def get_timetrace_static(self, detect, duration=1, acc=None): """gets the timetrace data from the adwin with the duration in seconds and the accuracy in seconds""" if not type(detect) == type([]): detect = list(detect) self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller()) if acc != None: self.adw.Set_Processdelay(self.proc_num, m.floor(acc / 25e-9)) delay = self.adw.Get_Processdelay(self.proc_num) 'Making static timetrace with %s for %ss and precision of %ss' % (', '.join([['Name'] for i in detect]), duration, acc)) num_ticks = int(duration / (delay * 25e-9)) #self.set_par(['Dev_type'],int(['Type'][:5],36)) #self.set_par(['Port'],['Input']['Hardware']['PortID']) dev_params = np.array([]) for i in detect: dev_params = np.append(dev_params, [ int(['Type'][:5], 36),['Input']['Hardware']['PortID'] ]) self.set_datalong(dev_params,['dev_params']) self.set_par(['Num_devs'], len(detect)) self.set_par(['Num_ticks'], num_ticks) self.set_par(['Case'], 3) self.start() self.wait() array = np.array(list(self.get_fifo(['Scan_data']))) split_data = [] for i in range(len(detect)): split_data.append(array[i::len(detect)]) index = np.arange(num_ticks) * (delay * 25e-9) return split_data, index
def abort(filename): logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller()) logger.critical('You quit!') header = "type,x-pos,y-pos,z-pos,first scan time" + ",time_%s"*(len(data[0,:])-5) %tuple(range((len(data[0,:])-5))) np.savetxt("%s%s_abort.txt" %(savedir,filename), data,fmt='%s', delimiter=",", header=header)'Aborted file saved as %s%s_abort.txt' %(savedir,filename)) sys.exit(0)
def focus_full(self, detect, devs, center, dims_default, accuracy_default, rate=1, steps=3, speed=50): self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller()) devs = np.array(devs) center = np.array(center) dims = copy.copy(dims_default) accuracy = copy.copy(accuracy_default) for i in range(len(devs)): self.set_device_value(devs[i],center[i]) if len(devs)==len(center)==len(dims)==len(accuracy):'Focus on a particle with detector %s'['Name'])'At the position %s' %center) for i in range(steps): for j in range(len(devs)): self.scan_static(detect,[devs[j]],[center[j]],[dims[j]],[accuracy[j]],speed) center[j] = center[j] - dims[j]/2 + (self.scan_image[0][1:].argmax()+1)*accuracy[j] self.set_device_value(devs[j],center[j]) dims[j] /= rate accuracy[j] /= rate'At the position %s' %center) values = [] for i in range(len(devs)): values.append(self.dev_value[devs[i].properties['Name']]) return np.array(values) else: self.logger.error('Dimensions of the arrays do not match') return np.array([])
def load(self, process=None): """ Loads the processes. """ if process == None: process = self.proc_num self.adw.Load_Process(self.proc) self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller())"Loaded process %s" % process)
def stop(self, process=None): """ Stops the process""" if process == None: process = self.proc_num self.adw.Stop_Process(process) self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller())"Stopped process %s" % process)
def set_par(self,index,value): """sets a parameter value""" if 0<index<=80: self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller()) self.logger.debug("Setting Par %s to %s" %(int(index),int(value))) self.adw.Set_Par(int(index),int(value)) else: self.logger.error('The Parameter number %s is out of range(0,81)' %index)
def get_data(self,number,length,start=1): """gets a array from adwin""" if 0<number<=200: self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller()) self.logger.debug("Getting Data %s from index %s to %s" %(number,start,start+length)) return self.adw.GetData_Long(number,start,length) else: self.logger.error('The array number %s is out of range(0,201)' %(number))
def get_par(self,index): """gets a parameter from adwin""" if 0<index<=80: self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller()) self.logger.debug("Getting Par %s" %int(index)) return self.adw.Get_Par(int(index)) else: self.logger.error('The Parameter number %s is out of range(0,81)' %index) return -1
