        specstr += '_abd' + sf.float2pstr(np.min(abdgrid)) + '_' + sf.float2pstr(np.max(abdgrid))
        specstr += '_ndeltas{0:05d}'.format(len(deltas)) + '_nabd{0:05d}'.format(len(abds))
        specstr += '_density{0:07d}'.format(cp['density'])
        plt.savefig(rootdir + 'kspace_cherns_mgyro/abtransition' + specstr + '.png')

예제 #19
def make_mode_movie(seriesdir,

    seriesdir : str
        The full path to the directory with all tracked cines for which to make mode decomposition movies
    amp : float
        The amplification factor for the displacements in the movie output
    semilog : bool
        plot the FFT intensity vs frequency in log-normal scale
    freqmin : float
        The minimum frequency to plot
    freqmax : float
        The maximum frequency to plot
    overwrite : bool
        Overwrite the saved images/movies if they exist

    pathlist = dio.find_subdirs('20*', seriesdir)
    freqstr = ''
    if freqmin is not None:
        freqstr += '_minfreq' + sf.float2pstr(freqmin)
    if freqmax is not None:
        freqstr += '_maxfreq' + sf.float2pstr(freqmax)

    for path in pathlist:
        movname = path + 'modes_amp{0:0.1f}'.format(amp).replace(
            '.', 'p') + freqstr + '.mov'
        movexist = glob.glob(movname)
        print 'mode_movie: movexist = ', movexist

        if not movexist or overwrite:
            # If the movie does not exist yet, make it here
            print 'building modes for ', path
            fn = os.path.join(path, 'com_data.hdf5')
            print 'mode_drawing_functions.mode_movie.make_mode_movie(): loading data from ', fn
            data = new_mf.load_linked_data_and_window(fn)

            tp, fft_x, fft_y, freq = nmf.ffts_and_add(data)
            high_power_inds = nmf.find_peaks(tp, percent_max=percent_max)

            # Check how many mode images have been done
            modespngs = glob.glob(path + 'modes' + freqstr + '/*.png')
            modespngs_traces = glob.glob(path + 'modes_traces' + freqstr +

            # If we haven't made images of all the modes, do that here
            print 'mode_movie.make_mode_movie(): len(modespngs) = ', len(
            print 'mode_movie.make_mode_movie(): len(high_power_inds) = ', len(

            if len(modespngs) < len(high_power_inds) or overwrite:
                # Check if mode pickle is saved
                modesfn_traces = path + 'modes_trackes' + freqstr + '.pkl'
                globfn = glob.glob(modesfn_traces)
                if globfn:
                    with open(globfn[0], "rb") as fn:
                        mode_data = cPickle.load(fn)

                    coords = mode_data['xy']
                    mode_data = dh.removekey(mode_data, 'xy')

                    for i in mode_data:
                        if i % 10 == 0:
                            print 'mode_movie.make_mode_movie(): Creating mode image #', i

                        x_traces = mode_data[i][
                            'x_traces']  # sf.float2pcstr(freq[high_power_inds[i]], ndigits=8)]
                        y_traces = mode_data[i]['y_traces']

                        fig = sps.figure_in_mm(120, 155)
                        ax_mode = sps.axes_in_mm(10, 10, 100, 100)
                        ax_freq = sps.axes_in_mm(10, 120, 100, 30)

                        axes = [ax_mode, ax_freq]

                                         coords, [freq, tp],
                                             path, 'modes'),
                    # The mode data is not saved, so we must create it as we go along
                    # data = new_mf.load_linked_data_and_window(fn)
                    coords = np.array([data[2], data[3]]).T

                    for i in xrange(len(high_power_inds)):
                        if i % 10 == 0:
                            print 'mode_movie.make_mode_movie(): Creating mode image #', i

                        x_traces, y_traces, max_mag = new_mf.get_mode_drawing_data(
                            fft_x, fft_y, freq, high_power_inds[i])

                        x_traces = np.array(x_traces)
                        y_traces = np.array(y_traces)

                        fig = sps.figure_in_mm(120, 155)
                        ax_mode = sps.axes_in_mm(10, 10, 100, 100)
                        ax_freq = sps.axes_in_mm(10, 120, 100, 30)

                        axes = [ax_mode, ax_freq]

                                         coords, [freq, tp],
                                             path, 'modes'),

            # Obtain imagename and moviename, create movie if it doesn't exist
            modesfn = glob.glob(path + 'modes' + freqstr + '/*.png')
            imagename_split = modesfn[0].split('/')[-1].split('.png')[0]
                test = int(imagename_split)
                indexsz = len(imagename_split)
                imgname = path + 'modes' + freqstr + '/'
                print 'mode_movie.make_mode_movie(): imagename_split = ', imagename_split
                print 'mode_movie.make_mode_movie(): indexsz = ', len(
                raise RuntimeError(
                    'Imagename is not just an int -- write code to allow ')

예제 #20
def save_mode_data(seriesdir,
    """Save the mode data if it doesn't already exist.

