예제 #1
def kf_update_cov(covariance, H, R, INPLACE=True):
    kalman_info = lambda:0
    if INPLACE:
        upd_covariance = covariance
        covariance_copy = covariance.copy()
        upd_covariance = covariance.copy()
        covariance_copy = covariance
    # Store R
    #chol_S = np.repeat(R, covariance.shape[0], 0)
    # Compute PH^T
    p_ht = blas.dgemm(covariance, H, TRANSPOSE_B=True)
    # Compute HPH^T + R
    #blas.dgemm(H, p_ht, C=chol_S)
    hp_ht_pR = blas.dgemm(H, p_ht) + R
    # Compute the Cholesky decomposition
    chol_S = blas.dpotrf(hp_ht_pR, False)
    # Select the lower triangle (set the upper triangle to zero)
    # Compute the determinant
    diag_vec = np.array([np.diag(chol_S[i]) for i in range(chol_S.shape[0])])
    det_S = diag_vec.prod(1)**2
    # Compute the inverse of the square root
    inv_sqrt_S = blas.dtrtri(chol_S, 'l')
    # Compute the inverse using dsyrk
    inv_S = blas.dsyrk('l', inv_sqrt_S, TRANSPOSE_A=True)
    # Symmetrise the matrix since only the lower triangle is stored
    blas.symmetrise(inv_S, 'l')
    #blas.dpotri(op_S, True)
    # inv_S = op_S
    # Kalman gain
    kalman_gain = blas.dgemm(p_ht, inv_S)
    # Update the covariance
    k_h = blas.dgemm(kalman_gain, H)
    blas.dgemm(k_h, covariance_copy, alpha=-1.0, C=upd_covariance)
    kalman_info.S = hp_ht_pR
    kalman_info.inv_sqrt_S = inv_sqrt_S
    kalman_info.det_S = det_S
    kalman_info.kalman_gain = kalman_gain
    return upd_covariance, kalman_info
예제 #2
def _sigma_cov_(sigma_x, x_hat, wt_cv, proc_noise):
    residuals = sigma_x - x_hat
    sigma_cov = np.array([ (blas.dsyr('l', residuals, wt_cv)).sum(axis=0) ])
    blas.symmetrise(sigma_cov, 'l')
    sigma_cov = sigma_cov[0] + proc_noise