def main(): global thread_pool global config global cos_log bucketdirList = BucketDirList(BUCKET_PATH_LIST_PATH) cosconfig = CosConfig(300,300,False,region=config.region) cos_client = CosClient(config.appid, config.secret_id, config.secret_key, config.region) cos_client.set_config(cosconfig) thread_pool_dir = threadpool.ThreadPool(config.dir_thread_num) for var in bucketdirList.bucketDirList: cos_log.debug(var) bucket = bucketdirList.getBucketName(var) path = bucketdirList.getPath(var) if (bucket == "" or path == ""): continue thread_pool_file = threadpool.ThreadPool(config.file_thread_num) cos_log.debug("bucket:"+bucket +",path:"+path) args = [cos_client,bucket, path, thread_pool_file] args_tuple = (args, None) args_list = [args_tuple] requests = threadpool.makeRequests(delete_r, args_list) for req in requests: thread_pool_dir.putRequest(req) cos_log.debug("thread_pool_dir waiting.....\n") thread_pool_dir.wait() thread_pool_dir.dismissWorkers(config.dir_thread_num, True) cos_log.debug("thread_pool_dir wait end.....\n")
def down_plugins(self, remote_plugins, local_plugins): """ 下载插件 :param remote_plugins: list, 远程插件列表 :param local_plugins: list, 本地插件列表 :return: list, 新增插件列表 """ def down_single_plugin(plugin): """ 下载单个插件 :return: """ base_url = "" \ "CMS-Exploit-Framework/contents/" r = requests.get(base_url + plugin) r.close() j = json.loads(r.text) data = binascii.a2b_base64(j["content"]) with open(plugin, "w") as f: f.write(data) for plugin in local_plugins: if plugin in remote_plugins: remote_plugins.remove(plugin) pool = threadpool.ThreadPool(10) reqs = threadpool.makeRequests(down_single_plugin, remote_plugins) for req in reqs: pool.putRequest(req) pool.wait() return remote_plugins
def run(self): """ 多线程 :return: """ pool = threadpool.ThreadPool(self.thread_num) reqs = threadpool.makeRequests(self.identify_cms, self.rules, self.log) for req in reqs: pool.putRequest(req) pool.wait()
def main(): global thread_pool global config global cos_log bucketdirList = BucketDirList(BUCKET_PATH_LIST_PATH) cosconfig = CosConfig(300, 300, False, region=config.region) cos_client = CosClient(config.appid, config.secret_id, config.secret_key, config.region) cos_client.set_config(cosconfig) thread_pool_dir = threadpool.ThreadPool(config.dir_thread_num) for var in bucketdirList.bucketDirList: cos_log.debug(var) bucket = bucketdirList.getBucketName(var) path = bucketdirList.getPath(var) if (bucket == "" or path == ""): cos_log.error( "config is invalid at line %s, please check it and try again!" % var) continue thread_pool_file = threadpool.ThreadPool(config.file_thread_num) cos_log.debug("bucket:" + bucket + ",path:" + path) cos_log.debug( 'please commit the target to be deleted. bucket: %s, path: %s (yes/no)' % (bucket, path)) answer = sys.stdin.readline() if answer.lower().strip() != "yes": cos_log.debug('answer is not yes. quit') return args = [cos_client, bucket, path, thread_pool_file] args_tuple = (args, None) args_list = [args_tuple] requests = threadpool.makeRequests(delete_r, args_list) for req in requests: thread_pool_dir.putRequest(req) cos_log.debug("thread_pool_dir waiting.....\n") thread_pool_dir.wait() thread_pool_dir.dismissWorkers(config.dir_thread_num, True) cos_log.debug("thread_pool_dir wait end.....\n")
def down_plugin_list(self): """ 获取远程插件列表 :param dirs: 所有插件目录 :return: list, 远程插件列表 """ base_url = "" \ "CMS-Exploit-Framework/contents/" plugin_dirs = [] remote_plugins = [] def down_plugin_dirs(): """ 获取远程插件目录 :return: """ r = requests.get(base_url + "plugins") r.close() j = json.loads(r.text) for i in j: plugin_dirs.append(i["path"]) def down_single_dir(plugin_dir): """ 下载单个目录插件列表 :param plugin_dir: list, 插件目录 """ remote_plugins = [] r = requests.get(base_url + plugin_dir) r.close() j = json.loads(r.text) for i in j: remote_plugins.append(i["path"]) return remote_plugins def log(request, result): """ threadpool callback """ remote_plugins.extend(result) down_plugin_dirs() pool = threadpool.ThreadPool(10) reqs = threadpool.makeRequests(down_single_dir, plugin_dirs, log) for req in reqs: pool.putRequest(req) pool.wait() return remote_plugins
def exec_plugins(self): """ 执行所有插件 :return: """ logger.process("Loading Plugins") self.load_plugins() if self.what_web: logger.process("Loading multi_whatweb") self.identify_cms() for plugin in self.plugins: logger.process("Loading %s" % plugin) self.load_plugin(plugin) pool = threadpool.ThreadPool(self.thread_number) reqs = threadpool.makeRequests(self.exec_single_plugin, self.targets) for req in reqs: pool.putRequest(req) pool.wait() self.log_vulns()
import os, sys, traceback from imp import reload from components import abstracts from lib import threadpool plugins = {} mods = {} resources = {} handlers = {} prio = range(0, 5) pool = threadpool.ThreadPool(10, "Event Dispatch") def initialize(): for f in os.listdir("plugins/"): fname, ext = os.path.splitext(f) if ext == '.py': loadPlugin(fname) for plug in plugins: plugins[plug].load() def loadPlugin(name): sys.path.insert(0, "plugins/") mod = __import__(name) registerPlugin(mod, name) sys.path.pop(0)
global output if status: if result: print("result:", result) writefile("results/%s" % output, result) if __name__ == "__main__": banner() args = parse_args() poc = args.poc input = args.input output = args.output l = args.poclist threadnum = int(args.thread) pool = threadpool.ThreadPool(threadnum) pocs = [] if l: listpoc() else: if poc == "": poc = "all" if poc == "all": pocs = listpoc(1) else: if "," in poc: for p in poc.split(","): p = p.strip() if p not in pocs: pocs.append(p) else: