def write_outlets(outshp, dirtif_mask): proj = '+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs' dat = gdalutils.get_data(dirtif_mask) geo = gdalutils.get_geo(dirtif_mask) rows, cols = np.where(dat > 0) x = [] y = [] for row, col in zip(rows, cols): A = find_neighbours(dat, row, col) if np.any(A < 0): x.append(geo[8][col]) y.append(geo[9][row]) # Initiate shapefile w = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT) w.field('x') w.field('y') w.field('id') # Write coordinate points in shapefile for i in range(len(x)): w.point(x[i], y[i]) w.record(x[i], y[i], i) fname = os.path.dirname(outshp)+'/' + \ os.path.basename(outshp).split('.')[0] + '.prj' prj = open(fname, "w") srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromProj4(proj) prj.write(srs.ExportToWkt()) prj.close() typ = "Byte" fmt = "GTiff" nodata = 0 name1 = os.path.dirname(outshp)+'/' + \ os.path.basename(outshp).split('.')[0] + '.shp' name2 = os.path.dirname(outshp)+'/' + \ os.path.basename(outshp).split('.')[0] + '.tif'[ "gdal_rasterize", "-a_nodata", str(nodata), "-ot", typ, "-of", fmt, "-tr", str(geo[6]), str(geo[7]), "-burn", "1", "-a_srs", proj, "-te", str(geo[0]), str(geo[1]), str(geo[2]), str(geo[3]), name1, name2 ])
def getdepths(proj, netf, method, output, **kwargs): print(" runnning") fname = output w = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT) w.field('x') w.field('y') w.field('depth') if method == "depth_raster": depth_raster(w, netf, **kwargs) elif method == "depth_geometry": depth_geometry(w, **kwargs) elif method == "depth_manning": depth_manning(w, **kwargs) else: sys.exit("ERROR method not recognised") # write final value in a shapefile"%s.shp" % fname) # write .prj file prj = open("%s.prj" % fname, "w") srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromProj4(proj) prj.write(srs.ExportToWkt()) prj.close() nodata = -9999 fmt = "GTiff" name1 = output + ".shp" name2 = output + ".tif" mygeo = gdalutils.get_geo(netf)[ "gdal_rasterize", "-a_nodata", str(nodata), "-of", fmt, "-tr", str(mygeo[6]), str(mygeo[7]), "-a", "depth", "-a_srs", proj, "-te", str(mygeo[0]), str(mygeo[1]), str(mygeo[2]), str(mygeo[3]), name1, name2 ])
def fixelevs(source, output, netf, recf, proj, method): print(" running") # Reading XXX_net.tif file geo = gdalutils.get_geo(netf) # Reading XXX_rec.csv file rec = pd.read_csv(recf) # Reading XXX_bnk.shp file bnk_gdf = gpd.read_file(source) # Initiate output shapefile w = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT) w.field('x') w.field('y') w.field('elevadj') # Retrieving bank elevations from XXX_bnk.shp file # Values are stored in rec['bnk'] rec['bnk'] = bnk_gdf['elev'].astype(float) # Adjusting bank values, resulting values # are stored in rec['bnk_adj'] # coordinates are grouped by REACH number rec['bnk_adj'] = 0 recgrp = rec.groupby('reach') for reach, df in recgrp: ids = df.index dem = df['bnk'] # calc bank elevation if method == 'yamazaki': adjusted_dem = bank4flood(dem) elif method == 'lowless': adjusted_dem = lowless(dem) else: sys.exit('Method not recognised') rec['bnk_adj'][ids] = adjusted_dem # Writing .shp resulting file for i in rec.index: w.point(rec['lon'][i], rec['lat'][i]) w.record(rec['lon'][i], rec['lat'][i], rec['bnk_adj'][i])"%s.shp" % output) # write .prj file prj = open("%s.prj" % output, "w") srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromProj4(proj) prj.write(srs.ExportToWkt()) prj.close() nodata = -9999 fmt = "GTiff" name1 = output + ".shp" name2 = output + ".tif"[ "gdal_rasterize", "-a_nodata", str(nodata), "-of", fmt, "-co", "COMPRESS=DEFLATE", "-tr", str(geo[6]), str(geo[7]), "-a", "elevadj", "-a_srs", proj, "-te", str(geo[0]), str(geo[1]), str(geo[2]), str(geo[3]), name1, name2 ])
def getwidths(recf, netf, proj, fwidth, output, thresh): print(" running") w = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT) w.field('x') w.field('y') w.field('width') # Reading XXX_rec.csv file rec = pd.read_csv(recf) # Get nearest width from datasource # Uses Euclidean distance to find nearest point in source # `try` included since it may happen that the width database doesn't # contains data in the basin if that is the case all values are assigned # a 30 m width width = [] for x, y in zip(rec['lon'], rec['lat']): xmin = x - thresh ymin = y - thresh xmax = x + thresh ymax = y + thresh dat, geo = gdalutils.clip_raster(fwidth, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) iy, ix = np.where(dat > 30) xdat = geo[8][ix] ydat = geo[9][iy] try: dis, ind = misc_utils.near_euc(xdat, ydat, (x, y)) val = dat[iy[ind], ix[ind]] width.append(val) except ValueError: width.append(np.nan) rec['width'] = width # Group river network per link # If there are more NaN than real values, all values in link are equal to 30 # Otherwise, interpolate real values to fill NaNs def check_width(a): b = a.copy() c = b.isnull() falses = c.sum() trues = c.count() - falses if trues >= falses: return a.interpolate(limit_direction='both') else: b.loc[:] = 30 return b rec.loc[:, 'width'] = rec.groupby('link').width.apply(check_width) # Writing .shp resulting file for x, y, width in zip(rec['lon'], rec['lat'], rec['width']): w.point(x, y) w.record(x, y, width)"%s.shp" % output) # write .prj file prj = open("%s.prj" % output, "w") srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromProj4(proj) prj.write(srs.ExportToWkt()) prj.close() geo = gdalutils.get_geo(netf) fmt = "GTiff" nodata = -9999 name1 = output+".shp" name2 = output+".tif"["gdal_rasterize", "-a_nodata", str(nodata), "-of", fmt, "-tr", str(geo[6]), str(geo[7]), "-a", "width", "-a_srs", proj, "-te", str(geo[0]), str(geo[1]), str(geo[2]), str(geo[3]), name1, name2])
def getbankelevs(output, recf, netf, hrdemf, proj, method, hrnodata, thresh, outlier): print(" running") fname = output w = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT) w.field('x') w.field('y') w.field('elev') # Coordinates for bank elevations are based on the Rec file rec = pd.read_csv(recf) for x, y in zip(rec['lon'], rec['lat']): xmin = x - thresh ymin = y - thresh xmax = x + thresh ymax = y + thresh dem, dem_geo = gdalutils.clip_raster(hrdemf, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) ddem = == hrnodata, dem) if method == 'near': nodata = dem_geo[11] dfdem = gdalutils.array_to_pandas(dem, dem_geo, nodata, 'gt') arr = haversine.haversine_array( np.array(dfdem['y'].values, dtype='float32'), np.float32(dfdem['x'].values), np.float32(y), np.float32(x)) dfdem['dis'] = np.array(arr) dfdem.sort_values(by='dis', inplace=True) elev = dfdem.iloc[0, 2] elif method == 'meanmin': if outlier == "yes": ddem = check_outlier(dem, ddem, hrnodata, 3.5) elev = np.mean([ddem.mean(), ddem.min()]) elif method == 'mean': if outlier == "yes": ddem = check_outlier(dem, ddem, hrnodata, 3.5) elev = ddem.mean() elif method == 'min': if outlier == "yes": ddem = check_outlier(dem, ddem, hrnodata, 3.5) elev = ddem.min() # Write final file in a shapefile if np.isfinite(elev): w.point(x, y) w.record(x, y, elev)"%s.shp" % fname) # Write .prj file prj = open("%s.prj" % fname, "w") srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromProj4(proj) prj.write(srs.ExportToWkt()) prj.close() geo = gdalutils.get_geo(netf) fmt = "GTiff" nodata = -9999 bnkname1 = output + ".shp" bnkname2 = output + ".tif"[ "gdal_rasterize", "-a_nodata", str(nodata), "-of", fmt, "-co", "COMPRESS=DEFLATE", "-tr", str(geo[6]), str(geo[7]), "-a", "elev", "-a_srs", proj, "-te", str(geo[0]), str(geo[1]), str(geo[2]), str(geo[3]), bnkname1, bnkname2 ])
