def get_regulation_annotations(text: str) -> \ Generator[RegulationAnnotation, None, None]: """ Get regulations. :param text: :param return_source: :param as_dict: :return: tuple or dict (volume, reporter, reporter_full_name, page, page2, court, year[, source text]) """ for match in ARTICLE_PTN_RE.finditer(text): source_text = match.groups() item = source_text ant = RegulationAnnotation(coords=match.span(), source="Legislation (European Union)", name="".join(source_text[0]), text=source_text[0].strip()) yield ant for match in DIRECTIVE_PTN_RE.finditer(text): source_text = match.groups() item = source_text ant = RegulationAnnotation(coords=match.span(), source="Legislation (European Union)", name="".join(source_text[0]), text=source_text[0].strip()) yield ant for match in REGULATION_PTN_RE.finditer(text): source_text = match.groups() item = source_text ant = RegulationAnnotation(coords=match.span(), source="Legislation (European Union)", name="".join(source_text[0]), text=source_text[0].strip()) yield ant
def get_regulation_annotations(text: str) -> \ Generator[RegulationAnnotation, None, None]: """ Get regulations. :param text: :param return_source: :param as_dict: :return: tuple or dict (volume, reporter, reporter_full_name, page, page2, court, year[, source text]) """ for match in REGULATION_PTN_RE.finditer(text): source_text, num1, regulation_type, sec, num2 = match.groups() fixed_regulation_type = regulation_type.replace('.', '') if sec and 'sec' in sec.lower(): sec = 'Section' regulation_parts = [num1, fixed_regulation_type, sec, num2 ] if sec else [num1, fixed_regulation_type, num2] item = (REGULATION_CODES_MAP.get(fixed_regulation_type, regulation_type), ' '.join(regulation_parts)) ant = RegulationAnnotation(coords=match.span(), source=item[0], name=item[1], text=source_text.strip()) yield ant for match in PUBLIC_LAW_PTN_RE.finditer(text): source_text = match.groups(0) if isinstance(source_text, tuple): source_text = source_text[0] if source_text and 'pub' in source_text.lower(): fixed_code = PUBLIC_LAW_SUB_RE.sub(r'Public Law No. \1', source_text) else: fixed_code = ' '.join(source_text.lower().title().split()) ant = RegulationAnnotation(coords=match.span(), source='Public Law', name=fixed_code, text=source_text.strip()) yield ant
def match_start_trigger(self, phrase: str) -> None: """ :param phrase: mediante la emisión de instrumentos inscritos en el Registro Nacional de Valores, colocados :return: {name: 'Registro Nacional de Valores', probability: 100, ...} """ for reg in self.reg_start_triggers: for match in reg.finditer(phrase): text = coords = (match.start(), match.end()) ant = RegulationAnnotation(name=text, coords=coords, text=text, locale=self.locale) self.annotations.append(ant)