def main(): try: _log = Logger('test', Level.INFO) print(Fore.BLACK + Style.BRIGHT + RULER + Style.RESET_ALL) _base = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrtsuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789012345678901234567890' _max_width = 80 _margin = 27 # right-most colon is column 27 _available_width = _max_width - _margin # for i in range(1, _available_width): for i in range(1, _available_width + 2): _title = _base[:i] _message1 = _base[:i] _message2 = '[{:d}/{:d}]'.format(i, 10) _log.header(_title, _message1, _message2) _log.header(' ', None, None) _log.header('', None, None) _log.header('commons-io:fileutils', 'Here\'s a message we want to display.', None) _log.header('org.apache.commons:commons-lang3', 'Here\'s another message we want to display.', '[3/10]') print(Fore.BLACK + Style.BRIGHT + RULER + Style.RESET_ALL) except Exception as e: _log.error('error in splenk processor: {}'.format(e)) traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
def main(): signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) try: _log = Logger("batcheck test", Level.INFO) _log.header('battery check', 'Starting test...', '[1/3]') + 'Press Ctrl+C to exit.') # read YAML configuration _loader = ConfigLoader(Level.INFO) filename = 'config.yaml' _config = _loader.configure(filename) _log.header('battery check', 'Creating objects...', '[2/3]') _queue = MessageQueue(Level.INFO) _message_factory = MessageFactory(Level.INFO) _battery_check = BatteryCheck(_config, _queue, _message_factory, Level.INFO) _battery_check.enable() _battery_check.set_enable_messaging(True) _log.header('battery check', 'Enabling battery check...', '[3/3]')'ready? {}'.format(_battery_check.is_ready())) count = 0 while not _battery_check.is_ready() and count < 10: count += 1 time.sleep(0.5) while _battery_check.get_count() < 30: time.sleep(0.5) _battery_check.close()'complete.') except KeyboardInterrupt:'Ctrl-C caught: complete.') except Exception as e: _log.error('error closing: {}\n{}'.format(e, traceback.format_exc())) finally: sys.exit(0)
# device to control the KR01. # import sys, time, traceback from colorama import init, Fore, Style init() import brake from lib.logger import Logger, Level from lib.gamepad_demo import GamepadDemo _log = Logger('gamepad-demo', Level.INFO) try: _log.header('test', 'starting gamepad demo...', None) _gamepad_demo = GamepadDemo(Level.INFO) _gamepad_demo.enable() while _gamepad_demo.enabled: time.sleep(1.0) _gamepad_demo.close() except KeyboardInterrupt:'caught Ctrl-C; exiting...') brake.brake() sys.exit(0) except OSError: _log.error('unable to connect to gamepad') sys.exit(1) except Exception: _log.error('error processing gamepad events: {}'.format(
class Gamepad(): _NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR = 'gamepad device not found (not configured, paired, powered or otherwise available)' def __init__(self, config, queue, message_factory, level): ''' Parameters: config: the YAML-based application configuration queue: the message queue to receive messages from this task message_factory: the factory for creating messages mutex: vs godzilla ''' if config is None: raise ValueError('no configuration provided.') self._level = level self._log = Logger("gamepad", level)'initialising...') self._config = config _config = config['ros'].get('gamepad') # config _loop_freq_hz = _config.get('loop_freq_hz') self._rate = Rate(_loop_freq_hz) self._device_path = _config.get('device_path') self._queue = queue self._message_factory = message_factory self._gamepad_closed = False self._closed = False self._enabled = False self._thread = None self._gamepad = None # .......................................................................... def connect(self): ''' Scan for likely gamepad device, and if found, connect. Otherwise we raise an OSError. ''' _scan = GamepadScan(self._config, self._level) _matches = _scan.check_gamepad_device() if not _matches: self._log.warning('no connection attempted: gamepad is not the most recent device (configured at: {}).'