def getwidths_varthresh(recf, netf, proj, fwidth, output, fbankfullq): # Reading XXX_net.tif file geo1 = gdalutils.get_geo(netf) bankfullq = gpd.read_file(fbankfullq) # bankfullq has name: 'bankfullq' # Reading XXX_rec.csv file rec = pd.read_csv(recf) print('loaded data') # x and y resolution (degrees) xres = geo1[6] yres = geo1[7] print('data res', xres, yres) width = [] width = np.ones([len(bankfullq)], dtype=np.float32) * 30. # 30 is default value for row in bankfullq.itertuples(): #print(row[0],row[1],row[2],row[3],row[4]) i = row[0] x = float(row[1]) y = float(row[2]) bfq = max(float(row[3]), 1.) # Choose some threshold based on bankfull q (bfq) thresh = np.log(bfq) / 1000. + bfq / 1000000. + 2 * abs( xres) + 2 * abs(yres) # come up with minimum width to search for, based on bankfullq # This is designed to prevent assigning #width values from the tributaries to the major river channels minwidth = bfq / 100. + 30 # Get nearest width from datasource # Uses Euclidean distance to find nearest point in source # `try` included since it may happen that the width database doesn't # contains data in the basin if that is the case all values are assigned # a 30 m width xmin = x - thresh ymin = y - thresh xmax = x + thresh ymax = y + thresh dat, geo = gdalutils.clip_raster(fwidth, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax) try: iy, ix = np.where(dat > 30) except: print('Error: point', i, x, y) print('Vals:', bfq, thresh, dat) continue xdat = geo[8][ix] ydat = geo[9][iy] try: dis, ind = misc_utils.near_euc(xdat, ydat, (x, y)) val = dat[iy[ind], ix[ind]] #width.append(val) width[i] = val except ValueError: #width.append(30.) continue # Add widths to dataframe, then copy to new dataframe #bankfullq['width'] = width #widths = bankfullq[['x', 'y', 'geometry','width']] rec['width'] = width ################################################################# # Group river network per link rec.loc[:, 'width'] = rec.groupby('link').width.apply(check_width) # Write out files print('Writing out data') name1 = output + '.shp' #widths.to_file(name1) w = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT) w.field('x') w.field('y') w.field('width') # Writing .shp resulting file for x, y, width in zip(rec['lon'], rec['lat'], rec['width']): w.point(x, y) w.record(x, y, width)"%s.shp" % output) # write .prj file prj = open("%s.prj" % output, "w") srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromProj4(proj) prj.write(srs.ExportToWkt()) prj.close() nodata = -9999 fmt = "GTiff" # name1 = output # name2 = os.path.dirname(output) + '/' + \ # os.path.basename(output).split('.')[0] + '.tif' name2 = output + '.tif'[ "gdal_rasterize", "-a_nodata", str(nodata), "-of", fmt, "-ot", "Float32", "-co", "COMPRESS=DEFLATE", "-tr", str(geo1[6]), str(geo1[7]), "-a", "width", "-a_srs", proj, "-te", str(geo1[0]), str(geo1[1]), str(geo1[2]), str(geo1[3]), name1, name2 ])
def getslopes(source, output, netf, recf, proj, step): print(" runnning") # Reading XXX_rec.csv file rec = pd.read_csv(recf) # Reading XXX_net.tif file geo = gdalutils.get_geo(netf) # Reading bank file (adjusted bank) elev = np.array(shapefile.Reader(source).records(), dtype='float64') # Initiate output shapefile w = shapefile.Writer(shapefile.POINT) w.field('x') w.field('y') w.field('slope') # Retrieving adjusted bank elevations from XXX_bnkfix.shp file # Values are stored in rec['bnk'] bnkadj = [] for i in rec.index: dis, ind = misc_utils.near_euc(elev[:, 0], elev[:, 1], (rec['lon'][i], rec['lat'][i])) bnkadj.append(elev[ind, 2]) rec['bnkadj'] = bnkadj # Calculating slopes # coordinates are grouped by REACH number rec['slopes'] = 0 recgrp = rec.groupby('reach') for reach, df in recgrp: ids = df.index dem = df['bnkadj'] # calc slopes slopes_vals = calc_slope_step(dem, df['lon'].values, df['lat'].values, step) rec['slopes'][ids] = slopes_vals # Writing .shp resulting file for i in rec.index: w.point(rec['lon'][i], rec['lat'][i]) w.record(rec['lon'][i], rec['lat'][i], rec['slopes'][i])"%s.shp" % output) # write .prj file prj = open("%s.prj" % output, "w") srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromProj4(proj) prj.write(srs.ExportToWkt()) prj.close() # Writing .tif file nodata = -9999 fmt = "GTiff" name1 = output + ".shp" name2 = output + ".tif"[ "gdal_rasterize", "-a_nodata", str(nodata), "-of", fmt, "-tr", str(geo[6]), str(geo[7]), "-a", "slope", "-a_srs", proj, "-te", str(geo[0]), str(geo[1]), str(geo[2]), str(geo[3]), name1, name2 ])