    seriesdir : str
        The full path to the directory with all tracked cines for which to make mode decomposition movies
    thres : float
        fraction of the maximum amplitude in fft for including the mode in the saved data


    pathlist = dio.find_subdirs('201*', seriesdir)
    freqstr = ''
    if freqmin is not None:
        freqstr += '_minfreq' + sf.float2pstr(freqmin)
    if freqmax is not None:
        freqstr += '_maxfreq' + sf.float2pstr(freqmax)

    for path in pathlist:
        print 'building modes for ', path
        fn = os.path.join(path, 'com_data.hdf5')
        outfn = path + 'modes' + freqstr + '.pkl'
        outfn_traces = path + 'modes_traces' + freqstr + '.pkl'
        if not glob.glob(outfn) or not glob.glob(outfn_traces) or overwrite:
            # Note that fft_x,y are NP x #modes complex arrays
            print 'mode_drawing_functions.new_mode_functions.make_mode_movie(): loading data from ', fn
            data = load_linked_data_and_window(fn)
            tp, fft_x, fft_y, freq = nmf.ffts_and_add(data)

            high_power_inds = nmf.find_peaks(tp, percent_max=thres)

            if freqmin is not None:
                tmp_inds = np.argwhere(freq[high_power_inds] > freqmin)
                high_power_inds = high_power_inds[tmp_inds]
            if freqmax is not None:
                tmp_inds = np.argwhere(freq[high_power_inds] < freqmax)
                high_power_inds = high_power_inds[tmp_inds]

            # get the rest positions of the gyros, xy
            # xydata = load_linked_data_and_window(fn)
            meanx_arr, meany_arr = data[2], data[3]

            # Create dictionary of all the modes
            mode_data = {'xy': np.dstack((meanx_arr, meany_arr))[0]}
            mode_traces = {'xy': np.dstack((meanx_arr, meany_arr))[0]}

            for i in xrange(len(high_power_inds)):
                if i % 10 == 0:
                    print 'Constructing data for mode #', i

                x_traces, y_traces, max_mag = get_mode_drawing_data(
                    fft_x, fft_y, freq, high_power_inds[i])
                # Get total magnitude in this maode (different from max_mag which is biggest magnitude of a single site)
                # print 'np.shape(fft_x) = ', np.shape(fft_x)
                # print 'high_power_inds = ', high_power_inds
                # Note that fft_x,y are  NP x #modes complex arrays
                tot_mag = np.sum(
                        np.abs(fft_x[:, high_power_inds[i]])**2 +
                        np.abs(fft_y[:, high_power_inds[i]])**2))

                x_traces = np.array(x_traces)
                y_traces = np.array(y_traces)
                mode_data[i] = {
                    'max_mag': max_mag,
                    'tot_mag': tot_mag,
                    'fft_x': fft_x[:, high_power_inds[i]],
                    'fft_y': fft_y[:, high_power_inds[i]],
                    'freq': freq[high_power_inds[i]],
                mode_traces[i] = {
                    'x_traces': x_traces,
                    'y_traces': y_traces,
                    'freq': freq[high_power_inds[i]],
                    'max_mag': max_mag,
                    'tot_mag': tot_mag,

                # print 'np.shape(fft_x) = ', np.shape(fft_x[:, i])
            # save the dictionary in pickle
            print 'saving the dictionary here: ' + outfn
            with open(outfn, "wb") as fn:
                cPickle.dump(mode_data, fn)

            with open(outfn_traces, "wb") as fn:
                cPickle.dump(mode_traces, fn)
            print 'Found mode data on disk, skipping...'
예제 #21
def build_kk(lattice, lp, kk):
    """Construct kk from supplied kk (may be None or 'none') and lattice parameter dictionary lp

    lattice : lattice_class.Lattice() instance
    kk : N x max(#NN) float array or None or 'none'
        spring constants matching the KL and NL arrays, with bonds weakened along gridlines
    lp : dict
        lattice parameter dictionary

    kk :N x max(#NN) float array
        spring constants matching the KL and NL arrays, with bonds weakened along gridlines
    lp_kk : float
        value for key 'kk' to be added to lp
    lp_meshfn_exten : str
        value for key 'meshfn_exten' to be added to lp
    if kk == 'auto' or kk is None:
        # Check if a string specifier for kk is given. If it can be understood, create that bond strength pattern.
        # If it is an unknown string, then kk must be supplied.
        if 'kkspec' in lp:
            if lp['kkspec'] not in ['', 'none', None]:
                if 'gridlines' in lp['kkspec']:
                    # Here, kkspec must be of the form:
                    # 'gridlines{0:0.2f}'.format(gridspacing).replace('.', 'p') + \
                    # 'strong{0:0.3f}'.format(lp['kk']).replace('.', 'p').replace('-', 'n') + \
                    # 'weak{0:0.3f}'.format(args.weakbond_val).replace('.', 'p').replace('-', 'n')
                    spec = lp['kkspec'].split('gridlines')[1]
                    gridspacing = float(spec.split('strong')[0].replace('p', '.'))
                    strong = float(spec.split('strong')[1].split('weak')[0].replace('p', '.').replace('n', '-'))
                    weak = float(spec.split('weak')[1].replace('p', '.').replace('n', '-'))
                    maxval = max(np.max(np.abs(lattice.xy[:, 0])), np.max(np.abs(lattice.xy[:, 1]))) + 1
                    kk = kk_spec_gridlines(lattice, lp, gridspacing, maxval, strong, weak)
                    raise RuntimeError('kkspec in lp cannot be translated into kk, must supply kk or edit to' +
                                       ' interpret given kkspec')
                lp_meshfn_exten = '_kkspec' + lp['kkspec']
                if (kk == kk[np.nonzero(kk)][0] * lattice.KL).all():
                    # This is just the boring case where kk is not special (all bonds are equal).
                    lp_kk = kk[np.nonzero(kk)][0]
                    if lp_kk != 1.0:
                        lp_meshfn_exten = '_kk' + sf.float2pstr(lp['kk'])
                        lp_meshfn_exten = ''
                elif (kk != lp['kk'] * np.abs(lattice.KL)).any():
                    lp_kk = -5000
                    lp_kk = lp['kk']
                done = True
                # kkspec is in lp, but it is None or 'none'. Try a different method to obtain kk.
                done = False
            # kkspec is not in lp. Try a different method to obtain kk.
            done = False

