예제 #1
 def ask_save(filepath, filetypes=None):
     """ Pop-up to get path to save a new file """
     if filetypes is None:
         filename = filedialog.asksaveasfilename()
         # In case filetypes were not configured properly in the
         # arguments_list
             filename = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(filetypes=filetypes)
         except TclError as te1:
             filetypes = FileFullPaths.prep_filetypes(filetypes)
             filename = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(filetypes=filetypes)
         except TclError as te2:
             filename = filedialog.asksaveasfilename()
     if filename:
예제 #2
 def ask_save(filepath, filetypes=None):
     """ Pop-up to get path to save a new file """
     if filetypes is None:
         filename = filedialog.asksaveasfilename()
         # In case filetypes were not configured properly in the
         # arguments_list
             filename = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(filetypes=filetypes)
         except TclError as te1:
             filetypes = FileFullPaths.prep_filetypes(filetypes)
             filename = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(filetypes=filetypes)
         except TclError as te2:
             filename = filedialog.asksaveasfilename()
     if filename:
예제 #3
 def ask_save(filepath, filetypes=None):
     """ Pop-up to get path to save a new file """
     if filetypes is None:
         filename = FileHandler("save").retfile
         # In case filetypes were not configured properly in the
         # arguments_list
             filename = FileHandler("save", filetype=filetypes).retfile
         except TclError:
             filetypes = FileFullPaths.prep_filetypes(filetypes)
             filename = FileHandler("save", filetype=filetypes).retfile
         except TclError:
             filename = FileHandler("save").retfile
     if filename:
예제 #4
    def get_argument_list():
        vid_files = FileFullPaths.prep_filetypes(
            [["Video Files", DataItem.vid_ext]])
        arguments_list = list()
            "opts": ('-a', '--action'),
            "choices": ("extract", "gen-vid", "get-fps", "get-info",
                        "mux-audio", "rescale", "rotate", "slice"),
            """Choose which action you want ffmpeg 
                                          ffmpeg to do.
                                          'slice' cuts a portion of the video
                                          into a separate video file.
                                          'get-fps' returns the chosen video's

            "opts": ('-i', '--input'),
            "action": ComboFullPaths,
            "dest": "input",
            "default": "input",
            "help": "Input file.",
            "required": True,
            "actions_open_type": {
                "task_name": "effmpeg",
                "extract": "load",
                "gen-vid": "folder",
                "get-fps": "load",
                "get-info": "load",
                "mux-audio": "load",
                "rescale": "load",
                "rotate": "load",
                "slice": "load",
            "filetypes": {
                "extract": vid_files,
                "gen-vid": None,
                "get-fps": vid_files,
                "get-info": vid_files,
                "mux-audio": vid_files,
                "rescale": vid_files,
                "rotate": vid_files,
                "slice": vid_files

            "opts": ('-o', '--output'),
            "action": ComboFullPaths,
            "dest": "output",
            "default": "",
            "help": """Output file. If no output is 
                                          specified then: if the output is  
                                          meant to be a video then a video 
                                          called 'out.mkv' will be created in 
                                          the input directory; if the output is
                                          meant to be a directory then a 
                                          directory called 'out' will be 
                                          created inside the input 
                                          Note: the chosen output file 
                                          extension will determine the file
            "actions_open_type": {
                "task_name": "effmpeg",
                "extract": "save",
                "gen-vid": "save",
                "get-fps": "nothing",
                "get-info": "nothing",
                "mux-audio": "save",
                "rescale": "save",
                "rotate": "save",
                "slice": "save"
            "filetypes": {
                "extract": None,
                "gen-vid": vid_files,
                "get-fps": None,
                "get-info": None,
                "mux-audio": vid_files,
                "rescale": vid_files,
                "rotate": vid_files,
                "slice": vid_files

            "opts": ('-r', '--reference-video'),
            "action": ComboFullPaths,
            "dest": "ref_vid",
            "default": "None",
            "help": """Path to reference video if 'input' 
                                          was not a video.""",
            "actions_open_type": {
                "task_name": "effmpeg",
                "extract": "nothing",
                "gen-vid": "load",
                "get-fps": "nothing",
                "get-info": "nothing",
                "mux-audio": "load",
                "rescale": "nothing",
                "rotate": "nothing",
                "slice": "nothing"
            "filetypes": {
                "extract": None,
                "gen-vid": vid_files,
                "get-fps": None,
                "get-info": None,
                "mux-audio": vid_files,
                "rescale": None,
                "rotate": None,
                "slice": None

            "opts": ('-fps', '--fps'),
            """Provide video fps. Can be an integer,
                                          float or fraction. Negative values 
                                          will make the program try to get the 
                                          fps from the input or reference 

            "opts": ("-ef", "--extract-filetype"),
            """Image format that extracted images
                                          should be saved as. '.bmp' will offer
                                          the fastest extraction speed, but
                                          will take the most storage space.
                                          '.png' will be slower but will take
                                          less storage."""

            "opts": ('-s', '--start'),
            """Enter the start time from which an 
                                          action is to be applied.
                                          Default: 00:00:00, in HH:MM:SS 
                                          format. You can also enter the time
                                          with or without the colons, e.g. 
                                          00:0000 or 026010."""

            "opts": ('-e', '--end'),
            """Enter the end time to which an action
                                          is to be applied. If both an end time
                                          and duration are set, then the end 
                                          time will be used and the duration 
                                          will be ignored.
                                          Default: 00:00:00, in HH:MM:SS."""

            "opts": ('-d', '--duration'),
            """Enter the duration of the chosen
                                          action, for example if you enter
                                          00:00:10 for slice, then the first 10 
                                          seconds after and including the start
                                          time will be cut out into a new
                                          Default: 00:00:00, in HH:MM:SS 
                                          format. You can also enter the time
                                          with or without the colons, e.g. 
                                          00:0000 or 026010."""

            "opts": ('-m', '--mux-audio'),
            """Mux the audio from the reference 
                                          video into the input video. This
                                          option is only used for the 'gen-vid'
                                          action. 'mux-audio' action has this
                                          turned on implicitly."""

            "opts": ('-tr', '--transpose'),
            "choices": ("(0, 90CounterClockwise&VerticalFlip)",
                        "(1, 90Clockwise)", "(2, 90CounterClockwise)",
                        "(3, 90Clockwise&VerticalFlip)", "None"),
            lambda v: Effmpeg.__parse_transpose(v),
            """Transpose the video. If transpose is 
                                          set, then degrees will be ignored. For
                                          cli you can enter either the number
                                          or the long command name, 
                                          e.g. to use (1, 90Clockwise)
                                          -tr 1 or -tr 90Clockwise"""

            "opts": ('-de', '--degrees'),
            """Rotate the video clockwise by the 
                                          given number of degrees."""

            "opts": ('-sc', '--scale'),
            """Set the new resolution scale if the
                                          chosen action is 'rescale'."""

            "opts": ('-q', '--quiet'),
            """Reduces output verbosity so that only
                                          serious errors are printed. If both
                                          quiet and verbose are set, verbose
                                          will override quiet."""

            "opts": ('-v', '--verbose'),
            """Increases output verbosity. If both
                                          quiet and verbose are set, verbose
                                          will override quiet."""

        return arguments_list
예제 #5
    def get_argument_list():
        """ Put the arguments in a list so that they are accessible from both
        argparse and gui """
        log_filetypes = [["Serializers", ['json', 'yaml']], ["JSON", ["json"]],
                         ["YAML", ["yaml"]]]
        log_filetypes = FileFullPaths.prep_filetypes(log_filetypes)

        argument_list = list()

            "opts": ('-i', '--input'),
            "action": DirFullPaths,
            "dest": "input_dir",
            "default": "input_dir",
            "help": "Input directory of aligned faces.",
            "required": True

            "opts": ('-o', '--output'),
            "Output directory for sorted aligned "

            "opts": ('-fp', '--final-process'),
            "choices": ("folders", "rename"),
            "'folders': files are sorted using the "
            "-s/--sort-by method, then they are "
            "organized into folders using the "
            "-g/--group-by grouping method. "
            "'rename': files are sorted using the "
            "-s/--sort-by then they are renamed. "
            "Default: rename"

            "opts": ('-k', '--keep'),
            "Keeps the original files in the input "
            "directory. Be careful when using this "
            "with rename grouping and no specified "
            "output directory as this would keep "
            "the original and renamed files in the "
            "same directory."

