def call(self, call_filename=None, update_details=None, label=None, category=None, example=None, update_sonogram=None, frequency_scale=FREQUENCY_SCALES[0], fft_step=DEFAULT_FFT_STEP, **ignored): if not call_filename: raise cherrypy.NotFound() fft_step = int(fft_step) if call_filename and update_details: self._storage.updateCall(call_filename, label, category, example) if ajax.isXmlHttpRequest(): return # ajax update doesn't require a response call=self._storage.getCall(call_filename) if ajax.isXmlHttpRequest(): # only sonogram updates are possible here assert(update_sonogram) return template.render('_sonogram.html', ajah=True, sonogram_filename=self.getSonogram(call, frequency_scale, fft_step), fft_step=fft_step, frequency_scale=frequency_scale, frequency_scales=FREQUENCY_SCALES) else: return template.render(station=self.getStationName(), call=call, categories=",".join(self._storage.getCategoryNames()), sonogram_filename=self.getSonogram(call, frequency_scale, fft_step), fft_step=fft_step, frequency_scale=frequency_scale, frequency_scales=FREQUENCY_SCALES, prev_next_files=self._storage.getPrevAndNextCalls(call))
def index(self): self.g_user = cherrypy.session.get('g_user') roles = ['admin'] self.page_for(roles) header = Markup('Welcome to Guido, <tt>%s</tt>' % (self.g_user.user_id)) ipath = 'Admin:' return template.render(ipath = ipath, header=header)
def question_answers(self, **data): cherrypy.session['focused_question']=data['q_id'] focused_assignment = cherrypy.session.get('focused_assignment') self.g_user = cherrypy.session.get('g_user') self.g_term = cherrypy.session.get('g_term') roles = ['admin', 'ta', 'final'] self.page_for(roles) sql="SELECT DISTINCT an.student_id FROM Answers an, Questions q, Assignment a, Associated_with aw \ WHERE'%s' AND q.q_no=an.q_no AND an.q_no=aw.q_no AND \ aw.s_no=a.s_no AND = '%s' AND a.term='%s' AND\ an.status<>'DONE' ORDER BY an.student_id ASC" % (data['q_id'], focused_assignment, self.g_term) db=mysql.DB() results=db.do_query(sql) s_answers=[] for row in results: stud = {'student_id':row['student_id']} s_answers.append(stud) db.close() header=Markup('Grade an assignment (%s): <tt>%s</tt>' % (self.g_term, self.g_user.user_id)) ipath=Markup('Admin/TA: <a href="assignment_list">Grade an \ assignment</a> > <a href="assignment?a_id=%s"> \ Assignment %s</a> > <a href=listByQuestion>List By \ Question</a> > <b> Student List (Question %s)</b><font color="grey"> > \ Grade </font>' % (focused_assignment,focused_assignment,data['q_id'])) return template.render(ipath = ipath, header=header,\ answers=s_answers, term=self.g_term,\ focused_assignment=focused_assignment,focused_question=data['q_id'])
def index(self): self.g_user = cherrypy.session.get('g_user') roles = ['ta', 'final'] self.page_for(roles) header = Markup('Welcome to Gudio, <tt>%s</tt>' % (self.g_user.user_id)) ipath = 'TA: ' return template.render(ipath = ipath, header=header, g_user=self.g_user)
def archive(self): self.g_user = cherrypy.session.get('g_user') roles = ['admin', 'ta'] self.page_for(roles) header=Markup('Admin assignment archives: <tt>%s</tt>' % (self.g_user.user_id)) ipath=Markup('Admin: <font color="grey">Archive/Load old assignments</font>') return template.render(ipath =ipath , header=header)
def connect(self, address=None, remove=None, rescan=False, **ignored): # if already connected, then just bounce to the status page if hasSession(SESSION_STATION_ADDRESS_KEY): raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/status') # ignore address if "rescan" was requested if not rescan and address: # if "Remove" button has been clicked, delete entry from history if remove: self._storage.removeConnection(address) else: # get the name from the address try: name = self.getRemoteName(address) except urllib2.URLError: return self.showConnectionFailure( error="could not be established", address=address) self._storage.addConnection(name, address) setSession(SESSION_STATION_ADDRESS_KEY, address) setSession(SESSION_STATION_NAME_KEY, name) # make sure new connection's recordings are not filtered out if (hasSession(SESSION_FILTER_STATION_KEY) and getSession(SESSION_FILTER_STATION_KEY) != name): clearSession(SESSION_FILTER_STATION_KEY) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/status') return template.render(is_proxy=True, station=None, previous_connections=self._storage.getPreviousConnections(), local_connections=self.findLocalBowerbirds(rescan))
def status(self, **ignored): return template.render(station = self.getStationName(), uptime = self.getUptime(), disk_space = self.getDiskSpace(), local_time = self.getLocalTime(), last_recording = self.getLastRecording(), next_recording = self.getNextRecording())