def clear_digout(self, port): """ Sets the digout port to 0""" self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller()) if 0 <= port < 16: self.logger.debug('Setting digital port %s to 0' % port) self.set_par(['Case'], 7) self.set_par(['Port'], port) self.start() self.wait() else: self.logger.error('The port %s is out of range(0,16)' % port)
def go_to_position(self, devs, center): self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller()) devs = np.array(devs) center = np.array(center) if len(devs)==len(center): for i in range(len(devs)):'Go to the specified position')'Device %s to %s' %(devs[i].properties['Name'],center[i])) self.set_device_value(devs[i],center[i]) else: self.logger.error('Dimensions of the arrays do not match')
def set_datalong(self,array,arr_num,start_index=1): """sets a data array""" if 0<arr_num<=200: c_array=(ctypes.c_long * len(array))(0) array=array.astype('int') for i in range(len(array)): c_array[i]=array[i] self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller()) self.logger.debug("Set data array %s with length %s" %(arr_num,len(array))) self.logger.debug("Set data array %s to %s" %(arr_num,array)) self.adw.SetData_Long(c_array, int(arr_num), int(start_index), len(array)) else: self.logger.error('The array number %s is out of range(0,201)' %(arr_num))
def __init__(self, process): DEVICENUMBER = 1 # By default this is the number RAISE_EXCEPTIONS = 1 self.adw = ADwin(DEVICENUMBER, RAISE_EXCEPTIONS) self.proc = process self.proc_num = int(process[-1]) if self.proc_num == 0: self.proc_num = 10 self.scan_settings = dict() self.dev_value = dict() self.running = False self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller())'Init the class with process %s' % process)
def get_digin(self, port): """ Gets the value of the digin port""" self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller()) if 0 <= port < 16:'Getting data from digital port %s' % port) self.set_par(['Case'], 5) self.start() self.wait() digin_data = self.get_par(['Output_value']) digin_data = bin(digin_data)[2:] digin_data = '0' * (16 - len(digin_data)) + digin_data return int(digin_data[-port - 1]) else: self.logger.error('The port %s is out of range(0,16)' % port)
def adc(self,channel,gain=1): """uses adc to convert a voltage into a value 0 = -10V/gain, 32768= 0V and 65536 = 9.999695V/gain """ self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller()) if 0<=channel<=15: self.logger.debug('Converting analog signal from channel %s'%channel) self.set_par(['Port'],channel) self.set_par(['Input_value'],gain) self.set_par(['Case'],2) self.start() self.wait() return self.get_par(['Output_value']) else: self.logger.error('The channel %s is out of range(0,16)' %channel)
def get_timetrace_dynamic(self, detect, duration=1, acc=0.01): """gets the timetrace data from the adwin with the duration in seconds and the accuracy in seconds""" if not type(detect) == type([]): detect = list(detect) self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller()) if not self.running:'Making dynamic timetrace with %s' % ', '.join([['Name'] for i in detect]))'for %ss and precision of %ss' % (duration, acc)) self.adw.Set_Processdelay(self.proc_num, m.floor(acc / 25e-9)) num_ticks = int(duration / (acc)) #self.set_par(['Dev_type'],int(['Type'][:5],36)) #self.set_par(['Port'],['Input']['Hardware']['PortID']) dev_params = np.array([]) for i in detect: dev_params = np.append(dev_params, [ int(['Type'][:5], 36),['Input']['Hardware']['PortID'] ]) self.set_datalong(dev_params,['dev_params']) self.set_par(['Num_devs'], len(detect)) self.set_par(['Num_ticks'], num_ticks) self.set_par(['Case'], 3) self.start() self.running = bool(self.adw.Process_Status(self.proc_num)) self.array = np.array( list(self.get_fifo(['Scan_data']))) split_data = [] for i in range(len(detect)): length = np.floor(len(self.array) / len(detect)) * len(detect) split_data.append(self.array[i:length:len(detect)]) self.excess_data = self.array[length:] or np.array([]) return split_data elif self.running: self.logger.debug('Getting data from danamic timetrace') split_data = [] self.array = np.array( list(self.get_fifo(['Scan_data']))) try: image = np.append(self.excess_data, image) except: pass for i in range(len(detect)): length = np.floor(len(self.array) / len(detect)) * len(detect) split_data.append(self.array[i:length:len(detect)]) self.excess_data = self.array[length:] or np.array([]) return split_data
