예제 #1
    def collect_arxiv_data(self, authors=None, cats=None):
        Collect pdf data from arXiv with specified authors and category
        @param authors: The authors to be searched, separate authors with ' OR ' , note: author queries are exact
        e.g. 'Michael I. Jordan OR Michael Jordan OR David Blei OR David M. Blei', searches for the publications of the two authors with various spellings.
        @param cats: category restrictions
        # TODO handle possible errors in data collection

        # extract params from form
        qry = 'http://export.arxiv.org/api/query?search_query='
        if cats:
            cats = map(lambda x: "cat:" + x, cats)
            if len(cats) > 1:
                cats = '%28' + '+OR+'.join(cats) + '%29'
                cats = cats[0]
            qry += cats
        if authors:
            authors = authors.lower().split(' or ')
            authors = map(lambda x: '%22' + x.replace(' ', '+') + '%22', authors)
            authors = map(lambda x: "au:" + x, authors)
            authors = '+OR+'.join(authors)
            authors = '%28' + authors.replace(' ','+') + '%29'
            if cats:
                qry += "+AND+"
            qry += authors

        qry += '&max_results=150' # ONLINE LIMITIATION, remove for standalone or set to 2000
        print qry
        req = urllib2.urlopen(qry, timeout=10)
        soup = BeautifulSoup(req.read())

        titles = soup.findAll('title')
        titles = titles[1:] # skip the query title
        titles = map(lambda x: x.text, titles)
        pdf_links = soup.findAll('link', attrs={'title': 'pdf'})
        pdf_urls = map(lambda x: x['href'], pdf_links)

        print 'downloading: %s, %i' % (authors, len(pdf_urls))
        print titles
        print len(pdf_urls)

        # randomly grab the urls so we don't have all article from one author in online version (i.e. with limitations)
        ct = 0
        for urlnum in random.sample(range(len(pdf_urls)), len(pdf_urls)):
            if self._stream_to_file(urllib2.urlopen(pdf_urls[urlnum], timeout=8), os.path.join(self.data_folder, slugify(titles[urlnum]) + '.pdf')):
                ct += 1
        print '\n$$$$\nAdded %i files from arXiv, total downloaded content at %0.2f Mb\n$$$$\n' % (ct, self.tot_dl)
예제 #2
    def collect_www_data(self, url, fsize_limit=5):
        Collect data from the provided url -- currently limited to pdf collection
        @param fsize_limit: individual file size limit in MB
        @return: -12 if collection rejected by robots.txt

        # check robots.txt
        rp = robotparser.RobotFileParser()
        up = urlparse.urlparse(url)
        rp.set_url("http://" +  up.hostname + "/robots.txt")
        if not rp.can_fetch("*", url):
            print "Data collection disallowed by robots.txt"
            return -12

        cj = cookielib.CookieJar()
        opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))

        req = opener.open(url)
        resp = req.read()
        soup = BeautifulSoup(resp)

        # find the pdfs
        data_urls = soup.findAll(name='a', attrs={'href': re.compile('\.pdf')})
        for data in data_urls:
            dn_url = data['href']
            if 'http' not in dn_url:
                # it's a local url
                dn_url = urlparse.urljoin(url, dn_url)

                open_url = urllib2.urlopen(dn_url, timeout=8)
                cl = None
                if open_url.headers.has_key('Content-Length'):
                    cl = open_url.headers['Content-Length']
                if cl:
                    cl = float(cl) / 1000000
                    if cl < fsize_limit and cl + self.tot_dl < self.max_dc:
                        # download file to dataloc
                        fname = dn_url.split('/')[-1].lower()
                        save_file = os.path.join(self.data_folder, fname)
                        print '%s, %0.2f Mb' % (fname, cl)
                        self._stream_to_file(open_url, save_file)

            except urllib2.HTTPError:
                print 'Problem accessing %s' % dn_url


        print "total downloaded: %0.2f Mb" % self.tot_dl