def add_followers(self, to_be_connected): ''' Takes a list of user entities, checks if they are already following the user If not already following, they follow and are notified If they are already following, nothing happens ''' # #add actor to the list of followers # for user in to_be_connected: # if self.user.key() not in user.followers: # user.followers.append(actor) logging.debug('\n\n ADD FOLLOWERS \n\n') logging.debug([user.key() for user in to_be_connected]) to_be_notified = [] #if the user has not been stored yet, it will not have a key try: actor_id = self.user.key() except: raise Exception('User does not exist in db yet. ') actor_id = db.Key() #for each user entity that has been identified as a potential new friend for u in to_be_connected: #they will be added as a follower if they are not already one and the user is not itself if actor_id not in u.followers and u.key() != actor_id: #add the actor to the list of the found users followers u.followers.append(actor_id) to_be_notified.append(u) if to_be_notified: logging.debug(to_be_notified) logging.debug(type(to_be_notified[0])) logging.debug([user.key() for user in to_be_notified]) #place the list of user entities, and get a list of ids in return to_be_notified = db.put(to_be_notified) # to_be_notified = [friend.key() for friend in to_be_notified] #only notify/add follower if the user is not already following logging.debug(to_be_notified) #replace all of the notified users #add the actors friends to their list of followers self.user.followers.extend(to_be_notified) #create a notification if there are users to be notified if to_be_notified: levr.create_notification('newFollower', to_be_notified, self.user.key()) else: pass logging.debug("To be notified: " + str(to_be_notified)) logging.debug(type(to_be_notified)) return to_be_notified
def add_followers(self, to_be_connected): ''' Takes a list of user entities, checks if they are already following the user If not already following, they follow and are notified If they are already following, nothing happens ''' # #add actor to the list of followers # for user in to_be_connected: # if self.user.key() not in user.followers: # user.followers.append(actor) logging.debug('\n\n ADD FOLLOWERS \n\n') logging.debug([user.key() for user in to_be_connected]) to_be_notified = [] #if the user has not been stored yet, it will not have a key try: actor_id = self.user.key() except: raise Exception('User does not exist in db yet. ') actor_id = db.Key() #for each user entity that has been identified as a potential new friend for u in to_be_connected: #they will be added as a follower if they are not already one and the user is not itself if actor_id not in u.followers and u.key() != actor_id: #add the actor to the list of the found users followers u.followers.append(actor_id) to_be_notified.append(u) if to_be_notified: logging.debug(to_be_notified) logging.debug(type(to_be_notified[0])) logging.debug([user.key() for user in to_be_notified]) #place the list of user entities, and get a list of ids in return to_be_notified = db.put(to_be_notified) # to_be_notified = [friend.key() for friend in to_be_notified] #only notify/add follower if the user is not already following logging.debug(to_be_notified) #replace all of the notified users #add the actors friends to their list of followers self.user.followers.extend(to_be_notified) #create a notification if there are users to be notified if to_be_notified: levr.create_notification('newFollower', to_be_notified, self.user.key()) else: pass logging.debug("To be notified: "+str(to_be_notified)) logging.debug(type(to_be_notified)) return to_be_notified
def get(self):'WTFFFF') logging.debug('HOLY SHIT NEW NOTIFICATIONS OMG OMG OMG') #go get the ninja user = levr.Customer.gql('WHERE email=:1','q').get() #go get the user actor = levr.Customer.gql('WHERE email=:1','*****@*****.**').get() #go get the deal deal = levr.Deal.all().ancestor(user.key()).get() if not deal: deal = levr.Deal.all().get() assert deal, 'Cannot find any deals. Try uploading one. If that doesnt work, abandon all hope.' #new follower notification levr.create_notification('newFollower',user.key(),actor) #followed upload notification levr.create_notification('followedUpload',user.key(),actor,deal.key()) #favorite notification levr.create_notification('favorite',user.key(),actor,deal.key()) #levelup notification user.new_notifications += 1 levr.create_notification('levelup',user.key(),actor,new_level='inf') user.put() self.response.out.write('HOLY SHIT NEW NOTIFICATIONS OMG OMG OMG')
