class ZenStatus(IZen, Client): down = [] hosts = {} log = None def __init__(self): zen = ConfUtil.zen() conf = ConfUtil.zen(__file__) conf['localhost'] = zen['localhost'] self.conf = conf daemon = Util.filename(__file__) self.log = Log(daemon) Client.__init__(self, daemon, self.log) def mail(self, host, success): status = 'up' if success else 'down' mail = DictUtil.copy(self.conf['mail']) mail['subject'] %= status.upper() mail['body'] %= host debug = DebugUtil.mail(self.conf['localhost']['name'], mail) if Mail.sendraw(mail):'Mail sent %s' % debug) else: self.log.critical('Mail not sent %s' % debug) def start(self, ip): up = False host = Util.hostname(ip) for _ in range(self.conf['start']['retries']): if 'backup' in self.hosts[host] and self.hosts[host]['backup']: up = True break cmd = ['ssh', ip, 'service', 'serviced', 'start'] check_call(cmd, stderr=PIPE) cmd = ['ssh', ip, 'service', 'serviced', 'status'] output = check_output(cmd, stderr=PIPE) if 'running' not in output: sleep(self.conf['start']['timeout']) continue cmd = ['ssh', ip, 'serviced', 'service', 'start', 'Zenoss.core'] output = check_output(cmd) if 'started' not in output: sleep(self.conf['start']['timeout']) continue up = True break if host in self.down: if up: self.mail(host, True) self.down.remove(host) else: if not up: self.mail(host, False) self.down.append(host) return up def status(self): _hosts = self.hosts.keys() hosts = {h: {} for h in _hosts} for host in sorted(_hosts): if not self.hosts[host]['ping']: hosts[host]['status'] = False self.log.error(host) continue if self.start(self.hosts[host]['ip']): hosts[host]['status'] = True self.log.success(host) else: hosts[host]['status'] = False self.log.error(host) d = {'hosts': hosts} self.send(d) def run(self): try: worker = None self.log.clear() while True: packet = self.recv() self.hosts = packet['hosts'] if worker is not None and worker.is_alive(): continue self.log.clear() worker = Thread(target=self.status) worker.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass
class ZenPing(IZen, Client): hosts = {} mails = { 'up' : [], 'down' : [] } down = [] log = None @staticmethod def ping(ip): try: cmd = ['ping', '-c', '1', '-w', '1', '-q', ip] output = check_output(cmd) return ' 0% packet loss' in output except CalledProcessError: return False def __init__(self): zen = ConfUtil.zen() conf = ConfUtil.zen(__file__) conf['localhost'] = zen['localhost'] self.conf = conf daemon = Util.filename(__file__) self.log = Log(daemon) Client.__init__(self, daemon, self.log) def mail(self, up): status = 'up' if up else 'down' mail = DictUtil.copy(self.conf['mail']) mail['subject'] %= status.upper() body = self.mails[status].pop() if len(self.mails[status]) > 0: hosts = ', '.join(self.mails[status]) body = '%s & %s' % (hosts, body) mail['body'] %= body debug = DebugUtil.mail(self.conf['localhost']['name'], mail) if Mail.sendraw(mail):'Mail sent %s' % debug) else: self.log.critical('Mail not sent %s' % debug) def run(self): try: self.log.clear() packet = self.recv() self.hosts = packet['hosts'] hosts = {h: {} for h in self.hosts.keys()} while True: for host in sorted(self.hosts): if[host]['ip']): if host in self.down: self.down.remove(host) self.mails['up'].append(host) hosts[host]['ping'] = True self.log.success(host) else: if host not in self.down: self.down.append(host) self.mails['down'].append(host) hosts[host]['ping'] = False self.log.error(host) if len(self.mails['down']) > 0: self.mail(False) self.mails['down'] = [] if len(self.mails['up']) > 0: self.mail(True) self.mails['up'] = [] d = {'hosts': hosts} self.send(d) sleep(self.conf['sleep']) self.log.clear() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass