def getFP(demFile): demFile = findTestFile(demFile) Z, X, Y = rat.extractRasterData(demFile, 'z', 'x', 'y') fp_vertices = rat.getFPvertices(Z, Y, X, label=-9999, label_type='nodata') num = len(fp_vertices[0]) test_str = ("""demFile: {} Strip Footprint Vertices X: {} Y: {} """.format( demFile, str(fp_vertices[0]).replace(',', '')[1:-1], str(fp_vertices[1]).replace(',', '')[1:-1], )) return num, test_str
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=( "Make sure matchtags contain only zeros and ones." "\nPrint filenames of all invalid matchtags and " "store results in a text file.")) parser.add_argument('src', help="Path to directory containing *_matchtag.tif files.") parser.add_argument('-o', '--out', default=os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'check_match_results.txt'), help="File path of results text file (default is './check_match_results.txt').") # Parse and validate arguments. args = parser.parse_args() srcdir = os.path.abspath(args.src) outfile = os.path.abspath(args.out) outdir = os.path.dirname(outfile) if not os.path.isdir(srcdir): parser.error("src must be a directory") if os.path.isfile(outfile): parser.error("out file already exists") if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(outdir)): print("Creating directory for output results file: {}".format(outdir)) os.makedirs(outdir) matchFiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(srcdir, '*_matchtag.tif')) results_fp = open(outfile, 'w') for m in matchFiles: array = extractRasterData(m, 'array') if np.any(array > 1): affected_fname = os.path.basename(m) print(affected_fname) results_fp.write(affected_fname+'\n') results_fp.close() print("Done!")
def saveDBP(demFile): demFile = findTestFile(demFile) demSuffix = getDemSuffix(demFile) shapefileFile = demFile.replace(demSuffix, 'dem_boundary.shp') Z, X, Y, proj_ref = rat.extractRasterData(demFile, 'z', 'x', 'y', 'proj_ref') poly = rat.getDataBoundariesPoly(Z, X, Y, nodata_val=-9999) if not poly: raise TestingError("Failed to create data cluster boundaries polygon") driver = ogr.GetDriverByName("ESRI Shapefile") ds = driver.CreateDataSource(shapefileFile) srs = osr.SpatialReference() srs.ImportFromWkt(proj_ref) layer = ds.CreateLayer("data_clusters", srs, ogr.wkbPolygon) feature = ogr.Feature(layer.GetLayerDefn()) feature.SetGeometry(poly) layer.CreateFeature(feature) # Dereference datasource to initiate write to disk. ds = None print("'{}' saved".format(shapefileFile))
def diff_strips(demFile1, demFile2, diff_demFile, save_match): # TODO: Write docstring. # Construct filenames. demSuffix1 = getDemSuffix(demFile1) demSuffix2 = getDemSuffix(demFile2) diff_demFile_root, diff_demFile_ext = os.path.splitext(diff_demFile) matchFile1 = selectBestMatchtag(demFile1) matchFile2 = selectBestMatchtag(demFile2) metaFile1 = demFile1.replace(demSuffix1, 'mdf.txt') metaFile2 = demFile2.replace(demSuffix2, 'mdf.txt') regFile1 = demFile1.replace(demSuffix1, 'reg.txt') regFile2 = demFile2.replace(demSuffix2, 'reg.txt') diff_matchFile = '{}_matchtag{}'.format(diff_demFile_root, diff_demFile_ext) diff_metaFile = '{}_meta.txt'.format(diff_demFile_root, diff_demFile_ext) # Read