def importKey(task): task_tag = "IMPORTING KEY" print "\n\n************** %s [START] ******************\n" % task_tag print "importing gpg key for %s" % task.doc_id task.setStatus(302) import os from conf import DEBUG, ANNEX_DIR from vars import ASSET_TAGS source = None if hasattr(task, "doc_id"): from lib.Worker.Models.ic_source import InformaCamSource source = InformaCamSource(_id=task.doc_id) if source is None: print "DOC IS NONE" print "\n\n************** %s [ERROR] ******************\n" % task_tag return try: pgp_key = source.getAssetsByTagName(ASSET_TAGS['PGP_KEY'])[0] except Exception as e: print "NO PGP KEY FOR SOURCE: %s" % e pgp_key = os.path.join(ANNEX_DIR, source.base_path, "publicKey") print "trying to use %s instead" % pgp_key if not os.path.exists(pgp_key): print "STILL COULD NOT FIND A PGP KEY AT %s" % pgp_key print "\n\n************** %s [ERROR] ******************\n" % task_tag return elif hasattr(task, "pgp_file"): pgp_key = task.pgp_file if pgp_key is None: print "NO PGP KEY HERE." print "\n\n************** %s [ERROR] ******************\n" % task_tag return import gnupg, re from conf import getConfig gpg = gnupg.GPG(homedir=getConfig('gpg_homedir')) print "NOW IMPORTING PGP KEY" with open(pgp_key, 'rb') as PGP_KEY: import_result = gpg.import_keys( if DEBUG: print import_result.results try: fingerprint = import_result.results[0]['fingerprint'] except Exception as e: print "THIS FINGERPRINT IS F*****G NULL WHAT DO YOU THINK THIS IS?" print e print "\n\n************** %s [ERROR] ******************\n" % task_tag return if source is not None: from vars import MIME_TYPES source.fingerprint = fingerprint source.original_mime_type = source.mime_type source.mime_type = MIME_TYPES['pgp'] source.addCompletedTask(task.task_path) ''' from lib.Worker.Models.uv_task import UnveillanceTask next_task = UnveillanceTask(inflate={ 'task_path' : "Source.reverify_media.reverifyMedia", 'queue' : task.queue, 'doc_id' : source._id }) ''' task.routeNext() task.finish() print "\n\n************** %s [END] ******************\n" % task_tag
def initSource(task): task_tag = "INITING SOURCE" print "\n\n************** %s [START] ******************\n" % task_tag task.setStatus(302) from lib.Worker.Models.ic_source import InformaCamSource from conf import DEBUG from vars import ASSET_TAGS source = InformaCamSource(_id=task.doc_id) if source is None: print "SOURCE DOCUMENT DOES NOT EXIST" print "\n\n************** %s [ERROR] ******************\n" % task_tag return if not hasattr(task, "assets"): print "NO ASSETS FOR THIS SOURCE" print "\n\n************** %s [ERROR] ******************\n" % task_tag return import re, json, os from conf import ANNEX_DIR next_task = None for asset in task.assets: description = None tags = None sync = False if re.match(r'publicKey', asset): # import key description = "Source's public pgp key" tags = [ASSET_TAGS['PGP_KEY']] from lib.Worker.Models.uv_task import UnveillanceTask next_task = UnveillanceTask(inflate={ 'doc_id' : source._id, 'task_path' : "PGP.import_key.importKey", 'queue' : task.queue }) sync = True elif re.match(r'credentials', asset): # parse creds with open(os.path.join(ANNEX_DIR, source.base_path, asset), 'rb') as C: try: credentials = json.loads( if DEBUG: print credentials for field in ['email','alias']: if field in credentials.keys() and credentials[field] != "": setattr(source, field, credentials[field]) except Exception as e: if DEBUG: print e pass asset_path = source.addAsset(None, asset, description=description, tags=tags) print "ASSET PATH: %s" % asset_path if asset_path is None: continue if sync: print "ADDING %s AS FILE AS WELL:" % asset_path source.addFile(asset_path, None) if next_task is None: print "NO PUBLIC KEY FOR SOURCE." print "\n\n************** %s [ERROR] ******************\n" % task_tag return source.addCompletedTask(task.task_path) from time import sleep sleep(10) task.finish() print "\n\n************** %s [END] ******************\n" % task_tag