예제 #1
def get_gromos_define( _bondedfile_):
    ''' reading GROMOS define forcefield format
        gb_ : bond
        ga_ : angle
        gi_ : wop - improper
        gd_ : dihedral
        eg. #define gb_12
    _dedic_ = {'b':'bond', 'a':'angle', 'i':'improper', 'd':'dihedral'}
    _define_ = {}
    for k in _dedic_.keys():
        _define_[ _dedic_[k]] = {}
    with open(_bondedfile_, 'r')  as indata:
        for j_line in indata:
            _line_ = j_line.split(';')[0].split()
            if _line_ and _line_[0][0] == '#':
                if _line_[0] == '#define':
                    if _line_[1][0] == 'g':
                        if _line_[1][2] == '_' and _line_[1][3].isdigit():
                            aux_dic = { _line_[1] : _line_[2:]}
                            _define_[ _dedic_[ _line_[1][1]]].update( aux_dic)
                elif _line_[0] == '#include':
                    print(wrg_3( _line_[1] + ' skipped!'))
                    print(wrg_3( str(_line_) + '  ??'))
    return _define_
예제 #2
def fileseeker(path=getcwd(), word='data', notw=None):
    '''seek data & destroy, returns a list of posible files,
    filtered by "word" criterion
    list_of_files = []
    if path == getcwd():
        DIR = '.'
        DIR = path
    for (root, folder, filenames) in walk(DIR, topdown=True):
        for name in filenames:
            list_of_files.append(join(root, name))
    files = []
    for fs in range(len(list_of_files)):
        # Could implement "while not" and use the same list_of_files
        # with remove(list_of_files[fs])
        _file_ = list_of_files[fs]
        if '/' in _file_ and word in _file_.split('/')[-1]:
            if notw <> None and notw in _file_.split('/')[-1]:
    if files == []:
        print wrg_3(" No file(s) found with " + word + " criterion---")

    return files
예제 #3
def get_topitp_line( _filename_, _ss_):
    ''' reading gromacs content lines
        spliting by the space between info
    _verbose_ = True
    content_line = []
    _define_ = {}
    # \* TODO: apply a method just in case that
    #          some _startstrings_ are not there ??
    with open(_filename_, 'r')  as indata:
        read_flag = False
        ok_flag = True
        tag_not_found = True
        if _verbose_:
            print  _ss_
        for j_line in indata:
            # I just whant to read once the flag is on
            j_line_s0 = j_line.split(';')[0].split()
            if read_flag and j_line_s0:
                #if _verbose_: ### is beter to store and print outside the
                # cycle with just one if 
                #print j_line_s0
                _line_ = j_line_s0
                # getting out comments and empty lines
                if len( _line_) <0: 
                elif _line_[0][0] == '#':
                    if _line_[0] == '#include':
                        print( wrg_3( _line_[1] + ' skipped this time'))
                    elif _line_[0] == '#define':
                        _define_[_line_[1]] = _line_[2:]
                        print wrg_3( str(_line_) + '  ??')
                elif _line_[0][0] == '[':
                    print( ' '.join(_line_) + 'Checked!')
                    if  ' '.join(_line_)  <> _ss_ :
                        read_flag = False
                    #print 'exit here 424'
                elif len( _line_) > 0:
                    content_line.append( _line_)
                    print('Ups... please raise an issue at GitHub ;)')
            elif j_line.lstrip().startswith( _ss_):
                if _verbose_:
                    print( _ss_+' found!')
                read_flag = True
                tag_not_found = False
    if content_line == [] or tag_not_found:
        if '/' in _filename_:
            _filename_ = _filename_.split('/')[-1]
        pop_err_1( 'The {} section is missing on {} file'.format( _ss_ ,
        ok_flag = False
    return content_line, ok_flag, _define_
예제 #4
def launch_gui():
    ''' launcher '''

    print wrg_3('Before you start, make sure there are no comments',
                '(;) in the middle of a line of the input GROMACS files.',
                'Data after this symbol are not taken into account.')