.format(self._device_path )) raise OSError('no gamepad available.') else: self._connect() # .......................................................................... def has_connection(self): return self._gamepad != None # .......................................................................... def _connect(self): self._log.header('gamepad','Connecting Gamepad...',None) try: self._gamepad = InputDevice(self._device_path) # display device info + "gamepad: {}".format(self._gamepad))'connected.') except Exception as e: self._enabled = False self._gamepad = None raise GamepadConnectException('unable to connect to input device path {}: {}'.format(self._device_path, e)) # .......................................................................... def enable(self): if not self._closed:'enabled gamepad.') if not self.in_loop(): self._enabled = True self._start_gamepad_loop() else: self._log.error('cannot start gamepad.') self._enabled = False else: self._log.warning('cannot enable gamepad: already closed.') self._enabled = False # .......................................................................... def in_loop(self): ''' Returns true if the main loop is active (the thread is alive). ''' return self._thread != None and self._thread.is_alive() # ...................................................... @staticmethod def convert_range(value): return ( (value - 127.0) / 255.0 ) * -2.0 # .......................................................................... def _gamepad_loop(self, f_is_enabled):'starting event loop...') __enabled = True while __enabled and f_is_enabled(): try: if self._gamepad is None: raise Exception(Gamepad._NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR + ' [gamepad no longer available]') # loop and filter by event code and print the mapped label for event in self._gamepad.read_loop(): self._handleEvent(event) if not f_is_enabled(): + 'event loop.') break except Exception as e: self._log.error('gamepad device error: {}'.format(e)) except OSError as e: self._log.error(Gamepad._NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR + ' [lost connection to gamepad]') finally: ''' Note that closing the InputDevice is a bit tricky, and we're currently masking an exception that's always thrown. As there is no data loss on a gamepad event loop being closed suddenly this is not an issue. ''' try: + 'closing gamepad device...') self._gamepad.close() + 'gamepad device closed.') except Exception as e: self._log.debug('error closing gamepad device: {}'.format(e)) finally: __enabled = False self._gamepad_closed = True self._rate.wait()'exited event loop.') # .......................................................................... @property def enabled(self): return self._enabled # .......................................................................... def _start_gamepad_loop(self): ''' This is the method to call to actually start the loop. ''' if not self._enabled: self._log.error('attempt to start gamepad event loop while disabled.') elif self._gamepad is None: self._log.error(Gamepad._NOT_AVAILABLE_ERROR + ' [no gamepad found]') sys.exit(3) elif not self._closed: if self._thread is None: self._enabled = True self._thread = Thread(name='gamepad', target=Gamepad._gamepad_loop, args=[self, lambda: self._enabled], daemon=True) # self._thread.setDaemon(False) self._thread.start()'started.') else: self._log.warning('cannot enable: process already running.') else: self._log.warning('cannot enable: already closed.') # .......................................................................... def disable(self): if self._closed: self._log.warning('can\'t disable: already closed.') elif not self._enabled: self._log.warning('already disabled.') else: self._enabled = False time.sleep(0.2) # we'll wait a bit for the gamepad device to close... _i = 0 while not self._gamepad_closed and _i < 20: _i += 1'_i: {:d}'.format(_i)) time.sleep(0.1)'disabled.') # .......................................................................... def close(self): ''' Permanently close and disable the gamepad. ''' if self._enabled: self.disable() if not self._closed: self._closed = True'closed.') else: self._log.warning('already closed.') # .......................................................................... def _handleEvent(self, event): ''' Handles the incoming