        if not done:
            if 'kk' in lp:
                print 'gyro_lattice_class: using kk from lp...'
                kk = lp['kk'] * np.abs(lattice.KL)
                lp_kk = lp['kk']
                if lp_kk != 1.0:
                    lp_meshfn_exten = '_kk' + sf.float2pstr(lp['kk'])
                    lp_meshfn_exten = ''
                print 'giving kk the default value of 1s...'
                kk = 1.0 * np.abs(lattice.KL)
                lp_kk = 1.0
                lp_meshfn_exten = ''
        # This is the case where kk is specified. Pass it along to output and discern what to give for lp_meshfn_exten
        # Output kk <-- input kk
        # Use given kk to define lp_kk (for lp['kk']) and lp[meshfn_exten].
        # If kk is a key in lp, correct it if it does not match supplied kk
        if 'kk' in lp:
            if (kk == lp['kk'] * np.abs(lattice.KL)).any():
                # This is the case that kk = kk * np.abs(KL). Give a nontrivial meshfn_exten if kk != 1.0
                lp_kk = lp['kk']
                if lp_kk != 1.0:
                    lp_meshfn_exten = '_kk' + sf.float2pstr(lp['kk'])
                    lp_meshfn_exten = ''
                # kk given is either some constant times KL, or something complicated
                # If it is a constant, discern that constant and update lp
                kinds = np.nonzero(kk)
                if len(kinds[0]) > 0:
                    # There are some nonzero elements in kk. Check if all the same
                    kkravel = kk.ravel()
                    KLravel = lattice.KL.ravel()
                    if (kkravel[np.where(abs(KLravel))] == kkravel[np.where(abs(KLravel))[0]]).all():
                        print 'Updating lp[kk] to reflect specified kk, since kk = constant * np.abs(KL)...'
                        lp_kk = kkravel[np.where(abs(KLravel))[0]]
                        # kk is something complicated, so tell meshfn_exten that kk is specified.
                        lp_meshfn_exten = '_kkspec'
                        if 'kkspec' in lp:
                            lp_meshfn_exten = '_kkspec' + lp['kkspec']
                        lp_kk = -5000

                    lp_kk = 0.0
                    lp_meshfn_exten = '_kk0p00'
            # Check if the values of all elements are identical
            kinds = np.nonzero(kk)
            if len(kinds[0]) > 0:
                # There are some nonzero elements in kk. Check if all the same
                value = kk[kinds[0][0], kinds[1][0]]
                if (kk[kinds] == value).all():
                    lp_kk = value
                    lp_kk = -5000
                lp_kk = 0.0
                lp_meshfn_exten = '_kk0p00'

    return kk, lp_kk, lp_meshfn_exten
예제 #22
def build_hex_kagcframe(lp):
    """Build a hyperuniform centroidal lattice with kagomized points beyond distance alph*Radius/Halfwidth of sample

    lp : dict
        lattice parameters dictionary
    hclp = copy.deepcopy(lp)
    hclp['eta'] = 0.0
    xy, tr1, tr2, BL, tr3, tr4, tr5, PVxydict, PVx, PVy, PV, lattice_exten = bhex.generate_honeycomb_lattice(
    max_x = np.max(xy[:, 0])
    max_y = np.max(xy[:, 1])
    min_x = np.min(xy[:, 0])
    min_y = np.min(xy[:, 1])
    LL = (max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y)
    BBox = np.array([[min_x, min_y], [min_x, max_y], [max_x, max_y],
                     [max_x, min_y]])

    # Grab indices (vertices) to kagomize: select the ones farther than alph*characteristic length from center
    eps = 1e-9
    lenscale = np.max(np.sqrt(xy[:, 0]**2 + xy[:, 1]**2)) * lp['alph'] + eps
    print "lp['alph'] = ", lp['alph']
    print "lp['alph'] * np.abs(BBox[:, 0])) = ", lp['alph'] * np.abs(BBox[:,
    print 'lenscale = ', lenscale
    kaginds = np.where(np.sqrt(xy[:, 0]**2 + xy[:, 1]**2) > lenscale)[0]

    xy, BL = blf.decorate_kagome_elements(xy,
    NL, KL = le.BL2NLandKL(BL)
    if (BL < 0).any():
        # todo: make this work
        print 'Creating periodic boundary vector dictionary for kagper_hucent network...'
        PV = np.array([])
        PVxydict = le.BL2PVxydict(BL, xy, PV)
        PVx, PVy = le.PVxydict2PVxPVy(PVxydict, NL)

    # Only randomly displace the gyros in frame, and only if eta >0
    if lp['eta'] > 0.0:
        if 'eta_alph' not in lp:
            lp['eta_alph'] = lp['alph']
        eta_lenscale = np.max(
            np.sqrt(xy[:, 0]**2 + xy[:, 1]**2)) * lp['eta_alph'] + eps
        print '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\neta_lenscale = ', eta_lenscale
        print '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\neta_alph = ', lp['eta_alph']
        etainds = np.where(
            np.sqrt(xy[:, 0]**2 + xy[:, 1]**2) > eta_lenscale)[0]
        displ = lp['eta'] * (np.random.rand(len(etainds), 2) - 0.5)
        xy[etainds, :] += displ
        addstr = '_eta' + sf.float2pstr(lp['eta'], ndigits=3)
        addstr += '_etaalph' + sf.float2pstr(lp['eta_alph'], ndigits=3)
        addstr = ''

