def test_dssim_channels_last(dummy): # pylint:disable=unused-argument """ Basic test for DSSIM Loss """ prev_data = K.image_data_format() K.set_image_data_format('channels_last') for input_dim, kernel_size in zip([32, 33], [2, 3]): input_shape = [input_dim, input_dim, 3] var_x = np.random.random_sample(4 * input_dim * input_dim * 3) var_x = var_x.reshape([4] + input_shape) var_y = np.random.random_sample(4 * input_dim * input_dim * 3) var_y = var_y.reshape([4] + input_shape) model = Sequential() model.add( Conv2D(32, (3, 3), padding='same', input_shape=input_shape, activation='relu')) model.add( Conv2D(3, (3, 3), padding='same', input_shape=input_shape, activation='relu')) adam = Adam(lr=0.001, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999, epsilon=1e-8) model.compile(loss=losses.DSSIMObjective(kernel_size=kernel_size), metrics=['mse'], optimizer=adam), var_y, batch_size=2, epochs=1, shuffle='batch') # Test same x_1 = K.constant(var_x, 'float32') x_2 = K.constant(var_x, 'float32') dssim = losses.DSSIMObjective(kernel_size=kernel_size) assert_allclose(0.0, K.eval(dssim(x_1, x_2)), atol=1e-4) # Test opposite x_1 = K.zeros([4] + input_shape) x_2 = K.ones([4] + input_shape) dssim = losses.DSSIMObjective(kernel_size=kernel_size) assert_allclose(0.5, K.eval(dssim(x_1, x_2)), atol=1e-4) K.set_image_data_format(prev_data)
def __init__(self, config: dict) -> None: logger.debug("Initializing %s", self.__class__.__name__) self._config = config self._loss_dict = dict(gmsd=losses.GMSDLoss(), l_inf_norm=losses.LInfNorm(), laploss=losses.LaplacianPyramidLoss(), logcosh=k_losses.logcosh, ms_ssim=losses.MSSIMLoss(), mae=k_losses.mean_absolute_error, mse=k_losses.mean_squared_error, pixel_gradient_diff=losses.GradientLoss(), ssim=losses.DSSIMObjective(), smooth_loss=losses.GeneralizedLoss(),) self._mask_channels = self._get_mask_channels() self._inputs: List[keras.layers.Layer] = [] self._names: List[str] = [] self._funcs: Dict[str, Callable] = {} logger.debug("Initialized: %s", self.__class__.__name__)
if get_backend() == "amd" and isinstance(loss_func, losses.GMSDLoss): pytest.skip("GMSD Loss is not currently compatible with PlaidML") y_a = K.variable(np.random.random((2, 16, 16, 3))) y_b = K.variable(np.random.random((2, 16, 16, 3))) objective_output = loss_func(y_a, y_b) if get_backend() == "amd": assert K.eval(objective_output).shape == output_shape else: output = objective_output.numpy() assert output.dtype == "float32" and not np.isnan(output) _PLPARAMS = _PARAMS + [(k_losses.mean_absolute_error, (2, 16, 16)), (k_losses.mean_squared_error, (2, 16, 16)), (k_losses.logcosh, (2, 16, 16)), (losses.DSSIMObjective(), ())] _PLIDS = [ "GeneralizedLoss", "GradientLoss", "GMSDLoss", "LInfNorm", "mae", "mse", "logcosh", "DSSIMObjective" ] _PLIDS = ["{}[{}]".format(loss, get_backend().upper()) for loss in _PLIDS] @pytest.mark.parametrize(["loss_func", "output_shape"], _PLPARAMS, ids=_PLIDS) def test_penalized_loss(loss_func, output_shape): """ Test penalized loss wrapper works as expected """ if get_backend() == "amd": if isinstance(loss_func, losses.GMSDLoss): pytest.skip("GMSD Loss is not currently compatible with PlaidML") if hasattr(loss_func, "__name__") and loss_func.__name__ == "logcosh": pytest.skip(
""" Basic shape tests for loss functions. """ if get_backend() == "amd" and isinstance(loss_func, losses.GMSDLoss): pytest.skip("GMSD Loss is not currently compatible with PlaidML") y_a = K.variable(np.random.random((2, 16, 16, 3))) y_b = K.variable(np.random.random((2, 16, 16, 3))) objective_output = loss_func(y_a, y_b) if get_backend() == "amd": assert K.eval(objective_output).shape == output_shape else: output = objective_output.numpy() assert output.dtype == "float32" and not np.isnan(output) _LWPARAMS = [losses.GeneralizedLoss(), losses.GradientLoss(), losses.GMSDLoss(), losses.LInfNorm(), k_losses.mean_absolute_error, k_losses.mean_squared_error, k_losses.logcosh, losses.DSSIMObjective(), losses.MSSSIMLoss()] _LWIDS = ["GeneralizedLoss", "GradientLoss", "GMSDLoss", "LInfNorm", "mae", "mse", "logcosh", "DSSIMObjective", "MS-SSIM"] _LWIDS = [f"{loss}[{get_backend().upper()}]" for loss in _LWIDS] @pytest.mark.parametrize("loss_func", _LWPARAMS, ids=_LWIDS) def test_loss_wrapper(loss_func): """ Test penalized loss wrapper works as expected """ if get_backend() == "amd": if isinstance(loss_func, losses.GMSDLoss): pytest.skip("GMSD Loss is not currently compatible with PlaidML") if isinstance(loss_func, losses.MSSSIMLoss): pytest.skip("MS-SSIM Loss is not currently compatible with PlaidML") if hasattr(loss_func, "__name__") and loss_func.__name__ == "logcosh": pytest.skip("LogCosh Loss is not currently compatible with PlaidML")
y_b = K.variable(np.random.random((2, 16, 16, 3))) objective_output = loss_func(y_a, y_b) if get_backend() == "amd": assert K.eval(objective_output).shape == output_shape else: output = objective_output.numpy() assert output.dtype == "float32" and not np.isnan(output) _LWPARAMS = [ losses.GeneralizedLoss(), losses.GradientLoss(), losses.GMSDLoss(), losses.LInfNorm(), k_losses.mean_absolute_error, k_losses.mean_squared_error, k_losses.logcosh, losses.DSSIMObjective() ] _LWIDS = [ "GeneralizedLoss", "GradientLoss", "GMSDLoss", "LInfNorm", "mae", "mse", "logcosh", "DSSIMObjective" ] _LWIDS = ["{}[{}]".format(loss, get_backend().upper()) for loss in _LWIDS] @pytest.mark.parametrize("loss_func", _LWPARAMS, ids=_LWIDS) def test_loss_wrapper(loss_func): """ Test penalized loss wrapper works as expected """ if get_backend() == "amd": if isinstance(loss_func, losses.GMSDLoss): pytest.skip("GMSD Loss is not currently compatible with PlaidML") if hasattr(loss_func, "__name__") and loss_func.__name__ == "logcosh":