def get(self, *args, **kwargs): ''' A user (specified in ?uid=USER_ID) follows the user specified in (/api/USER_ID/follow) inputs: uid(required) Response:{ None } ''' try:'\n\n\n\t\t\t USER ADD FOLLOWER\n\n\n') user = kwargs.get('user') # uid = user.key() actor = kwargs.get('actor') actorID = actor.key() private = kwargs.get('private') #add actor to the list of followers if actorID not in user.followers: user.followers.append(actorID) #PERFORM ACTIONS if not levr.create_notification('newFollower', user.key(), actorID): api_utils.send_error(self, 'Server Error') return #get notifications db.put([user, actor]) #respond api_utils.send_response(self, {'dt': str(actor.date_last_notified)}, actor) except: levr.log_error() api_utils.send_error(self, 'Server Error')
def get(self,*args,**kwargs): ''' A user (specified in ?uid=USER_ID) follows the user specified in (/api/USER_ID/follow) inputs: uid(required) Response:{ None } ''' try:'\n\n\n\t\t\t USER ADD FOLLOWER\n\n\n') user = kwargs.get('user') # uid = user.key() actor = kwargs.get('actor') actorID = actor.key() private = kwargs.get('private') #add actor to the list of followers if actorID not in user.followers: user.followers.append(actorID) #PERFORM ACTIONS if not levr.create_notification('newFollower',user.key(),actorID): api_utils.send_error(self,'Server Error') return #get notifications db.put([user,actor]) #respond api_utils.send_response(self,{'dt':str(actor.date_last_notified)},actor) except: levr.log_error() api_utils.send_error(self,'Server Error')
def get(self, dealID, *args, **kwargs): try: logging.debug('UPVOTE\n\n\n') logging.debug(kwargs) user = kwargs.get('actor') uid = user.key() deal = kwargs.get('deal') dealID = deal.key() #=================================================================== # Note, if this code changes, you should also change the code in /cronjobs/undeadActivity because it was copied and pasted... #=================================================================== #favorite logging.debug( levr.log_model_props(user, ['upvotes', 'downvotes', 'favorites'])) logging.debug(levr.log_model_props(deal, ['upvotes', 'downvotes'])) if dealID in user.upvotes: logging.debug('flag deal in upvotes') #user is removing the upvote #remove the offending deal from the user upvotes user.upvotes.remove(dealID) #decrement the deal upvotes deal.upvotes -= 1 #do not change the karma of the user who uploaded it #do not remove from favorites #do not remove notification db.put([user, deal]) elif dealID in user.downvotes: logging.debug('flag deal is in downvotes') #remove deal from downvotes user.downvotes.remove(dealID) #decrement the deals downvotes deal.downvotes -= 1 #add deal to upvotes user.upvotes.append(dealID) #increment the number of upvotes deal.upvotes += 1 #add deal to favorites if dealID not in user.favorites: user.favorites.append(dealID) #do not change the karma of the user who uploaded #do not add notification for the ninja db.put([user, deal]) pass else: logging.debug('flag deal not in upvotes or downvotes') # If the deal is in the users favorites, then they upvoted the deal at one point and then # removed that upvote either via another upvote or a downvote, and they are trying to upvote again # At this point, the deal should get its upvote back, but the ninja gets no karma because they do not # lose a karma point when the deal is downloaded if dealID not in user.favorites: #get owner of the deal ninja = levr.Customer.get(deal.key().parent()) #check owner. if the owner is a dummy owner left over from an account transfer, grab the real owner. if == '*****@*****.**': logging.debug( '\n\n\n \t\t\t DUMMY NINJA! REDIRECTING REFERENCE TO THE REAL ONE!!! \n\n\n' ) ninja = levr.Customer.get( #compare owner to user doing the voting if ninja.key() == user.key(): #ninja is upvoting his own deal #increase that users karma! reward for uploading a deal! user.karma += 1 #level check! levr.level_check(user) else: #increase the ninjas karma ninja.karma += 1 #level check! levr.level_check(ninja) #replace ninja. we dont want him anymore ninja.put() #add to upvote list user.upvotes.append(dealID) # #increase the deal upvotes deal.upvotes += 1 #add to users favorites list if not there already if dealID not in user.favorites: user.favorites.append(dealID) #create favorite notification for the ninja that uploaded levr.create_notification('favorite', ninja.key(), uid, dealID) db.put([user, deal]) #put actor and ninja and deal back assert deal, 'Deal was not found' response = {'deal': api_utils.package_deal(deal)} api_utils.send_response(self, response, user) except AssertionError, e: levr.log_error(e) api_utils.send_error(self, e.message)
def post(self,*args,**kwargs): #@UnusedVariable ''' @keyword actor: required @keyword business: required @keyword description: required @keyword deal_text: required @keyword development: required @requires: an image is uploaded - need the blob_key @return: the newly created deal object @rtype: dict ''' user = kwargs.get('actor') business = kwargs.get('business') description = kwargs.get('description') deal_text = kwargs.get('dealText') development = kwargs.get('development') img_key = '' try: #=================================================================== # Assure that an image was uploaded #=================================================================== if self.get_uploads(): upload = self.get_uploads()[0] blob_key= upload.key() img_key = blob_key upload_flag = True else: upload_flag = False raise KeyError('Image was not uploaded') #=================================================================== # Assemble the deal parameters! And create the deal!! #=================================================================== params = { 'user' : user, 'uid' : user.key(), 'business' : business, 'deal_description' : description, 'deal_line1' : deal_text, 'development' : development, 'img_key' : img_key } # TODO: add pin_color = 'green' to the deal # TODO: add origin = 'merchant' deal_entity = levr.dealCreate(params, 'phone_merchant', upload_flag) # if an image was uploaded, rotate it. if upload_flag == True: try: # Synchronously rotate the image api_utils.rotate_image(blob_key,deal_entity) except: levr.log_error('An image could not be rotated. It was sent to the task que: '+str(blob_key)) # Send the image to the img rotation task que task_params = { 'blob_key' : str(blob_key) }'Sending this to the img rotation task: '+str(task_params)) taskqueue.add(url=IMAGE_ROTATION_TASK_URL,payload=json.dumps(task_params)) #=================================================================== # Aw hell.. why not give them some karma too. #=================================================================== user.karma += 5 # no need to level_check on them though... user.put() #=================================================================== # Create some nifty notifications #=================================================================== try: levr.create_notification('followedUpload',user.followers,user.key(),deal_entity) except: levr.log_error() #=================================================================== # Respond with all of the users deals #=================================================================== private = True deals = api_utils.fetch_all_users_deals(user) packaged_deals = api_utils.package_deal_multi(deals, private) response = { 'deals' : packaged_deals } api_utils.send_response(self,response, user) except Exception,e: levr.log_error(e) api_utils.send_error(self,'Server Error')