    # If the meshfn going to overwrite a previous realization?
    lattice_exten = 'hex_kagcframe' + lattice_exten[9:] +\
                    '_alph' + sf.float2pstr(lp['alph'], ndigits=2) + addstr
    LV = 'none'
    UC = 'none'
    LVUC = 'none'
    return xy, NL, KL, BL, PVx, PVy, PVxydict, LVUC, BBox, LL, LV, UC, lattice_exten, lp
예제 #23
def polygon_phases_tune_junction(lp, args, nmode=None):
    """Plot the phase differences ccw around each polygon in the network for many glats as junction coupling
    is increased. Do this for the nth mode as the scaling parameter evolves
    (typically the bond strength between particles that are nearer than some threshold).

    Example usage:
    python gyro_lattice_class.py -polygon_phases_tune_junction -LT hexjunction2triads -N 1 -OmKspec union0p000in0p100 -alph 0.1 -periodic
    python gyro_lattice_class.py -polygon_phases_tune_junction -LT spindle -N 2 -OmKspec union0p000in0p100 -alph 0.0 -periodic -aratio 0.1
    python gyro_lattice_class.py -polygon_phases_tune_junction -LT spindle -N 4 -OmKspec union0p000in0p100 -alph 0.0 -periodic -aratio 0.1

    # for making lattices
    python ./build/make_lattice.py -LT spindle -N 4 -periodic -skip_gyroDOS -aratio 0.1

    nmode : int, int list, or None


    cmap = lecmaps.ensure_cmap('bbr0')
    nkvals = 50
    if lp['LatticeTop'] in ['hexjunctiontriad', 'spindle', 'hexjunction2triads']:
        kvals = -np.unique(np.round(np.logspace(-1, 1., nkvals), 2))  # [::-1]
        dist_thres = lp['OmKspec'].split('union')[-1].split('in')[-1]
        lpmaster = copy.deepcopy(lp)
        lat = lattice_class.Lattice(lp)
        if nmode is None:
            todo = np.arange(len(lat.xy[:, 0]))
        elif type(nmode) == int:
            todo = [nmode]
            todo = nmode

        # First collect eigenvalue flow
        eigvals, first = [], True
        for (kval, dmyi) in zip(kvals, np.arange(len(kvals))):
            lp = copy.deepcopy(lpmaster)
            lp['OmKspec'] = 'union' + sf.float2pstr(kval, ndigits=3) + 'in' + dist_thres
            # lat = lattice_class.Lattice(lp)
            glat = GyroLattice(lat, lp)
            eigval, eigvect = glat.eig_vals_vects(attribute=True)
            if first:
                eigvals = np.zeros((len(kvals), len(eigval)), dtype=float)

            eigvals[dmyi, :] = np.imag(eigval)
            first = False


        lp = copy.deepcopy(lpmaster)
        glat = GyroLattice(lat, lp)
        # add meshfn without OmKspecunion part
        mfe = glat.lp['meshfn_exten']
        if mfe[0:13] == '_OmKspecunion':
            meshfnextenstr = mfe.split(mfe.split('_')[1])[-1]
            raise RuntimeError('Handle this case here -- should be easy: split meshfn_exten to pop OmKspec out')

        for ii in todo[::-1]:
            modefn = dio.prepdir(lat.lp['meshfn']) + 'glat_mode_phases_scaling_tune_junction_mode{0:05d}'.format(ii) +\
                     meshfnextenstr + '_nkvals{0:04}'.format(nkvals) + '.mov'
            globmodefn = glob.glob(modefn)
            if not globmodefn:
                modedir = dio.prepdir(lat.lp['meshfn']) + 'glat_mode_phases_tune_junction_mode{0:05d}'.format(ii) + \
                          meshfnextenstr + '/'
                previous_ev = None
                first = True
                dmyi = 0
                for kval in kvals:
                    lp = copy.deepcopy(lpmaster)
                    lp['OmKspec'] = 'union' + sf.float2pstr(kval, ndigits=3) + 'in' + dist_thres
                    # lat = lattice_class.Lattice(lp)
                    glat = GyroLattice(lat, lp)
                    eigval, eigvect = glat.eig_vals_vects(attribute=True)

                    # plot the nth mode
                    # fig, DOS_ax, eax = leplt.initialize_eigvect_DOS_header_plot(eigval, glat.lattice.xy,
                    #                                                             sim_type='gyro', cbar_nticks=2,
                    #                                                             cbar_tickfmt='%0.3f')
                    fig, dos_ax, eax, ax1, cbar_ax = \
                        leplt.initialize_eigvect_DOS_header_twinplot(eigval, glat.lattice.xy, sim_type='gyro',
                                                                     ax0_pos=[0.0, 0.10, 0.45, 0.55],
                                                                     ax1_pos=[0.65, 0.15, 0.3, 0.60],
                                                                     header_pos=[0.1, 0.78, 0.4, 0.20],
                                                                     xlabel_pad=8, fontsize=8)

                    cax = plt.axes([0.455, 0.10, 0.02, 0.55])