            "opts": ('-s', '--sort-by'),
            "choices": ("blur", "face", "face-cnn", "face-cnn-dissim",
                        "face-dissim", "face-yaw", "hist", "hist-dissim"),
            "Sort by method. "
            "Choose how images are sorted. "
            "Default: hist"

            "opts": ('-g', '--group-by'),
            "choices": ("blur", "face", "face-cnn", "face-yaw", "hist"),
            "Group by method. "
            "When -fp/--final-processing by "
            "folders choose the how the images are "
            "grouped after sorting. "
            "Default: hist"

            "opts": ('-t', '--ref_threshold'),
            "Float value. "
            "Minimum threshold to use for grouping "
            "comparison with 'face' and 'hist' "
            "methods. The lower the value the more "
            "discriminating the grouping is. "
            "Leaving -1.0 will make the program "
            "set the default value automatically. "
            "For face 0.6 should be enough, with "
            "0.5 being very discriminating. "
            "For face-cnn 7.2 should be enough, "
            "with 4 being very discriminating. "
            "For hist 0.3 should be enough, with "
            "0.2 being very discriminating. "
            "Be careful setting a value that's too "
            "low in a directory with many images, "
            "as this could result in a lot of "
            "directories being created. "
            "Defaults: face 0.6, face-cnn 7.2, "
            "hist 0.3"

            "opts": ('-b', '--bins'),
            "Integer value. "
            "Number of folders that will be used "
            "to group by blur and face-yaw. "
            "For blur folder 0 will be the least "
            "blurry, while the last folder will be "
            "the blurriest. "
            "For face-yaw the number of bins is by "
            "how much 180 degrees is divided. So "
            "if you use 18, then each folder will "
            "be a 10 degree increment. Folder 0 "
            "will contain faces looking the most "
            "to the left whereas the last folder "
            "will contain the faces looking the "
            "most to the right. "
            "If the number of images doesn't "
            "divide evenly into the number of "
            "bins, the remaining images get put in "
            "the last bin."
            "Default value: 5"

            "opts": ('-l', '--log-changes'),
            "Logs file renaming changes if "
            "grouping by renaming, or it logs the "
            "file copying/movement if grouping by "
            "folders. If no log file is specified "
            "with '--log-file', then a "
            "'sort_log.json' file will be created "
            "in the input directory."

            "opts": ('-lf', '--log-file'),
            "Specify a log file to use for saving "
            "the renaming or grouping information. "
            "If specified extension isn't 'json' "
            "or 'yaml', then json will be used as "
            "the serializer, with the supplied "
            "filename. "
            "Default: sort_log.json"

        return argument_list
예제 #6
    def get_argument_list():
        log_filetypes = [["Serializers", ['json', 'yaml']],
                         ["JSON", ["json"]],
                         ["YAML", ["yaml"]]]
        log_filetypes = FileFullPaths.prep_filetypes(log_filetypes)

        arguments_list = list()
        arguments_list.append({"opts": ('-i', '--input'),
                               "action": DirFullPaths,
                               "dest": "input_dir",
                               "default": "input_dir",
                               "help": "Input directory of aligned faces.",
                               "required": True})

        arguments_list.append({"opts": ('-o', '--output'),
                               "action": DirFullPaths,
                               "dest": "output_dir",
                               "default": "_output_dir",
                               "help": "Output directory for sorted aligned "

