def hook_store_augmented_step_name(step): """ Get a more meaningful step name that can be used in reporting while this step runs. """ config = world.fattoush world.absorb("[{0}] {1}".format(, step.sentence), "step_name")
def setup_and_launch_browser(): """ Use the environment variables to determine the type of browser we want, then launch the browser before executing the tests. """ env = BrowserEnv() if env.run_on_saucelabs: world.browser = make_sauce_browser(env) env.session_id = world.browser.driver.session_id # As part of the post build activities, the Sauce plugin will parse the test result files. # It attempts to identify lines in the stdout or stderr that are in the following format: # SauceOnDemandSessionID=<some session id> job-name=<some job name> # so we need to output this to the console for jenkins to pick up. print 'SauceOnDemandSessionID={} job-name={}'.format(env.session_id, env.job_name) elif env.selenium_host and env.selenium_port: world.browser = make_remote_browser(env) else: world.browser = make_local_browser(env) world.browser.driver.implicitly_wait(30) # Absorb the contents of the env object into world # so it can be accessed later in the teardown. world.absorb(env, 'env')
def initial_setup(server): """ Launch the browser once before executing the tests. """ world.absorb(settings.LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT, 'LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT') if world.LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT == 'local': browser_driver = getattr(settings, 'LETTUCE_BROWSER', 'chrome') # There is an issue with ChromeDriver2 r195627 on Ubuntu # in which we sometimes get an invalid browser session. # This is a work-around to ensure that we get a valid session. success = False num_attempts = 0 while (not success) and num_attempts < MAX_VALID_BROWSER_ATTEMPTS: world.browser = Browser(browser_driver) # Try to visit the main page # If the browser session is invalid, this will # raise a WebDriverException try: world.visit('/') except WebDriverException: world.browser.quit() num_attempts += 1 else: success = True # If we were unable to get a valid session within the limit of attempts, # then we cannot run the tests. if not success: raise IOError("Could not acquire valid {driver} browser session.".format(driver=browser_driver)) world.absorb(0, 'IMPLICIT_WAIT') world.browser.driver.set_window_size(1280, 1024) elif world.LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT == 'saucelabs': config = get_saucelabs_username_and_key() world.browser = Browser( 'remote', url="http://{}:{}".format(config['username'], config['access-key']), **make_saucelabs_desired_capabilities() ) world.absorb(30, 'IMPLICIT_WAIT') elif world.LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT == 'grid': world.browser = Browser( 'remote', url=settings.SELENIUM_GRID.get('URL'), browser=settings.SELENIUM_GRID.get('BROWSER'), ) world.absorb(30, 'IMPLICIT_WAIT') else: raise Exception("Unknown selenium client '{}'".format(world.LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT)) world.browser.driver.implicitly_wait(world.IMPLICIT_WAIT) world.absorb(world.browser.driver.session_id, 'jobid')
def reset_data(scenario): """ Clean out the django test database defined in the envs/ file: edx-platform/db/test_edx.db """ LOGGER.debug("Flushing the test database...") call_command('flush', interactive=False, verbosity=0) world.absorb({}, 'scenario_dict')
def reset_data(scenario): """ Clean out the django test database defined in the envs/ file: mitx_all/db/test_mitx.db """ LOGGER.debug("Flushing the test database...") call_command("flush", interactive=False) world.absorb({}, "scenario_dict")
def initial_setup(server): """ Launch the browser once before executing the tests. """ world.absorb(settings.SAUCE.get('SAUCE_ENABLED'), 'SAUCE_ENABLED') if not world.SAUCE_ENABLED: browser_driver = getattr(settings, 'LETTUCE_BROWSER', 'chrome') # There is an issue with ChromeDriver2 r195627 on Ubuntu # in which we sometimes get an invalid browser session. # This is a work-around to ensure that we get a valid session. success = False num_attempts = 0 while (not success) and num_attempts < MAX_VALID_BROWSER_ATTEMPTS: world.browser = Browser(browser_driver) # Try to visit the main page # If the browser session is invalid, this will # raise a WebDriverException try: world.visit('/') except WebDriverException: world.browser.quit() num_attempts += 1 else: success = True # If we were unable to get a valid session within the limit of attempts, # then we cannot run the tests. if not success: raise IOError( "Could not acquire valid {driver} browser session.".format( driver=browser_driver)) world.browser.driver.set_window_size(1280, 1024) else: config = get_username_and_key() world.browser = Browser( 'remote', url="http://{}:{}".format( config['username'], config['access-key']), **make_desired_capabilities()) world.browser.driver.implicitly_wait(30) world.absorb(world.browser.driver.session_id, 'jobid')