                    # Get the theta that minimizes the difference between the present and previous eigenvalue
                    if previous_ev is not None:
                        realxy = np.real(previous_ev)
                        thetas, eigvects = gdh.phase_fix_nth_gyro(glat.eigvect, ngyro=0, basis='XY')
                        # only look at neighboring modes
                        # (presumes sufficient resolution to disallow simultaneous crossings)
                        mmin = max(modenum - 2, 0)
                        mmax = min(modenum + 2, len(eigvects))
                        modenum = gdh.phase_difference_minimum(eigvects[mmin:mmax], realxy, basis='XY')
                        modenum += mmin
                        # print 'thetas = ', thetas
                        # if theta < 1e-9:
                        #     print 'problem with theta'
                        #     sys.exit()
                        thetas, eigvects = gdh.phase_fix_nth_gyro(glat.eigvect, ngyro=0, basis='XY')
                        modenum = ii

                    # Plot the lattice with bonds
                    glat.lattice.plot_BW_lat(fig=fig, ax=eax, save=False, close=False, axis_off=False, title='')
                    # plot excitation
                    fig, [scat_fg, scat_fg2, pp, f_mark, lines_12_st], cw_ccw = \
                        leplt.construct_eigvect_DOS_plot(glat.lattice.xy, fig, dos_ax, eax, eigval, eigvects,
                                                         modenum, 'gyro', glat.lattice.NL, glat.lattice.KL,
                                                         marker_num=0, color_scheme='default', sub_lattice=-1,
                                                         amplify=1., title='')
                    # Plot the polygons colored by phase
                    polys = glat.lattice.get_polygons()
                    patches, colors = [], []
                    for poly in polys:
                        addv = np.array([0., 0.])
                        # build up positions, taking care of periodic boundaries
                        xys = np.zeros_like(glat.lattice.xy[poly], dtype=float)
                        xys[0] = glat.lattice.xy[poly[0]]
                        for (site, qq) in zip(poly[1:], range(len(poly) - 1)):
                            if latfns.bond_is_periodic(poly[qq], site, glat.lattice.BL):
                                toadd = latfns.get_periodic_vector(poly[qq], site,
                                                                   glat.lattice.PVx, glat.lattice.PVy,
                                                                   glat.lattice.NL, glat.lattice.KL)
                                if np.shape(toadd)[0] > 1:
                                    raise RuntimeError('Handle the case of multiple periodic bonds between ii jj here')
                                    addv += toadd[0]
                            xys[qq + 1] = glat.lattice.xy[site] + addv
                            print 'site, poly[qq - 1] = ', (site, poly[qq])
                            print 'addv = ', addv

                        xys = np.array(xys)
                        polygon = Polygon(xys, True)

                        # Check the polygon
                        # plt.close('all')
                        # plt.plot(xys[:, 0], xys[:, 1], 'b-')
                        # plt.show()

                        # Get mean phase difference in this polygon
                        # Use weighted arithmetic mean of (cos(angle), sin(angle)), then take the arctangent.
                        yinds = 2 * np.array(poly) + 1
                        xinds = 2 * np.array(poly)
                        weights = glatfns.calc_magevecs_full(eigvect[modenum])
                        # To take mean, follow
                        # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mean_of_circular_quantities#Mean_of_angles
                        # with weights from
                        # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weighted_arithmetic_mean#Mathematical_definition
                        # First take differences in angles
                        phis = np.arctan2(np.real(eigvects[modenum, yinds]), np.real(eigvects[modenum, xinds]))
                        print 'phis = ', phis
                        phis = np.mod(phis, np.pi * 2)
                        print 'phis = ', phis
                        # Now convert to vectors, take mean of both x and y components. Then grab atan2(y,x) of result.
                        xx, yy = np.mean(np.cos(np.diff(phis))), np.mean(np.sin(np.diff(phis)))
                        dphi = np.arctan2(yy, xx)
                        print 'dphi = ', dphi

                    # sys.exit()
                    pp = PatchCollection(patches, alpha=0.4, cmap=cmap)
                    pp.set_clim([-np.pi, np.pi])
                    cbar = fig.colorbar(pp, cax=cax)

                    # Store this current eigvector as 'previous_ev'
                    previous_ev = eigvects[modenum]

                    # Plot where in evolution we are tracking
                    ngyros = int(np.shape(eigvals)[1] * 0.5)
                    halfev = eigvals[:, ngyros:]
                    for row in halfev.T:
                        ax1.loglog(np.abs(kvals), row, 'b-')

                    trackmark = ax1.plot(np.abs(kval), np.abs(np.imag(eigval))[modenum], 'ro')
                    ax1.set_xlabel(r"vertex coupling, $\Omega_k'$")
                    ax1.set_ylabel(r"frequency, $\omega$")
                    cbar.set_ticks([-np.pi, 0, np.pi])
                    cbar.set_ticklabels([r'-$\pi$', 0, r'$\pi$'])
                    cbar.set_label(r'phase, $\Delta \phi$')

                    plt.savefig(modedir + 'DOS_' + '{0:05}'.format(dmyi) + '.png', dpi=200)

                    # remove plotted excitation
                    if f_mark is not None:

                    dmyi += 1
                    first = False

                # Make movie
                imgname = modedir + 'DOS_'
                movname = modedir[:-1] + '_nkvals{0:04}'.format(nkvals)
                lemov.make_movie(imgname, movname, indexsz='05', framerate=5, rm_images=True, save_into_subdir=True,
예제 #24
def get_cmeshfn(lp, rootdir=None):
    """Prepare the path where the cherns for a particular lattice are stored. If rootdir is specified, use that for the
    base of the path. Otherwise, adopt the base of the path from the lattice_params dict (lp) of the lattice.
    meshfn_split = lp['meshfn'].split('/')
    ind = np.where(np.array(meshfn_split) == 'networks')[0][0]
    cmeshfn = ''
    if rootdir is None:
        for strseg in meshfn_split[0:ind]:
            cmeshfn += strseg + '/'
        cmeshfn = dio.prepdir(rootdir)
    cmeshfn += 'bott_haldane/'
    for strseg in meshfn_split[(ind + 1):]:
        cmeshfn += strseg + '/'