        arguments_list.append({"opts": ('-fp', '--final-process'),
                               "type": str,
                               "choices": ("folders", "rename"),
                               "dest": 'final_process',
                               "default": "rename",
                               "help": "'folders': files are sorted using the "
                                       "-s/--sort-by method, then they are "
                                       "organized into folders using the "
                                       "-g/--group-by grouping method. "
                                       "'rename': files are sorted using the "
                                       "-s/--sort-by then they are renamed. "
                                       "Default: rename"})

        arguments_list.append({"opts": ('-k', '--keep'),
                               "action": 'store_true',
                               "dest": 'keep_original',
                               "default": False,
                               "help": "Keeps the original files in the input "
                                       "directory. Be careful when using this "
                                       "with rename grouping and no specified "
                                       "output directory as this would keep "
                                       "the original and renamed files in the "
                                       "same directory."})

        arguments_list.append({"opts": ('-s', '--sort-by'),
                               "type": str,
                               "choices": ("blur", "face", "face-cnn",
                                           "face-cnn-dissim", "face-dissim",
                                           "face-yaw", "hist",
                               "dest": 'sort_method',
                               "default": "hist",
                               "help": "Sort by method. "
                                       "Choose how images are sorted. "
                                       "Default: hist"})

        arguments_list.append({"opts": ('-g', '--group-by'),
                               "type": str,
                               "choices": ("blur", "face", "face-cnn",
                                           "face-yaw", "hist"),
                               "dest": 'group_method',
                               "default": "hist",
                               "help": "Group by method. "
                                       "When -fp/--final-processing by "
                                       "folders choose the how the images are "
                                       "grouped after sorting. "
                                       "Default: hist"})

        arguments_list.append({"opts": ('-t', '--ref_threshold'),
                               "type": float,
                               "dest": 'min_threshold',
                               "default": -1.0,
                               "help": "Float value. "
                                       "Minimum threshold to use for grouping "
                                       "comparison with 'face' and 'hist' "
                                       "methods. The lower the value the more "
                                       "discriminating the grouping is. "
                                       "Leaving -1.0 will make the program "
                                       "set the default value automatically. "
                                       "For face 0.6 should be enough, with "
                                       "0.5 being very discriminating. "
                                       "For face-cnn 7.2 should be enough, "
                                       "with 4 being very discriminating. "
                                       "For hist 0.3 should be enough, with "
                                       "0.2 being very discriminating. "
                                       "Be careful setting a value that's too "
                                       "low in a directory with many images, "
                                       "as this could result in a lot of "
                                       "directories being created. "
                                       "Defaults: face 0.6, face-cnn 7.2, "
                                       "hist 0.3"})

        arguments_list.append({"opts": ('-b', '--bins'),
                               "type": int,
                               "dest": 'num_bins',
                               "default": 5,
                               "help": "Integer value. "
                                       "Number of folders that will be used "
                                       "to group by blur and face-yaw. "
                                       "For blur folder 0 will be the least "
                                       "blurry, while the last folder will be "
                                       "the blurriest. "
                                       "For face-yaw the number of bins is by "
                                       "how much 180 degrees is divided. So "
                                       "if you use 18, then each folder will "
                                       "be a 10 degree increment. Folder 0 "
                                       "will contain faces looking the most "
                                       "to the left whereas the last folder "
                                       "will contain the faces looking the "
                                       "most to the right. "
                                       "If the number of images doesn't "
                                       "divide evenly into the number of "
                                       "bins, the remaining images get put in "
                                       "the last bin."
                                       "Default value: 5"})

        arguments_list.append({"opts": ('-l', '--log-changes'),
                               "action": 'store_true',
                               "dest": 'log_changes',
                               "default": False,
                               "help": "Logs file renaming changes if "
                                       "grouping by renaming, or it logs the "
                                       "file copying/movement if grouping by "
                                       "folders. If no log file is specified "
                                       "with '--log-file', then a "
                                       "'sort_log.json' file will be created "
                                       "in the input directory."})