def connect(self, address=None, remove=None, rescan=False, **ignored): # if already connected, then just bounce to the status page if hasSession(SESSION_STATION_ADDRESS_KEY): raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/status') # ignore address if "rescan" was requested if not rescan and address: # if "Remove" button has been clicked, delete entry from history if remove: self._storage.removeConnection(address) else: # get the name from the address try: name = self.getRemoteName(address) except urllib2.URLError: return self.showConnectionFailure( error="could not be established", address=address) self._storage.addConnection(name, address) setSession(SESSION_STATION_ADDRESS_KEY, address) setSession(SESSION_STATION_NAME_KEY, name) # make sure new connection's recordings are not filtered out if (hasSession(SESSION_FILTER_STATION_KEY) and getSession(SESSION_FILTER_STATION_KEY) != name): clearSession(SESSION_FILTER_STATION_KEY) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/status') return template.render( is_proxy=True, station=None, previous_connections=self._storage.getPreviousConnections(), local_connections=self.findLocalBowerbirds(rescan))
def home(): try: lib.session.check_current_session() except lib.session.NoSessionError: redirect('/login') return render('home.html')
def status(self, **ignored): return template.render(station=self.getStationName(), uptime=self.getUptime(), disk_space=self.getDiskSpace(), local_time=self.getLocalTime(), last_recording=self.getLastRecording(), next_recording=self.getNextRecording())
def samplequiz(): redirect_if_not_logged_in() # This will be a list. history = requests.get('').json() # Randomize the order of items in the list. random.shuffle(history) # Use the first one in the randomized list as the question to ask. question = history[0] title = question['title'] details = question['details'] correct_answer = datetime.fromtimestamp(question['event_date_unix']).year possible_answers = range(2000, 2021) # Sometimes the date is in the question, so remove the year portion. details = details.replace(str(correct_answer), '????') return render( 'samplequiz.html', { 'title': title, 'details': details, 'correct_answer': correct_answer, 'possible_answers': possible_answers, })
def manage_class(self): self.g_user = cherrypy.session.get('g_user') roles = ['admin'] self.page_for(roles) self.has_started() header=Markup('Admin a class (%s): <tt>%s</tt>' % (cherrypy.session.get('g_term'), self.g_user.user_id)) ipath=Markup('Admin: <b>Manage Class</b>') return template.render(ipath = ipath, header=header)
def give_grade2student(self): roles = ['admin', 'final'] self.page_for(roles) header=Markup('Grade an assignment (%s): <tt>%s</tt>' % (self.g_term, self.g_user.user_id)) ipath=Markup('Final Grader: <b>Students</b> <font color="grey"> > \ Give a grade </font>') return template.render(ipath =ipath , header=header)
def export(self, export_partial=None, start_type=None, start_time=None, duration=None, filter_title=None, filter_start=None, filter_finish=None, export=None, **ignored): # HACK: this helps development slightly if ignored: print "IGNORED", ignored errors = [] if export: try: start_date_ = parseDateUI(filter_start) except ValueError: errors.append('invalid start date: "%s", must be DD/MM/YYYY' % filter_start) try: finish_date_ = parseDateUI(filter_finish) except ValueError: errors.append('invalid finish date: "%s", must be DD/MM/YYYY' % filter_finish) if export_partial and int(export_partial): try: start_time_ = parseTimeUI(start_time) except ValueError: errors.append( 'invalid start time: "%s", must be HH[:MM[:SS]]' % start_time) try: duration_ = parseTimeDelta(duration) except ValueError: errors.append( 'invalid duration: "%s", must be [[HH:]MM:]SS' % duration) errors.append('Sorry: export is not implemented yet') # get the recording titles for the filter, and add a "show all" option schedule_titles = [(NO_FILTER_TITLE, '')] schedule_titles.extend( ((title, title) for title in self._storage.getRecordingTitles())) return template.render(station=self.getStationName(), errors=errors, filter_start=filter_start, filter_finish=filter_finish, export_partial=export_partial, start_type=start_type, start_time=start_time, duration=duration, filter_title=filter_title, schedule_titles=schedule_titles)
def distribution(self, **data): self.g_term = cherrypy.session.get('g_term') self.g_user = cherrypy.session.get('g_user') roles = ['admin'] self.page_for(roles) selected_grader = {} if len(data) == 0: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('./add_assign') selected_assmt = data['assmt_name'] self.get_assignment(selected_assmt) new_assmt = cherrypy.session.get('new_assmt') t_data = self.get_ta() new_assmt['tas'] = t_data.values() new_assmt['g_term'] = self.g_term questions = new_assmt['questions'] # Questions of the selected assignment if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST': db = mysql.DB() myList = questions.keys() myList = list(set(myList)) q_list = self.make_string(myList) # Clean the Distributed table sql = "DELETE FROM Distributed WHERE q_no IN (%s)" param = (q_list) db.do_commit(sql, param) g = re.compile("grader") for key, value in sorted(data.items()): if g.match(key): sql = "INSERT INTO Distributed (q_no, instructor_id, TA_id) \ VALUES(%s, %s, %s)" q_no = key.replace('grader_', '') param = (q_no, self.g_user.user_id, key) db.do_commit(sql, param) selected = {} for ta in new_assmt['tas']: if ta.user_id == value: selected[ta] = "true" else: selected[ta] = None selected_grader[q_no] = selected new_assmt["selected_grader"] = selected_grader db.close() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('./finalgrader' ) if len(data) == 0 and cherrypy.session.get('new_assmt') == None : raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('./add_assign' ) header=Markup('Admin an assignment (%s): <tt>%s</tt>' % (self.g_term, self.g_user.user_id)) ipath=Markup('Admin: <a href="add_assign">Create an assignment</a> \ > <a href="related_assign">Related Questions</a> > \ <b>Distribution</b> \ <font color="grey"> > Assign Final Grader </font>') return template.render(ipath = ipath, header=header, new_assmt=new_assmt)
def get_signup(): try: lib.session.check_current_session() except lib.session.NoSessionError: pass else: redirect('/') return render('signup.html')
def give_grade(self): roles = ['admin', 'final'] self.page_for(roles) self.g_user = cherrypy.session.get('g_user') header=Markup('Grade an assignment (%s): <tt>%s</tt>' % (self.g_term, self.g_user.user_id)) ipath=Markup('Final Grader: <a \ href="give_grade2student">Students</a> > \ <b>Give a grade to ???</b>') return template.render(ipath =ipath , header=header)
def api_show_collections(db_name=None, collection_name=None): db = MongoWrapper(db_name).getCollection(collection_name) datas = [] for d in db.find(): if "_id" in d.keys(): d["_id"] = str(d["_id"]) d.update(json=json.dumps(d)) datas.append(d) return render("list_data.jade", loader(locals()))
def calls(self, sort='date_and_time', sort_order='asc', category=None, **ignored): return template.render(station=self.getStationName(), calls=self._storage.getCalls( sort, sort_order, category), sort=sort, sort_order=sort_order)
def selected_student(self): roles = ['admin','ta'] self.page_for(roles) header=Markup('Grade an assignment (%s): <tt>%s</tt>' % (self.g_term, self.g_user.user_id)) ipath=Markup('Admin/TA: <a href="assignment_list">Grade an \ assignment</a> > <a href="assignment3"> \ Assignment 3</a> > <a href="listByStudent">List By \ Student</a> > <b>Student 1</b> <font color="grey"> > Grade \ </font>') return template.render(ipath = ipath, header=header)
def call(self, call_filename=None, update_details=None, label=None, category=None, example=None, update_sonogram=None, frequency_scale=FREQUENCY_SCALES[0], fft_step=DEFAULT_FFT_STEP, **ignored): if not call_filename: raise cherrypy.NotFound() fft_step = int(fft_step) if call_filename and update_details: self._storage.updateCall(call_filename, label, category, example) if ajax.isXmlHttpRequest(): return # ajax update doesn't require a response call = self._storage.getCall(call_filename) if ajax.isXmlHttpRequest(): # only sonogram updates are possible here assert (update_sonogram) return template.render('_sonogram.html', ajah=True, sonogram_filename=self.getSonogram( call, frequency_scale, fft_step), fft_step=fft_step, frequency_scale=frequency_scale, frequency_scales=FREQUENCY_SCALES) else: return template.render( station=self.getStationName(), call=call, categories=",".join(self._storage.getCategoryNames()), sonogram_filename=self.getSonogram(call, frequency_scale, fft_step), fft_step=fft_step, frequency_scale=frequency_scale, frequency_scales=FREQUENCY_SCALES, prev_next_files=self._storage.getPrevAndNextCalls(call))
def systemd_units(_, res): data = {'units': systemd.units()} res_body = template.render('units.html', data) res_headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset="UTF-8"'), ('Content-Length', str(len(res_body)))] res(wsgi.HTTP_STATUS_CODE[200], res_headers) return [res_body]
def index(self, path='/', filter='type:', category=0, chart=0): lastupdate = time.strftime( "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M %p", time.localtime(os.path.getmtime("%s/output/sherman.h5" % SHERMAN))) return template.render(path=path, filter=filter, category=category, chart=chart, lastupdate=lastupdate)
def xpath(self, xpath=None): exc = None # traceback elts = [] if xpath: try: elts = self.doc.xpath(xpath) if type(elts) != type([]): elts = [elts] except: exc = sys.exc_info() return template.render(xpath=xpath, elts=elts, exc=exc)