    MasterWin = Tk()
    prompt = Gro2Lam_GUI(master=MasterWin)  # xl_App

    help_icon = PhotoImage(file=lib_path + "/img/help.ppm")
    entry_list_of_dicts = [{
        'title': 'File',
        'cascade': (('Quit', MasterWin.quit), )
    }, {
        'title': 'Data File Creation',
        'title_com': (prompt.swapbody, 1)
    }, {
        'title': 'Input File Creation',
        'title_com': (prompt.swapbody, 2)
    }, {
        'title': 'Run',
        'title_com': (prompt.swapbody, 3)
    }, {
        'cascade': (
            ('User manual', showuserman),
            ('About', launch_about, prompt),
    createmenubar(MasterWin, entry_list_of_dicts)

    w = 460
    h = 570
    # get screen width and height
    ws = MasterWin.winfo_screenwidth()  # width of the screen
    hs = MasterWin.winfo_screenheight()  # height of the screen
    # calculate x and y coordinates for the Tk root window
    x = (ws / 6) - (w / 2)
    if x < 100:
        x = 100
    y = (hs / 3) - (h / 2)
    if y < 40:
        y = 40

    prompt.MAINVERTEX = [ws, hs, w, h, x, y]
    #print MAINVERTEX
    # set the dimensions of the screen
    # and where it is placed


    except TclError:
예제 #5
def write_list2file(filename, listofstrings):
    '''datafile maker'''
    plaintext = ""

    if type(listofstrings) == type([]):
        for strings in listofstrings:
            plaintext += strings + "\n"
        write_file(filename, plaintext)
        print wrg_3(" Wrong format list --- "), listofstrings
예제 #6
def write_listoflist2file(filename, listoflistsofstrings):
    '''datafile maker'''

    listofstrings = []
    if type(listoflistsofstrings) == type([]):
        for rw in range(len(listoflistsofstrings)):
            row_text = ""
            for st in range(len(listoflistsofstrings[rw])):
                row_text += listoflistsofstrings[rw][st] + ' '
            row_text = row_text[:-1]
        write_list2file(filename, listofstrings)
        print wrg_3(" Wrong format list --- ")
예제 #7
def get_gro_line(_filename_, _startstrings_, _i_=0):
    ''' reading gromacs content lines'''
    content_line = []
    _ss_ = _startstrings_
    # \* TODO: aply a metod just in case that
    #       some _startstrings_ are not there
    with open(_filename_, 'r') as indata:
        read_flag = False
        #print _i_, _ss_[_i_], _ss_[_i_+1]
        for j_line in indata:
            if j_line.startswith(';'):
            if j_line.startswith('#include'):
                print wrg_3(
                    j_line.rstrip('\n') + ' not included in this line\n')
            elif read_flag:
                _line_ = j_line.split(';')[0].split()

                if _ss_[_i_ + 1] <> '' and j_line.startswith(_ss_[_i_ + 1]):
                    #print _ss_[_i_+1] + ' -exit-'
                elif len(_line_) >= 2:
                    #if _i_==7: print _line_

            elif j_line.startswith(_ss_[_i_]):
                #print _ss_[_i_]
                read_flag = True