def initial_setup(server): """ Launch the browser once before executing the tests. """ world.absorb(settings.SAUCE.get("SAUCE_ENABLED"), "SAUCE_ENABLED") if not world.SAUCE_ENABLED: browser_driver = getattr(settings, "LETTUCE_BROWSER", "chrome") # There is an issue with ChromeDriver2 r195627 on Ubuntu # in which we sometimes get an invalid browser session. # This is a work-around to ensure that we get a valid session. success = False num_attempts = 0 while (not success) and num_attempts < MAX_VALID_BROWSER_ATTEMPTS: world.browser = Browser(browser_driver) # Try to visit the main page # If the browser session is invalid, this will # raise a WebDriverException try: world.visit("/") except WebDriverException: world.browser.quit() num_attempts += 1 else: success = True # If we were unable to get a valid session within the limit of attempts, # then we cannot run the tests. if not success: raise IOError("Could not acquire valid {driver} browser session.".format(driver=browser_driver)) world.browser.driver.set_window_size(1280, 1024) else: config = get_username_and_key() world.browser = Browser( "remote", url="http://{}:{}".format(config["username"], config["access-key"]), **make_desired_capabilities() ) world.browser.driver.implicitly_wait(30) world.absorb(world.browser.driver.session_id, "jobid")
def run_single(index, browser, server, lettuce): """ :param index: int :param browser: dict :param server: dict :param lettuce: dict """ fattoush_config = FattoushConfig(index=index, browser=browser, server=server, lettuce=lettuce) world.absorb(fattoush_config, 'fattoush') try: result = return result finally: world.spew('fattoush')
def initial_setup(server): """ Launch the browser once before executing the tests. """ world.absorb(settings.LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT, 'LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT') if world.LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT == 'local': browser_driver = getattr(settings, 'LETTUCE_BROWSER', 'chrome') if browser_driver == 'chrome': desired_capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.CHROME desired_capabilities['loggingPrefs'] = { 'browser': 'ALL', } elif browser_driver == 'firefox': desired_capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX else: desired_capabilities = {} # There is an issue with ChromeDriver2 r195627 on Ubuntu # in which we sometimes get an invalid browser session. # This is a work-around to ensure that we get a valid session. success = False num_attempts = 0 while (not success) and num_attempts < MAX_VALID_BROWSER_ATTEMPTS: # Load the browser and try to visit the main page # If the browser couldn't be reached or # the browser session is invalid, this will # raise a WebDriverException try: world.browser = Browser( browser_driver, desired_capabilities=desired_capabilities) world.browser.driver.set_script_timeout(GLOBAL_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT) world.visit('/') except WebDriverException: if hasattr(world, 'browser'): world.browser.quit() num_attempts += 1 else: success = True # If we were unable to get a valid session within the limit of attempts, # then we cannot run the tests. if not success: raise IOError( "Could not acquire valid {driver} browser session.".format( driver=browser_driver)) world.absorb(0, 'IMPLICIT_WAIT') world.browser.driver.set_window_size(1280, 1024) elif world.LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT == 'saucelabs': config = get_saucelabs_username_and_key() world.browser = Browser( 'remote', url="http://{}:{}".format( config['username'], config['access-key']), **make_saucelabs_desired_capabilities()) world.absorb(30, 'IMPLICIT_WAIT') world.browser.set_script_timeout(GLOBAL_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT) elif world.LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT == 'grid': world.browser = Browser( 'remote', url=settings.SELENIUM_GRID.get('URL'), browser=settings.SELENIUM_GRID.get('BROWSER'), ) world.absorb(30, 'IMPLICIT_WAIT') world.browser.driver.set_script_timeout(GLOBAL_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT) else: raise Exception("Unknown selenium client '{}'".format( world.LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT)) world.browser.driver.implicitly_wait(world.IMPLICIT_WAIT) world.absorb(world.browser.driver.session_id, 'jobid')
