def mysql_main(ipdict,threads): printPink("crack mysql now...") print "[*] start crack mysql %s" % time.ctime() starttime=time.time() global sp sp=Queue() global lock lock = threading.Lock() global result result=[] for i in xrange(threads): t = Thread(target=mysql) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() for ip in ipdict['mysql']: sp.put((str(ip).split(':')[0],int(str(ip).split(':')[1]))) sp.join() print "[*] stop crack mysql %s" % time.ctime() print "[*] crack mysql done,it has Elapsed time:%s " % (time.time()-starttime) return result
def telnet_main(ipdict, threads): if len(ipdict['telnet']) != 0: printPink("crack telnet now...") print "[*] start crack telnet %s" % time.ctime() starttime = time.time() global sp sp = Queue() global lock crack = 0 lock = threading.Lock() global result result = [] for i in xrange(threads): t = Thread(target=telnet) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() for ip in ipdict['telnet']: sp.put((str(ip).split(':')[0], str(ip).split(':')[1])) sp.join() print "[*] stop crack telnet %s" % time.ctime() print "[*] crack telnet done,it has Elapsed time:%s " % (time.time() - starttime) return result
def smb_main(ipdict, threads): printPink("crack smb now...") print "[*] start crack smb serice %s" % time.ctime() starttime = time.time() global sp sp = Queue() global lock lock = threading.Lock() global result result = [] for i in xrange(threads): t = Thread(target=smb) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() for ip in ipdict['smb']: sp.put((str(ip).split(':')[0], int(str(ip).split(':')[1]))) sp.join() print "[*] stop smb serice %s" % time.ctime() print "[*] crack smb done,it has Elapsed time:%s " % (time.time() - starttime) return result
def telnet(): while True: ip,port=sp.get() flag=0 try: #弱口令爆破 for username in usernames: if telnet_test_login(ip,username,username,port)==1: break if telnet_test_login(ip,username+'123',username,port)==1: break if telnet_test_login(ip,username+'123456',username,port)==1: break for password in passwords: tn = telnetlib.Telnet(ip,port=port,timeout=5) tn.read_until("login: "******"\r") #等一会再 接受数据 time.sleep(4) msg=tn.read_some() tn.close() if msg.strip()=='': lock.acquire() print "%s telnet's %s:%s login fail " %(ip,username,password) lock.release() #判断msg是不是login fail 或者error if"(.*?)fail",msg,re.I): lock.acquire() print "%s telnet's %s:%s login fail " %(ip,username,password) lock.release() else: if"(.*?)incorrect",msg,re.I): lock.acquire() print "%s telnet's %s:%s login fail " %(ip,username,password) lock.release() else: lock.acquire() printGreen("%s telnet has weaken password!!-------%s:%s\r\n" %(ip,username,password)) result.append("%s telnet has weaken password!!-------%s:%s\r\n" %(ip,username,password)) lock.release() flag=1 break if flag == 1: flag=0 break except Exception,e: printPink(e) sp.task_done()
def telnet_main(ipdict,threads): if len(ipdict['telnet'])!=0: printPink("crack telnet now...") print "[*] start crack telnet %s" % time.ctime() starttime=time.time() global sp sp=Queue() global lock crack=0 lock = threading.Lock() global result result=[] for i in xrange(threads): t = Thread(target=telnet) t.setDaemon(True) t.start() for ip in ipdict['telnet']: sp.put((str(ip).split(':')[0],str(ip).split(':')[1])) sp.join() print "[*] stop crack telnet %s" % time.ctime() print "[*] crack telnet done,it has Elapsed time:%s " % (time.time()-starttime) return result
def __DoJob(): """ 函数主程序,主要对命令行参数进行判断并执行相关命令. """ # global OutUrls OutUrls = [] for key in ArgsDict: if Search_All_Status or type(ArgsDict['search_all']) is int: # ArgsDict['search_all'] and SearchStr = ArgsDict['dork'][0] SearchPages = ArgsDict['search_all'] print "[+]Use all search options." printPink("[+]Search Keyword: %s,Search Pages: %s.(None is all)" %(SearchStr, str(SearchPages))) for Searcher in __SearchersList: printPink("\n[!]Searching at:%s" % str(Searcher)) Searcher = __SearchersList[Searcher](SearchStr,SearchPages) Searcher.GetUrls() OutUrls.extend(Searcher.Urls) break elif ArgsDict['search_all'] is None: printRed("[-]--search-all cannot use with other search options.\n") break elif not (ArgsDict['search_all'] is None) and ArgsDict[key] is not False and key not in ['regex', 'search_all', 'dork','logfile']: SearchPages = ArgsDict[key] SearchStr = ArgsDict['dork'][0] if SearchPages: printPink("[+]Options:%s,Page's amounts: %d." % (key, SearchPages)) else: printPink("[+]Options:%s,Page's amounts: all." %key) Searcher = __SearchersList[key](SearchStr,SearchPages) Searcher.GetUrls() OutUrls.extend(Searcher.Urls) elif not Search_All_Status and Search_None_Status: # not ArgsDict['search_all'] printRed('[-]Please specify a search term,or use --search-all to search with all search options.\n') break return OutUrls
def telnet(): while True: ip, port = sp.get() flag = 0 try: #弱口令爆破 for username in usernames: if telnet_test_login(ip, username, username, port) == 1: break if telnet_test_login(ip, username + '123', username, port) == 1: break if telnet_test_login(ip, username + '123456', username, port) == 1: break for password in passwords: tn = telnetlib.Telnet(ip, port=port, timeout=5) tn.read_until("login: "******"\r") #等一会再 接受数据 time.sleep(4) msg = tn.read_some() tn.close() if msg.strip() == '': lock.acquire() print "%s telnet's %s:%s login fail " % (ip, username, password) lock.release() #判断msg是不是login fail 或者error if"(.*?)fail", msg, re.I): lock.acquire() print "%s telnet's %s:%s login fail " % (ip, username, password) lock.release() else: if"(.*?)incorrect", msg, re.I): lock.acquire() print "%s telnet's %s:%s login fail " % ( ip, username, password) lock.release() else: lock.acquire() printGreen( "%s telnet has weaken password!!-------%s:%s\r\n" % (ip, username, password)) result.append( "%s telnet has weaken password!!-------%s:%s\r\n" % (ip, username, password)) lock.release() flag = 1 break if flag == 1: flag = 0 break except Exception, e: printPink(e) sp.task_done()
if SearchPages: printPink("[+]Options:%s,Page's amounts: %d." % (key, SearchPages)) else: printPink("[+]Options:%s,Page's amounts: all." %key) Searcher = __SearchersList[key](SearchStr,SearchPages) Searcher.GetUrls() OutUrls.extend(Searcher.Urls) elif not Search_All_Status and Search_None_Status: # not ArgsDict['search_all'] printRed('[-]Please specify a search term,or use --search-all to search with all search options.\n') break return OutUrls if __name__ == '__main__': print "\n\n[!]Start at time: %s\n\n" % time.ctime() StartTime = time.time() OutUrls = __DoJob() LogFilePath = ArgsDict['logfile'] if ArgsDict['regex']: Regex = ArgsDict['regex'][0] else: Regex = False if OutUrls: printPink(u"\n\n[!]最终获取到了%d条链接." % len(OutUrls)) OutUrls = list(set(OutUrls)) printPink(u"[!]去重后得到了%d条链接.\n" % len(OutUrls)) SaveLog(OutUrls,LogFilePath,Regex) print "\n\n[!]Done at time:",time.ctime() print u"[!]总共耗时%d秒." % int(time.time() - StartTime)