def __init__( self , configFile , visible = True ) : self.configFile = configFile self.config = Config( self.configFile ) self.config.fetch( ) self.visible = visible self.password = None self.__prepareConfig( ) self.controller = Controller( self ) self.controller.configure( )
def __init__(self, entries: Set[ControlSequence]): """ BinaryTable Constructor. :param entries: Set[ControlSequence], The list of control sequences making up the table. """ Controller.__init__(self) entries = {} if entries is None else entries self.__entries = set() for entry in entries: self.add(entry=entry)
def __init__(self, entries: Set[Edge]): """ Table Constructor. :param entries: Set[Edge], The set of mappings composing the finite state machine's graph. """ Controller.__init__(self) entries = {} if entries is None else entries self.__entries = set() for entry in entries: self.add(edge=entry)
class Application( Interface ) : def __init__( self , configFile , visible = True ) : self.configFile = configFile self.config = Config( self.configFile ) self.config.fetch( ) self.visible = visible self.password = None self.__prepareConfig( ) self.controller = Controller( self ) self.controller.configure( ) def getDBA( self , path , query = None ) : conn = SQLite( creator = self , filename = query ) conn.prepare( path ) return conn def prepareSQLite3( self ) : self.conn = self.getDBA( self.config[ "db" ][ "path" ] , self.config[ "db" ][ "query" ] ) for entity in self.conn.config[ "handler" ] : consumer = SQLiteConsumer( entity = entity , creator = self.conn ) setattr( self , entity , consumer ) return self def __prepareConfig( self ) : self.config[ "libPath" ] = self.preparePath( self.config[ "libPath" ] ) self.config[ "driverPath" ] = self.preparePath( self.config[ "driverPath" ] ) for key in self.config[ "gui" ][ "icon" ] : self.config[ "gui" ][ "icon" ][ key ] = self.preparePath( self.config[ "gui" ][ "icon" ][ key ] ) for key in ( "query" , "path" , "recrypt" ) : self.config[ "db" ][ key ] = self.preparePath( self.config[ "db" ][ key ] ) self.config[ "gui" ][ "widgetPath" ] = self.preparePath( self.config[ "gui" ][ "widgetPath" ] ) return self def preparePath( self , path , add = '..' ) : args = [ os.path.dirname( __file__ ) ] if add is not None : args.append( add ) args.append( path ) result = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( * args ) ) return result def prepare( self ) : self.ui = UI( None , config = self.config , creator = self , visible = self.visible ) self.password = Password( self.ui ) self.password.prepare( ) result = self.password.login( ) if not result : self.exception( "invalid_password" ) self.prepareSQLite3( ) self.ui.prepare( ) return self def execute( self ) : if self.visible : self.ui.execute( ) return self def action( self , action , * argv , ** kwargs ) : error = self.config[ "error" ] def onError( exception ) : self.ui.message( title = str( exception ) , message = error[ "%s_comment" % action ].format( * argv ) , ) raise exception try : target = lambda : self.controller.action( action , onError , argv , kwargs ) finish = lambda : self.ui.update( ) and self.ui.message( title = error[ "%s_title" % action ].format( * argv , ** kwargs ) , message = error[ "%s_comment" % action ].format( * argv , ** kwargs ) , ) target = target , finish = finish ) except Exception as exception : onError( exception ) return False return True def run( self , target , finish ) : if not self.visible : target( ) return finish( ) onFinish = lambda: self.ui.update( ) and finish( ) if not self.thread( target = target , finish = onFinish ) : self.exception( "unknown" ) return False
# /usr/bin/env python3.7 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import vk import peewee from random import randint from requests import post from config import VK_API_ACCESS_TOKEN, VK_API_VERSION, GROUP_ID from lib.DataBase import DataBase, IntegrityError, OperationalError from lib.Controller import Controller from models.Chat import find_chat api = vk.API(vk.Session(access_token=VK_API_ACCESS_TOKEN), v=VK_API_VERSION) controller = Controller() db = DataBase() longPoll = api.groups.getLongPollServer(group_id=GROUP_ID) server, key, ts = longPoll['server'], longPoll['key'], longPoll['ts'] while True: try: try: db.open_connection() except (peewee.OperationalError): print("connection") except (IntegrityError, OperationalError): db = DataBase() db.open_connection() print("new LongPoll post request") longPoll = post('%s' % server, data={'act': 'a_check', 'key': key,
except (IntegrityError, OperationalError): db = DataBase() db.open_connection() print("new LongPoll post request") longPoll = post('%s' % server, data={ 'act': 'a_check', 'key': key, 'ts': ts, 'wait': 25 }).json() if longPoll.get('updates') and len(longPoll['updates']) != 0: for update in longPoll['updates']: controller = Controller(update['object']) if update['object'].get('action'): controller.action_parser(update['object']['action']) else: controller.update_user_stats() controller.add_text() controller.stop_lines() controller.get_reaction() # дальше реальный Коммандхендлер controller.is_mini_request_for_reply() if controller.is_request_bot(): controller.parse_command() controller.duel() del controller db.close_connection()
except (peewee.OperationalError): print("connection") except (IntegrityError, OperationalError): db = DataBase() db.open_connection() print("new LongPoll post request") longPoll = post('%s' % server, data={ 'act': 'a_check', 'key': key, 'ts': ts, 'wait': 25 }).json() if longPoll.get('updates') and len(longPoll['updates']) != 0: for update in longPoll['updates']: print(update) controller = Controller(update['object']) if update['object'].get('action'): print(update['object']['action']) # controller.action_parser(update['object']['action']) else: controller.payloadParse() print(update['object']) del controller db.close_connection() if longPoll.get('failed'): longPoll = api.groups.getLongPollServer(group_id=GROUP_ID) server, key, ts = longPoll['server'], longPoll['key'], longPoll['ts'] ts = longPoll['ts'] print(ts)