    if content_line == [] or not read_flag:
        if '/' in _filename_:
            _filename_ = _filename_.split('/')[-1]
        pop_err_1('The {} section is missing on {} file'.format(
            _ss_[_i_], _filename_))
        return 0, read_flag
        return content_line, read_flag
예제 #8
def check_file_list(files_list, extensions=['*']):
    '''Check for input files integrity and extension'''
    finam = ''
        for x in range(len(files_list)):
            finam = files_list[x].split('/')[-1]
            fi = open(files_list[x], 'r')
            ext = finam.split('.')[-1]
            if extensions <> ['*'] and not ext in extensions:
                print extensions
                print wrg_3(' Invalid format: < ' + ext + ' >')
                return False
        return True
    except IOError:
        if finam == '':
            print wrg_3(" Select a file --- ")
            print wrg_3(' No such file or directory: ' + finam)
        return False
예제 #9
def extract_gromacs_data( _data_files_, _autoload_):
    ''' data files ---> ['gro file', 'top file', 'forcefield',
        'non bonded file', 'bonded file']'''
    # _water_names_
    filename_gro    =   _data_files_[0]
    filename_top    =   _data_files_[1]
    filename_ff     =   _data_files_[2]
    filename_nb     =   _data_files_[3]
    filename_bon    =   _data_files_[4]
    data_container  =   {}
    data_container['define'] = {}
    #_solvated_f_, _autoload_= _ck_buttons_
    print 'Autoload: {}\n'.format( _autoload_)
    if not _autoload_:
        print filename_ff # or not
    _sidemol_f_ = False
    section = '''---------------    FILE GRO      ----------------------'''
    ok_flag, gro_pack, b_xyz = get_gro_fixed_line( filename_gro)
    if not ok_flag:
        pop_err_1('Problem detected in :\n' + section)
        return {}, [ ok_flag, _sidemol_f_]
    _mol_, _mtype_, _type_, _xyz_, _mtypes_ = gro_pack
    ################# ------------   BOX DEF   ------------- ##################
    data_container['box'] = [[],[]]
    b_xyz = [ x_y_z*10 for x_y_z in b_xyz ]
    angles = []
    Ar = [[0,0,0],[0,0,0],[0,0,0]]
    for i in range(3):
        Ar[i][i] = b_xyz[i]
    if sum( b_xyz) < 2.8:
        exit('xx/0 Error in .gro file, box dimension 000')
    elif len( b_xyz) == 3:
    elif len( b_xyz) == 9:
        k = 0
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                if i <> j:
                    Ar[i][j] = b_xyz[ k + 3]
                    k += 1
        cero = 1e-12
        if Ar[1][0] < cero or Ar[2][0] < cero or Ar[2][1] < cero:
            print('Your triclinic cell will be rotated to make it!')
            # y rotation
            a_tor_y = -arcos( (Ar[0][0])/(raiz(Ar[0][0]*Ar[0][0]+Ar[2][0]*Ar[2][0])) )
            Ar = rotate( Ar, a_tor_y, 'y')
            # z rotation
            a_tor_z = arcos( (Ar[0][0])/(raiz(Ar[0][0]*Ar[0][0]+Ar[1][0]*Ar[1][0])) )
            Ar = rotate( Ar, a_tor_z, 'z')
            a_tor_x = arcos( Ar[1][1]/( raiz( Ar[1][1]*Ar[1][1] + Ar[2][1]*Ar[2][1])) )
            Ar = rotate( Ar, a_tor_x)
            _xyz_ = rotate( rotate( rotate( _xyz_, a_tor_y, 'y'),
                                        a_tor_z, 'z'), a_tor_x)
        exit('xx/0 Error box dimension 001')
    _x_, _y_, _z_ = _xyz_
    xlo = min( _x_)*10
    xhi = xlo + Ar[0][0]
    ylo = min( _y_)*10
    yhi = ylo + Ar[1][1]
    zlo = min( _z_)*10
    zhi = zlo + Ar[2][2]
    data_container['box'][0] = [ xlo, xhi, ylo, yhi, zlo, zhi]
    data_container['box'][1] = [ Ar[0][1], Ar[0][2], Ar[1][2]]
    data_container['atomsdata'] = [ _mol_, _mtypes_, _type_, _xyz_, _mtype_]
    section = '''----------------  .FILE TOP.  ---------------'''
    #################   Defaults   ##################
    data_container['defaults'], ok_flag, _a_fff_ = ck_forcefield( filename_ff,
    filename_ff = _a_fff_
    if not ok_flag:
        pop_err_1('Problem detected in :\n' + section.split('.')[1])
        return {}, [ ok_flag, _sidemol_f_]
    buckorlj = int(data_container['defaults'][0])
    startstrings = ['[ moleculetype ]', '[ atoms ]', '[ bonds ]', '[ pairs ]',
                    '[ angles ]', '[ dihedrals ]', '[ system ]',
                    '[ molecules ]', '']
    exclusions_ = ['[ bonds ]', '[ pairs ]', '[ angles ]', '[ dihedrals ]']
    # Scheme type????
    pure_side_mol_flag = ( ( seek_for_directive( [ filename_top],
                                                'moleculetype') == '') or 
                           ( filename_nb == filename_ff and