def set_device_value(self,dev,value): """sets a value to the device""" self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller()) self.dev_value[['Name']] = value['Output']['Calibration'] port =['Output']['Hardware']['PortID'] value = int((value-calibration['Offset'])/calibration['Slope']) max =['Output']['Limits']['Max'] min =['Output']['Limits']['Min'] if (min < value < max): self.logger.debug('Setting value to device %s'['Name']) self.dac(port,value) else: self.logger.error('Value exceeded boundaries of device %s'['Name']) self.logger.error('Value %s is out of range(%s,%s)' %(value,min,max))
def __init__(self,plot_parti,plot_backg,particles=None): self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller())'Starting intecactive add/remove particles') self.plot_parti=plot_parti self.plot_backg=plot_backg try: self.particles_x=particles[0,:] self.particles_y=particles[1,:] except: if particles!=None: self.logger.warning("input incorrect no particles plotted") self.particles_x = np.array([]) self.particles_y = np.array([]) self.back_x = np.array([]) self.back_y = np.array([]) self.cid = plot_parti.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self)
def dac(self,channel,value,unit=None): """uses dac to convert the value into a voltage 0 = -10V, 32768= 0V and 65536 = 9.999695V""" self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller()) if not unit==None: value = int((value-3278)/6553.6) if 0<=value<=65536 and 0<=channel<=15: self.logger.debug('Dac of %s to %sV' %(value,(value-3278)/6553.6)) self.set_par(['Port'],channel) self.set_par(['Input_value'],value) self.set_par(['Case'],1) self.start() self.wait() elif 0<=channel<=15: self.logger.error('The value %s is out of range(0,65537)'%value) else: self.logger.error('The channel %s us out of range(0,16)'%channel)
def get_fifo(self,number,length='all'): """gets a fifo array from adwin""" self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller()) if 0<number<=200: if length=='all': length = self.adw.Fifo_Full(number) if 0<self.adw.Fifo_Full(number) >= length: cdata = self.adw.GetFifo_Long(number,int(length)) data=[] for i in range(len(cdata)): data.append(cdata[i]) self.logger.debug("Getting FIFO %s with length %s" %(number,length)) return np.array(data) else: self.logger.warning('not enough elements in the fifo array') return np.array([]) else: self.logger.error('The fifo number %s is out of range(0,201)' %(number))
def __init__(self, name=None, type='Adwin', filename='config/config_devices.xml'): self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller()) tree = ET.ElementTree(file=filename) root = tree.getroot() if root.find(".//*[@Name='%s']" % name) != None:'Loaded the data for %s in %s' % (name, filename)) = xmltodict( root.find(".%s//*[@Name='%s']" % (type, name))) elif name == None: = []'Loaded all the data from %s' % (filename)) for tags in root.find(".%s" % type): name = tags.get('Name') else: self.logger.error("Name of Device is not in XML-file")
def get_par_all(self): """gets all the parameter from adwin""" self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller()) self.logger.debug("Getting all Pars") return self.adw.Get_Par_All()
def wait(self, ref_time=0.1): """ Waits until the process is finished""" self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller())"Waiting") while self.adw.Process_Status(self.proc_num): time.sleep(ref_time)
