예제 #1
 def test_SphToCart(self):
     """SphToCart should known known output (regression)"""
     invals = [[0, 0, 5], [90, 0, 5], [90, 90, 5], [90, 180, 5]]
     ans = [[5.0, 0.0, 0.0], [3.061616997868383e-16, 0.0, 5.0],
            [1.8746997283273223e-32, 3.061616997868383e-16, 5.0],
            [-3.061616997868383e-16, 3.7493994566546446e-32, 5.0]]
     for i, val in enumerate(invals):
         vec3 = Lgm_Vector.SphToCart(*val)
         for j, val2 in enumerate(vec3.tolist()):
             self.assertAlmostEqual(ans[i][j], val2)
     # test an input check
     self.assertRaises(ValueError, Lgm_Vector.SphToCart, [1] * 2, [2] * 3,
                       [3] * 2)
     # test putting in lists
     ans_tst = Lgm_Vector.SphToCart(
     for i, v1 in enumerate(ans_tst):
         for j, v2 in enumerate(v1.tolist()):
             self.assertAlmostEqual(ans[i][j], ans_tst[i].tolist()[j])
예제 #2
def coordTrans(pos_in, time_in, in_sys, out_sys, de_eph=False):
    Convert coordinates between almost any system using LanlGeoMag

    position : list
        a three element vector of positions in input coord system
    time : datetime
        a datimetime object representing the time at the desired conversion
    system_in : str
        a string giving the acronym for the input coordinate system
    system_out : str
        a string giving the acronym for the desired output coordinate system
    de_eph : bool or int (optional)
        a boolean stating whether JPL DE421 is to be used for Sun, etc.

    out : list
        3-element list of the converted coordinate

    >>> from lgmpy import magcoords
    >>> import datetime
    >>> magcoords.coordTrans([-4,0,0], datetime.datetime(2009,1,1),'SM','GSM')
    [-3.60802691..., 2.5673907444...e-16, -1.72688788616...]
    >>> magcoords.coordTrans([-3.608026916281573, 2.5673907444456745e-16, -1.7268878861662329], datetime.datetime(2009,1,1),'GSM','SM')
    [-3.99999999..., 4.0592529337...e-16, 8.8817841970...3e-16]

    extend interface to get necessary args from a MagModel or cTrans structure
    # change datetime to Lgm Datelong and UTC
    ct = Lgm_CTrans.Lgm_CTrans(0)
    if de_eph:
        Lgm_Set_CTrans_Options(LGM_EPH_DE, LGM_PN_IAU76, pointer(ct))
        datelong = Lgm_CTrans.dateToDateLong(time_in)
        utc = Lgm_CTrans.dateToFPHours(time_in)
            datelong, utc, pointer(ct))  # don't need pointer as it is one
    except AttributeError:
        raise (TypeError("Date must be a datetime object"))

        conv_val = trans_dict[in_sys] * 100 + trans_dict[out_sys]
    except KeyError:
        raise KeyError(
            'One of the specified coordinate systems is not recognised')

    ## do this as WGS uses Cartesian but needs to be converted from desired spherical input
    if 'WGS84' in in_sys:
        XYZ = Lgm_Vector.SphToCart(*pos_in)
        SPH = Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector(XYZ.x, XYZ.y, XYZ.z)
        Pout = _doConversion(SPH, conv_val, cTrans=ct)
        Pout = _doConversion(pos_in, conv_val, ct)

    if 'WGS84' in out_sys:
        nlat, nlon, nrad = Lgm_Vector.CartToSph(*Pout.tolist())
        Pout = Lgm_Vector.Lgm_Vector(nlat, nlon, nrad)

    return Pout.tolist()