event by filtering on event type and code. There's possibly a more elegant way of doing this but for now this works just fine. ''' _message = None _control = None if event.type == ecodes.EV_KEY: _control = GamepadControl.get_by_code(self, event.code) if event.value == 1: if event.code == GamepadControl.A_BUTTON.code: + "A Button") # _control = GamepadControl.A_BUTTON elif event.code == GamepadControl.B_BUTTON.code: + "B Button") # _control = GamepadControl.B_BUTTON elif event.code == GamepadControl.X_BUTTON.code: + "X Button") # _control = GamepadControl.X_BUTTON elif event.code == GamepadControl.Y_BUTTON.code: + "Y Button") # _control = GamepadControl.Y_BUTTON elif event.code == GamepadControl.L1_BUTTON.code: + "L1 Button") # _control = GamepadControl.L1_BUTTON elif event.code == GamepadControl.L2_BUTTON.code: + "L2 Button") # _control = GamepadControl.L2_BUTTON elif event.code == GamepadControl.R1_BUTTON.code: + "R1 Button") # _control = GamepadControl.R1_BUTTON elif event.code == GamepadControl.R2_BUTTON.code: + "R2 Button") # _control = GamepadControl.R2_BUTTON elif event.code == GamepadControl.START_BUTTON.code: + "Start Button") # _control = GamepadControl.START_BUTTON elif event.code == GamepadControl.SELECT_BUTTON.code: + "Select Button") # _control = GamepadControl.SELECT_BUTTON elif event.code == GamepadControl.HOME_BUTTON.code: + "Home Button") # _control = GamepadControl.HOME_BUTTON else: + "event type: EV_KEY; event: {}; value: {}".format(event.code, event.value)) else: # + Style.DIM + "event type: EV_KEY; value: {}".format(event.value)) pass elif event.type == ecodes.EV_ABS: _control = GamepadControl.get_by_code(self, event.code) if event.code == GamepadControl.DPAD_HORIZONTAL.code: if event.value == 1: + Style.BRIGHT + "D-Pad Horizontal(Right) {}".format(event.value)) elif event.value == -1: + Style.NORMAL + "D-Pad Horizontal(Left) {}".format(event.value)) else: + "D-Pad Horizontal(N) {}".format(event.value)) elif event.code == GamepadControl.DPAD_VERTICAL.code: if event.value == -1: + Style.NORMAL + "D-Pad Vertical(Up) {}".format(event.value)) elif event.value == 1: + Style.BRIGHT + "D-Pad Vertical(Down) {}".format(event.value)) else: + "D-Pad Vertical(N) {}".format(event.value)) elif event.code == GamepadControl.L3_VERTICAL.code: self._log.debug(Fore.MAGENTA + "L3 Vertical {}".format(event.value)) elif event.code == GamepadControl.L3_HORIZONTAL.code: self._log.debug(Fore.YELLOW + "L3 Horizontal {}".format(event.value)) elif event.code == GamepadControl.R3_VERTICAL.code: self._log.debug(Fore.CYAN + "R3 Vertical {}".format(event.value)) # _control = GamepadControl.R3_VERTICAL elif event.code == GamepadControl.R3_HORIZONTAL.code: self._log.debug(Fore.GREEN + "R3 Horizontal {}".format(event.value)) # _control = GamepadControl.R3_HORIZONTAL else: # + "type: EV_ABS; event code: {}; value: {}".format(event.code, event.value)) pass else: # + Style.DIM + "ZZ. event type: {}; code: {}; value: {}".format(event.type, event.code, event.value)) pass if _control != None: _message = self._message_factory.get_message(_control.event, event.value) self._log.debug(Fore.CYAN + Style.BRIGHT + "triggered control with message {}".format(_message)) self._queue.add(_message)
class GamepadDemo(): def __init__(self, level): super().__init__() _loader = ConfigLoader(Level.INFO) filename = 'config.yaml' _config = _loader.configure(filename) self._log = Logger("gamepad-demo", level) self._log.header('gamepad-demo', 'Configuring Gamepad...', None) self._config = _config['ros'].get('gamepad_demo') self._enable_ifs = self._config.get('enable_ifs') self._enable_compass = self._config.get('enable_compass') self._enable_indicator = self._config.get('enable_indicator') self._message_factory = MessageFactory(level) self._motors = Motors(_config, None, Level.INFO) # self._motor_controller = SimpleMotorController(self._motors, Level.INFO) self._pid_motor_ctrl = PIDMotorController(_config, self._motors, Level.INFO) # i2c scanner, let's us know if certain devices are available _i2c_scanner = I2CScanner(Level.WARN) _addresses = _i2c_scanner.getAddresses() ltr559_available = (0x23 in _addresses) ''' Availability of displays: The 5x5 