예제 #1
파일: api_data.py 프로젝트: namesuqi/zeus
def get_activity_info_data(customer_id, start_time, end_time):
    Panel对接接口 get_activity_info接口应该返回的data, data结构如下:
    "data": {*start_time: 0}
    sql = "select ifnull(sum(daily), 0) from boss_daily_activities where bill_date = '{0}' and prefix = '{1}'"

    pg_db = PostgresqlDB(host=BOSS_POSTGRESQL_HOST)
    if customer_id != "all":
        prefix_list = pg_db.execute(
            "select prefix from crm_customer_prefix as p inner join crm_customer_info as i \
on p.customer = i.id where i.number = '{0}'".format(customer_id)).one_by_one()
        prefix_list = pg_db.execute(
            "select prefix from crm_customer_prefix").one_by_one()
    del pg_db

    mysql_db = MysqlDB(host=BOSS_MYSQL_HOST)
    data = {}
    for timestamp in range(start_time, end_time, 86400000):
        active = 0
        date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(timestamp / 1000))
        for prefix in prefix_list:
            one_active = mysql_db.execute(sql.format(date, prefix)).only_one()
            active += one_active
        data[str(timestamp)] = int(active)
    del mysql_db

    return data
예제 #2
파일: api_data.py 프로젝트: namesuqi/zeus
def up_bandwidth_info_data(customer_id, start_time, end_time, step):
    上游客户 up_bandwidth_info接口应该返回的data, data结构如下
    "data": {*start_time: {"upload": 0}}
    # 分api_block
    if step == "day":
        interval = 86400000
    elif step == "hour":
        interval = 3600000
    elif step == "minute":
        interval = 300000
        raise ValueError

    data = {}
    db = MysqlDB(host=BOSS_MYSQL_HOST)
    # step为"day"与step为"hour"或"minute"时, 查询的表不同, 表结构也有不同
    for timestamp in range(start_time, end_time, interval):
        sql_upload = "select ifnull(sum(upload), 0) "
        if step == "day":
            sql_upload += "from boss_daily_upload where customer_id = '{0}' and  report_date = '{1}'"
            date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(timestamp / 1000))
            upload = db.execute(sql_upload.format(customer_id,
            sql_upload += "from upload_log_{0} where timestamp >= {1} and timestamp < {2}"
            upload = db.execute(
                sql_upload.format(customer_id, timestamp,
                                  timestamp + interval)).only_one()
        upload = round(upload * 8 / (interval / 1000), 2)
        data[str(timestamp)] = {"upload": upload}
    del db

    return data
예제 #3
파일: api_data.py 프로젝트: namesuqi/zeus
def down_traffic_total_data(customer_id, start_time, end_time, domain=None):
    下游客户 down_traffic_total接口应该返回的data, data结构如下
    "data": {*domain: {"time": 1489507200000, "app_total_ratio": app/(cdn+p2p), "app": 0, "cdn": 0, "p2p": 0}}
    if domain is None:
        pg_db = PostgresqlDB(host=BOSS_POSTGRESQL_HOST)
        domains = pg_db.execute(
            "select domain_name from crm_customer_domain as d inner join crm_customer_info as i \
on d.customer = i.id where i.number = '{0}'".format(customer_id)).one_by_one()
        del pg_db
        domains = [domain]

    mysql_db = MysqlDB(host=BOSS_MYSQL_HOST)
    data = {}
    for dns in domains:
        app, cdn, p2p = mysql_db.execute(
            "select ifnull(sum(app), 0), ifnull(sum(cdn), 0), ifnull(sum(p2p), 0) \
from download_log_{0} where timestamp >= {1} and timestamp < {2} and DNS = '{3}'"
            .format(customer_id, start_time, end_time, dns)).one_by_one()
        if (cdn + p2p) != 0:
            app_total_ratio = round(app / (cdn + p2p), 4)
            app_total_ratio = 0.0
        data[dns] = {
            "time": start_time,
            "app_total_ratio": app_total_ratio,
            "app": int(app),
            "cdn": int(cdn),
            "p2p": int(p2p)
    del mysql_db

    return data
예제 #4
파일: api_data.py 프로젝트: namesuqi/zeus
def get_traffic_info_data(customer_id, start_time, end_time, step):
    Panel对接接口 get_traffic_info接口应该返回的data, data结构如下
    "data": {"download": {*start_time: {"app": 0, "cdn": 0, "p2p": 0, "sum": cdn+p2p}}, "upload": {*start_time: {"upload": 0}}}
    # 分api_block
    if step == "day":
        interval = 86400000
    elif step == "hour":
        interval = 3600000
    elif step == "minute":
        interval = 300000
        raise ValueError