def find(self, image, fwhm, hmin=None, nsigma=1.5, roundlim=[-1., 1.], sharplim=[0.2, 1.]): """Identifies stars in an image ASTROLIB-routine Returns a list [x, y, flux, sharpness, roundness]. INPUTS: image -- 2D array containing the image hmin -- Minimum threshold for detection. Should be 3-4 sigma above background RMS. fwhm -- FWHM to be used for the convolution filter. Should be the same as the PSF FWHM. nsigma --: radius of the convolution kernel. (default: 1.5) roundlim -- Threshold for the roundness criterion. (default: [-1,1]) sharplim -- Threshold for the sharpness criterion. (default: [0.2,1]) OUTPUT: x -- vector of x positions of maxima in image y -- vector of y positions of maxima in image flux -- vector of flux of maxima in image sharpness -- vector of sharpness of maxima in image roundness -- vector of roundness of maxima in image EXAMPLE: >>> import pyfits >>> import sp.find as find >>> image = pyfits.getdata('test.fits') >>> dim_y, dim_x = image.shape >>> [x, y, flux, sharpness, roundness] = find(image, 15, 5.) """ ### # Setting the convolution kernel ### self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller()) if hmin == None: std = np.std(image) median = np.median(image) hmin = median + 3 * std sigmatofwhm = 2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.log(2)) radius = nsigma * fwhm / sigmatofwhm # Radius is 1.5 sigma if radius < 1.0: radius = 1.0 fwhm = sigmatofwhm / nsigma self.logger.warning("Radius of convolution box smaller than one.") self.logger.warning("Setting the 'fwhm' to minimum value %f" % fwhm) sigsq = (fwhm / sigmatofwhm)**2 # sigma squared nhalf = int(radius) # Center of the kernel nbox = 2 * nhalf + 1 # Number of pixels inside of convolution box middle = nhalf # Index of central pixel'Attempt to find particles')'With fwhm = %s, hmin = %s, nsigma = %s,' % (fwhm, hmin, nsigma))'roundlim = %s, sharplim = %s' % (roundlim, sharplim)) kern_y, kern_x = np.ix_( np.arange(nbox), np.arange(nbox)) # x,y coordinates of the kernel g = (kern_x - nhalf)**2 + ( kern_y - nhalf)**2 # Compute the square of the distance to the center mask = g <= radius**2 # We make a mask to select the inner circle of radius "radius" nmask = mask.sum( ) # The number of pixels in the mask within the inner circle. g = np.exp(-0.5 * g / sigsq) # We make the 2D gaussian profile ### # Convolving the image with a kernel representing a gaussian (which is assumed to be the psf) ### c = g * mask # For the kernel, values further than "radius" are equal to zero c[mask] = (c[mask] - c[mask].mean()) / ( c[mask].var() * nmask) # We normalize the gaussian kernel c1 = g[nhalf] # c1 will be used to the test the roundness c1 = (c1 - c1.mean()) / ((c1**2).sum() - c1.mean()) h = scipy.ndimage.convolve(image, c, mode='constant', cval=0.0) # Convolve image with kernel "c" h[: nhalf, :] = 0 # Set the sides to zero in order to avoid border effects h[-nhalf:, :] = 0 h[:, :nhalf] = 0 h[:, -nhalf:] = 0 mask[middle, middle] = False # From now on we exclude the central pixel nmask = mask.sum() # so the number of valid pixels is reduced by 1 goody, goodx = mask.nonzero( ) # "good" identifies position of valid pixels ### # Identifying the point source candidates that stand above the background ### indy, indx = (h >= hmin).nonzero( ) # we identify point that are above the threshold, image coordinate nfound = indx.size # nfound is the number of candidates if nfound <= 0: self.logger.error( "There is no source meeting the 'hmin' criterion.") self.logger.error("Aborting the 'find' function.") return None offsetsx = np.resize( goodx - middle, (nfound, nmask) ) # a (nfound, nmask) array of good positions in the mask, mask coordinate offsetsx = indx + offsetsx.T # a (nmask, nfound) array of positions in the mask for each candidate, image coordinate offsetsy = np.resize( goody - middle, (nfound, nmask) ) # a (nfound, nmask) array of good positions in the mask, mask coordinate offsetsy = indy + offsetsy.T # a (nmask, nfound) array of positions in