def post(self, *args, **kwargs): #@UnusedVariable ''' @keyword actor: required @keyword business: required @keyword description: required @keyword deal_text: required @keyword development: required @requires: an image is uploaded - need the blob_key @return: the newly created deal object @rtype: dict ''' user = kwargs.get('actor') business = kwargs.get('business') description = kwargs.get('description') deal_text = kwargs.get('dealText') development = kwargs.get('development') img_key = '' try: #=================================================================== # Assure that an image was uploaded #=================================================================== if self.get_uploads(): upload = self.get_uploads()[0] blob_key = upload.key() img_key = blob_key upload_flag = True else: upload_flag = False raise KeyError('Image was not uploaded') #=================================================================== # Assemble the deal parameters! And create the deal!! #=================================================================== params = { 'user': user, 'uid': user.key(), 'business': business, 'deal_description': description, 'deal_line1': deal_text, 'development': development, 'img_key': img_key } # TODO: add pin_color = 'green' to the deal # TODO: add origin = 'merchant' deal_entity = levr.dealCreate(params, 'phone_merchant', upload_flag) # if an image was uploaded, rotate it. if upload_flag == True: try: # Synchronously rotate the image api_utils.rotate_image(blob_key, deal_entity) except: levr.log_error( 'An image could not be rotated. It was sent to the task que: ' + str(blob_key)) # Send the image to the img rotation task que task_params = {'blob_key': str(blob_key)}'Sending this to the img rotation task: ' + str(task_params)) taskqueue.add(url=IMAGE_ROTATION_TASK_URL, payload=json.dumps(task_params)) #=================================================================== # Aw hell.. why not give them some karma too. #=================================================================== user.karma += 5 # no need to level_check on them though... user.put() #=================================================================== # Create some nifty notifications #=================================================================== try: levr.create_notification('followedUpload', user.followers, user.key(), deal_entity) except: levr.log_error() #=================================================================== # Respond with all of the users deals #=================================================================== private = True deals = api_utils.fetch_all_users_deals(user) packaged_deals = api_utils.package_deal_multi(deals, private) response = {'deals': packaged_deals} api_utils.send_response(self, response, user) except Exception, e: levr.log_error(e) api_utils.send_error(self, 'Server Error')
def post(self, *args, **kwargs): try:"uploadDeal\n\n\n") user = kwargs.get("actor") uid = user.key() # make sure than an image is uploaded logging.debug(self.get_uploads()) if self.get_uploads(): # will this work? upload = self.get_uploads()[0] blob_key = upload.key() img_key = blob_key upload_flag = True else: upload_flag = False raise KeyError("Image was not uploaded") params = { "uid": uid, "business_name": kwargs.get("businessName"), "geo_point": kwargs.get("geoPoint"), "vicinity": kwargs.get("vicinity"), "types": kwargs.get("types"), "deal_description": kwargs.get("description"), "deal_line1": kwargs.get("dealText"), "distance": kwargs.get("distance"), # is -1 if unknown = double "shareURL": kwargs.get("shareURL"), "development": kwargs.get("development"), "img_key": img_key, } # create the deal using the origin specified deal_entity = levr.dealCreate(params, "phone_new_business", upload_flag) # fire off a task to rotate the image task_params = {"blob_key": str(deal_entity.img.key())}"Sending this to the task: " + str(task_params)) taskqueue.add(url=IMAGE_ROTATION_TASK_URL, payload=json.dumps(task_params)) # give the user some karma user.karma += 5 # level check! user = api_utils.level_check(user) user.put() # go notify everyone that should be informed try: levr.create_notification("followedUpload", user.followers, user.key(), deal_entity) except: levr.log_error() # grab deal information for sending back to phone deal = api_utils.package_deal(deal_entity, True) response = {"deal": deal} # =================================================================== # Send notification to founders # =================================================================== try: # approve_link = '{}/approve'.format(enc.encrypt_key(deal_entity.key())) base_url = "{}/expiration?daysToExpire=".format( enc.encrypt_key(deal_entity.key()) ) today_only_link = base_url + "0" one_week_link = base_url + "7" one_month_link = base_url + "30" three_month_link = base_url + "90" six_month_link = base_url + "180" one_year_link = base_url + "360" never_link = base_url + "-1" reject_link = "{}/reject".format(enc.encrypt_key(deal_entity.key())) message = mail.AdminEmailMessage() message.sender = "*****@*****.