def _compute_pred_matches(gt_triplets,
    Given a set of predicted triplets, return the list of matching GT's for each of the
    given predictions
    :param gt_triplets:
    :param pred_triplets:
    :param gt_boxes:
    :param pred_boxes:
    :param iou_thresh:
    # This performs a matrix multiplication-esque thing between the two arrays
    # Instead of summing, we want the equality, so we reduce in that way
    # The rows correspond to GT triplets, columns to pred triplets
    keeps = intersect_2d(gt_triplets, pred_triplets)
    gt_has_match = keeps.any(1)
    pred_to_gt = {}
    for rel_cat_id, rel_cat_name in rel_cats.items():
        pred_to_gt[rel_cat_name] = [[] for x in range(pred_boxes.shape[0])]
    for gt_ind, gt_box, keep_inds in zip(
        boxes = pred_boxes[keep_inds]
        if phrdet:
            # Evaluate where the union box > 0.5
            gt_box_union = gt_box.reshape((2, 4))
            gt_box_union = np.concatenate(
                (gt_box_union.min(0)[:2], gt_box_union.max(0)[2:]), 0)

            box_union = boxes.reshape((-1, 2, 4))
            box_union = np.concatenate(
                (box_union.min(1)[:, :2], box_union.max(1)[:, 2:]), 1)

            inds = bbox_overlaps(gt_box_union[None],
                                 box_union)[0] >= iou_thresh

            sub_iou = bbox_overlaps(gt_box[None, :4], boxes[:, :4])[0]
            obj_iou = bbox_overlaps(gt_box[None, 4:], boxes[:, 4:])[0]

            inds = (sub_iou >= iou_thresh) & (obj_iou >= iou_thresh)

        for i in np.where(keep_inds)[0][inds]:
    return pred_to_gt
예제 #2
def _compute_pred_matches(gt_triplets,
    Given a set of predicted triplets, return the list of matching GT's for each of the
    given predictions
    :param gt_triplets: 
    :param pred_triplets: 
    :param gt_boxes: 
    :param pred_boxes: 
    :param iou_thresh: 
        pred_to_gt: (NumOfPredRels, list) list of list,
            each pred_to_gt[i] means the i-th predication boxes matching gt rel list
            e.g. pred_to_gt[0] = [1, 2] means the 0-th pred rels match the 1 and 2 ground truth relation
    # This performs a matrix multiplication-esque thing between the two arrays
    # Instead of summing, we want the equality, so we reduce in that way
    # The rows correspond to GT triplets, columns to pred triplets
    # keeps: (NumOfGTRels, NumOfPredRels) boolean
    keeps = intersect_2d(gt_triplets, pred_triplets)
    gt_has_match = keeps.any(1)
    pred_to_gt = [[] for x in range(pred_boxes.shape[0])]
    for gt_ind, gt_box, keep_inds in zip(
        boxes = pred_boxes[keep_inds]
        if phrdet:
            # Evaluate where the union box > 0.5
            gt_box_union = gt_box.reshape((2, 4))
            gt_box_union = np.concatenate(
                (gt_box_union.min(0)[:2], gt_box_union.max(0)[2:]), 0)

            box_union = boxes.reshape((-1, 2, 4))
            box_union = np.concatenate(
                (box_union.min(1)[:, :2], box_union.max(1)[:, 2:]), 1)

            inds = bbox_overlaps(gt_box_union[None],
                                 box_union)[0] >= iou_thresh

            sub_iou = bbox_overlaps(gt_box[None, :4], boxes[:, :4])[0]
            obj_iou = bbox_overlaps(gt_box[None, 4:], boxes[:, 4:])[0]

            inds = (sub_iou >= iou_thresh) & (obj_iou >= iou_thresh)

        for i in np.where(keep_inds)[0][inds]:  # for each matched pred_boxes
    return pred_to_gt
예제 #3
def findMatched(objects, obj, all_labels, label, max_iou):
    if objects.shape[0] == 0:
        idx = objects.shape[0]
        objects = np.vstack((objects, obj))
        return idx, objects, all_labels