        arguments_list.append({"opts": ('-lf', '--log-file'),
                               "action": FileFullPaths,
                               "filetypes": log_filetypes,
                               "dest": 'log_file_path',
                               "default": 'sort_log.json',
                               "help": "Specify a log file to use for saving "
                                       "the renaming or grouping information. "
                                       "If specified extension isn't 'json' "
                                       "or 'yaml', then json will be used as "
                                       "the serializer, with the supplied "
                                       "filename. "
                                       "Default: sort_log.json"})

        return arguments_list
예제 #7
    def get_argument_list():
        vid_files = FileFullPaths.prep_filetypes([["Video Files",
        arguments_list = list()
        arguments_list.append({"opts": ('-a', '--action'),
                               "dest": "action",
                               "choices": ("extract", "gen-vid", "get-fps",
                                           "get-info", "mux-audio", "rescale",
                                           "rotate", "slice"),
                               "default": "extract",
                               "help": """Choose which action you want ffmpeg 
                                          ffmpeg to do.
                                          'slice' cuts a portion of the video
                                          into a separate video file.
                                          'get-fps' returns the chosen video's

        arguments_list.append({"opts": ('-i', '--input'),
                               "action": ComboFullPaths,
                               "dest": "input",
                               "default": "input",
                               "help": "Input file.",
                               "required": True,
                               "actions_open_type": {
                                   "task_name": "effmpeg",
                                   "extract": "load",
                                   "gen-vid": "folder",
                                   "get-fps": "load",
                                   "get-info": "load",
                                   "mux-audio": "load",
                                   "rescale": "load",
                                   "rotate": "load",
                                   "slice": "load",
                               "filetypes": {
                                   "extract": vid_files,
                                   "gen-vid": None,
                                   "get-fps": vid_files,
                                   "get-info": vid_files,
                                   "mux-audio": vid_files,
                                   "rescale": vid_files,
                                   "rotate": vid_files,
                                   "slice": vid_files

        arguments_list.append({"opts": ('-o', '--output'),
                               "action": ComboFullPaths,
                               "dest": "output",
                               "default": "",
                               "help": """Output file. If no output is 
                                          specified then: if the output is  
                                          meant to be a video then a video 
                                          called 'out.mkv' will be created in 
                                          the input directory; if the output is
                                          meant to be a directory then a 
                                          directory called 'out' will be 
                                          created inside the input 
                                          Note: the chosen output file 
                                          extension will determine the file
                               "actions_open_type": {
                                   "task_name": "effmpeg",
                                   "extract": "save",
                                   "gen-vid": "save",
                                   "get-fps": "nothing",
                                   "get-info": "nothing",
                                   "mux-audio": "save",
                                   "rescale": "save",
                                   "rotate": "save",
                                   "slice": "save"
                               "filetypes": {
                                   "extract": None,
                                   "gen-vid": vid_files,
                                   "get-fps": None,
                                   "get-info": None,
                                   "mux-audio": vid_files,
                                   "rescale": vid_files,
                                   "rotate": vid_files,
                                   "slice": vid_files

        arguments_list.append({"opts": ('-r', '--reference-video'),
                               "action": ComboFullPaths,
                               "dest": "ref_vid",
                               "default": "None",
                               "help": """Path to reference video if 'input' 
                                          was not a video.""",
                               "actions_open_type": {
                                   "task_name": "effmpeg",
                                   "extract": "nothing",
                                   "gen-vid": "load",
                                   "get-fps": "nothing",
                                   "get-info": "nothing",
                                   "mux-audio": "load",
                                   "rescale": "nothing",
                                   "rotate": "nothing",
                                   "slice": "nothing"
                               "filetypes": {
                                   "extract": None,
                                   "gen-vid": vid_files,
                                   "get-fps": None,
                                   "get-info": None,
                                   "mux-audio": vid_files,
                                   "rescale": None,
                                   "rotate": None,
                                   "slice": None