                             filename_nb == filename_bon))
    if pure_side_mol_flag:
        startstrings = startstrings[-3:]
        print wrg_3( 'Using pure side molecule scheme')
        #n_atoms     =   0
        #n_bonds     =   0
        #n_angles    =   0
        data_container['atoms']     =   []
        data_container['bonds']     =   []
        data_container['angles']    =   []
        data_container['dihedrals']     =   []
    for ti in range(len(startstrings))[:-1]:
        s_str_ = startstrings[ ti][ 2:-2]
        ''' here is possible to insert a selector in case pairs and 
        others can be obviated'''
        data_container[ s_str_], ok_flag, _ = get_topitp_line( filename_top,
        if not ok_flag:
            if startstrings[ti] not in exclusions_:
                print wrg_3( 'Not ok flag in <extract_gromacs_data> top file' +
                         'section, in ' + s_str_)
                return {}, [ ok_flag, _sidemol_f_]
                ok_flag = True
        #debugger_file( s_str_, data_container[s_str_])
    n_atoms     =   len( data_container['atoms'])
    n_bonds     =   len( data_container['bonds'])
    n_angles    =   len( data_container['angles'])
    section = '''----------  .SIDE MOLE FILES.   -------------'''
    #### re-search in topology for new molecules / side molecules
    if _autoload_:
        data_container, ok_flag, _sidemol_f_ = sidemol_data( filename_top,
    if not ok_flag:
        pop_err_1( 'Problem detected in :\n' + section.split('.')[1])
        return {}, [ ok_flag, _sidemol_f_]
    section = '''-----------------  .FILE NB.  ---------------'''
    startstrings = ['[ atomtypes ]', '[ nonbond_params ]']
    data_container['atomtypes'], ok_flag, _ = get_topitp_line( filename_nb,
                                                               '[ atomtypes ]')
    if not ok_flag:
        pop_err_1('Problem detected in :\n' + section.split('.')[1])
        return {}, [ ok_flag, _sidemol_f_]
    n_atomtypes     =   len( data_container['atomtypes'])
    #debugger_file( 'atomtypes',data_container['atomtypes'])
    section = '''----------------  .FILE BON.  ---------------'''
    startstrings = ['[ bondtypes ]', '[ angletypes ]', '[ dihedraltypes ]', '']
    if filename_nb == filename_ff and filename_nb == filename_bon:
        for bi in range( len( startstrings))[:-1]:
            s_str_ = startstrings[ bi][ 2:-2]
            data_container[ s_str_] =   []
            data_container['define'][s_str_[:-5]] = {}
        #data_container['impropers']     =   []
        #data_container['impropertypes'] =   []
        startstrings = startstrings[-1]
    aux_strings = [ 'bonds', 'angles', 'dihedrals']
    for bi in range( len( startstrings))[:-1]:
        s_str_ = startstrings[ bi][ 2:-2]
        _aux_here_ = get_topitp_line( filename_bon, startstrings[ bi])
        data_container[ s_str_], ok_flag, _data_define_ = _aux_here_
        data_container['define'][s_str_[:-5]] = _data_define_
        #debugger_file(s_str_, data_container[s_str_])
        if not ok_flag:
            if data_container[ aux_strings[ bi]] <> []:
                pop_err_1('Problem detected in :\n' + section.split('.')[1])
                return {}, [ ok_flag, _sidemol_f_]
                ok_flag = True
    section = '''------------     .#define & Impropers.       ------------'''
    gromosff_flag = False
    data_container[ 'define'][ 'improper'] = {}
    aux_here = {}
    print( section.split('.')[1])
    if filename_nb <> filename_ff and filename_nb <> filename_bon:
        print(" Is it GROMOS there ?? ")
        aux_here = get_gromos_define( filename_bon)
        print('no gromos check')
    for key_ in aux_here.keys():
        if aux_here[ key_] <> {}:
            print ( 'GROMOS ' + key_ + ' kind detected!')
            data_container[ 'define'][ key_].update( aux_here[ key_])
            gromosff_flag = True
            dihe_g_data = data_container[ 'dihedraltypes']
            if 'dihedraltypes' == key_+'types' and dihe_g_data <> []:
                rewrite_flag = False
                for gd_ in range( len( dihe_g_data)):
                    #print dihe_g_data[gd_][2]
                    if dihe_g_data[gd_][2].isdigit():
                        if not rewrite_flag:
                            print('Dihedral with 2 atoms re-formating to 4: ')
                        rewrite_flag = True
                        dihe_g_data[gd_] = ( [ 'X',] + dihe_g_data[ gd_][:2]
                                            + [ 'X',] + dihe_g_data[ gd_][2:])