the mask for each candidate, image coordinate offsets_vals = h[ offsetsy, offsetsx] # a (nmask, nfound) array of mask values roundness each candidate vals = h[indy, indx] # a (nfound) array of the intensity of each candidate ### # Identifying the candidates that are local maxima ### ind_goodcandidates = ((vals - offsets_vals) > 0).all( axis=0 ) # a (nfound) array identifying the candidates whose values are above the mask (i.e. neighboring) pixels, candidate coordinate nfound = ind_goodcandidates.sum() # update the number of candidates if nfound <= 0: self.logger.error( "There is no source meeting the 'hmin' criterion that is a local maximum." ) self.logger.error("Aborting the 'find' function.") return None indx = indx[ ind_goodcandidates] # a (nfound) array of x indices of good candidates, image coordinate indy = indy[ ind_goodcandidates] # a (nfound) array of y indices of good candidates, image coordinate ### # Identifying the candidates that meet the sharpness criterion ### d = h[indy, indx] # a (nfound) array of the intensity of good candidates d_image = image[ indy, indx] # a (nfound) array of the intensity of good candidates in the original image (before convolution) offsetsx = offsetsx[:, ind_goodcandidates] # a (nmask, nfound) array of positions in the mask for each candidate, image coordinate offsetsy = offsetsy[:, ind_goodcandidates] # a (nmask, nfound) array of positions in the mask for each candidate, image coordinate offsets_vals = image[offsetsy, offsetsx] sharpness = (d_image - offsets_vals.sum(0) / nmask) / d ind_goodcandidates = (sharpness > sharplim[0]) * ( sharpness < sharplim[1] ) # a (nfound) array of candidates that meet the sharpness criterion nfound = ind_goodcandidates.sum() # update the number of candidates if nfound <= 0: self.logger.error( "There is no source meeting the 'sharpness' criterion.") self.logger.error("Aborting the 'find' function.") return None indx = indx[ ind_goodcandidates] # a (nfound) array of x indices of good candidates, image coordinate indy = indy[ ind_goodcandidates] # a (nfound) array of y indices of good candidates, image coordinate sharpness = sharpness[ ind_goodcandidates] # update sharpness with the good candidates ### # Identifying the candidates that meet the roundness criterion ### temp = np.arange(nbox) - middle # make 1D indices of the kernel box temp = np.resize( temp, (nbox, nbox)) # make 2D indices of the kernel box (for x or y) offsetsx = np.resize( temp, (nfound, nbox, nbox) ) # make 2D indices of the kernel box for x, repeated nfound times offsetsy = np.resize( temp.T, (nfound, nbox, nbox) ) # make 2D indices of the kernel box for y, repeated nfound times offsetsx = (indx + offsetsx.swapaxes(0, -1)).swapaxes( 0, -1) # make it relative to image coordinate offsetsy = (indy + offsetsy.swapaxes(0, -1)).swapaxes( 0, -1) # make it relative to image coordinate offsets_vals = image[ offsetsy, offsetsx] # a (nfound, nbox, nbox) array of values (i.e. the kernel box values for each nfound candidate) dx = (offsets_vals.sum(2) * c1).sum(1) dy = (offsets_vals.sum(1) * c1).sum(1) roundness = 2 * (dx - dy) / (dx + dy) ind_goodcandidates = (roundness > roundlim[0]) * ( roundness < roundlim[1] ) * (dx >= 0.) * ( dy >= 0. ) # a (nfound) array of candidates that meet the roundness criterion nfound = ind_goodcandidates.sum() # update the number of candidates if nfound <= 0: self.logger.error( "There is no source meeting the 'roundness' criterion.") self.logger.error("Aborting the 'find' function.") return None indx = indx[ ind_goodcandidates] # a (nfound) array of x indices of good candidates, image coordinate indy = indy[ ind_goodcandidates] # a (nfound) array of y indices of good candidates, image coordinate sharpness = sharpness[ ind_goodcandidates] # update sharpness with the good candidates roundness = roundness[ ind_goodcandidates] # update roundness with the good candidates offsets_vals = offsets_vals[ ind_goodcandidates] # update offsets_vals with good candidates offsetsx = offsetsx[ind_goodcandidates] offsetsy = offsetsy[ind_goodcandidates] ### # Recenter the source position and compute the approximate flux ### c = np.empty((nfound, 2), dtype=float) for i in range(nfound): c[i] = scipy.ndimage.center_of_mass(offsets_vals[i]) x = c[:, 1] + indx - middle y = c[:, 0] + indy - middle flux = h[indy, indx] return np.array([x, y, flux, sharpness, roundness])
