def __init__(self, root=None, image_loader=jpeg4py_loader, data_fraction=None, split="train", version="2014"): """ args: root - path to the coco dataset. image_loader (default_image_loader) - The function to read the images. If installed, jpeg4py ( is used by default. Else, opencv's imread is used. data_fraction (None) - Fraction of images to be used. The images are selected randomly. If None, all the images will be used split - 'train' or 'val'. version - version of coco dataset (2014 or 2017) """ root = env_settings().coco_dir if root is None else root super().__init__('COCO_lmdb', root, image_loader) self.root = root self.img_pth = 'images/{}{}/'.format(split, version) self.anno_path = 'annotations/instances_{}{}.json'.format(split, version) # Load the COCO set. print('loading annotations into memory...') tic = time.time() coco_json = decode_json(root, self.anno_path) print('Done (t={:0.2f}s)'.format(time.time() - tic)) self.coco_set = COCO(coco_json) self.cats = self.coco_set.cats self.class_list = self.get_class_list() self.sequence_list = self._get_sequence_list() if data_fraction is not None: self.sequence_list = random.sample(self.sequence_list, int(len(self.sequence_list)*data_fraction)) self.seq_per_class = self._build_seq_per_class()
def __init__(self, root=None, image_loader=jpeg4py_loader, min_length=0, max_target_area=1): """ args: root - path to the imagenet vid dataset. image_loader (default_image_loader) - The function to read the images. If installed, jpeg4py ( is used by default. Else, opencv's imread is used. min_length - Minimum allowed sequence length. max_target_area - max allowed ratio between target area and image area. Can be used to filter out targets which cover complete image. """ root = env_settings().imagenet_dir if root is None else root super().__init__("imagenetvid_lmdb", root, image_loader) sequence_list_dict = decode_json(root, "cache.json") self.sequence_list = sequence_list_dict # Filter the sequences based on min_length and max_target_area in the first frame self.sequence_list = [ x for x in self.sequence_list if len(x['anno']) >= min_length and get_target_to_image_ratio(x) < max_target_area ]
def __init__(self, root=None, image_loader=jpeg4py_loader, vid_ids=None, split=None, data_fraction=None): """ args: root - path to the lasot dataset. image_loader (jpeg4py_loader) - The function to read the images. jpeg4py ( is used by default. vid_ids - List containing the ids of the videos (1 - 20) used for training. If vid_ids = [1, 3, 5], then the videos with subscripts -1, -3, and -5 from each class will be used for training. split - If split='train', the official train split (protocol-II) is used for training. Note: Only one of vid_ids or split option can be used at a time. data_fraction - Fraction of dataset to be used. The complete dataset is used by default """ root = env_settings().lasot_dir if root is None else root super().__init__('LaSOT', root, image_loader) # Keep a list of all classes self.class_list = [f for f in os.listdir(self.root)] self.class_to_id = { cls_name: cls_id for cls_id, cls_name in enumerate(self.class_list) } self.sequence_list = self._build_sequence_list(vid_ids, split) if data_fraction is not None: self.sequence_list = random.sample( self.sequence_list, int(len(self.sequence_list) * data_fraction)) self.seq_per_class = self._build_class_list()
def __init__(self, root=None, image_loader=jpeg4py_loader, split=None, seq_ids=None, data_fraction=None): """ args: root - path to the got-10k training data. Note: This should point to the 'train' folder inside GOT-10k image_loader (jpeg4py_loader) - The function to read the images. jpeg4py ( is used by default. split - 'train' or 'val'. Note: The validation split here is a subset of the official got-10k train split, not NOT the official got-10k validation split. To use the official validation split, provide that as the root folder instead. seq_ids - List containing the ids of the videos to be used for training. Note: Only one of 'split' or 'seq_ids' options can be used at the same time. data_fraction - Fraction of dataset to be used. The complete dataset is used by default """ root = env_settings().got10k_dir if root is None else root super().