                        print (dihe_g_data[ gd_]) 
                if rewrite_flag:
                    data_container[ 'dihedraltypes'] = dihe_g_data
    if gromosff_flag:
        for ss_ in startstrings[:-1]:
            s_str_ = ss_[ 2:-2]
            data_aux = data_container[ s_str_]
            cont_k = s_str_[ :-5]
            cddd = data_container[ 'define'][ cont_k]
            for i in range( len( data_aux)):
                if len( data_aux[i][-1].split('.')) < 2:
                    if  not data_aux[i][-1].isdigit():
                        aux = data_aux[i][:-1] + cddd[ data_aux[i][-1]]
                        #print aux
                        data_container[ s_str_][i] = aux
        #print data_container['define']['bond']['gb_33']
    # Search for impropers in TOP and BON, using crossreference if needed
    data_container = split_define_dihe_impr( data_container)
    n_dihedrals     =   len( data_container['dihedrals'])
    n_impropers     =   len( data_container['impropers'])
    '''--------------              "Side Mol"                 --------------'''
    n_atomsnew = len( _type_)
    if _sidemol_f_:
        ###   A_02 maths
        # "previewing / preallocating" // computing side mol size 
        sidemol = data_container['sidemol']
        side_bonds_n    = 0
        side_angles_n   = 0
        side_dihed_n    = 0
        side_improp_n   = 0
        for sb in range( len( sidemol['tag'])):
            bonds_x_mol = len( sidemol['data'][sb]['bonds'])
            angles_x_mol = len( sidemol['data'][sb]['angles'])
            dihedr_x_mol = len( sidemol['data'][sb]['dihedrals'])
            improp_x_mol = len( sidemol['data'][sb]['impropers'])
            sm_quantity = sidemol['num'][sb]
            side_bonds_n    += sm_quantity * bonds_x_mol
            side_angles_n   += sm_quantity * angles_x_mol
            side_dihed_n    += sm_quantity * dihedr_x_mol
            side_improp_n   += sm_quantity * improp_x_mol
        n_bondsnew  =   n_bonds + side_bonds_n
        n_anglesnew =   n_angles + side_angles_n
        n_dihednew  =   n_dihedrals + side_dihed_n
        n_impropnew =   n_impropers + side_improp_n
        #print n_bonds, side_bonds_n, n_bonds + side_bonds_n
        #print n_angles, side_angles_n, n_angles + side_angles_n
        ###   A_03
        # tester in case is an asigment for define ore something like that
        contentkey = [ 'bond', 'angle', 'improper', 'dihedral']
        for cont_k in contentkey:
            # memorandum:
            # 'define' stores in a contentkey dictionary each define key:value
            cddd = data_container[ 'define'][ cont_k]
            if cddd.keys() <> []:
                for sb in range( len( sidemol['tag'])): # in each side mol
                    datacont = sidemol['data'][sb][cont_k+'s']# in its cont-key
                    for dc in range( len( datacont)):# lets look their content
                        if isnot_num( datacont[dc][-1]):#
                            #print( '{} {} {}'.format( cont_k+'s', dc,
                            #                         datacont[dc][-1])) 
                            aux = datacont[dc][:-1] + cddd[ datacont[dc][-1]]
                            sidemol['data'][sb][cont_k+'s'][dc] = aux
                            #print datacont[dc]
        ###   A_04
        # I think that this part is deprecated... however I am not sure
        # Regarding the itp format:
        #   charges index 6 in data-atoms
        #   opls names in index 1
        #   atom tags in index 4
        _charge_ = {}
        _conv_dict_ = {}
        for sb in range( len( sidemol['tag'])):
            for at in range( len( sidemol['data'][sb]['atoms'])):
                a_opls_tag = sidemol['data'][sb]['atoms'][at][1]
                a_elem_tag = sidemol['data'][sb]['atoms'][at][4]
                a_charge = float( sidemol['data'][sb]['atoms'][at][6])
                _charge_[a_opls_tag] = a_charge
                _conv_dict_[ a_elem_tag] = a_opls_tag
        print '='*45+'\n'+'='*5+'  Charges found: '
        print _charge_
        print _conv_dict_
        data_container['S_charge'] = _charge_
        data_container['S_translation'] = _conv_dict_
        ###   A_05
        ############               Esoteric part ;)             ###############
        ####    ----------- DEFINING BONDED INTERACTIONS     ----------    ####
        # load the side molecules data if exist
        #sidemol = _topodata_['sidemol']
        smol_extra_bondtypes        =   []