''' Factories are defined in other modules and absorbed here into the lettuce world so that they can be used by both unit tests and integration / BDD tests. ''' import student.tests.factories as sf import xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories as xf import course_modes.tests.factories as cmf from lettuce import world # Unlock XBlock factories, because we're randomizing the collection # name above to prevent collisions xf.XMODULE_FACTORY_LOCK.enable() world.absorb(sf.UserFactory) world.absorb(sf.UserProfileFactory) world.absorb(sf.RegistrationFactory) world.absorb(sf.GroupFactory) world.absorb(sf.CourseEnrollmentAllowedFactory) world.absorb(cmf.CourseModeFactory) world.absorb(xf.CourseFactory) world.absorb(xf.ItemFactory)
def absorb_factories(): """ Absorb the factories and return the resulting ``world`` object. """ import course_modes.tests.factories as cmf import student.tests.factories as sf import xmodule.modulestore.tests.factories as xf # Unlock XBlock factories, because we're randomizing the collection # name above to prevent collisions xf.XMODULE_FACTORY_LOCK.enable() world.absorb(sf.UserFactory) world.absorb(sf.UserProfileFactory) world.absorb(sf.RegistrationFactory) world.absorb(sf.GroupFactory) world.absorb(sf.CourseEnrollmentAllowedFactory) world.absorb(cmf.CourseModeFactory) world.absorb(xf.CourseFactory) world.absorb(xf.ItemFactory) return world
def initial_setup(server): """ Launch the browser once before executing the tests. """ world.absorb(settings.LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT, 'LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT') if world.LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT == 'local': browser_driver = getattr(settings, 'LETTUCE_BROWSER', 'chrome') if browser_driver == 'chrome': desired_capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.CHROME desired_capabilities['loggingPrefs'] = { 'browser': 'ALL', } else: desired_capabilities = {} # There is an issue with ChromeDriver2 r195627 on Ubuntu # in which we sometimes get an invalid browser session. # This is a work-around to ensure that we get a valid session. success = False num_attempts = 0 while (not success) and num_attempts < MAX_VALID_BROWSER_ATTEMPTS: # Load the browser and try to visit the main page # If the browser couldn't be reached or # the browser session is invalid, this will # raise a WebDriverException try: if browser_driver == 'firefox': # Lettuce initializes differently for firefox, and sending # desired_capabilities will not work. So initialize without # sending desired_capabilities. world.browser = Browser(browser_driver) else: world.browser = Browser(browser_driver, desired_capabilities=desired_capabilities) world.browser.driver.set_script_timeout(GLOBAL_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT) world.visit('/') except WebDriverException: LOGGER.warn("Error acquiring %s browser, retrying", browser_driver, exc_info=True) if hasattr(world, 'browser'): world.browser.quit() num_attempts += 1 else: success = True # If we were unable to get a valid session within the limit of attempts, # then we cannot run the tests. if not success: raise IOError("Could not acquire valid {driver} browser session.".format(driver=browser_driver)) world.absorb(0, 'IMPLICIT_WAIT') world.browser.driver.set_window_size(1280, 1024) elif world.LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT == 'saucelabs': config = get_saucelabs_username_and_key() world.browser = Browser( 'remote', url="http://{}:{}".format(config['username'], config['access-key']), **make_saucelabs_desired_capabilities() ) world.absorb(30, 'IMPLICIT_WAIT') world.browser.set_script_timeout(GLOBAL_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT) elif world.LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT == 'grid': world.browser = Browser( 'remote', url=settings.SELENIUM_GRID.get('URL'), browser=settings.SELENIUM_GRID.get('BROWSER'), ) world.absorb(30, 'IMPLICIT_WAIT') world.browser.driver.set_script_timeout(GLOBAL_SCRIPT_TIMEOUT) else: raise Exception("Unknown selenium client '{}'".format(world.LETTUCE_SELENIUM_CLIENT)) world.browser.driver.implicitly_wait(world.IMPLICIT_WAIT) world.absorb(world.browser.driver.session_id, 'jobid')
def setup(scenario): ... Please use 'this_feature_only' name for readability. Can be used with: @before.each_scenario @after.each_scenario @before.each_feature @after.each_feature """ def __init__(self, feature): self.feature = feature def __call__(self, f): def wrapper(arg): if isinstance(arg, Scenario): feature_name = elif isinstance(arg, Feature): feature_name = else: raise Exception("this_feature_only is supposed to decorate only " "before/after each feature/scenario functions that" " accept one argument of type Feature or Scenario") if feature_name == self.feature: return f(arg) return wrapper world.absorb(ThisFeatureOnly)
def reset_data(scenario): """ Initialize the dict of scenario variables """ world.absorb({}, 'scenario_dict')