예제 #1
            "Room": "47C 22E",
            "RoomType": "Single",
            "RoomSpace": "47C 22E-1",
            "Ay1213RSStatus": "Junior Regroup (In Person)",
            "RoomLocationArea": "Small Suite",
            "RoomLocationFloorSuite": "47C - 22",
            "RoomArea": 90,
            "PointValue": 20,
            "FloorSuiteWebDescription": "3 Singles - 2 Doubles",
            "ResidentialArea": "West Campus"
    "status_txt": "OK"
                        "queries" : c(mem(room, func)),
                    "housing/buildings" : {
                        "request" : "{HOST}/housing/buildings?name=watt&api_token={{API_TOKEN}}",
                        "response" :
    "status_code": 200,
    "data": [
            "Building": "Watt",
            "SharedKitchen": false,
            "SemiPrivateKitchen": false,
            "SuiteStyle": false,
            "ApartmentStyle": true,
            "Lounge": "",
예제 #2
            "Building2": null,
            "NumEnrolled": 3,
            "SchoolName": "SCHOOL OF CONTINUING EDUCATION",
            "DepartmentName": "ASTRONOMY",
            "MeetsOn1": "TR",
            "MaxSize": 999,
            "EndTime2": "None",
            "MeetsOn2": null,
            "TypeName": "LECTURE",
            "NumFixedUnits": 30,
            "MaxUnits": 0,
            "Room2": null,
            "Room1": "1332",
            "Approval": "",
            "CourseSubtitle": "EARTH, MOON AND PLANETS"
    "status_txt": "OK"
} """,
        "queries": c(mem(courses, func)),

def get_lead():
    return lead

def get_endpoints():
    return endpoints
예제 #3
            "Instructor1Name": "APPLEGATE, JAMES H",
            "Building1": "PUPIN LABORA",
            "Building2": null,
            "NumEnrolled": 3,
            "SchoolName": "SCHOOL OF CONTINUING EDUCATION",
            "DepartmentName": "ASTRONOMY",
            "MeetsOn1": "TR",
            "MaxSize": 999,
            "EndTime2": "None",
            "MeetsOn2": null,
            "TypeName": "LECTURE",
            "NumFixedUnits": 30,
            "MaxUnits": 0,
            "Room2": null,
            "Room1": "1332",
            "Approval": "",
            "CourseSubtitle": "EARTH, MOON AND PLANETS"
    "status_txt": "OK"
} """,
                        "queries" : c(mem(courses, func)),

def get_lead():
    return lead

def get_endpoints():
    return endpoints
예제 #4
            "MaxUnits": 0,
            "Course": "CBMF4761",
            "CourseSubtitle": "COMPUTATIONAL GENOMICS",
            "MinUnits": 0,
            "Description": "Provides comprehensive introduction to computational techniques for analyzing genomic data including DNA, RNA and protein structures; microarrays; transcription and regulation; regulatory, metabolic and protein interaction networks. The course covers sequence analysis algorithms, dynamic programming, hidden Markov models, phylogenetic analysis, Bayesian network techniques, neural networks, clustering algorithms, support vector machines, Boolean models of regulatory networks, flux based analysis of metabolic networks and scale-free network models. The course provides self-contained introduction to relevant biological mechanisms and methods.",
            "NumFixedUnits": 30,
            "DepartmentName": "COMPUTER SCIENCE",
            "SchoolName": "INTERFACULTY",
            "CourseTitle": "COMPUTATIONAL GENOMICS",
            "Approval": ""
    "status_txt": "OK"
                        "queries" : c(mem(courses, func)),
                    "sections" : {
                        "request" : "{HOST}/courses/v2/sections?api_token={API_TOKEN}&not_full=false&pretty=true&limit=1",
                        "response" : """{
    "status_code": 200,
    "data": [
            "Term": "20131",
            "CampusName": "BARNARD COLLEGE",
            "StartTime2": "None",
            "StartTime1": "13:10:00",
            "Course": "SPAN1102",
            "CampusCode": "CBAR",
            "Instructor1Name": "ARCE-FERNANDEZ, MARIA I",
            "Building1": "MILBANK HALL",