        smol_extra_angletypes       =   []
        smol_extra_dihedraltypes    =   []
        smol_extra_impropertypes    =   []
        bn_namelist = []
        an_namelist = []
        di_namelist = []
        im_namelist = []
        for sb in range( len( sidemol['tag'])):
            _smd_ = sidemol['data'][sb]
            _at_dic_here = {}
            for _at in range( len( _smd_['atoms'])):
                _smat_ = _smd_['atoms'][_at]
                _at_dic_here[ _smat_[0]] = _smat_[1]
            for _bn in range( len( _smd_['bonds'])):
                _smbn_ = _smd_['bonds'][_bn]
                aux_here = [_at_dic_here[ _smbn_[0]], _at_dic_here[ _smbn_[1]]]
                name = '{}-{}'.format(*aux_here)
                if name not in bn_namelist and len( _smbn_[2:]) > 1:
                    bn_namelist.append( name)
                    smol_extra_bondtypes.append( aux_here + _smbn_[2:])
            for _an in range( len( _smd_['angles'])):
                _sman_ = _smd_['angles'][_an]
                aux_here = [_at_dic_here[ _sman_[0]], _at_dic_here[ _sman_[1]],
                            _at_dic_here[ _sman_[2]] ]
                name = '{}-{}-{}'.format(*aux_here)
                if name not in an_namelist and len( _sman_[3:]) > 1:
                    an_namelist.append( name)
                    smol_extra_angletypes.append( aux_here + _sman_[3:])
            for _dh in range( len( _smd_['dihedrals'])):
                _smdh_ = _smd_['dihedrals'][_dh]
                aux_here = [_at_dic_here[ _smdh_[0]], _at_dic_here[ _smdh_[1]],
                            _at_dic_here[ _smdh_[2]], _at_dic_here[ _smdh_[3]]]
                name = '{}-{}-{}-{}'.format(*aux_here)
                if name not in di_namelist and len( _smdh_[4:]) > 1:
                    di_namelist.append( name)
                    smol_extra_dihedraltypes.append( aux_here + _smdh_[4:])
            for _im in range( len( _smd_['impropers'])):
                _smim_ = _smd_['impropers'][_im]
                aux_here = [_at_dic_here[ _smim_[0]], _at_dic_here[ _smim_[1]],
                            _at_dic_here[ _smim_[2]], _at_dic_here[ _smim_[3]]]
                name = '{}-{}-{}-{}'.format(*aux_here)
                if name not in im_namelist and len( _smim_[4:]) > 1:
                    im_namelist.append( name)
                    smol_extra_impropertypes.append( aux_here + _smim_[4:])
            if len( _smd_.keys()) > 5:
                print ('Uuupa!! This thing is not implemented yet' +
                       ' as side mol part')
                a_key = [ 'atoms', 'bonds', 'angles', 'dihedrals', 'impropers']
                for ky in _smd_.keys():
                    if ky not in a_key:
                        print ('-- > this key : ' + ky)
            # ---------   !!!!    Update the info    !!!!
        data_container['bondtypes'] = ( smol_extra_bondtypes +
                                       data_container['bondtypes'] )
        data_container['angletypes'] = ( smol_extra_angletypes + 
        data_container['dihedraltypes'] = ( smol_extra_dihedraltypes + 
        data_container['impropertypes'] = ( smol_extra_impropertypes + 
        n_bondsnew  = n_bonds
        n_anglesnew = n_angles
        n_atomsnew  = n_atoms
        n_dihednew  = n_dihedrals
        n_impropnew = n_impropers
    ###################### trabajo
    # marker: 'bond_kinds'angl_kinds'dihe_kinds'impr_kinds'
    nice_list = [ 'bondtypes', 'angletypes', 'dihedraltypes','impropertypes']
    for it in range( len( nice_list)):
        _aux_set_here = set()
        poss = it + 2
        if poss > 4:
            poss = 4
        for i in range( len ( data_container[ nice_list[it] ])):
            _aux_set_here.add( data_container[ nice_list[it] ][i][ poss ])
        #print _aux_set_here
        data_container[ nice_list[it][:4]+'_kinds'] = _aux_set_here
    n_bondstypes    =   len( data_container['bondtypes'])
    n_anglestypes   =   len( data_container['angletypes'])
    n_dihedraltypes =   len( data_container['dihedraltypes'])
    n_impropertypes =   len( data_container['impropertypes'])
    data_container['numbers']['total'] = [n_atomsnew, n_bondsnew,
                                          n_anglesnew, n_dihednew, n_impropnew
    data_container['numbers']['type'] = [n_atomtypes, n_bondstypes,
                                         n_anglestypes, n_dihedraltypes,
    print 'Ending gromacs data parsing\n'
    return data_container, [ ok_flag, _sidemol_f_]