        arguments_list.append({"opts": ('-fps', '--fps'),
                               "type": str,
                               "dest": "fps",
                               "default": "-1.0",
                               "help": """Provide video fps. Can be an integer,
                                          float or fraction. Negative values 
                                          will make the program try to get the 
                                          fps from the input or reference 

        arguments_list.append({"opts": ("-ef", "--extract-filetype"),
                               "choices": DataItem.img_ext,
                               "dest": "extract_ext",
                               "default": ".png",
                               "help": """Image format that extracted images
                                          should be saved as. '.bmp' will offer
                                          the fastest extraction speed, but
                                          will take the most storage space.
                                          '.png' will be slower but will take
                                          less storage."""})

        arguments_list.append({"opts": ('-s', '--start'),
                               "type": str,
                               "dest": "start",
                               "default": "00:00:00",
                               "help": """Enter the start time from which an 
                                          action is to be applied.
                                          Default: 00:00:00, in HH:MM:SS 
                                          format. You can also enter the time
                                          with or without the colons, e.g. 
                                          00:0000 or 026010."""})

        arguments_list.append({"opts": ('-e', '--end'),
                               "type": str,
                               "dest": "end",
                               "default": "00:00:00",
                               "help": """Enter the end time to which an action
                                          is to be applied. If both an end time
                                          and duration are set, then the end 
                                          time will be used and the duration 
                                          will be ignored.
                                          Default: 00:00:00, in HH:MM:SS."""})

        arguments_list.append({"opts": ('-d', '--duration'),
                               "type": str,
                               "dest": "duration",
                               "default": "00:00:00",
                               "help": """Enter the duration of the chosen
                                          action, for example if you enter
                                          00:00:10 for slice, then the first 10 
                                          seconds after and including the start
                                          time will be cut out into a new
                                          Default: 00:00:00, in HH:MM:SS 
                                          format. You can also enter the time
                                          with or without the colons, e.g. 
                                          00:0000 or 026010."""})

        arguments_list.append({"opts": ('-m', '--mux-audio'),
                               "action": "store_true",
                               "dest": "mux_audio",
                               "default": False,
                               "help": """Mux the audio from the reference 
                                          video into the input video. This
                                          option is only used for the 'gen-vid'
                                          action. 'mux-audio' action has this
                                          turned on implicitly."""})

        arguments_list.append({"opts": ('-tr', '--transpose'),
                               "choices": ("(0, 90CounterClockwise&VerticalFlip)",
                                           "(1, 90Clockwise)",
                                           "(2, 90CounterClockwise)",
                                           "(3, 90Clockwise&VerticalFlip)",
                               "type": lambda v: Effmpeg.__parse_transpose(v),
                               "dest": "transpose",
                               "default": "None",
                               "help": """Transpose the video. If transpose is 
                                          set, then degrees will be ignored. For
                                          cli you can enter either the number
                                          or the long command name, 
                                          e.g. to use (1, 90Clockwise)
                                          -tr 1 or -tr 90Clockwise"""})

        arguments_list.append({"opts": ('-de', '--degrees'),
                               "type": str,
                               "dest": "degrees",
                               "default": "None",
                               "help": """Rotate the video clockwise by the 
                                          given number of degrees."""})

        arguments_list.append({"opts": ('-sc', '--scale'),
                               "type": str,
                               "dest": "scale",
                               "default": "1920x1080",
                               "help": """Set the new resolution scale if the
                                          chosen action is 'rescale'."""})

        arguments_list.append({"opts": ('-q', '--quiet'),
                               "action": "store_true",
                               "dest": "quiet",
                               "default": False,
                               "help": """Reduces output verbosity so that only
                                          serious errors are printed. If both
                                          quiet and verbose are set, verbose
                                          will override quiet."""})

        arguments_list.append({"opts": ('-v', '--verbose'),
                               "action": "store_true",
                               "dest": "verbose",
                               "default": False,
                               "help": """Increases output verbosity. If both
                                          quiet and verbose are set, verbose
                                          will override quiet."""})

        return arguments_list