예제 #1
def save_and_reapply_permissions(conn, tables: List[TableInfo], schema: str):
    Holy hell this is annoying. See this issue for details:

    # Create blank placeholder tables if they don't already exist,
    # so that any users with default privileges in our schema
    # have expected permissions on them.
    create_blank_tables = ";".join(
        [f"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {schema}.{table.name} ()" for table in tables]
    with conn.cursor() as cur:

    # Now remember the permissions on the tables.
    grants = "".join(
        db_perms.get_grant_sql(conn, table.name, schema) for table in tables

    # Let the code inside our "with" clause run. It will likely
    # drop the tables and replace them with new ones that have
    # the same name.

    # Now grant the same permissions to the new tables.
    db_perms.exec_grant_sql(conn, grants)
예제 #2
def test_get_grant_sql_works(conn):
    with conn.cursor() as cur:
        cur.execute('DROP USER IF EXISTS boop')
        cur.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (code char(5) PRIMARY KEY)")

    assert db_perms.get_grant_sql(conn, 'mytable') == ''

    db_perms.create_readonly_user(conn, 'boop', 'pass')

    grant_sql = 'GRANT SELECT ON TABLE public.mytable TO boop;'
    assert db_perms.get_grant_sql(conn, 'mytable') == grant_sql

    with load_dataset.create_and_enter_temporary_schema(conn, 'blarf'):
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            cur.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (code char(5) PRIMARY KEY)")
        assert db_perms.get_grant_sql(conn, 'mytable', 'blarf') == ''
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            cur.execute(f"DROP TABLE public.mytable")
            cur.execute(f"ALTER TABLE mytable SET SCHEMA public")

    assert db_perms.get_grant_sql(conn, 'mytable') == ''
    db_perms.exec_grant_sql(conn, grant_sql)
    assert db_perms.get_grant_sql(conn, 'mytable') == grant_sql
예제 #3
def test_get_grant_sql_works(conn):
    with conn.cursor() as cur:
        cur.execute("DROP USER IF EXISTS boop")
        cur.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (code char(5) PRIMARY KEY)")

    assert db_perms.get_grant_sql(conn, "mytable") == ""

    db_perms.create_readonly_user(conn, "boop", "pass")

    grant_sql = "GRANT SELECT ON TABLE public.mytable TO boop;"
    assert db_perms.get_grant_sql(conn, "mytable") == grant_sql

    with load_dataset.create_and_enter_temporary_schema(conn, "blarf"):
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            cur.execute("CREATE TABLE mytable (code char(5) PRIMARY KEY)")
        assert db_perms.get_grant_sql(conn, "mytable", "blarf") == ""
        with conn.cursor() as cur:
            cur.execute(f"DROP TABLE public.mytable")
            cur.execute(f"ALTER TABLE mytable SET SCHEMA public")

    assert db_perms.get_grant_sql(conn, "mytable") == ""
    db_perms.exec_grant_sql(conn, grant_sql)
    assert db_perms.get_grant_sql(conn, "mytable") == grant_sql
예제 #4
def test_get_grant_sql_raises_error_on_invalid_table(conn):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Table public.blarg does not exist"):
        db_perms.get_grant_sql(conn, 'blarg')