def assignment(self,**data): cherrypy.session['focused_assignment']=data['a_id'] self.g_user = cherrypy.session.get('g_user') self.g_term = cherrypy.session.get('g_term') roles =['admin', 'ta', 'final'] self.page_for(roles) header=Markup('Admin an assignment (%s): <tt>%s</tt>' % (self.g_term, self.g_user.user_id)) ipath=Markup('Admin/TA: <a href="assignment_list">Grade an \ assignment</a> > \ <b>Assignment %s</b><font color="grey"> > List By Student / \ List By Question > Grade </font>' % (data['a_id'])) return template.render(ipath =ipath , header=header, focused_assignment=data['a_id'], term=self.g_term)
def show_stats(self,**data): self.g_user = cherrypy.session.get('g_user') roles = ['admin', 'ta', 'final'] self.page_for(roles) header = 'Statistical Graph' ipath = Markup('Admin/TA <a href="../statistics">Assignment Statistics</a> > <b>Statistics by Assignment</b>') self.s_data = {} errors = {} s_data = {} if (self.g_term == ""): self.g_term = cherrypy.session.get('g_term') s = "" if data['split2'] == 'year': s = ", s.year" st = " order by g.finalGrade" if data['assignment_all'] == 'all': sql = "Select g.s_no s_no, g.finalGrade finalGrade, count(distinct g.student_id) number, s.year Year, \ 5*count(distinct g.student_id) ncount FROM Student s, Grade g where \ g.student_id=s.user_id group by g.finalGrade" else: sql = "SELECT g.s_no s_no, g.finalGrade finalGrade,\ count(distinct g.student_id) number, s.year Year, \ 5*count(distinct g.student_id) ncount FROM Grade g, \ Student s, Assignment a WHERE g.student_id=s.user_id and \ g.s_no=a.s_no and'%s' group by g.s_no, \ g.finalGrade" % (data['assignment_all']) sql = sql + s + st db = mysql.DB() results = db.do_query(sql) for row in results: tmp_row = {'s_no':row['s_no'], 'finalGrade':row['finalGrade'], 'number':row['number']} stat = Stat(**tmp_row) if data['split2'] == 'year': stat.set_year(row['Year']) else: stat.set_year('') stat.set_ncount(row['ncount']) s_data[stat.s_no, stat.finalGrade, stat.Year]= stat db.close() self.s_data = s_data stats = self.s_data.values() return template.render(ipath=ipath, header=header, stats=stats)
def view_assign(self): self.g_user = cherrypy.session.get('g_user') self.g_term = cherrypy.session.get('g_term') roles = ['admin', 'ta', 'final'] if(self.g_term == ""): self.g_term = cherrypy.session.get('g_term'); result = self.assignment_status(self.g_term) header=Markup('View an assignment (%s): <tt>%s</tt>' % (self.g_term, self.g_user.user_id)) ipath=Markup('Public: <b>View an assignment</b>') return template.render(ipath = ipath, header=header, results=result)
def ta_details(self): self.g_term = cherrypy.session.get('g_term') self.g_user = cherrypy.session.get('g_user') roles = ['admin'] self.page_for(roles) self.t_data = {} self.t_data = self.get_ta() header=Markup('Admin a class (%s): <tt>%s</tt>' % (self.g_term, self.g_user.user_id)) ipath=Markup('Admin: <a href="manage_class">Manage Class</a> > \ <b>Current TAs </b>') tas = self.t_data.values() return template.render(ipath = ipath, header=header, tas=tas)
def index(self, A=40,B=25,C=30,D=10,F=5,Z=2): roles = ['admin', 'ta'] self.page_for(roles) self.g_user = cherrypy.session.get('g_user') header=Markup('Histogram example') ipath=Markup('histogram example') A,B,C,D,F,Z = map(int,[A,B,C,D,F,Z]) timesfive = lambda x: x * 5 awidth,bwidth,cwidth,dwidth,fwidth,zwidth = map(timesfive,[A,B,C,D,F,Z]) return template.render(header=header, ipath=ipath, awidth=awidth, bwidth=bwidth, cwidth=cwidth, dwidth=dwidth, fwidth=fwidth, zwidth=zwidth, acount=A, bcount=B, ccount=C, dcount=D, fcount=F, zcount=Z)
def samplequiz(): redirect_if_not_logged_in() title = request.POST['title'] details = request.POST['details'] user_answer = request.POST['user_answer'] correct_answer = request.POST['correct_answer'] return render( 'samplequiz.html', { 'title': title, 'details': details, 'user_answer': user_answer, 'correct_answer': correct_answer, })
def category(self, label=None, new_label=None, update_details=None, sort='date_and_time', sort_order='asc', **ignored): if update_details and new_label and new_label != label: self._storage.updateCategory(label, new_label) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/category/%s' % new_label) calls = self._storage.getCalls(sort, sort_order, label) call_sonograms = {} for call in calls: call_sonograms[call['filename']] = self.getSonogram(call, FREQUENCY_SCALES[0], DEFAULT_FFT_STEP) return template.render(station=self.getStationName(), category=self._storage.getCategory(label), calls=calls, call_sonograms=call_sonograms, sort=sort, sort_order=sort_order)
def queue(self, recording_id=None, cancel_transfer=None, cancel_all_transfers=None, **ignored): # HACK: this helps development slightly if ignored: print "IGNORED",ignored if cancel_all_transfers: self._transfer_manager.clear() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/recordings') if recording_id and cancel_transfer: self._transfer_manager.remove(int(recording_id)) return template.render(is_proxy=True, station=getSession(SESSION_STATION_NAME_KEY), transfer_queue=self._transfer_manager.queue)