    # Form physics subdir for t1, t2, V0_pin_gauss, V0_spring_gauss
    # Subdirs here
    eps = 1e-7
    if np.abs(lp['t2a']) > eps:
        cmeshfn += 't2a_real/'
    elif 'pureimNNN' in lp:
        if lp['pureimNNN']:
            cmeshfn += 'pureimNNN/'

    if 'ABDelta' in lp:
        if lp['ABDelta'] > eps:
            cmeshfn += 'ABd' + '{0:0.4f}'.format(lp['ABDelta']).replace(
                '.', 'p') + '/'
    if 'pinconf' in lp:
        if lp['pinconf'] > 0:
            cmeshfn += 'pinconf' + '{0:04d}'.format(lp['pinconf']) + '/'
    if 'pureimNNN' in lp:
        if lp['pureimNNN']:
            cmeshfn += 'pureimNNN' + '_'
    if 't2angles' in lp:
        if lp['t2angles']:
            cmeshfn += 't2angles' + '/'
        if lp['t2'] != 0.1:
            cmeshfn += 't2_' + sf.float2pstr(lp['t2']) + '/'
    if 'ignore_tris' in lp:
        if lp['ignore_tris']:
            cmeshfn += 'ignore_tris' + '/'

    cmeshfn += 'pin' + sf.float2pstr(lp['pin'])
    cmeshfn += '_t1_' + sf.float2pstr(lp['t1'])
    cmeshfn += '_t2_' + sf.float2pstr(lp['t2'])
    if np.abs(lp['t2a']) > 1e-7:
        cmeshfn += '_t2a_' + sf.float2pstr(lp['t2a'])

    if lp['V0_pin_gauss'] > 0 or lp['V0_spring_gauss'] > 0:
        cmeshfn += '_pinV' + sf.float2pstr(lp['V0_pin_gauss'])
        if lp['V0_spring_gauss'] < eps:
            if 'pinconf' in lp:
                if lp['pinconf'] > 0:
                    # Add pinconf tag first, then spring disorder strength
                    cmeshfn += '_pinconf' + '{0:04d}'.format(lp['pinconf'])
                    cmeshfn += '_sprV' + sf.float2pstr(lp['V0_spring_gauss'])
                    cmeshfn += '_sprV' + sf.float2pstr(lp['V0_spring_gauss'])
                cmeshfn += '_sprV' + sf.float2pstr(lp['V0_spring_gauss'])
            # Add spring disorder strength FIRST, then configuration tag
            cmeshfn += '_sprV' + sf.float2pstr(lp['V0_spring_gauss'])
            cmeshfn += '_pinconf' + '{0:04d}'.format(lp['pinconf'])

    if 'ABDelta' in lp:
        if lp['ABDelta'] > 0:
            cmeshfn += '_ABd' + sf.float2pstr(lp['ABDelta'])
    return cmeshfn
예제 #25
    if args.calibrate_Sk_epsilon:
        """Calibrate S(k) scaling versus epsilon"""
        import lepm.structure as struct

        nksteps = 200
        klim_frac = 0.1
        LL = (float(nh), float(nv))
        print 'LL = ', LL
        gammav = np.arange(0.1, 1., 0.2)
        epsv = [1e-15, 1e-11, 1e-7, 1e-3, 1., 10]
        colorv = lecmaps.husl_palette(len(epsv))

        # Naming
        seriesname = 'structure/nksteps{0:03d}'.format(nksteps) + '_sz{0:04d}'.format(nh) + '{0:04d}'.format(nv) + \
                     '_klim' + sf.float2pstr(klim_frac) + 'LL'
        caloutdir = args.rootdir + 'calibration/' + seriesname + '/'
        datoutdir = args.rootdir + 'calibration_data/' + seriesname + '/'

        kk = 0
        for gamma in gammav:
            kk = 0
            ymax = 0.
            fig, ax = leplt.initialize_1panel_fig(wsfrac=0.45,
            for eps in epsv:
                fn = datoutdir + 'gamma' + sf.float2pstr(
예제 #26
        cmap = 'bbr0'
        # deltagrid.reshape((len(abds), -1))
        # abdgrid.reshape((len(abds), -1))
        # cherngrid.reshape((len(abds), -1))
        # leplt.plot_pcolormesh_scalar(deltagrid, abdgrid, cherngrid, outpath=None, cmap=cmap, vmin=-1.0, vmax=1.0)
        leplt.plot_pcolormesh(deltagrid / np.pi,
        # ax.scatter(deltagrid, abdgrid, c=cherngrid, cmap=cmap, vmin=-1.0, vmax=1.0)
        sm = leplt.empty_scalar_mappable(vmin=-1.0, vmax=1.0, cmap=cmap)
        cb = plt.colorbar(sm, cax=cax, orientation='horizontal')
        cb.set_label(label=r'Chern number, $\nu$', labelpad=-35)
        cb.set_ticks([-1, 0, 1])
        ax.set_xlabel(r'Lattice deformation angle, $\delta/\pi$')
        ax.set_ylabel(r'Inversion symmetry breaking, $\Delta$')
        specstr = '_delta' + sf.float2pstr(
            np.min(deltagrid)) + '_' + sf.float2pstr(np.max(deltagrid))
        specstr += '_abd' + sf.float2pstr(
            np.min(abdgrid)) + '_' + sf.float2pstr(np.max(abdgrid))
        specstr += '_ndeltas{0:05d}'.format(
            len(deltas)) + '_nabd{0:05d}'.format(len(abds))
        specstr += '_density{0:07d}'.format(cp['density'])
        plt.savefig(rootdir + 'kspace_cherns_gyro/abtransition' + specstr +
예제 #27
def get_cmeshfn(lp, rootdir=None):
    """Prepare the path where the cherns for a particular lattice are stored. If rootdir is specified, use that for the
    base of the path. Otherwise, adopt the base of the path from the lattice_params dict (lp) of the lattice.