    ov = bbox_overlaps(objects, obj)
    if np.max(ov) < max_iou:  # this is a new object
        idx = objects.shape[0]
        objects = np.vstack((objects, obj))
        cand_ids = np.where(ov >= max_iou)[0]
        cand_ovs = ov[cand_ids].reshape(-1)
        cand_ids = cand_ids[np.argsort(cand_ovs * -1)]
        mark = False
        for cand_id in cand_ids:
            if all_labels[cand_id] == label:
                idx = cand_id
                mark = True
        if mark is False:
            idx = objects.shape[0]
            objects = np.vstack((objects, obj))
    return idx, objects, all_labels
예제 #4
def load_graphs(graphs_file, filter_non_overlap=False):
    Load the file containing the GT boxes and relations, as well as the dataset split
    :param graphs_file:
    :param filter_empty_rels: (will be filtered otherwise.)
    :param filter_non_overlap: If training, filter images that dont overlap.
    :return: image_index: numpy array corresponding to the index of images we're using
             boxes: List where each element is a [num_gt, 4] array of ground
                    truth boxes (x1, y1, x2, y2)
             gt_classes: List where each element is a [num_gt] array of classes
             relationships: List where each element is a [num_r, 3] array of
                    (box_ind_1, box_ind_2, predicate) relationships
    graph_annos = json.load(open(graphs_file))

    # Get everything by image.
    boxes = []
    gt_classes = []
    relationships = []
    filenames = []
    for i, entry in enumerate(graph_annos):
        boxes_i = np.array(entry['bboxes'])
        gt_classes_i = np.array(entry['gt_classes'])
        rels = np.array(entry['gt_rels'])
        if len(rels) == 0:
        filename = entry['imPath']

        if filter_non_overlap:
            inters = bbox_overlaps(boxes_i, boxes_i)
            rel_overs = inters[rels[:, 0], rels[:, 1]]
            inc = np.where(rel_overs > 0.0)[0]
            if inc.size > 0:
                rels = rels[inc]


    return boxes, gt_classes, relationships, filenames
예제 #5
def box_filter(boxes, must_overlap=False):
    """ Only include boxes that overlap as possible relations. 
    If no overlapping boxes, use all of them."""
    n_cands = boxes.shape[0]

    overlaps = bbox_overlaps(boxes.astype(np.float), boxes.astype(np.float)) > 0
    np.fill_diagonal(overlaps, 0)

    all_possib = np.ones_like(overlaps, dtype=np.bool)
    np.fill_diagonal(all_possib, 0)

    if must_overlap:
        possible_boxes = np.column_stack(np.where(overlaps))

        if possible_boxes.size == 0:
            possible_boxes = np.column_stack(np.where(all_possib))
        possible_boxes = np.column_stack(np.where(all_possib))
    return possible_boxes
예제 #6
파일: 프로젝트: YiwuZhong/BiLSTM
def _compute_pred_matches(gt_triplets, pred_triplets,
                 gt_boxes, pred_boxes, iou_thresh, phrdet=False):
    Given a set of predicted triplets, return the list of matching GT's for each of the
    given predictions
    :param gt_triplets: 
    :param pred_triplets: 
    :param gt_boxes: 
    :param pred_boxes: 
    :param iou_thresh: 
    # subject-predicate-object triplet matching
    # This performs a matrix multiplication-esque thing between the two arrays
    # Instead of summing, we want the equality, so we reduce in that way

    # The rows correspond to GT triplets, columns to pred triplets
    # Given two arrays [m1, n], [m2,n], returns a [m1, m2] array where each entry is True if those
    # rows match.
    keeps = intersect_2d(gt_triplets, pred_triplets)
    # list of boolean, length is gt_triplets.shape[0]; 
    # True means the row there is pred_triplet matches gt_triplet
    gt_has_match = keeps.any(1) 
    # len(pred_to_gt) = pred_triplets.shape[0]
    pred_to_gt = [[] for x in range(pred_boxes.shape[0])]
    # boxes matching; iterate for (#True in gt_has_match) times
    for gt_ind, gt_box, keep_inds in zip(np.where(gt_has_match)[0],
        # keep_inds is an row of keeps; get boxes(8 dimension) where triplet matches gt
        boxes = pred_boxes[keep_inds]
        if phrdet:
            # Evaluate where the union box > 0.5
            gt_box_union = gt_box.reshape((2, 4))
            gt_box_union = np.concatenate((gt_box_union.min(0)[:2], gt_box_union.max(0)[2:]), 0)

            box_union = boxes.reshape((-1, 2, 4))
            box_union = np.concatenate((box_union.min(1)[:,:2], box_union.max(1)[:,2:]), 1)

            inds = bbox_overlaps(gt_box_union[None], box_union)[0] >= iou_thresh

            # scene graph detection where each object box must independently overlap with the corresponding ground truth box
            sub_iou = bbox_overlaps(gt_box[None,:4], boxes[:, :4])[0]
            obj_iou = bbox_overlaps(gt_box[None,4:], boxes[:, 4:])[0]

            inds = (sub_iou >= iou_thresh) & (obj_iou >= iou_thresh)