    data = {"download": {}, "upload": {}}
    db = MysqlDB(host=BOSS_MYSQL_HOST)
    # step为"day"与step为"hour"或"minute"时, 查询的表不同, 表结构也有不同
    for timestamp in range(start_time, end_time, interval):
        sql_download = "select ifnull(sum(app), 0), ifnull(sum(cdn), 0), ifnull(sum(p2p), 0) "
        sql_upload = "select ifnull(sum(upload), 0) "

        if step == "day":
            sql_download += "from boss_daily_download where customer_id = '{0}' and report_date = '{1}'"
            sql_upload += "from boss_daily_upload where customer_id = '{0}' and  report_date = '{1}'"
            date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(timestamp / 1000))
            app, cdn, p2p = db.execute(sql_download.format(customer_id,
            upload = db.execute(sql_upload.format(customer_id,
            sql_download += "from download_log_{0} where timestamp >= {1} and timestamp < {2}"
            sql_upload += "from upload_log_{0} where timestamp >= {1} and timestamp < {2}"
                db.execute("select * from download_log_{0} limit 1".format(
                    "select * from upload_log_{0} limit 1".format(customer_id))
                return data
            app, cdn, p2p = db.execute(
                sql_download.format(customer_id, timestamp,
                                    timestamp + interval)).one_by_one()
            upload = db.execute(
                sql_upload.format(customer_id, timestamp,
                                  timestamp + interval)).only_one()

        data["download"][str(timestamp)] = {
            "app": int(app),
            "cdn": int(cdn),
            "p2p": int(p2p),
            "sum": int(cdn + p2p)
        data["upload"][str(timestamp)] = {"upload": int(upload)}
    del db

    return data
예제 #5
def clear_logs(customer_id, category):
    # 为避免自动化测试累积的数据占用boss自动化服务器的空间, 每次测试结束, 清空无效的数据(logs)
    ts_millisecond = (int(time.time()) - 86400 * 5) * 1000
    sql = "delete from {0}_log_{1} where timestamp <= {2}".format(
        category, customer_id, ts_millisecond)
    mysql_db = MysqlDB(host=BOSS_CRM_HOST)
    del mysql_db
예제 #6
파일: api_data.py 프로젝트: namesuqi/zeus
def get_activity_number_data(customer_id):
    Panel对接接口 get_activity_number接口应该返回的data, data结构如下:
    "data": {"active": 0, "online": 0}
    millisecond_now = int(time.time()) * 1000
    today = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime())
    sql_active = "select count(*) from boss_activity where report_date = '{0}' and prefix = '{1}'"
    sql_online = "select info from boss_activity_online where timestamp > {0} and prefix = '{1}' order by timestamp desc limit 1"

    pg_db = PostgresqlDB(host=BOSS_POSTGRESQL_HOST)
    if customer_id != "all":
        prefix_list = pg_db.execute(
            "select prefix from crm_customer_prefix as p inner join crm_customer_info as i \
on p.customer = i.id where i.number = '{0}'".format(customer_id)).one_by_one()
        prefix_list = pg_db.execute(
            "select prefix from crm_customer_prefix").one_by_one()
    del pg_db

    mysql_db = MysqlDB(host=BOSS_MYSQL_HOST)
    active = 0
    online_info_list = []
    for prefix in prefix_list:
        one_active = mysql_db.execute(sql_active.format(today,
        active += one_active
        one_online_info = mysql_db.execute(
            sql_online.format(millisecond_now - 3600000, prefix)).one_by_one()
        if len(one_online_info) == 1:
    del mysql_db

    online = 0
    for online_info in online_info_list:
        online_info = eval(
        )  # 如 {'provinces': {}, 'isps': {}, 'natTypes': {}, 'versions': {}}
        online_province = online_isp = online_nat_type = online_version = 0
        for v in online_info["provinces"].values():
            online_province += v
        for v in online_info["isps"].values():
            online_isp += v
        for v in online_info["natTypes"].values():
            online_nat_type += v
        for v in online_info["versions"].values():
            online_version += v
        assert online_province == online_isp == online_nat_type == online_version
        online += online_province

    data = {"active": int(active), "online": int(online)}

    return data
예제 #7
def compare_results_for_billing(block_count, logs_count, prefix, ts_second,
                                category, price, unit):
    :param block_count: 将一堆logs记作一个block(块, 与boss的block概念不同), block的数量
    :param logs_count: 一个block中包含的logs的数量
    :param prefix: log的peer_id的prefix
    :param ts_second: log的时间戳(秒级)
    :param category: 计费类别, "download"/"upload"
    :param price: CRM中设定的计费单价
    :param unit: CRM中设定的计价单位, "KB"/"MB"/"GB"

    assert unit in ("KB", "MB", "GB")