def scan_dynamic(self, detect, devs, center, dims, accuracy, speed=10): """a function that does a scan. The number of axes you can choose yourself. detect: a device(s) that does the detection of your signal devs: array devices which you are using, center: array of starting piont of the center (unit of the device), dims: array of the dimensions (unit of the device), accuracy: array of accuracy value (unit of the device), speed: the duration of one pixel (ms)""" self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller()) if not self.running: devs = np.array(devs) center = np.array(center) dims = np.array(dims) accuracy = np.array(accuracy) if not type(detect) == type([]): detect = [detect] if len(devs) == len(center) == len(dims) == len(accuracy) <= 3:'Making a dynamic scan') port = np.zeros(3) pix = (np.array(dims) / np.array(accuracy)).astype('int') increment = np.zeros(3) start = -np.ones(3) for i in range(len(devs)): port[i] = devs[i].properties['Output']['Hardware'][ 'PortID'] calibration = devs[i].properties['Output']['Calibration'] start[i] = (center[i] - calibration['Offset'] - dims[i] / 2) / calibration['Slope'] increment[i] = int(accuracy[i] / calibration['Slope']) min = devs[i].properties['Output']['Limits']['Min'] max = devs[i].properties['Output']['Limits']['Max'] if (start[i] < min or max < start[i] + pix[i] * increment[i]): self.logger.error( 'Error boundaries of device %s exceeded' % devs[i].properties['Name']) self.logger.error('Value %s is out of range(%s,%s)' % (start[i], min, max)) return False'Range(%s,%s) for device %s' % (center[i] - dims[i] / 2, center[i] + dims[i] / 2, devs[i].properties['Name'])) self.scan_settings[devs[i].properties['Name'] + '_start'] = center[i] - dims[i] / 2 self.scan_settings[devs[i].properties['Name'] + '_accuracy'] = accuracy[i] #self.set_par(['Port'],['Input']['Hardware']['PortID']) #self.set_par(['Dev_type'],int(['Type'][:5],36)) dev_params = np.array([]) for i in detect: dev_params = np.append(dev_params, [ int(['Type'][:5], 36),['Input']['Hardware']['PortID'] ]) self.set_datalong(dev_params,['dev_params']) self.set_par(['Num_devs'], len(detect)) self.pix = np.append(pix, np.ones(3 - len(pix))) self.set_datalong( np.append((port, start, self.pix), increment),['Scan_params']) total = int( self.set_par(['Case'], 4) self.adw.Set_Processdelay(self.proc_num, int(speed * 1e-3 / 25e-9)) self.start() time.sleep(0.1) self.running = bool(self.adw.Process_Status(self.proc_num)) temp = np.zeros(total) temp[:] = np.nan image = self.get_fifo(['Scan_data']) self.scan_image = [] for i in range(len(detect)): index = np.isnan(temp).argmax() length = np.min( (len(temp[index:]) * len(detect), np.floor(len(image) / len(detect)) * len(detect))) temp[index:index + length / len(detect)] = image[i:length:len(detect)] self.scan_image.append( np.squeeze(temp.reshape((self.pix[::-1])))) temp = np.zeros(total) temp[:] = np.nan self.excess_data = image[length:] or np.array([]) return self.scan_image else: self.logger.error( "Not all input arrays have the same length or are longer the 3" ) return False elif self.running: self.logger.debug('Getting data from danamic scan') image = self.get_fifo(['Scan_data']) try: image = np.append(self.excess_data, image) except: pass for i in range(len(detect)): temp = self.scan_image[i].flatten() index = np.isnan(temp).argmax() length = np.min( (len(temp[index:]) * len(detect), np.floor(len(image) / len(detect)) * len(detect))) temp[index:index + length / len(detect)] = image[i:length:len(detect)] self.scan_image[i] = np.squeeze(temp.reshape((self.pix[::-1]))) self.excess_data = image[length:] return self.scan_image