**" message.subject = "New Upload" message.html = '<img src="{}"><br>'.format(deal.get("smallImg")) message.html += "<h2>{}</h2>".format(deal_entity.deal_text) message.html += "<h3>{}</h3>".format(deal_entity.description) message.html += "<h4>Uploaded by: {}</h4>".format(user.display_name) message.html += "<h5>deal_status: {}</h5>".format(deal_entity.deal_status) message.html += "<br/><p>Set deal expiration.</p>" message.html += '<br><a href="{}">Reject</a><br><br>'.format(reject_link) message.html += '<br><a href="{}">Today Only</a><br><br>'.format(today_only_link) message.html += '<br><a href="{}">One Week</a><br><br>'.format(one_week_link) message.html += '<br><a href="{}">One Month</a><br><br>'.format(one_month_link) message.html += '<br><a href="{}">Three Month</a><br><br>'.format(three_month_link) message.html += '<br><a href="{}">Six Month</a><br><br>'.format(six_month_link) message.html += '<br><a href="{}">One Year</a><br><br>'.format(one_year_link) message.html += '<br><a href="{}">Forever!!!</a><br><br>'.format(never_link) message.html += levr.log_dict(deal, None, "<br>") # message.body += '\n\n\n\n\n\nApprove: {}'.format(approve_link) message.check_initialized() message.send() except: levr.log_error() api_utils.send_response(self, response) except KeyError, e:"Key Error") levr.log_error() api_utils.send_error(self, str(e))
def get(self,dealID,*args,**kwargs): try: logging.debug('UPVOTE\n\n\n') logging.debug(kwargs) user = kwargs.get('actor') uid = user.key() deal = kwargs.get('deal') dealID = deal.key() #=================================================================== # Note, if this code changes, you should also change the code in /cronjobs/undeadActivity because it was copied and pasted... #=================================================================== #favorite logging.debug(levr.log_model_props(user,['upvotes','downvotes','favorites'])) logging.debug(levr.log_model_props(deal,['upvotes','downvotes'])) if dealID in user.upvotes: logging.debug('flag deal in upvotes') #user is removing the upvote #remove the offending deal from the user upvotes user.upvotes.remove(dealID) #decrement the deal upvotes deal.upvotes -= 1 #do not change the karma of the user who uploaded it #do not remove from favorites #do not remove notification db.put([user,deal]) elif dealID in user.downvotes: logging.debug('flag deal is in downvotes') #remove deal from downvotes user.downvotes.remove(dealID) #decrement the deals downvotes deal.downvotes -= 1 #add deal to upvotes user.upvotes.append(dealID) #increment the number of upvotes deal.upvotes += 1 #add deal to favorites if dealID not in user.favorites: user.favorites.append(dealID) #do not change the karma of the user who uploaded #do not add notification for the ninja db.put([user,deal]) pass else: logging.debug('flag deal not in upvotes or downvotes') # If the deal is in the users favorites, then they upvoted the deal at one point and then # removed that upvote either via another upvote or a downvote, and they are trying to upvote again # At this point, the deal should get its upvote back, but the ninja gets no karma because they do not # lose a karma point when the deal is downloaded if dealID not in user.favorites: #get owner of the deal ninja = levr.Customer.get(deal.key().parent()) #check owner. if the owner is a dummy owner left over from an account transfer, grab the real owner. if == '*****@*****.**': logging.debug('\n\n\n \t\t\t DUMMY NINJA! REDIRECTING REFERENCE TO THE REAL ONE!!! \n\n\n') ninja = levr.Customer.get( #compare owner to user doing the voting if ninja.key() == user.key(): #ninja is upvoting his own deal #increase that users karma! reward for uploading a deal! user.karma += 1 #level check! levr.level_check(user) else: #increase the ninjas karma ninja.karma += 1 #level check! levr.level_check(ninja) #replace ninja. we dont want him anymore ninja.put() #add to upvote list user.upvotes.append(dealID) # #increase the deal upvotes deal.upvotes += 1 #add to users favorites list if not there already if dealID not in user.favorites: user.favorites.append(dealID) #create favorite notification for the ninja that uploaded levr.create_notification('favorite',ninja.key(),uid,dealID) db.put([user,deal]) #put actor and ninja and deal back assert deal, 'Deal was not found' response = { 'deal':api_utils.package_deal(deal) } api_utils.send_response(self,response,user) except AssertionError,e: levr.log_error(e) api_utils.send_error(self,e.message)