    account = 0
    for i in range(logs_count):
        flow = 1000000 + i * 10240
        account += flow
    print "account one block:", account
    total_account = account * block_count
    print "account all block:", total_account

    total_money = total_account * price
    print "money (B):", total_money

    if unit == "KB":
        expect_account = float(total_account) / 1024
        expect_money = float(total_money) / 1024
    elif unit == "MB":
        expect_account = float(total_account) / 1024 / 1024
        expect_money = float(total_money) / 1024 / 1024
        expect_account = float(total_account) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024
        expect_money = float(total_money) / 1024 / 1024 / 1024

    timestamp_end = int(ts_second)
    timestamp_start = timestamp_end - 10 * 60

    sql = "select sum(account), sum(money) from {0}_billing where ts between {1} and {2} and prefix = '{3}'"\
        .format(category, timestamp_start, timestamp_end, prefix)
    mysql_db = MysqlDB(host=BOSS_CRM_HOST)
    actual_account, actual_money = mysql_db.execute(sql).one_by_one()
    del mysql_db

    if abs(actual_account - expect_account) <= 0.000001 and abs(
            actual_money - expect_money) <= 0.000001:
        return True
        print "account - expect:", expect_account, "; actual:", actual_account
        print "money - expect:", expect_money, "; actual:", actual_money
        return False
예제 #8
파일: api_data.py 프로젝트: namesuqi/zeus
def get_activity_online_info_data(customer_id, start_time, end_time):
    Panel对接接口 get_activity_online_info接口及上游接口activity_online_info接口应该返回的data, data结构如下:
    "data": {*start_time: 0}
    sql = "select info from boss_activity_online where timestamp >= {0} and timestamp < {1} and \
prefix = '{2}' order by timestamp desc limit 1"

    pg_db = PostgresqlDB(host=BOSS_POSTGRESQL_HOST)
    if customer_id != "all":
        prefix_list = pg_db.execute(
            "select prefix from crm_customer_prefix as p inner join crm_customer_info as i \
on p.customer = i.id where i.number = '{0}'".format(customer_id)).one_by_one()
        prefix_list = pg_db.execute(
            "select prefix from crm_customer_prefix").one_by_one()
    del pg_db

    data = {}
    if len(prefix_list) == 0:
        return data
    mysql_db = MysqlDB(host=BOSS_MYSQL_HOST)
    for timestamp in range(start_time, end_time, 3600000):
        online_info_list = []
        for prefix in prefix_list:
            one_online_info = mysql_db.execute(
                sql.format(timestamp, timestamp + 3600000,
            if len(one_online_info) == 1:
        online = 0
        for online_info in online_info_list:
            online_info = eval(
            )  # 如 {'provinces': {}, 'isps': {}, 'natTypes': {}, 'versions': {}}
            online_province = online_isp = online_nat_type = online_version = 0
            for v in online_info["provinces"].values():
                online_province += v
            for v in online_info["isps"].values():
                online_isp += v
            for v in online_info["natTypes"].values():
                online_nat_type += v
            for v in online_info["versions"].values():
                online_version += v
            assert online_province == online_isp == online_nat_type == online_version
            online += online_province
        data[str(timestamp)] = int(online)
    del mysql_db

    return data
예제 #9
파일: api_data.py 프로젝트: namesuqi/zeus
def up_activity_info_data(customer_id, start_day, end_day):
    上游客户 activity_info接口应该返回的data, data结构如下
    "data": {*date: 0}
    date_list = get_date_list_by_date(start_day, end_day)
    sql = "select ifnull(sum(daily), 0) from boss_daily_activities where custom_id = '{0}'and bill_date = '{1}'"

    db = MysqlDB(host=BOSS_MYSQL_HOST)
    data = {}
    for date in date_list:
        active = db.execute(sql.format(customer_id, date)).only_one()
        data[str(date)] = int(active)
    del db

    return data
예제 #10
파일: api_data.py 프로젝트: namesuqi/zeus
def down_traffic_info_data(customer_id,
    下游客户 down_traffic_info接口应该返回的data, data结构如下
    "data": {*start_time: {"app": 0, "cdn": 0, "p2p": 0, "sum": cdn+p2p}}
    # 分api_block
    if step == "day":
        interval = 86400000
    elif step == "hour":
        interval = 3600000
    elif step == "minute":
        interval = 300000
        raise ValueError