RGB Matrix is at 0x74 for port, 0x77 for starboard. The 11x7 LED matrix is at 0x75 for starboard, 0x77 for port. The latter conflicts with the RGB LED matrix, so both cannot be used simultaneously. We check for either the 0x74 address to see if RGB Matrix displays are used, OR for 0x75 to assume a pair of 11x7 Matrix displays are being used. ''' # rgbmatrix5x5_stbd_available = ( 0x74 in _addresses ) # not used yet # matrix11x7_stbd_available = ( 0x75 in _addresses ) # used as camera lighting matrix11x7_stbd_available = False # self._blob = BlobSensor(_config, self._motors, Level.INFO) self._blob = None self._lux = Lux(Level.INFO) if ltr559_available else None self._video = None # self._video = Video(_config, self._lux, matrix11x7_stbd_available, Level.INFO) # in this application the gamepad controller is the message queue self._queue = MessageQueue(self._message_factory, Level.INFO) self._clock = Clock(_config, self._queue, self._message_factory, Level.INFO) # attempt to find the gamepad self._gamepad = Gamepad(_config, self._queue, self._message_factory, Level.INFO) # if self._enable_indicator: # self._indicator = Indicator(Level.INFO) # if self._enable_compass: # self._compass = Compass(_config, self._queue, self._indicator, Level.INFO) # self._video.set_compass(self._compass)'starting battery check thread...') self._battery_check = BatteryCheck(_config, self._queue, self._message_factory, Level.INFO) if self._enable_ifs:'integrated front sensor enabled.') self._ifs = IntegratedFrontSensor(_config, self._queue, self._message_factory, Level.INFO) # add indicator as message consumer if self._enable_indicator: self._queue.add_consumer(self._indicator) else: self._ifs = None'integrated front sensor disabled.') self._ctrl = GamepadController(_config, self._queue, self._pid_motor_ctrl, self._ifs, self._video, self._blob, matrix11x7_stbd_available, Level.INFO, self._close_demo_callback) self._enabled = False'connecting gamepad...') self._gamepad.connect()'ready.') # .......................................................................... def get_motors(self): return self._motors # .......................................................................... @property def enabled(self): return self._enabled # .......................................................................... def enable(self): if self._enabled: self._log.warning('already enabled.') return'enabling...') self._gamepad.enable() self._clock.enable() # if self._enable_compass: # self._compass.enable() self._battery_check.enable() if self._enable_ifs: self._ifs.enable() self._ctrl.enable() self._enabled = True'enabled.') # .......................................................................... def get_thread_position(self, thread): frame = sys._current_frames().get(thread.ident, None) if frame: return frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_code.co_name, frame.f_code.co_firstlineno # .......................................................................... def disable(self): if not self._enabled: self._log.warning('already disabled.') return'disabling...') self._enabled = False self._clock.disable() self._battery_check.disable() # if self._enable_compass: # self._compass.disable() if self._enable_ifs: self._ifs.disable() self._pid_motor_ctrl.disable() self._gamepad.disable() for thread in threading.enumerate(): Fore.GREEN + 'thread "{}" is alive? {}; is daemon? {}\t😡'.format(, thread.is_alive(), thread.isDaemon())) if thread is not None: _position = self.get_thread_position(thread) if _position: Fore.GREEN + ' thread "{}" filename: {}; co_name: {}; first_lineno: {}' .format(, _position[0], _position[1], _position[2])) else: Fore.GREEN + ' thread "{}" position null.'.format( else: + ' null thread.')'disabled.') # .......................................................................... def _close_demo_callback(self): + 'close demo callback...') # self._queue.disable() self.disable() self.close() # .......................................................................... def close(self): if self._enabled: self.disable()'closing...') if self._enable_ifs: self._ifs.close() self._pid_motor_ctrl.close() self._gamepad.close()'closed.')