__init__('GOT10k', root, image_loader) # all folders inside the root self.sequence_list = self._get_sequence_list() # seq_id is the index of the folder inside the got10k root path if split is not None: if seq_ids is not None: raise ValueError('Cannot set both split_name and seq_ids.') ltr_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), '..') if split == 'train': file_path = os.path.join(ltr_path, 'data_specs', 'got10k_train_split.txt') elif split == 'val': file_path = os.path.join(ltr_path, 'data_specs', 'got10k_val_split.txt') elif split == 'train_full': file_path = os.path.join(ltr_path, 'data_specs', 'got10k_train_full_split.txt') elif split == 'vottrain': file_path = os.path.join(ltr_path, 'data_specs', 'got10k_vot_train_split.txt') elif split == 'votval': file_path = os.path.join(ltr_path, 'data_specs', 'got10k_vot_val_split.txt') else: raise ValueError('Unknown split name.') seq_ids = pandas.read_csv(file_path, header=None, squeeze=True, dtype=np.int64).values.tolist() elif seq_ids is None: seq_ids = list(range(0, len(self.sequence_list))) self.sequence_list = [self.sequence_list[i] for i in seq_ids] if data_fraction is not None: self.sequence_list = random.sample(self.sequence_list, int(len(self.sequence_list)*data_fraction)) self.sequence_meta_info = self._load_meta_info() self.seq_per_class = self._build_seq_per_class() self.class_list = list(self.seq_per_class.keys()) self.class_list.sort()
def __init__(self, root=None, image_loader=jpeg4py_loader, data_fraction=None, min_area=None, split="train", version="2014"): """ args: root - path to coco root folder image_loader (jpeg4py_loader) - The function to read the images. jpeg4py ( is used by default. data_fraction - Fraction of dataset to be used. The complete dataset is used by default min_area - Objects with area less than min_area are filtered out. Default is 0.0 split - 'train' or 'val'. version - version of coco dataset (2014 or 2017) """ root = env_settings().coco_dir if root is None else root super().__init__('COCO', root, image_loader) self.img_pth = os.path.join(root, 'images/{}{}/'.format(split, version)) self.anno_path = os.path.join( root, 'annotations/instances_{}{}.json'.format(split, version)) self.coco_set = COCO(self.anno_path) self.cats = self.coco_set.cats self.class_list = self.get_class_list( ) # the parent class thing would happen in the sampler self.image_list = self._get_image_list(min_area=min_area) if data_fraction is not None: self.image_list = random.sample( self.image_list, int(len(self.image_list) * data_fraction)) self.im_per_class = self._build_im_per_class()
def __init__(self, root=None, image_loader=jpeg4py_loader, min_length=0, max_target_area=1): """ args: root - path to the imagenet vid dataset. image_loader (default_image_loader) - The function to read the images. If installed, jpeg4py ( is used by default. Else, opencv's imread is used. min_length - Minimum allowed sequence length. max_target_area - max allowed ratio between target area and image area. Can be used to filter out targets which cover complete image. """ root = env_settings().imagenet_dir if root is None else root super().__init__("imagenetvid", root, image_loader) cache_file = os.path.join(root, 'cache.json') if os.path.isfile(cache_file): # If available, load the pre-processed cache file containing meta-info for each sequence with open(cache_file, 'r') as f: sequence_list_dict = json.load(f) self.sequence_list = sequence_list_dict else: # Else process the imagenet annotations and generate the cache file self.sequence_list = self._process_anno(root) with open(cache_file, 'w') as f: json.dump(self.sequence_list, f) # Filter the sequences based on min_length and max_target_area in the first frame self.sequence_list = [ x for x in self.sequence_list if len(x['anno']) >= min_length and get_target_to_image_ratio(x) < max_target_area ]
def __init__(self, root=None, image_loader=jpeg4py_loader, set_ids=None, data_fraction=None): """ args: root - The path to the TrackingNet folder, containing the training sets. image_loader (jpeg4py_loader) - The function to read the images. jpeg4py ( is used by default. set_ids (None) - List containing the ids of the TrackingNet sets to be used for training. If None, all the sets (0 - 11) will be used. data_fraction - Fraction of dataset to be used. The complete dataset is used by default """ root = env_settings().trackingnet_dir if root is None else root super().__init__('TrackingNet', root, image_loader) if set_ids is None: set_ids = [i for i in range(12)] self.set_ids = set_ids # Keep a list of all videos. Sequence list is a list of tuples (set_id, video_name) containing the set_id and # video_name for each sequence self.sequence_list = list_sequences(self.root, self.set_ids) if data_fraction is not None: self.sequence_list = random.sample( self.sequence_list, int(len(self.sequence_list) * data_fraction)) self.seq_to_class_map, self.seq_per_class = self._load_class_info() # we do not have the class_lists for the tracking net self.class_list = list(self.seq_per_class.keys()) self.class_list.sort()