    data = {}
    db = MysqlDB(host=BOSS_MYSQL_HOST)
    # step为"day"与step为"hour"或"minute"时, 查询的表不同, 表结构也有不同
    for timestamp in range(start_time, end_time, interval):
        sql_download = "select ifnull(sum(app), 0), ifnull(sum(cdn), 0), ifnull(sum(p2p), 0) "
        if step == "day":
            sql_download += "from boss_daily_download where customer_id = '{0}' and report_date = '{1}' "
            if domain is not None:
                sql_download += "and DNS = '{0}'".format(domain)
            date = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d', time.localtime(timestamp / 1000))
            app, cdn, p2p = db.execute(sql_download.format(customer_id,
            sql_download += "from download_log_{0} where timestamp >= {1} and timestamp < {2} "
            if domain is not None:
                sql_download += "and DNS = '{0}'".format(domain)
            app, cdn, p2p = db.execute(
                sql_download.format(customer_id, timestamp,
                                    timestamp + interval)).one_by_one()
        data[str(timestamp)] = {
            "app": int(app),
            "cdn": int(cdn),
            "p2p": int(p2p),
            "sum": int(cdn + p2p)
    del db

    return data
예제 #11
파일: api_data.py 프로젝트: namesuqi/zeus
def get_qos_startup_data(customer_id, start_time, end_time):
    Panel对接接口 get_qos_startup接口应该返回的data, data结构如下:
    "data": {*start_time: {"middle": 0, "long": 0, "less": 0}}
    sql = "select count(*) from qos_startup where "

    if customer_id != "all":
        pg_db = PostgresqlDB(host=BOSS_POSTGRESQL_HOST)
        customer_index = pg_db.execute(
            "select id from crm_customer_info where number = '{0}'".format(
        prefix_list = pg_db.execute(
            "select prefix from crm_customer_prefix where customer = {0}".
        del pg_db

        if len(prefix_list) == 0:
            sql += "prefix = 'Not Exist' and "
        elif len(prefix_list) == 1:
            sql += "prefix = '{0}' and ".format(prefix_list[0])
            sql += "prefix in {0} and ".format(tuple(prefix_list))

    data = {}
    sql_less = sql + "duration > 0 and duration < 1000 and timestamp >= {0} and timestamp < {1}"
    sql_middle = sql + "duration >= 1000 and duration < 3000 and timestamp >= {0} and timestamp < {1}"
    sql_long = sql + "duration >= 3000 and timestamp >= {0} and timestamp < {1}"

    mysql_db = MysqlDB(host=BOSS_MYSQL_HOST)
    for timestamp in range(start_time, end_time, 300000):
        less = mysql_db.execute(sql_less.format(timestamp, timestamp +
        middle = mysql_db.execute(
            sql_middle.format(timestamp, timestamp + 300000)).only_one()
        long = mysql_db.execute(sql_long.format(timestamp, timestamp +
        data[str(timestamp)] = {
            "less": int(less),
            "middle": int(middle),
            "long": int(long)
    del mysql_db

    return data
예제 #12
파일: api_data.py 프로젝트: namesuqi/zeus
def get_qos_buffer_data(customer_id, start_time, end_time):
    Panel对接接口 get_qos_buffer接口应该返回的data, data结构如下:
    "data": {*start_time: {"middle": 0, "majority": 0, "less": 0, "zero": 0}}
    sql = "select count(*) from qos_buffer where "

    if customer_id != "all":
        pg_db = PostgresqlDB(host=BOSS_POSTGRESQL_HOST)
        customer_index = pg_db.execute(
            "select id from crm_customer_info where number = '{0}'".format(
        prefix_list = pg_db.execute(
            "select prefix from crm_customer_prefix where customer = {0}".
        del pg_db

        if len(prefix_list) == 0:
            sql += "prefix = 'Not Exist' and "
        elif len(prefix_list) == 1:
            sql += "prefix = '{0}' and ".format(prefix_list[0])
            sql += "prefix in {0} and ".format(tuple(prefix_list))

    data = {}
    sql_zero = sql + "buffering_count = 0 and timestamp >= {0} and timestamp < {1}"
    sql_less = sql + "buffering_count = 1 and timestamp >= {0} and timestamp < {1}"
    sql_middle = sql + "buffering_count in (2, 3) and timestamp >= {0} and timestamp < {1}"
    sql_majority = sql + "buffering_count > 3 and timestamp >= {0} and timestamp < {1}"

    mysql_db = MysqlDB(host=BOSS_MYSQL_HOST)
    for timestamp in range(start_time, end_time, 300000):
        zero = mysql_db.execute(sql_zero.format(timestamp, timestamp +
        less = mysql_db.execute(sql_less.format(timestamp, timestamp +
        middle = mysql_db.execute(
            sql_middle.format(timestamp, timestamp + 300000)).only_one()
        majority = mysql_db.execute(
            sql_majority.format(timestamp, timestamp + 300000)).only_one()
        data[str(timestamp)] = {
            "zero": int(zero),
            "less": int(less),
            "middle": int(middle),
            "majority": int(majority)
    del mysql_db

    return data