def boot(self): """ Boots the ADwin. """ self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller())'Booted the Adwin') self.adw.Boot('c:\\adwin\\ADwin9.btl')
def scan_static(self, detect, devs, center, dims, accuracy, speed=10): """ A function that does a scan. The number of axes you can choose yourself. detect: a device that does the detection of your signal devs: array devices which you are using, center: array of starting piont of the center (unit of the device), dims: array of the dimensions (unit of the device), accuracy: array of accuracy value (unit of the device), speed: the duration of one pixel (ms) """ self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller()) devs = np.array(devs) center = np.array(center) dims = np.array(dims) accuracy = np.array(accuracy) if not type(detect) == type([]): detect = [detect] if len(devs) == len(center) == len(dims) == len(accuracy) <= 3: port = np.zeros(3) pix = (np.array(dims) / np.array(accuracy)).astype('int') increment = np.zeros(3) start = -np.ones(3)'Making a static scan') for i in range(len(devs)): port[i] = devs[i].properties['Output']['Hardware']['PortID'] calibration = devs[i].properties['Output']['Calibration'] start[i] = (center[i] - calibration['Offset'] - dims[i] / 2) / calibration['Slope'] increment[i] = accuracy[i] / calibration['Slope'] min = devs[i].properties['Output']['Limits']['Min'] max = devs[i].properties['Output']['Limits']['Max'] if (start[i] < min or max < start[i] + pix[i] * increment[i]): self.logger.error( 'Error boundaries of device %s exceeded' % devs[i].properties['Name']) self.logger.error('Value %s is out of range(%s,%s)' % (start[i], min, max)) raise ValueError('Boundaries exceded')'Range(%s,%s) for device %s' % (center[i] - dims[i] / 2, center[i] + dims[i] / 2, devs[i])) self.scan_settings[devs[i].properties['Name'] + '_start'] = center[i] - dims[i] / 2 self.scan_settings[devs[i].properties['Name'] + '_accuracy'] = accuracy[i] #self.set_par(['Port'],['Input']['Hardware']['PortID']) #self.set_par(['Dev_type'],int(['Type'][:5],36)) dev_params = np.array([]) for i in detect: dev_params = np.append(dev_params, [ int(['Type'][:5], 36),['Input']['Hardware']['PortID'] ]) self.set_datalong(dev_params,['dev_params']) self.set_par(['Num_devs'], len(detect)) pix = np.append(pix, np.ones(3 - len(pix))) self.set_datalong(np.append((port, start, pix), increment),['Scan_params']) total = int( self.set_par(['Case'], 4) self.adw.Set_Processdelay(self.proc_num, int(speed * 1e-3 / 25e-9)) self.start() while self.adw.Process_Status(self.proc_num): number = self.get_par(['Pix_done']) perc = int(number / total * 100) stdout.write("\r{0:d}%".format(perc)) stdout.flush() time.sleep(0.5) print("") temp = np.array( list(self.get_fifo(['Scan_data'], total))) self.scan_image = [] for i in range(len(detect)): self.scan_image.append( np.squeeze(temp[i::len(detect)].reshape( (pix[::-1])) / (speed * 1e-3))) return self.scan_image else: self.logger.error( "Not all input arrays have the same length or are longer the 3" ) raise InputError( "Not all input arrays have the same length or are longer the 3" ) return False
from __future__ import division import numpy as np from ADwin import ADwin import time import scipy.ndimage import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math as m from sys import stdout import ctypes import psutil from lib.xml2dict import device, variables import logging from lib.logger import get_all_caller import copy logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller()) class adq(ADwin): def __init__(self, process): DEVICENUMBER = 1 # By default this is the number RAISE_EXCEPTIONS = 1 self.adw = ADwin(DEVICENUMBER, RAISE_EXCEPTIONS) self.proc = process self.proc_num = int(process[-1]) if self.proc_num == 0: self.proc_num = 10 self.scan_settings = dict() self.dev_value = dict() self.running = False self.logger = logging.getLogger(get_all_caller())