        # give the row number of gt_triplets to the pred_to_gt list
        # ex. No.3 gt triplet matches, then No.10 pred_boxes matches, namely (3, 10) in keeps
        # And No.5 gt triplet matches, then No.10 pred_boxes matches, namely (5, 10) in keeps
        # so finally, No.10 element of pred_to_gt should be [3,5] (because different boxes but same classes)
        # also, the pred_triplets should be sorted, so the values cluster in previous entries of pred_to_gt list
        for i in np.where(keep_inds)[0][inds]:

    # gt_trp is  (7, 3)
    # pred_triplets is (810, 3)
    # gthasmatch is [False False False  True  True False  True]
    # pred_to_gt len is 810
    # pred_boxes is  (810, 8)
    # keep_inds is  (810,)
    # keep_inds is  (810,)
    # keep_inds is  (810,)

    return pred_to_gt
예제 #7
def load_graphs(graphs_file,
    Load the file containing the GT boxes and relations, as well as the dataset split
    :param graphs_file: HDF5
    :param mode: (train, val, or test)
    :param num_im: Number of images we want
    :param num_val_im: Number of validation images
    :param filter_empty_rels: (will be filtered otherwise.)
    :param filter_non_overlap: If training, filter images that dont overlap.
    :return: image_index: numpy array corresponding to the index of images we're using
             boxes: List where each element is a [num_gt, 4] array of ground 
                    truth boxes (x1, y1, x2, y2)
             gt_classes: List where each element is a [num_gt] array of classes
             relationships: List where each element is a [num_r, 3] array of 
                    (box_ind_1, box_ind_2, predicate) relationships
    if mode not in ('train', 'val', 'test'):
        raise ValueError('{} invalid'.format(mode))

    roi_h5 = h5py.File(graphs_file, 'r')
    data_split = roi_h5['split'][:]
    split = 2 if mode == 'test' else 0
    split_mask = data_split == split

    # Filter out images without bounding boxes
    split_mask &= roi_h5['img_to_first_box'][:] >= 0
    if filter_empty_rels:
        split_mask &= roi_h5['img_to_first_rel'][:] >= 0

    image_index = np.where(split_mask)[0]
    if num_im > -1:
        image_index = image_index[:num_im]
    if num_val_im > 0:
        if mode == 'val':
            image_index = image_index[:num_val_im]
        elif mode == 'train':
            image_index = image_index[num_val_im:]

    split_mask = np.zeros_like(data_split).astype(bool)
    split_mask[image_index] = True

    # Get box information
    all_labels = roi_h5['labels'][:, 0]
    all_boxes = roi_h5['boxes_{}'.format(BOX_SCALE)][:]  # will index later
    assert np.all(all_boxes[:, :2] >= 0)  # sanity check
    assert np.all(all_boxes[:, 2:] > 0)  # no empty box

    # convert from xc, yc, w, h to x1, y1, x2, y2
    all_boxes[:, :2] = all_boxes[:, :2] - all_boxes[:, 2:] / 2
    all_boxes[:, 2:] = all_boxes[:, :2] + all_boxes[:, 2:]

    im_to_first_box = roi_h5['img_to_first_box'][split_mask]
    im_to_last_box = roi_h5['img_to_last_box'][split_mask]
    im_to_first_rel = roi_h5['img_to_first_rel'][split_mask]
    im_to_last_rel = roi_h5['img_to_last_rel'][split_mask]

    # load relation labels
    _relations = roi_h5['relationships'][:]
    _relation_predicates = roi_h5['predicates'][:, 0]
    assert (im_to_first_rel.shape[0] == im_to_last_rel.shape[0])
    assert (_relations.shape[0] == _relation_predicates.shape[0]
            )  # sanity check

    # Get everything by image.
    boxes = []
    gt_classes = []
    relationships = []
    for i in range(len(image_index)):
        boxes_i = all_boxes[im_to_first_box[i]:im_to_last_box[i] + 1, :]
        gt_classes_i = all_labels[im_to_first_box[i]:im_to_last_box[i] + 1]

        if im_to_first_rel[i] >= 0:
            predicates = _relation_predicates[
                im_to_first_rel[i]:im_to_last_rel[i] + 1]
            obj_idx = _relations[im_to_first_rel[i]:im_to_last_rel[i] +
                                 1] - im_to_first_box[i]
            assert np.all(obj_idx >= 0)
            assert np.all(obj_idx < boxes_i.shape[0])
            rels = np.column_stack((obj_idx, predicates))
            assert not filter_empty_rels
            rels = np.zeros((0, 3), dtype=np.int32)

        if filter_non_overlap:
            assert mode == 'train'
            inters = bbox_overlaps(boxes_i, boxes_i)
            rel_overs = inters[rels[:, 0], rels[:, 1]]
            inc = np.where(rel_overs > 0.0)[0]

            if inc.size > 0:
                rels = rels[inc]
                split_mask[image_index[i]] = 0


    return split_mask, boxes, gt_classes, relationships
def anchor_target_layer(gt_boxes, im_size, allowed_border=0):
    Assign anchors to ground-truth targets. Produces anchor classification
    labels and bounding-box regression targets.

