def non_proc_msg(rmq, log, cfg, data, subj, r_key, **kwargs): """Function: non_proc_msg Description: Process non-processed messages. Arguments: (input) rmq -> RabbitMQ class instance. (input) log -> Log class instance. (input) cfg -> Configuration settings module for the program. (input) data -> Body of message that was not processed. (input) subj -> Email subject line. (input) r_key -> Routing key for message. """ global DTG_FORMAT log.log_info("non_proc_msg: Processing failed message: Routing Key: %s" % (r_key)) frm_line = getpass.getuser() + "@" + socket.gethostname() rdtg = msecs = str(rdtg.microsecond / 100) dtg = datetime.datetime.strftime(rdtg, DTG_FORMAT) + "." + msecs f_name = + "_" + r_key + "_" + dtg + ".txt" f_path = os.path.join(cfg.message_dir, f_name) subj = "rmq_metadata: " + subj line1 = "RabbitMQ message was not processed due to: %s" % (subj) line2 = "Exchange: %s, Routing Key: %s" % (, r_key) line3 = "The body of the message is encoded data." line4 = "Body of message saved to: %s" % (f_path) if cfg.to_line: log.log_info("Sending email to: %s..." % (cfg.to_line)) email = gen_class.Mail(cfg.to_line, subj, frm_line) email.add_2_msg(line1) email.add_2_msg(line2) email.add_2_msg(line3) email.add_2_msg(line4) email.send_mail() else: log.log_warn("No email being sent as TO line is empty.") log.log_err(line1) log.log_err(line2) log.log_err(line3) log.log_err(line4) gen_libs.write_file(f_path, data=data, mode="w")
def update_marker(args_array, line, **kwargs): """Function: update_marker Description: Writes the last line of the log to the marker file, if the marker option is selected and not the no_update option. Arguments: (input) args_array -> Dictionary of command line options and values. (input) line -> Last line of log. """ args_array = dict(args_array) if "-m" in args_array and "-n" not in args_array: gen_libs.write_file(args_array["-m"], mode="w", data=line)
def process_msg(rmq, log, cfg, method, body, **kwargs): """Function: process_msg Description: Process message from RabbitMQ queue. Arguments: (input) rmq -> RabbitMQ class instance. (input) log -> Log class instance. (input) cfg -> Configuration settings module for the program. (input) method -> Delivery properties. (input) body -> Message body. """ global DTG_FORMAT r_key = method.routing_key queue = None log.log_info("process_msg: Processing message body from Routing Key: %s" % (r_key)) for item in cfg.queue_list: if item["routing_key"] == r_key: queue = item if queue["archive"] and cfg.archive_dir: rdtg = msecs = str(rdtg.microsecond / 100) dtg = datetime.datetime.strftime(rdtg, DTG_FORMAT) + \ "." + msecs f_name = + "_" + queue["routing_key"] + "_" + \ dtg + ".body" f_path = os.path.join(cfg.archive_dir, f_name) log.log_info("process_msg: Archiving message to: %s" % (f_path)) gen_libs.write_file(f_path, data=body, mode="w") break if queue: _convert_data(rmq, log, cfg, queue, body, r_key) else: non_proc_msg(rmq, log, cfg, body, "No queue detected", r_key)
def _process_queue(queue, data, r_key, x_name, **kwargs): """Function: _process_queue Description: Private function to process message queue. Arguments: (input) queue -> RabbitMQ queue. (input) data -> Converted message body. (input) r_key -> Routing key. (input) x_name -> Exchange name. """ k_name = "" ext = "" indent = 4 dtg = "" if queue["key"] and queue["key"] in data and queue["stype"] == "dict": k_name = str(data[queue["key"]].split(".")[0]) if queue["ext"]: ext = "." + queue["ext"] if queue["flatten"]: indent = None if queue["dtg"]: dtg = datetime.datetime.strftime(, "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") elif queue["date"]: dtg = datetime.datetime.strftime(, "%Y%m%d") if isinstance(data, dict): data = json.dumps(data, indent=indent) f_name = queue["prename"] + k_name + queue["postname"] + dtg if not f_name: f_name = "Default_" + x_name + "_" + r_key f_name = os.path.join(queue["directory"], f_name + ext) gen_libs.write_file(fname=f_name, mode=queue["mode"], data=data)