def assignment_list(self): self.g_term = cherrypy.session.get('g_term') self.g_user = cherrypy.session.get('g_user') roles = ['admin', 'ta', 'final'] self.page_for(roles) self.has_started() if(self.g_term == ""): self.g_term = cherrypy.session.get('g_term'); result = self.assignment_status(self.g_term) header=Markup('Admin an assignment (%s): <tt>%s</tt>' % (self.g_term, self.g_user.user_id)) ipath=Markup('Admin/TA: <b>Grade an assignment</b>') return template.render(ipath = ipath, header=header, results=result)
def render_string(self, template_name, **context): """Template render by Jinja2.""" default_context = { "xsrf": self.xsrf_form_html, "request": self.request, "settings": self.settings, "me": self.current_user, "static": self.static_url, "handler": self, "config": appConfig, } context.update(default_context) context.update(self.ui) # Enabled tornado UI methods. return render( path=self.settings["template_path"], filename=template_name, auto_reload=self.settings["debug"], **context )
def showConnectionFailure(self, error='was lost', name=None, address=None): if address: station_address = address else: station_address = getSession(SESSION_STATION_ADDRESS_KEY) clearSession(SESSION_STATION_ADDRESS_KEY) if name: station_name = name else: station_name = getSession(SESSION_STATION_NAME_KEY) clearSession(SESSION_STATION_NAME_KEY) return template.render(is_proxy=True, station=None, error=error, station_name=station_name, station_address=station_address, timeout=CONNECT_FAILURE_REDIRECTION_TIMEOUT)
def finalgrader(self, **data): self.g_term = cherrypy.session.get('g_term') self.g_user = cherrypy.session.get('g_user') roles = ['admin'] self.page_for(roles) selected_assmt = data['assmt_name'] self.get_assignment(selected_assmt) new_assmt = cherrypy.session.get('new_assmt') t_data = self.get_ta() new_assmt['g_term'] = self.g_term check_final = "" for ta in t_data.values(): if ta.role == 'final': check_final = ta.user_id if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST': db = mysql.DB() if check_final != "": sql = "UPDATE User SET role='ta' WHERE user_id=%s" param = (check_final) db.do_commit(sql, param) sql = "UPDATE User SET role='final' WHERE user_id=%s" param = (data['user_id']) db.do_commit(sql, param) sql = "UPDATE Assignment SET status='Not Graded' WHERE s_no=%s" param = (new_assmt['s_no']) db.do_commit(sql, param) db.close() if len(data) > 0: check_final = data['user_id'] for ta in t_data.values(): if ta.user_id == check_final: ta.set_role("final") ta.set_final("true") new_assmt['check_final'] = check_final new_assmt['tas'] = t_data.values() header=Markup('Admin an assignment (%s): <tt>%s</tt>' % (self.g_term, self.g_user.user_id)) ipath=Markup('Admin: <a href="add_assign">Create an assignment</a> \ > <a href="related_assign">Related Questions</a> > <a \ href="distribution">Distribution</a> \ > <b>Assign Final Grader</b>') return template.render(ipath =ipath , header=header, new_assmt=new_assmt)
def index(self, assignment=None, student=None, query=None): roles = ['admin', 'ta'] self.page_for(roles) self.g_user = cherrypy.session.get('g_user') codeblocks = [] if (assignment and student and query and present(student,assignment)): needle = str(query) student = str(student) assignment = str(assignment) codeblocks = getcodeblocks(student,assignment,query) header=Markup('code search') ipath=Markup('code search') return template.render(codeblocks=codeblocks, ipath=ipath, header=header)
def xslt(self, xslt_s=None, xslt_f=None): exc = None xslt = None filename = None doc = None if xslt_f and xslt_f.file: xslt = filename = xslt_f.filename elif xslt_s: xslt = xslt_s if xslt: try: xslt_doc = etree.fromstring(xslt) doc = self.doc.xslt(xslt_doc) except: exc = sys.exc_info() return template.render(xslt_s=xslt, filename=filename, doc=doc, exc=exc)
def remove_ta(self, **data): self.g_term = cherrypy.session.get('g_term') self.g_user = cherrypy.session.get('g_user') roles = ['admin'] self.page_for(roles) sql = "" if cherrypy.request.method == 'POST': db = mysql.DB() sql = "DELETE FROM TA WHERE user_id=%s AND term=%s" param = (data['user_id'],self.g_term) db.do_commit(sql, param) db.close() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('./ta_details' ) header=Markup('Admin a class (%s): <tt>%s</tt>' % (self.g_term, self.g_user.user_id)) ipath=Markup('Admin: <a href="manage_class">Manage Class</a> > \ <b>Current Students %s</b> %s, %s' % (sql, data['user_id'], self.g_term)) return template.render(ipath = ipath, header=header, student=data['user_id'])
