예제 #1
    def find_closest(self, position, params):
        Find the closest location to the (lat, long) position specified, querying the database with dictionary params, of the format
        { Column Name : value }. Returns an object of class returned_object, or None if none found nearby
        # GPSes use WGS84 model of Globe, but Easting/Northing based on OSGB36, so convert to an easting/northing
        logging.debug("Position in WGS84 determined as lat/long: %s %s", position[0], position[1])
        easting, northing = convertWGS84toOSEastingNorthing(*position)
        logging.debug("Translated into OS Easting %s, Northing %s", easting, northing)

        # Do a funny bit of Pythagoras to work out closest stop. We can't find square root of a number in sqlite
        # but then again, we don't need to, the smallest square will do. Sort by this column in ascending order
        # and find the first row
        (where_statement, where_values) = self.database.make_where_statement('locations', params)
        query = """
                SELECT (location_easting - %d)*(location_easting - %d) + (location_northing - %d)*(location_northing - %d) AS dist_squared,
                FROM locations
                WHERE %s
                ORDER BY dist_squared
                LIMIT 1
                """ % (easting, easting, northing, northing, where_statement)
        row = self.database.get_row(query, where_values)
        if row:
            obj = self.returned_object(Distance=sqrt(row['dist_squared']), **row)
            logging.debug("Have found nearest location %s", obj)
            return obj
            logging.debug("No location found near %s, sorry", position)
            return None
예제 #2
    def get_tweet_geolocation(self, tweet, user_request):
        Ensure any geolocation on a Tweet is valid, and return the co-ordinates as a (latitude, longitude) tuple
        if self.tweet_has_geolocation(tweet):
            logging.debug("Detecting geolocation on Tweet")
            position = tweet.geo['coordinates']
            easting, northing = convertWGS84toOSEastingNorthing(*position)
            # Grid reference provides us an easy way with checking to see if in the UK - it returns blank string if not in UK bounds
            if not gridrefNumToLet(easting, northing):
                raise WhensMyTransportException('not_in_uk')
            # Check minimums & maximum numeric grid references - corresponding to Chesham (W), Shenfield (E), Dorking (S) and Potters Bar (N)
            elif not (495000 <= easting <= 565000 and 145000 <= northing <= 205000):
                raise WhensMyTransportException('not_in_london')
                return position

        # Some people (especially Tweetdeck users) add a Place on the Tweet, but not an accurate enough lat & long
        elif hasattr(tweet, 'place') and tweet.place:
            raise WhensMyTransportException('placeinfo_only', user_request)
        # If there's no geoinformation at all then raise the appropriate exception
            if hasattr(tweet, 'geo'):
                raise WhensMyTransportException('no_geotag', user_request)
                raise WhensMyTransportException('dms_not_taggable', user_request)
예제 #3
    def test_geo(self):
        Unit test for geo conversion methods
        # Test co-ordinate conversions on the location of St James's Park Station
        wgs84 = (51.4995893, -0.1342974)
        osgb36 = (51.4990781, -0.1326920)
        easting_northing = (529600, 179500)
        gridref = "TQ2960079500"

        self.assertEqual(convertWGS84toOSGB36(*wgs84)[:2], osgb36)
        self.assertEqual(LatLongToOSGrid(*osgb36), easting_northing)
        self.assertEqual(convertWGS84toOSEastingNorthing(*wgs84), easting_northing)
        self.assertEqual(gridrefNumToLet(*easting_northing), gridref)

        # Test heading_to_direction with a series of preset values
        for (heading, direction) in ((0, "North"), (90, "East"), (135, "SE"), (225, "SW"),):
            self.assertEqual(heading_to_direction(heading), direction)