    lp : dict
        lattice parameters dictionary
    rootdir : str or None
        The root of the directory to which to save the chern calculation data

    cmeshfn : str
    meshfn_split = lp['meshfn'].split('/')
    ind = np.where(np.array(meshfn_split) == 'networks')[0][0]
    cmeshfn = ''
    if rootdir is None:
        for strseg in meshfn_split[0:ind]:
            cmeshfn += strseg + '/'
        cmeshfn = dio.prepdir(rootdir)
    cmeshfn += 'kspace_chern_gyro/'
    for strseg in meshfn_split[(ind + 1):]:
        cmeshfn += strseg + '/'

    # Form physics subdir for Omk, Omg, V0_pin_gauss, V0_spring_gauss
    eps = 1e-7
    if 'ABDelta' in lp:
        if np.abs(lp['ABDelta']) > eps:
            cmeshfn += 'ABd' + '{0:0.4f}'.format(lp['ABDelta']).replace(
                '.', 'p').replace('-', 'n') + '/'
    if 'pinconf' in lp:
        if lp['pinconf'] > 0:
            cmeshfn += 'pinconf' + '{0:04d}'.format(lp['pinconf']) + '/'

    if 'OmKspec' in lp:
        if lp['OmKspec'] != '':
            cmeshfn += lp['OmKspec']
            cmeshfn += 'Omk' + sf.float2pstr(lp['Omk'])
        cmeshfn += 'Omk' + sf.float2pstr(lp['Omk'])

    cmeshfn += '_Omg' + sf.float2pstr(lp['Omg'])
    if lp['V0_pin_gauss'] > 0 or lp['V0_spring_gauss'] > 0:
        cmeshfn += '_pinV' + sf.float2pstr(lp['V0_pin_gauss'])
        if np.abs(lp['V0_spring_gauss']) < eps:
            if 'pinconf' in lp:
                if lp['pinconf'] > 0:
                    # Add pinconf tag first, then spring disorder strength
                    cmeshfn += '_pinconf' + '{0:04d}'.format(lp['pinconf'])

            cmeshfn += '_sprV' + sf.float2pstr(lp['V0_spring_gauss'])
            # Add spring disorder strength FIRST, then configuration tag
            cmeshfn += '_sprV' + sf.float2pstr(lp['V0_spring_gauss'])
            cmeshfn += '_pinconf' + '{0:04d}'.format(lp['pinconf'])

    if 'ABDelta' in lp:
        if lp['ABDelta'] > 0:
            cmeshfn += '_ABd' + sf.float2pstr(lp['ABDelta'])
    return cmeshfn
예제 #28
def dispersion_abtransition(lp,

    lp : dictionary
        lattice parameter dictionary
    return_omegas : bool
        Return a list of the frequencies in the dispersion
    abvals : n x 1 float array or list
        The Delta_AB values for each spectrum


    # prepare the values of inversion symmetry breaking
    if abvals is None:
        # abvals = np.arange(0, 2.4, 0.1)
        abvals = np.arange(0, 1.0, 0.025)

    # Prepare magnetic gyro lattice
    meshfn = le.find_meshfn(lp)
    lp['meshfn'] = meshfn
    lpmaster = copy.deepcopy(lp)
    # create a place to put images
    outdir = dio.prepdir(
        meshfn) + 'dispersion_abtransition_aol' + sf.float2pstr(
            lp['aoverl']) + '/'
    fs = 20

    if return_omegas:
        omegas_out = []
        kx_out = []
        ky_out = []

    # go through each ab and make the image
    ii = 0
    for ab in abvals:
        lp = copy.deepcopy(lpmaster)
        lp['ABDelta'] = ab
        lat = lattice_class.Lattice(lp)
        glat = MagneticGyroLattice(lat, lp)
        # glat.get_eigval_eigvect(attribute=True)
        fig, ax = leplt.initialize_portrait(ax_pos=[0.12, 0.2, 0.76, 0.6])
        omegas, kx, ky = glat.infinite_dispersion(save=False,
        if return_omegas:

        if save_plots:
            # plot and save it
            title = r'$\Delta_{AB} =$' + '{0:0.2f}'.format(ab)
            for jj in range(len(ky)):
                for kk in range(len(omegas[0, jj, :])):
                            omegas[:, jj, kk],
                            lw=max(0.5, 30. / (len(kx) * len(ky))))

            ax.set_title(title, fontsize=fs)
            ax.set_xlabel(r'$k$ $[\langle \ell \rangle ^{-1}]$', fontsize=fs)
            ax.set_ylabel(r'$\omega$', fontsize=fs)
            for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
            for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
            if ii == 0:
                ylims = ax.get_ylim()

            if fullspectrum:
                ax.set_ylim(-ylims[1] * 1.2, ylims[1] * 1.2)
                ax.set_ylim(0., ylims[1] * 1.2)

