예제 #1
파일: Server.py 프로젝트: pombredanne/quip
    def __init__(self, host, port, certfile, keyfile, phrase, profileId):
        Peer to Peer server constructor

        @param host: IP to listen on
        @param port: TCP port to listen for incoming commands
        @param certfile: SSL certificate file path
        @param keyfile: SSL key file path
        @param phrase: logged in user's pass phrase
        @param profileId: logged in profile ID
        @return: P2P server object
        self.upnpClient = UPnP()
        # port forward successful
        self.forwarded = False
        self.server = None
        self.sock = None
        self.timeout = int(Config.idle_timeout)
        #self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        self.host = host
        self.port = port
        self.certfile = certfile
        self.keyfile = keyfile
        self.safe = SecretBox(getLocalAuth(profileId, phrase))
        self.profileId = profileId
        self.uid, _ = getAccount(self.safe, profileId)

        self.hashchain = defaultdict(bytes)
        # messages awaiting to be read. uid -> [message, ]
        self.messages = defaultdict(list)
        # auth tokens awaiting server storage
        self.auth = []
        # new avatar received
        self.avatar = False
        # incoming transfer requests
        self.fileRequests = FileRequests(self.safe, self.profileId)
        # outgoing transfers
        self.fileRequestsOut = FileRequests(self.safe, self.profileId, outgoing=True)
        # friend uid->mask container
        self.friendMasks = Masks(self.safe, self.profileId)

                            format='%(asctime)s %(message)s')
예제 #2
파일: Server.py 프로젝트: pombredanne/quip
class P2PServer:
    An asynchronous TLS server for quip client communication

    def __init__(self, host, port, certfile, keyfile, phrase, profileId):
        Peer to Peer server constructor

        @param host: IP to listen on
        @param port: TCP port to listen for incoming commands
        @param certfile: SSL certificate file path
        @param keyfile: SSL key file path
        @param phrase: logged in user's pass phrase
        @param profileId: logged in profile ID
        @return: P2P server object
        self.upnpClient = UPnP()
        # port forward successful
        self.forwarded = False
        self.server = None
        self.sock = None
        self.timeout = int(Config.idle_timeout)
        #self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
        self.host = host
        self.port = port
        self.certfile = certfile
        self.keyfile = keyfile
        self.safe = SecretBox(getLocalAuth(profileId, phrase))
        self.profileId = profileId
        self.uid, _ = getAccount(self.safe, profileId)

        self.hashchain = defaultdict(bytes)
        # messages awaiting to be read. uid -> [message, ]
        self.messages = defaultdict(list)
        # auth tokens awaiting server storage
        self.auth = []
        # new avatar received
        self.avatar = False
        # incoming transfer requests
        self.fileRequests = FileRequests(self.safe, self.profileId)
        # outgoing transfers
        self.fileRequestsOut = FileRequests(self.safe, self.profileId, outgoing=True)
        # friend uid->mask container
        self.friendMasks = Masks(self.safe, self.profileId)

                            format='%(asctime)s %(message)s')

    def _createSocket(self):
        Create a TCP socket

        @return: socket object
        # TCP socket
        self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        self.sock.bind((self.host, self.port))

        return self.sock

    def _createSSLContext(self):
        Create a secure TLS context.

        @return: SSLContext object
        context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1_2)

        # disallow other protocols
        context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv2
        context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_SSLv3
        context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1
        context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_TLSv1_1

        # implement correct cipher suite setup
        # NOTE: secp256k1 used until openssl 1.0.2 is stable, where brainpoolp256t1 is the potentially chosen curve.
        #       Additionally, see http://safecurves.cr.yp.to and http://safecurves.cr.yp.to/rigid.html for recommended curves

        # disable compression on ssl channel due to issues like CRIME and BREACH attacks
        context.options |= ssl.OP_NO_COMPRESSION
        # Prevents re-use of the same ECDH key for distinct SSL sessions
        context.options |= ssl.OP_SINGLE_ECDH_USE
        # Add DH re-use prevention in case of future cipher change
        context.options |= ssl.OP_SINGLE_DH_USE
        # Enforce server's cipher ordering preference
        context.options |= ssl.OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE

        # Client certificate validation not used
        context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE

        # cert loading
        if not self.keyfile:
            context.load_cert_chain(self.certfile, self.keyfile)

        return context

    def _close_connection(self, writer, reason=None):
        Close the connection

        @param writer: StreamWriter object
        @param reason: (Optional) bytes/bytestring reason connection is closed (API errno)
        @return: True if successful, else False
            if reason is not None:

            yield from writer.drain()
        except Exception:
            return False

        return True

    def _command_dispatch(self, client_reader, client_writer, command, data):
        Process client command

        @param client_reader: connected TLS client StreamReader object
        @param client_writer: connected TLS client StreamWriter object
        @param command: authorised command
        @param data: first line of data
        @return: command output
        returnData = b''

        # Authorised Command Execution
        mask = self.friendMasks[data[-36:]]
        if command is receiveMessage:
            msg = yield from receiveMessage(self.safe, self.profileId, mask, data)
            if msg:
                # uid-> [(rowid, message, tstamp), ...]
                self.messages[msg[1]].append((msg[0], msg[2], None))
                returnData = BTRUE
                returnData = BFALSE
        elif command is receiveAvatar:
            returnData = yield from receiveAvatar(client_reader, client_writer, self.safe, self.profileId, mask,
                                                  data[:-36 - COMMAND_LENGTH])
            if len(returnData) > 3:
                self.avatar = True
        elif command is requestSendFile:
            # timeout set to config file_timeout
            fdata = yield from requestSendFile(self.safe, self.profileId, mask, data)
            if fdata:
                # reload available incoming file transfer requests

            returnData = BTRUE if fdata else BFALSE
        elif command is sendFile:
            success = yield from sendFile(client_writer, self.safe, self.profileId, mask, data[:-36 - COMMAND_LENGTH],
                                          Config.file_expiry, Config.max_chunk)
            if not success and (mask, data[:-36 - COMMAND_LENGTH]) in self.fileRequestsOut.keys():
            # return no data as all communication is handled in the sendFile handler
            returnData = b''
        elif command is inviteChat:
            # chat invite
            returnData = yield from inviteChat(client_reader, data)

        return returnData

    def _handle_client(self, client_reader, client_writer, address):
        This method actually does the work to handle the requests for a specific client. The protocol is byte AND line
        oriented, the command is read first (8 bytes) and matched against available commands, the complete line (up to
        64k) is read into memory and must end with newline character. The received data is verified against the received
        user id's public key. Once verified, the matched command is executed.

        @param client_reader: StreamReader object
        @param client_writer: StreamWriter object
        while True:
            # recevied incoming data time stamp
            stamp = int(time())
            # read command first, only take first 8 bytes
            cmd = yield from client_reader.readexactly(COMMAND_LENGTH)

            if not cmd:
                # nothing received from client

            # Data checking

            # check received command is valid
                command = Commands[int(cmd)]
            except ValueError:
                logging.info("\t".join(("Invalid Command Provided By Client",
                                        "IP: {!r}".format(address),
                                        "Command: {!r}".format(cmd))))
                yield from self._close_connection(client_writer, INVALID_COMMAND)

                # use of encoded data allows for direct readline()
                data = yield from client_reader.readline()

            except asyncio.futures.TimeoutError:
                yield from self._close_connection(client_writer, TIMEOUT)

            # clear up data before proceeding (i.e newline char)
            data = data.strip()

            # Authorisation
            if command != friendAcceptance:
                    data = a85decode(data, foldspaces=True)
                except ValueError:
                    logging.info("Invalid data received, unable to decode as ASCII85")
                    yield from self._close_connection(client_writer, INVALID_COMMAND)

                # verify data integrity
                    # using getAuthority hits the disk db
                    data = VerifyKey(getAuthority(self.safe, self.profileId, self.friendMasks[data[-36:]])[0],
                except (BadSignatureError, TypeError):
                    # signed data does not match stored public key for provided user id
                    logging.warning('\t'.join(("Unable to verify sent data",
                                               "IP: {!r}".format(address),
                                               "Data: {!r}".format(data),
                                               "Sent ID: {!r}".format(data[-36:]))))
                    yield from self._close_connection(client_writer, INVALID_DATA)

                # data received as: timestamp, hash chain hex, destination user id, data, sender user id
                tstamp, chain, dest, origin = data[:10], data[10:50], data[50:86], data[-36:]
                data = data[86:-36]

                # Message integrity checks
                integrity = True
                # validation checks
                if dest != self.uid:
                    logging.warning("Message Integrity Failure: User id destination {!r} differs from logged in user".format(dest))
                    integrity = False


                    if integrity and (stamp + LIMIT_MESSAGE_TIME) < int(tstamp) < (stamp - LIMIT_MESSAGE_TIME):
                        logging.warning("Message Integrity Failure: Message is either too old or in the future, current time '{}' received stamp '{}'".format(stamp, int(tstamp)))
                        integrity = False
                except ValueError:
                        logging.warning("Message Integrity Failure: Message time {!r} is invalid".format(tstamp))

                if integrity and isValidUUID(origin):
                    hchain = bytes(sha1(b''.join((self.hashchain[address], data))).hexdigest(), encoding='ascii')
                    if hchain != chain:
                        logging.warning("Message Integrity Failure: Provided hash chain {!r} does not match local {!r}".format(chain, hchain))
                        integrity = False
                    logging.warning("Message Integrity Failure: Invalid UUID provided by {!r}".format(origin))
                    integrity = False

                if not integrity:
                    yield from self._close_connection(client_writer, INVALID_COMMAND)

                    # ensure command integrity for authorised commands
                    assert Commands[int(data[-COMMAND_LENGTH:])] == command
                except (ValueError, AssertionError):
                    logging.info('\t'.join(("Client unsigned CMD data does not equal signed CMD",
                                            "IP: {!r}".format(address),
                                            "Unsigned Command: {!r}".format(cmd),
                                            "Signed Command: {!r}".format(data[-COMMAND_LENGTH:]))))
                    yield from self._close_connection(client_writer, INVALID_DATA)

                # all checks cleared, update hash chain
                self.hashchain[address] = hchain

                # data verified, execute command with data and origin user id
                returnData = yield from self._command_dispatch(client_reader, client_writer, command, b''.join((data, origin)))
                returnData, authToken = yield from friendAcceptance(client_reader, client_writer, self.safe, self.profileId, data)
                if authToken is not None:

            # send command result to client

            # Flush buffer
            yield from client_writer.drain()

    def _accept_client(self, client_reader, client_writer):
        Callback method used by start_server (or create_server).

        Accepts a new client connection and dispatch asynchronous client handling
        address = client_writer.transport.get_extra_info('peername')
        # reset hash chain on new connection
        self.hashchain[address] = b''
        # start a new Task to handle this specific client connection
        #task = asyncio.Task(self._handle_client(client_reader, client_writer, address))
        #loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
       # task = loop.create_task(self._handle_client(client_reader, client_writer, address))
        yield from self._handle_client(client_reader, client_writer, address)

    def portForward(self, port=None, protocol='TCP'):
        if port:
            self.port = port

            # clear any previous port-forwarding rule on router
            self.upnpClient.deleteportmapping(self.port, protocol)
        except Exception as e:
            # if the port is already removed, a base Exception will be thrown

        # (externalPort, protocol, internalHost, internalPort, desc, remoteHost)
        self.forwarded = self.upnpClient.addportmapping(self.port, protocol,
                                                        self.host if self.host else self.upnpClient.lanaddr,
                                                        self.port, 'Quip Client', '')

    def start(self, loop):
        Starts the TLS server to listen for incoming peers

        For each client that connects, the accept_client method gets called.  This method runs the loop until the
        server sockets are ready to accept connections.
        # attempt automatic port-forwarding
        except Exception as e:
            # unable to find router which supports automatic port forwarding

        # use created SSLContext with create_server() or start_server() (abstracts create_server(), takes direct callback
        #  instead of Protocol Factory) (see PEP 3156)

        self.server = loop.run_until_complete(

    def stop(self, loop):
        Stops the TCP server, closes the listening socket(s).
        # clear port-forwarding rule on router
        if self.forwarded:
                self.upnpClient.deleteportmapping(self.port, 'TCP')
            except Exception as e:
                logging.warning("Unable to delete port-forwarded port", exc_info=True)

        if self.server is not None:
            self.server = None