georeferenced strip geometries. x1, y1, spatref1 = rat.extractRasterData(demFile1, 'x', 'y', 'spat_ref') x2, y2, spatref2 = rat.extractRasterData(demFile2, 'x', 'y', 'spat_ref') # Make sure strips have same projection. if spatref2.IsSame(spatref1) != 1: raise SpatialRefError( "Base strip '{}' spatial reference ({}) mismatch with " "compare strip spatial reference ({})".format( demFile1, spatref1.ExportToWkt(), spatref2.ExportToWkt())) spat_ref = spatref1 # Find area of overlap. z1_c0, z1_r0 = 0, 0 z1_c1, z1_r1 = None, None z2_c0, z2_r0 = 0, 0 z2_c1, z2_r1 = None, None try: if x1[0] < x2[0]: overlap_ind = np.where(x1 == x2[0])[0] if overlap_ind.size == 0: raise NoOverlapError("") z1_c0 = overlap_ind[0] else: overlap_ind = np.where(x1[0] == x2)[0] if overlap_ind.size == 0: raise NoOverlapError("") z2_c0 = overlap_ind[0] if x1[-1] > x2[-1]: overlap_ind = np.where(x1 == x2[-1])[0] if overlap_ind.size == 0: raise NoOverlapError("") z1_c1 = overlap_ind[0] + 1 else: overlap_ind = np.where(x1[-1] == x2)[0] if overlap_ind.size == 0: raise NoOverlapError("") z2_c1 = overlap_ind[0] + 1 if y1[0] > y2[0]: overlap_ind = np.where(y1 == y2[0])[0] if overlap_ind.size == 0: raise NoOverlapError("") z1_r0 = overlap_ind[0] else: overlap_ind = np.where(y1[0] == y2)[0] if overlap_ind.size == 0: raise NoOverlapError("") z2_r0 = overlap_ind[0] if y1[-1] < y2[-1]: overlap_ind = np.where(y1 == y2[-1])[0] if overlap_ind.size == 0: raise NoOverlapError("") z1_r1 = overlap_ind[0] + 1 else: overlap_ind = np.where(y1[-1] == y2)[0] if overlap_ind.size == 0: raise NoOverlapError("") z2_r1 = overlap_ind[0] + 1 except NoOverlapError: raise NoOverlapError("Strip geometries do not overlap") if save_match: # Load matchtag data into arrays. print("Loading matchtag data") m1 = rat.extractRasterData(matchFile1, 'array') m2 = rat.extractRasterData(matchFile2, 'array') m1 = m1[z1_r0:z1_r1, z1_c0:z1_c1] m2 = m2[z2_r0:z2_r1, z2_c0:z2_c1] r0, r1, c0, c1 = crop_strip(m1, m2, method='data_density') # del m1, m2 # Load DEM data into arrays. print("Loading raster data") z1 = rat.extractRasterData(demFile1, 'z') z2 = rat.extractRasterData(demFile2, 'z') z1[z1 == -9999] = np.nan z2[z2 == -9999] = np.nan # Crop arrays to area of overlap. x1 = x1[z1_c0:z1_c1] y1 = y1[z1_r0:z1_r1] x2 = x2[z2_c0:z2_c1] y2 = y2[z2_r0:z2_r1] z1 = z1[z1_r0:z1_r1, z1_c0:z1_c1] z2 = z2[z2_r0:z2_r1, z2_c0:z2_c1] # Crop arrays further to decrease memory use. if 'r0' not in vars(): # r0, r1, c0, c1 = crop_strip(z1, method='center') r0, r1, c0, c1 = crop_strip(rat.getDataArray(z1, np.nan), rat.getDataArray(z2, np.nan), method='data_density') x1_crop = x1[c0:c1] y1_crop = y1[r0:r1] x2_crop = x2[c0:c1] y2_crop = y2[r0:r1] z1_crop = z1[r0:r1, c0:c1] z2_crop = z2[r0:r1, c0:c1] # Get initial guess of translation vector to # hopefully speed up coregistration... trans1 = get_trans_vector(regFile1) trans2 = get_trans_vector(regFile2) trans_guess = trans2 - trans1 # Coregister the two DEMs. print("Beginning coregistration") _, trans, _, rmse = coregisterdems(x1_crop, y1_crop, z1_crop, x2_crop, y2_crop, z2_crop, trans_guess=trans_guess) dz, dx, dy = trans # Interpolate comparison DEM to reference DEM. print("Interpolating dem2 to dem1") z2i = rat.interp2_gdal(x2 - dx, y2 - dy, z2 - dz, x1, y1, 'linear') del z2 # Difference DEMs and save result. print("Saving difference DEM") z_diff = z2i - z1 z_diff[np.isnan(z_diff)] = -9999 del z1, z2i rat.saveArrayAsTiff(z_diff, diff_demFile, x1, y1, spat_ref, nodata_val=-9999, dtype_out='float32') print("Extracting footprint vertices for metadata") fp_vertices = rat.getFPvertices(z_diff, x1, y1, label=-9999, label_type='nodata', replicate_matlab=True, dtype_out_int64_if_equal=True) del z_diff if save_match: if 'm2' not in vars(): print("Loading match2") m2 = rat.extractRasterData(matchFile2, 'array').astype(np.float32) m2 = m2[z2_r0:z2_r1, z2_c0:z2_c1] elif m2.dtype != np.float32: m2 = m2.astype(np.float32) print("Interpolating match2 to match1") m2i = rat.interp2_gdal(x2 - dx, y2 - dy, m2, x1, y1, 'nearest') del m2 m2i[np.isnan(m2i)] = 0 # convert back to uint8 m2i = m2i.astype(np.bool) if 'm1' not in vars(): print("Loading match1") m1 = rat.extractRasterData(matchFile1, 'array').astype(np.bool) m1 = m1[z1_r0:z1_r1, z1_c0:z1_c1] elif m1.dtype != np.bool: m1 = m1.astype(np.bool) print("Saving difference matchtag") m_diff = (m1 & m2i) del m1 rat.saveArrayAsTiff(m_diff, diff_matchFile, x1, y1, spat_ref, nodata_val=0, dtype_out='uint8') del m_diff # Write metadata for difference image. proj4 = spat_ref.ExportToProj4() time ="%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S") writeDiffMeta(diff_metaFile, demFile1, demFile2, trans, rmse, proj4, fp_vertices, time)
def mask_rasters(maskFile, suffix_maskval_dict, args): import numpy as np import lib.raster_array_tools as rat global SRC_SUFFIX_CATCH_ALL nodata_opt = args.get(ARGSTR_DST_NODATA) bitmaskSuffix = getBitmaskSuffix(maskFile) bitmask_is_strip_lsf = (bitmaskSuffix == SUFFIX_STRIP_BITMASK_LSF) if suffix_maskval_dict is None: # maskFile_base = maskFile.replace(bitmaskSuffix, '') # suffix_maskval_dict = {src_rasterFile.replace(maskFile_base, ''): None # for src_rasterFile in glob.glob(maskFile_base+SRC_SUFFIX_CATCH_ALL) # if not src_rasterFile.endswith(bitmaskSuffix)} suffix_maskval_dict = {SRC_SUFFIX_CATCH_ALL: None} if True in args.get(ARGSTR_EDGE, ARGSTR_WATER, ARGSTR_CLOUD): # Read in mask raster, then unset bits that will not be used to mask. mask_select, mask_x, mask_y = rat.extractRasterData( maskFile, 'z', 'x', 'y') mask_ones = np.ones_like(mask_select) if not args.get(ARGSTR_EDGE): np.bitwise_and(mask_select, ~np.left_shift(mask_ones, MASKCOMP_EDGE_BIT), out=mask_select) if not args.get(ARGSTR_WATER): np.bitwise_and(mask_select, ~np.left_shift(mask_ones, MASKCOMP_WATER_BIT), out=mask_select) if not args.get(ARGSTR_CLOUD): np.bitwise_and(mask_select, ~np.left_shift(mask_ones, MASKCOMP_CLOUD_BIT), out=mask_select) del mask_ones # Convert remaining component bits to a binary boolean mask. mask_select = mask_select.astype(np.bool) else: mask_select = None # Make list for downsampled mask array "pyramids" # that may be built on-the-fly. mask_pyramids = [mask_select] mask_pyramid_current = mask_pyramids[0] # Apply mask to source raster images and