            # Save it
            name = outdir + 'dispersion{0:04d}'.format(ii)
            plt.savefig(name + '.png', dpi=300)

        ii += 1

    # Save a movie of the dispersions
    movname = dio.prepdir(
        meshfn) + 'dispersion_abtrans' + glat.lp['meshfn_exten']
    if save_plots:
        # Turn images into a movie
        imgname = outdir + 'dispersion'

    if return_omegas:
        # Save the gap bounds and return the arrays of kx, ky, and omega
        omegas, kx, ky = np.array(omegas_out), np.array(kx_out), np.array(
        # Get gap bounds:
        botmin = []
        botmax = []
        topmin = []
        topmax = []
        for band in omegas:
            botmin.append(np.min(band[:, :, 2]))
            botmax.append(np.max(band[:, :, 2]))
            topmin.append(np.min(band[:, :, 3]))
            topmax.append(np.max(band[:, :, 3]))

        botmin = np.array(botmin)
        botmax = np.array(botmax)
        topmin = np.array(topmin)
        topmax = np.array(topmax)
        gapbounds = np.dstack((abvals, botmin, botmax, topmin, topmax))[0]
        outfn = movname + '_gapbounds.txt'
        print 'saving to ', outfn
        header = 'Delta_AB, band min frequency, band max frequency, band 2 min, band 2 max...'
        np.savetxt(outfn, gapbounds, header=header)
        plot_gapbounds(abvals, gapbounds, movname + '_gapbounds.png', lp)
        return omegas, kx, ky
        return None
예제 #29
def get_bcpath(cp, lp, rootdir=None, method='varyloc'):
    """Get the path for outputting info on a collection of bott calculations that uses the
    calc parameter dict cp.

    cp : dict
        parameters for bott collection
    lp : dict
        lattice parameters for the gyro lattice for which many botts are computed
    rootdir : str
        Root path where info for collections of botts are stored
    method : str
        String describing how to categorize the many botts

    bcmeshfn : str
        path for the bott collection
    meshfn_split = lp['meshfn'].split('/')
    ind = np.where(np.array(meshfn_split) == 'networks')[0][0]
    bcmeshfn = ''
    if rootdir is None:
        for strseg in meshfn_split[0:ind]:
            bcmeshfn += strseg + '/'
        bcmeshfn = dio.prepdir(rootdir)
    bcmeshfn += 'botts/'
    for strseg in meshfn_split[(ind + 1):]:
        bcmeshfn += strseg + '/'

    bcmeshfn += method
    # Form physics subdir for Omk, Omg, V0_pin_gauss, V0_spring_gauss
    if lp['Omk'] != -1.0:
        bcmeshfn += '_Omk' + sf.float2pstr(lp['Omk'])
    if lp['Omg'] != -1.0:
        bcmeshfn += '_Omg' + sf.float2pstr(lp['Omg'])
    if lp['V0_pin_gauss'] > 0 or lp['V0_spring_gauss'] > 0:
        bcmeshfn += '_pinV' + sf.float2pstr(lp['V0_pin_gauss'])
        bcmeshfn += '_sprV' + sf.float2pstr(lp['V0_spring_gauss'])

    # Form cp subdir
    if method != 'omegac':
        if isinstance(cp['omegac'], np.ndarray):
            print "Warning: cp['omegac'] is numpy array, using first element to get cpmeshfn..."
            bcmeshfn += '_omc' + sf.float2pstr(cp['omegac'][0])
            bcmeshfn += '_omc' + sf.float2pstr(cp['omegac'])

    bcmeshfn += '_Nks' + str(int(len(cp['ksize_frac_arr'])))
    bcmeshfn += '_' + cp['shape']
    bcmeshfn += '_a' + sf.float2pstr(cp['regalph'])
    bcmeshfn += '_b' + sf.float2pstr(cp['regbeta'])
    bcmeshfn += '_g' + sf.float2pstr(cp['reggamma'])
    bcmeshfn += '_polyT' + sf.float2pstr(cp['polyT'])
    if method != 'varyloc':
        bcmeshfn += '_polyoff' + sf.prepstr(cp['poly_offset']).replace(
            '/', '_')
        bcmeshfn += '_' + cp['basis'] + '/'

    return bcmeshfn
예제 #30
        #     print '\n\n Could not find lattice --> creating it!'
        #     meshfn, trash = le.build_meshfn(lp)
        #     lp['meshfn'] = meshfn
        #     lat = lattice_class.Lattice(lp)
        #     lat.build()
        #     lat.save()
        hlat = haldane_lattice_class.HaldaneLattice(lat, lp)
        print '\n\n\n', hlat.lattice.lp, '\n'
        chern = HaldaneChern(hlat, cp=cp)
        if args.title == '':
            title = None
            print 'title = ', eval("r'" + args.title.replace('_', ' ') + "'")
            title = eval("r'" + args.title.replace('_', ' ') + "'")
            title += r', with $t_1 = $' + sf.float2pstr(lp['t1'])
            title += r' $t_2 = $' + sf.float2pstr(lp['t2'])
            if hlat.lp['V0_pin_gauss']:
                title += r' $V \pm \sigma = $' + sf.float2pstr(
                    lp['pin']) + r'$\pm$' + sf.float2pstr(lp['V0_pin_gauss'])
                title += r' $V = $' + str(int(lp['pin']))
        chern.calc_haldane_chern(check=args.check, title=title)

    if args.ensure_chern:
        # Calc chern number for specified network if it does not already exist
        # try:
        meshfn = le.find_meshfn(lp)
        lp['meshfn'] = meshfn
        lat = lattice_class.Lattice(lp)