def show_stats_answers(self,**data): self.g_user = cherrypy.session.get('g_user') roles = ['admin', 'ta', 'final'] self.page_for(roles) header = 'Statistics Graph:' ipath = Markup('TA/Admin: <a href="../statistics">Assignment Statistics</a> > <b>Statistics by Answers</b>') self.s_data = {} s_data = {} sql = """ SELECT a.q_no q_no, s.score score, question, count(distinct a.student_id) number FROM Score_and_comment s, Answers a, Assignment asg, Questions q, Associated_with aw WHERE and asg.s_no=aw.s_no and aw.q_no=a.q_no and q.q_no = a.q_no and a.a_no=s.a_no group by s.score, a.q_no order by s.score, a.q_no """ db = mysql.DB() results = db.do_query(sql, (data['assignment'],)) for row in results: tmp_row = {'s_no':row['q_no'], 'finalGrade':row['score'], 'number':row['number']} stat = Stat(**tmp_row) stat.set_year('') stat.question = row['question'] s_data[stat.s_no, stat.finalGrade, stat.Year]= stat self.s_data = s_data def compareStat(s1,s2): if s1.question != s2.question: return cmp(s1.question, s2.question) if s1.finalGrade != s2.finalGrade: return cmp(s1.finalGrade, s2.finalGrade) return 0 stats = sorted(self.s_data.values(),cmp=compareStat) return template.render(ipath = ipath, header=header, stats=stats)
def export(self, export_partial=None, start_type=None, start_time=None, duration=None, filter_title=None, filter_start=None, filter_finish=None, export=None, **ignored): # HACK: this helps development slightly if ignored: print "IGNORED",ignored errors = [] if export: try: start_date_ = parseDateUI(filter_start) except ValueError: errors.append('invalid start date: "%s", must be DD/MM/YYYY' % filter_start) try: finish_date_ = parseDateUI(filter_finish) except ValueError: errors.append('invalid finish date: "%s", must be DD/MM/YYYY' % filter_finish) if export_partial and int(export_partial): try: start_time_ = parseTimeUI(start_time) except ValueError: errors.append('invalid start time: "%s", must be HH[:MM[:SS]]' % start_time) try: duration_ = parseTimeDelta(duration) except ValueError: errors.append('invalid duration: "%s", must be [[HH:]MM:]SS' % duration) errors.append('Sorry: export is not implemented yet') # get the recording titles for the filter, and add a "show all" option schedule_titles = [(NO_FILTER_TITLE, '')] schedule_titles.extend(((title, title) for title in self._storage.getRecordingTitles())) return template.render(station=self.getStationName(), errors=errors, filter_start=filter_start, filter_finish=filter_finish, export_partial=export_partial, start_type=start_type, start_time=start_time, duration=duration, filter_title=filter_title, schedule_titles=schedule_titles)
def make_response(status, error=None, token=None, state=None): # NOTE: yes, this is very dissimilar to how the existing template system # is designed to be used. We want to use as much as the code as possible, # but the existing system is deeply tied to meta.yaml, and this page isn't # really a part of that whole system (since it's not a project page). data = { "site": { "token": token, "error": error, "state": state, } } return webapp2.Response(status=status, content_type='text/html', body=template.render( project='bitly-api-token-handler', template_data=data))
def queue(self, recording_id=None, cancel_transfer=None, cancel_all_transfers=None, **ignored): # HACK: this helps development slightly if ignored: print "IGNORED", ignored if cancel_all_transfers: self._transfer_manager.clear() raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/recordings') if recording_id and cancel_transfer: self._transfer_manager.remove(int(recording_id)) return template.render(is_proxy=True, station=getSession(SESSION_STATION_NAME_KEY), transfer_queue=self._transfer_manager.queue)
def give_grade2student(self, **data): self.g_user = cherrypy.session.get('g_user') self.g_term = cherrypy.session.get('g_term') roles = ['final'] self.page_for(roles) db = mysql.DB() sql = "SELECT * FROM Assignment WHERE term='%s'" % (self.g_term) results = db.do_query(sql) current_assignment = {} for row in results: if row['status'] == "Not Graded": current_assignment['a_id'] = row['s_no'] current_assignment['a_name'] = row['name'] cherrypy.session['current_assmt'] = current_assignment sql = "SELECT DISTINCT u.user_id, u.user_name, u.user_email FROM \ User u, Answers a, Associated_with aw WHERE aw.q_no=a.q_no AND \ u.user_id=a.student_id AND aw.s_no=%s ORDER BY \ u.user_name" %(current_assignment['a_id']) db = mysql.DB() results = db.do_query(sql) students = [] student_ids = [] for row in results: tmp_row = {'user_id':row['user_id'], 'name':row['user_name'], 'email':row['user_email'], 'role':'student'} student = User(**tmp_row) students.append(student) student_ids.append(row['user_id']) db.close() cherrypy.session['student_ids'] = student_ids header = Markup('Grade an assignment (%s): <tt>%s</tt>' % (self.g_term, self.g_user.user_id)) ipath = Markup('Final Grader: <b>Students</b><font color="grey"> > Give a grade</font>') return template.render(ipath=ipath , header=header, students=students, curr_assmt=current_assignment)