def post(self, *args, **kwargs): try:'uploadDeal\n\n\n') user = kwargs.get('actor') uid = user.key() #make sure than an image is uploaded logging.debug(self.get_uploads()) if self.get_uploads(): #will this work? upload = self.get_uploads()[0] blob_key = upload.key() img_key = blob_key upload_flag = True else: upload_flag = False raise KeyError('Image was not uploaded') params = { 'uid': uid, 'business_name': kwargs.get('businessName'), 'geo_point': kwargs.get('geoPoint'), 'vicinity': kwargs.get('vicinity'), 'types': kwargs.get('types'), 'deal_description': kwargs.get('description'), 'deal_line1': kwargs.get('dealText'), 'distance': kwargs.get('distance'), #is -1 if unknown = double 'shareURL': kwargs.get('shareURL'), 'development': kwargs.get('development'), 'img_key': img_key } #create the deal using the origin specified deal_entity = levr.dealCreate(params, 'phone_new_business', upload_flag) #fire off a task to rotate the image task_params = {'blob_key': str(deal_entity.img.key())}'Sending this to the task: ' + str(task_params)) taskqueue.add(url=IMAGE_ROTATION_TASK_URL, payload=json.dumps(task_params)) #give the user some karma user.karma += 5 #level check! user = api_utils.level_check(user) user.put() #go notify everyone that should be informed try: levr.create_notification('followedUpload', user.followers, user.key(), deal_entity) except: levr.log_error() #grab deal information for sending back to phone deal = api_utils.package_deal(deal_entity, True) response = {'deal': deal} #=================================================================== # Send notification to founders #=================================================================== try: # approve_link = '{}/approve'.format(enc.encrypt_key(deal_entity.key())) base_url = '{}/expiration?daysToExpire='.format( enc.encrypt_key(deal_entity.key())) today_only_link = base_url + '0' one_week_link = base_url + '7' one_month_link = base_url + '30' three_month_link = base_url + '90' six_month_link = base_url + '180' one_year_link = base_url + '360' never_link = base_url + '-1' reject_link = '{}/reject'.format( enc.encrypt_key(deal_entity.key())) message = mail.AdminEmailMessage() message.sender = '*****@*****.**' message.subject = 'New Upload' message.html = '<img src="{}"><br>'.format( deal.get('smallImg')) message.html += '<h2>{}</h2>'.format(deal_entity.deal_text) message.html += '<h3>{}</h3>'.format(deal_entity.description) message.html += '<h4>Uploaded by: {}</h4>'.format( user.display_name) message.html += '<h5>deal_status: {}</h5>'.format( deal_entity.deal_status) message.html += '<br/><p>Set deal expiration.</p>' message.html += '<br><a href="{}">Reject</a><br><br>'.format( reject_link) message.html += '<br><a href="{}">Today Only</a><br><br>'.format( today_only_link) message.html += '<br><a href="{}">One Week</a><br><br>'.format( one_week_link) message.html += '<br><a href="{}">One Month</a><br><br>'.format( one_month_link) message.html += '<br><a href="{}">Three Month</a><br><br>'.format( three_month_link) message.html += '<br><a href="{}">Six Month</a><br><br>'.format( six_month_link) message.html += '<br><a href="{}">One Year</a><br><br>'.format( one_year_link) message.html += '<br><a href="{}">Forever!!!</a><br><br>'.format( never_link) message.html += levr.log_dict(deal, None, '<br>') # message.body += '\n\n\n\n\n\nApprove: {}'.format(approve_link) message.check_initialized() message.send() except: levr.log_error() api_utils.send_response(self, response) except KeyError, e:'Key Error') levr.log_error() api_utils.send_error(self, str(e))