    for each (H, W) location i
      generate 3 anchor boxes centered on cell i
    filter out-of-image anchors
    measure GT overlap

    :param gt_boxes: [x1, y1, x2, y2] boxes. These are assumed to be at the same scale as
                     the image (IM_SCALE)
    :param im_size: Size of the image (h, w). This is assumed to be scaled to IM_SCALE
    if max(im_size) != IM_SCALE:
        raise ValueError("im size is {}".format(im_size))
    h, w = im_size

    # Get the indices of the anchors in the feature map.
    # h, w, A, 4
    ans_np = generate_anchors(
    ans_np_flat = ans_np.reshape((-1, 4))
    inds_inside = np.where((ans_np_flat[:, 0] >= -allowed_border)
                           & (ans_np_flat[:, 1] >= -allowed_border)
                           & (ans_np_flat[:, 2] < w + allowed_border)
                           &  # width
                           (ans_np_flat[:, 3] < h + allowed_border)  # height
    good_ans_flat = ans_np_flat[inds_inside]
    if good_ans_flat.size == 0:
        raise ValueError(
            "There were no good anchors for an image of size {} with boxes {}".
            format(im_size, gt_boxes))

    # overlaps between the anchors and the gt boxes [num_anchors, num_gtboxes]
    overlaps = bbox_overlaps(good_ans_flat, gt_boxes)
    anchor_to_gtbox = overlaps.argmax(axis=1)
    max_overlaps = overlaps[np.arange(anchor_to_gtbox.shape[0]),
    gtbox_to_anchor = overlaps.argmax(axis=0)
    gt_max_overlaps = overlaps[gtbox_to_anchor, np.arange(overlaps.shape[1])]
    gt_argmax_overlaps = np.where(overlaps == gt_max_overlaps)[0]

    # Good anchors are those that match SOMEWHERE within a decent tolerance
    # label: 1 is positive, 0 is negative, -1 is dont care.
    # assign bg labels first so that positive labels can clobber them
    labels = (-1) * np.ones(overlaps.shape[0], dtype=np.int64)
    labels[max_overlaps < RPN_NEGATIVE_OVERLAP] = 0
    labels[gt_argmax_overlaps] = 1
    labels[max_overlaps >= RPN_POSITIVE_OVERLAP] = 1

    # subsample positive labels if we have too many
    fg_inds = np.where(labels == 1)[0]
    if len(fg_inds) > num_fg:
        labels[npr.choice(fg_inds, size=(len(fg_inds) - num_fg),
                          replace=False)] = -1

    # subsample negative labels if we have too many
    num_bg = RPN_BATCHSIZE - np.sum(labels == 1)
    bg_inds = np.where(labels == 0)[0]
    if len(bg_inds) > num_bg:
        labels[npr.choice(bg_inds, size=(len(bg_inds) - num_bg),
                          replace=False)] = -1
    # print("{} fg {} bg ratio{:.3f} inds inside {}".format(RPN_BATCHSIZE-num_bg, num_bg, (RPN_BATCHSIZE-num_bg)/RPN_BATCHSIZE, inds_inside.shape[0]))

    # Get the labels at the original size
    labels_unmap = (-1) * np.ones(ans_np_flat.shape[0], dtype=np.int64)
    labels_unmap[inds_inside] = labels

    # h, w, A
    labels_unmap_res = labels_unmap.reshape(ans_np.shape[:-1])
    anchor_inds = np.column_stack(np.where(labels_unmap_res >= 0))

    # These ought to be in the same order
    anchor_inds_flat = np.where(labels >= 0)[0]
    anchors = good_ans_flat[anchor_inds_flat]
    bbox_targets = gt_boxes[anchor_to_gtbox[anchor_inds_flat]]
    labels = labels[anchor_inds_flat]

    assert np.all(labels >= 0)

    # Anchors: [num_used, 4]
    # Anchor_inds: [num_used, 3] (h, w, A)
    # bbox_targets: [num_used, 4]
    # labels: [num_used]

    return anchors, anchor_inds, bbox_targets, labels