def category(self, label=None, new_label=None, update_details=None, sort='date_and_time', sort_order='asc', **ignored): if update_details and new_label and new_label != label: self._storage.updateCategory(label, new_label) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/category/%s' % new_label) calls = self._storage.getCalls(sort, sort_order, label) call_sonograms = {} for call in calls: call_sonograms[call['filename']] = self.getSonogram( call, FREQUENCY_SCALES[0], DEFAULT_FFT_STEP) return template.render(station=self.getStationName(), category=self._storage.getCategory(label), calls=calls, call_sonograms=call_sonograms, sort=sort, sort_order=sort_order)
def get(self, project='index', page='index'): html = template.render(project, page) self.response.write(html)
if view == 'month': calendar = RecordingsHTMLCalendar(year, month, today, self._storage, None, filter_title, filter_start, filter_finish, selected_date, selected_recording).showMonth() else: calendar = ('<h2>Unimplemented</h2>' 'That calendar format is not supported') return template.render(station=self.getStationName(), errors=errors, schedule_titles=schedule_titles, filter_title=filter_title, filter_start=formatDateUI(filter_start), filter_finish=formatDateUI(filter_finish), calendar=genshi.HTML(calendar), selected_date=selected_date, selected_recording=selected_recording, selected_recordings=selected_recordings, selected_action_mode=selected_action_mode, selected_action_size=selected_action_size) @cherrypy.expose def recordings_json(self): return jsonpickle.encode(list(self._storage.getRecordings())) @cherrypy.expose def recording_by_hash(self, hash=None): if not hash: raise cherrypy.HTTPError( 404, 'You must provide the hash of the '
def config(self, config_timestamp=0, load_defaults=False, cancel=False, apply=False, export_config=False, new_config=None, import_config=False, **data): error = None values = None if cancel: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/') elif export_config: # use cherrypy utility to push the file for download. This also # means that we don't have to move the config file into the # web-accessible filesystem hierarchy return cherrypy.lib.static.serve_file( os.path.realpath(self._config.filename), "application/x-download", "attachment", os.path.basename(self._config.filename)) elif apply: # if someone else has modified the config, then warn the user # before saving their changes (overwriting the other's changes) if int(config_timestamp) == self._config.getTimestamp(): self.updateConfigFromPostData(self._config, data) # update file try: self._config.saveToFile() self._config.exportForShell(self._config.filename + ".sh") # bounce back to homepage raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/') except IOError as e: # if save failed, put up error message and stay on the page error = 'Error saving: %s' % e else: error = genshi.HTML('''WARNING: Configuration has been changed externally.<br /> If you wish to keep your changes and lose the external changes, then click on 'Apply' again. <br /> To lose your changes and preserve the external changes, click 'Cancel'.''') # load the post data into a temporary configparser to preserve # the user's changes when the page is loaded again. This means # we don't have to duplicate the horrible POST-to-config code temp_conf = ConfigParser() self.updateConfigFromPostData(temp_conf, data) values = temp_conf.getValues() # the page loading below will send the new config timestamp so # we don't have to anything else here. if load_defaults: values = self._config.getDefaultValues() elif import_config: if new_config.filename: try: values = self._config.parseFile(new_config.file) except Exception as e: values = None error = 'Unable to parse config file: "%s"' % e else: error = 'No filename provided for config import' if not values: values = self._config.getValues() return template.render(station=self.getStationName(), config_timestamp=self._config.getTimestamp(), error=error, using_defaults=load_defaults, values=values, file=self._config.filename, defaults_file=self._config.defaults_filename)
def export(self, filter_start=None, filter_finish=None, filter_station=None, export_partial=None, start_type=None, start_time=None, duration=None, filter_title=None, export=None, sync_with_station=False, **ignored): # HACK: this helps development slightly if ignored: print "IGNORED", ignored errors = [] # handle requests to sync remote bowerbird by adding any missing # recording files to the transfer queue if sync_with_station and hasSession(SESSION_STATION_ADDRESS_KEY): station_address = getSession(SESSION_STATION_ADDRESS_KEY) for recording in self._storage.getRecordings( station=getSession(SESSION_STATION_NAME_KEY)): if not recording.fileExists(): self._transfer_manager.add(recording, station_address) if export: try: start_date_ = parseDateUI(filter_start) except ValueError: errors.append('invalid start date: "%s", must be DD/MM/YYYY' % filter_start) try: finish_date_ = parseDateUI(filter_finish) except ValueError: errors.append('invalid finish date: "%s", must be DD/MM/YYYY' % filter_finish) if export_partial and int(export_partial): try: start_time_ = parseTimeUI(start_time) except ValueError: errors.append( 'invalid start time: "%s", must be HH[:MM[:SS]]' % start_time) try: duration_ = parseTimeDelta(duration) except ValueError: errors.append( 'invalid duration: "%s", must be [[HH:]MM:]SS' % duration) errors.append('Sorry: export is not implemented yet') # get the station titles for the filter, and add a "show all" option station_names = [(NO_FILTER_STATION, '')] station_names.extend( ((title, title) for title in self._storage.getRecordingStations())) # get the recording titles for the filter, and add a "show all" option schedule_titles = [(NO_FILTER_TITLE, '')] schedule_titles.extend( ((title, title) for title in self._storage.getRecordingTitles())) return template.render( is_proxy=True, transfer_queue_ids=self._transfer_manager.queue_ids, station=getSession(SESSION_STATION_NAME_KEY), errors=errors, filter_start=filter_start, filter_finish=filter_finish, filter_station=filter_station, station_names=station_names, export_partial=export_partial, start_type=start_type, start_time=start_time, duration=duration, filter_title=filter_title, schedule_titles=schedule_titles)
def api_show_collection(db_name=None): collections = MongoWrapper(db_name).getCollectionNames() return render("home.jade", loader(locals()))
def index(): return render("home.jade", loader(locals()))
def schedule(self, cancel=None, apply=None, add=None, **data): error = None if cancel: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/') elif apply: # use dictionary so we can untangle the POST data schedules = {} # we must check for uniqueness of titles titles = set() # just get the titles for key in data: # each schedule comes in three parts: ?.title, ?.start, ?.finish if key.endswith('title'): id = key.split('.')[0] title = data[key] if title in titles: error = ('Schedule titles must be unique. Found ' 'duplicate of "%s"' % title) return template.render( station=self.getStationName(), recording_specs=self._schedule.getScheduleSpecs(), error=error, file=self._schedule.filename, add=None) schedules[id] = title titles.add(title) # clear all schedules # and add them back in the order they were on the webpage self._schedule.clearScheduleSpecs() # sort the labels by their id, then add them in that order schedule_ids = schedules.keys() schedule_ids.sort() for id in schedule_ids: start_key = "%s.start" % id finish_key = "%s.finish" % id if data.has_key(start_key) and data.has_key(finish_key): self._schedule.setScheduleSpec( ScheduleParser.parseRecordingSpec( schedules[id], data[start_key], data[finish_key])) # update file try: self._schedule.saveToFile() # bounce back to homepage raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('/') except IOError as e: # if save failed, put up error message and stay on the page error = "Error saving: %s" % e elif not add: # this should only happen when a remove button has been clicked # find the remove key for key in data: if key.endswith('remove'): # get the schedule key from the title id = key.split('.')[0] title_key = "%s.title" % id if data.has_key(title_key): schedule_key = data[title_key] self._schedule.deleteScheduleSpec(schedule_key) return template.render( station=self.getStationName(), error=error, recording_specs=self._schedule.getScheduleSpecs(), add=add, file=self._schedule.filename)
def get(self): data = template.get_data('embed-api', 'server-side-authorization') data['site']['access_token'] = service_account.get_access_token() html = template.render('embed-api', 'server-side-authorization', data) self.response.write(html)
def categories(self, sort='label', sort_order='asc', **ignored): categories = self._storage.getCategories(sort, sort_order) return template.render(station=self.getStationName(), categories=categories, sort=sort, sort_order=sort_order)
self._storage, filter_station, filter_title, filter_start, filter_finish, selected_date, selected_recording).showMonth() else: calendar = ('<h2>Unimplemented</h2>' 'That calendar format is not supported') return template.render(is_proxy=True, station=station, errors=errors, station_names=station_names, schedule_titles=schedule_titles, filter_station=filter_station, filter_title=filter_title, filter_start=formatDateUI(filter_start), filter_finish=formatDateUI(filter_finish), calendar=genshi.HTML(calendar), selected_date=selected_date, selected_recording=selected_recording, selected_recordings=selected_recordings, selected_action_mode=selected_action_mode, selected_action_size=selected_action_size, transfer_queue_ids=transfer_queue_ids) @cherrypy.expose @template.output('export.html') def export(self, filter_start=None, filter_finish=None, filter_station=None, export_partial=None,