save results. for src_suffix, maskval in suffix_maskval_dict.items(): bitmaskSuffix_temp = bitmaskSuffix if src_suffix.startswith(STRIP_LSF_PREFIX): if not bitmask_is_strip_lsf: continue elif bitmask_is_strip_lsf: bitmaskSuffix_temp = SUFFIX_STRIP_BITMASK src_rasterFile = maskFile.replace(bitmaskSuffix_temp, src_suffix) if '*' in src_rasterFile: src_rasterFile_list = glob.glob(src_rasterFile) if len(src_rasterFile_list) == 0: print("No source rasters found matching filename pattern: {}". format(src_rasterFile)) continue maskFile_globbed = None for src_rasterFile in src_rasterFile_list: if src_rasterFile.endswith(bitmaskSuffix_temp): maskFile_globbed = src_rasterFile break if maskFile_globbed is not None: src_rasterFile_list.remove(maskFile_globbed) else: src_rasterFile_list = [src_rasterFile] for src_rasterFile in src_rasterFile_list: if not os.path.isfile(src_rasterFile): print( "Source raster does not exist: {}".format(src_rasterFile)) continue dst_rasterFile = get_dstFile(src_rasterFile, args) if os.path.isfile(dst_rasterFile): print( "Output raster already exists: {}".format(dst_rasterFile)) if not args.get(ARGSTR_OVERWRITE): continue print("Masking source raster ({}) to output raster ({})".format( src_rasterFile, dst_rasterFile)) # Read in source raster. dst_array, src_nodataval = rat.extractRasterData( src_rasterFile, 'array', 'nodata_val') print("Source NoData value: {}".format(src_nodataval)) # Set masking value to source NoDataVal if necessary. if maskval is None: if src_nodataval is None: print( "Source raster does not have a set NoData value, " "so masking value cannot be automatically determined; skipping" ) continue else: maskval = src_nodataval print("Masking value: {}".format(maskval)) if mask_pyramid_current is not None: # Apply mask. if mask_pyramid_current.shape != dst_array.shape: # See if the required mask pyramid level has already been built. mask_pyramid_current = None for arr in mask_pyramids: if arr.shape == dst_array.shape: mask_pyramid_current = arr break if mask_pyramid_current is None: # Build the required mask pyramid level and add to pyramids. mask_pyramid_current = rat.imresize(mask_select, dst_array.shape, interp='nearest') mask_pyramids.append(mask_pyramid_current) dst_array[mask_pyramid_current] = maskval # Handle nodata options. if nodata_opt == ARGCHO_DST_NODATA_SAME: dst_nodataval = src_nodataval elif nodata_opt == ARGCHO_DST_NODATA_ADD: dst_nodataval = maskval if src_nodataval is None else src_nodataval elif nodata_opt == ARGCHO_DST_NODATA_SWITCH: dst_nodataval = maskval elif nodata_opt == ARGCHO_DST_NODATA_CONVERT: if src_nodataval is not None: dst_nodata = ((dst_array == src_nodataval) if not np.isnan(src_nodataval) else np.isnan(dst_array)) dst_array[dst_nodata] = maskval dst_nodataval = maskval elif nodata_opt == ARGCHO_DST_NODATA_UNSET: dst_nodataval = None print("Output NoData value: {}".format(dst_nodataval)) # Save output masked raster. rat.saveArrayAsTiff(dst_array, dst_rasterFile, nodata_val=dst_nodataval, like_raster=src_rasterFile)
def readRasterZ(rasterFile='testRaster_ml.tif'): return rat.extractRasterData(findTestFile(rasterFile), 'z')