def non_proc_msg(rmq, log, cfg, data, subj, r_key, **kwargs): """Function: non_proc_msg Description: Process non-processed messages. Arguments: (input) rmq -> RabbitMQ class instance. (input) log -> Log class instance. (input) cfg -> Configuration settings module for the program. (input) data -> Body of message that was not processed. (input) subj -> Email subject line. (input) r_key -> Routing key for message. """ log.log_info( "non_proc_msg: Processing failed message from Routing Key: %s" % (r_key)) frm_line = getpass.getuser() + "@" + socket.gethostname() rdtg = msecs = str(rdtg.microsecond / 1000) dtg = datetime.datetime.strftime(rdtg, "%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S") + "." + msecs f_name = + "_" + r_key + "_" + dtg + ".txt" f_path = os.path.join(cfg.message_dir, f_name) subj = "rmq_2_sysmon: " + subj if cfg.to_line: log.log_info("Sending email to: %s..." % (cfg.to_line)) email = gen_class.Mail(cfg.to_line, subj, frm_line) email.add_2_msg(data) email.send_mail() else: log.log_warn("No email being sent as TO line is empty.") log.log_err("RabbitMQ message was not processed due to: %s" % (subj)) log.log_info("Saving message to: %s" % (f_path)) gen_libs.write_file(f_path, data="Exchange: %s, Routing Key: %s" % (, r_key)) gen_libs.write_file(f_path, data=data)
def _process_json(outdata, **kwargs): """Function: _process_json Description: Private function for chk_slv_time(). Process JSON data. Arguments: (input) outdata -> JSON document of Check Slave Time output. (input) **kwargs: ofile -> file name - Name of output file. db_tbl -> database:collection - Name of db and collection. class_cfg -> Server class configuration settings. mail -> Mail instance. sup_std -> Suppress standard out. mode -> File write mode. indent -> Indentation level for JSON document. """ indent = kwargs.get("indent", None) jdata = json.dumps(outdata, indent=indent) mongo_cfg = kwargs.get("class_cfg", None) db_tbl = kwargs.get("db_tbl", None) ofile = kwargs.get("ofile", None) mail = kwargs.get("mail", None) mode = kwargs.get("mode", "w") if mongo_cfg and db_tbl: dbn, tbl = db_tbl.split(":") mongo_libs.ins_doc(mongo_cfg, dbn, tbl, outdata) if ofile: gen_libs.write_file(ofile, mode, jdata) if mail: mail.add_2_msg(jdata) mail.send_mail() if not kwargs.get("sup_std", False): gen_libs.print_data(jdata)
def _convert_data(rmq, log, cfg, queue, body, r_key, **kwargs): """Function: _convert_data Description: Private function to process message queue. Arguments: (input) rmq -> RabbitMQ class instance. (input) log -> Log class instance. (input) cfg -> Configuration settings module for the program. (input) queue -> RabbitMQ queue. (input) body -> Message body. (input) r_key -> Routing key. """ prename = "" postname = "" ext = "" log.log_info("_convert_data: Converting data in message body.") rdtg = msecs = str(rdtg.microsecond / 100) dtg = datetime.datetime.strftime(rdtg, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + "." + msecs t_filename = "tmp_" + + "_" + r_key + "_" + dtg + ".txt" t_file = os.path.join(cfg.tmp_dir, t_filename) if queue["prename"]: prename = queue["prename"] + "_" if queue["postname"]: postname = "_" + queue["postname"] if queue["ext"]: ext = "." + queue["ext"] f_filename = prename + + "_" + r_key + "_" + dtg + \ postname + ext f_name = os.path.join(cfg.tmp_dir, f_filename) log.log_info("Starting processing of: %s" % (f_name)) gen_libs.write_file(t_file, data=body, mode="w") if queue["stype"] == "encoded": log.log_info("_convert_data: Decoding data in message body.") base64.decode(open(t_file, 'rb'), open(f_name, 'wb')) os.remove(t_file) else: log.log_info("_convert_data: No encoding setting detected.") gen_libs.rename_file(t_filename, f_filename, cfg.tmp_dir) status = _process_queue(queue, body, r_key, cfg, f_name, log) if status: log.log_info("Finished processing of: %s" % (f_filename)) else: log.log_err("All extractions failed on: %s" % (f_filename)) log.log_info("Body of message being saved to a file - see below") non_proc_msg(rmq, log, cfg, body, "All extractions failed", r_key) os.remove(f_name) log.log_info("Cleanup of temporary files completed.") log.log_info("Finished processing of: %s" % (f_filename))