예제 #1
    def __parse_and_write_file(self, file, link):
        Parses the date+time and writes entry to outputfile

        @param file: filename
        @param link: path
        if TIMESTAMP_REGEX.match(file):
            # if we found a timestamp too,take hours,min
            # and optionally seconds from this timestamp
            timestamp = TIMESTAMP_REGEX.match(file).group()
            orgdate = OrgFormat.strdatetimeiso8601(timestamp)
            logging.debug("found timestamp: " + orgdate)
            datestamp = DATESTAMP_REGEX.match(file).group()
            orgdate = OrgFormat.strdate(datestamp)
            orgdate_time_tupel = OrgFormat.datetupeliso8601(datestamp)
            file_datetime = time.localtime(os.path.getmtime(link))
            # check if the file - time information matches year,month,day,
            # then update time
            if file_datetime.tm_year == orgdate_time_tupel.tm_year and \
                    file_datetime.tm_mon == orgdate_time_tupel.tm_mon and \
                    file_datetime.tm_mday == orgdate_time_tupel.tm_mday:
                logging.debug("found a time in file.setting %s-->%s", orgdate,
                              OrgFormat.date(file_datetime, True))
                orgdate = OrgFormat.date(file_datetime, True)

        # write entry to org file
        output = OrgFormat.link(link=link, description=file)
        # we need optional data for hashing due it can be, that more
        # than one file have the same timestamp
        properties = OrgProperties(data_for_hashing=output)
예제 #2
    def __parse_and_write_file(self, file, link):
        Parses the date+time and writes entry to outputfile

        @param file: filename
        @param link: path
        if TIMESTAMP_REGEX.match(file):
            # if we found a timestamp too,take hours,min
            # and optionally seconds from this timestamp
            timestamp = TIMESTAMP_REGEX.match(file).group()
            orgdate = OrgFormat.strdatetimeiso8601(timestamp)
            logging.debug("found timestamp: " + orgdate)
            datestamp = DATESTAMP_REGEX.match(file).group()
            orgdate = OrgFormat.strdate(datestamp)
            orgdate_time_tupel = OrgFormat.datetupeliso8601(datestamp)
            file_datetime = time.localtime(os.path.getmtime(link))
            # check if the file - time information matches year,month,day,
            # then update time
            if file_datetime.tm_year == orgdate_time_tupel.tm_year and \
                    file_datetime.tm_mon == orgdate_time_tupel.tm_mon and \
                    file_datetime.tm_mday == orgdate_time_tupel.tm_mday:
                logging.debug("found a time in file.setting %s-->%s",
                              orgdate, OrgFormat.date(file_datetime, True))
                orgdate = OrgFormat.date(file_datetime, True)

        # write entry to org file
        output = OrgFormat.link(link=link, description=file)
        # we need optional data for hashing due it can be, that more
        # than one file have the same timestamp
        properties = OrgProperties(data_for_hashing=output)
예제 #3
    def __parse_file(self, file, link):
        Parses the date+time and writes entry to outputfile

        @param file: filename
        @param link: path
        if TIMESTAMP_REGEX.match(file):
            # if we found a timestamp too,take hours,min
            # and optionally seconds from this timestamp
            timestamp = TIMESTAMP_REGEX.match(file).group()
            orgdate = OrgFormat.strdatetimeiso8601(timestamp)
            logging.debug("found timestamp: " + orgdate)
            datestamp = DATESTAMP_REGEX.match(file).group()
            orgdate = OrgFormat.strdate(datestamp)
            orgdate_time_tupel = OrgFormat.datetupeliso8601(datestamp)

            if self._args.skip_filetime_extraction != True:

                if os.path.exists(link):
                    file_datetime = time.localtime(os.path.getmtime(link))
                    # check if the file - time information matches year,month,day,
                    # then update time
                    if file_datetime.tm_year == orgdate_time_tupel.tm_year and \
                        file_datetime.tm_mon == orgdate_time_tupel.tm_mon and \
                        file_datetime.tm_mday == orgdate_time_tupel.tm_mday:

                        logging.debug("found a time in file.setting %s-->%s",
                                      OrgFormat.date(file_datetime, True))
                        orgdate = OrgFormat.date(file_datetime, True)
                        "item [%s] not found and thus could not determine mtime"
                        % link)

        self.__write_file(file, link, orgdate)