def __init__(self, appium_server_url, path_to_apk, step_with_screenshot, device_name): deviceDesiredCapabilities = {"deviceName": device_name, "platformName": 'Android', "allowTestPackages": True, "app": get_path(path_to_apk)} self.driver = webdriver.Remote(appium_server_url, deviceDesiredCapabilities) self.driver.step_with_screenshot = step_with_screenshot self.driver.implicitly_wait(15)
from pytest_bdd import scenarios, given, then, parsers import pytest, allure, time from import get_path from lib.core.sharedDriver import SharedDriverClass scenarios((get_path('tests/bdd/unordered'))) # TODO implement video recorder @then(parsers.parse('Tap on "{LOCATOR}", By "{BY}"')) def click_on_by(driver_init, LOCATOR, BY): with allure.step(f"Tap BY : {BY} LOCATOR: {LOCATOR}"): SharedDriverClass(driver_init)._click(LOCATOR, BY) @then(parsers.parse('Validate element is presented "{LOCATOR}", By "{BY}"')) def validate_displayed(driver_init, LOCATOR, BY): with allure.step( f'Validate element is presented LOCATOR : {LOCATOR}, By : {BY}'): SharedDriverClass(driver_init)._isDisplayed(LOCATOR, BY) @then(parsers.parse('In field "{LOCATOR}" type "{STRING}", By "{BY}"')) def send_keys(driver_init, LOCATOR, BY, STRING): with allure.step( f"Send Keys by : {BY} LOCATOR: {LOCATOR} TYPE : {STRING}"): SharedDriverClass(driver_init)._send(LOCATOR, STRING, BY) @then(parsers.parse('Validate text "{LOCATOR}", "{STRING}", By "{BY}"')) def validate_text(driver_init, LOCATOR, BY, STRING):
import pytest, allure from pytest_bdd import scenario, given, when, then from lib.core.first_page import FirstPage from import get_path step_2 = "Click on button" step_3 = "validate middle text" @scenario(get_path('/tests/bdd/first_page.feature'), 'Login Validation') def test_login(driver_init, video_recorder): """This test for Onboarding""" @then(step_2) def step_test_2(driver_init): with allure.step(step_2): FirstPage(driver_init).click_on_button() @then(step_3) def step_test_3(driver_init): with allure.step(step_3): FirstPage(driver_init).validatdate_is_middle_text()
from pytest_bdd import given, then, when, scenario, parsers from import get_path from lib.core.core_api import ApiRequest import allure import pytest @scenario(get_path('tests/bdd/api.feature'), 'API test') def test_dynamic(_base_url): """ Test body """ @given('Initialize request body') def init_request(_base_url, _method, _name, _json, _URL): global test test = ApiRequest(_base_url=_base_url, _name=_name, _method=_method, _URL=_URL, _json=_json) @then(parsers.parse("Response validation")) def send_and_validate(_status_code, _method, _name, _base_url, _URL, _json): with allure.step("Initialize request body | NAME : " + _name + " | METHOD : " + _method + " | LINK : " + _base_url + _URL + " | JSON : " + _json): with allure.step("Response validation : " + _status_code): test.make_request() test.validate_status_code(_status_code)
from appium import webdriver from import get_path deviceName = '5758554638573398' appiumServerUrl = '' platformName = 'Android' deviceDesiredCapabilities = { "deviceName": deviceName, "platformName": platformName, "androidInstallTimeout": 300000, "allowTestPackages": True, "app": get_path("apk/testApp.apk")} driver = webdriver.Remote(appiumServerUrl, deviceDesiredCapabilities) driver.implicitly_wait(15) try: driver.find_element_by_accessibility_id('Right').click() print(driver.find_element_by_accessibility_id('Center').is_displayed()) driver.quit() except: driver.quit() print(False)