def __init__(self, parent, window): Frame.__init__(self, parent) if not isinstance(parent, PanedWindow): raise InternalError("parent must be a PanedWindow") self.parent = parent # parent is a PanedWindow self.window = window self.tabs = {} self.mapped = Event() # are we packed ? window.conf.add_ox_listener(window.tk_cb(self.ox_update)) # Tabs in notebook_region self.notebook_region = Notebook(self) # Graph and Table Buttons in switch_region self.switch_region = Frame(self) self.graph_button = Button(self.switch_region, text="Graph", command=lambda: self.table_button = Button(self.switch_region, text="Table", command=lambda: self.graph_button.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=YES) self.table_button.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=YES) window.conf.add_viewmode_listener(window.tk_cb(self.viewmode_update)) window.conf.add_x_listener(self.x_update) # pack() self.notebook_region.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.switch_region.pack(fill=X, side=BOTTOM) # once all gui elements are mapped, record that fact # TODO: this statement also has to be watched closely # same situation as with, "self.conf.set_viewmode(self.conf.viewmode)" window.after_idle(self.mapped.set)
class TabRegion(Frame): def __init__(self, parent, window): Frame.__init__(self, parent) if not isinstance(parent, PanedWindow): raise InternalError("parent must be a PanedWindow") self.parent = parent # parent is a PanedWindow self.window = window self.tabs = {} self.mapped = Event() # are we packed ? window.conf.add_ox_listener(window.tk_cb(self.ox_update)) # Tabs in notebook_region self.notebook_region = Notebook(self) # Graph and Table Buttons in switch_region self.switch_region = Frame(self) self.graph_button = Button(self.switch_region, text="Graph", command=lambda: self.table_button = Button(self.switch_region, text="Table", command=lambda: self.graph_button.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=YES) self.table_button.pack(side=LEFT, fill=X, expand=YES) window.conf.add_viewmode_listener(window.tk_cb(self.viewmode_update)) window.conf.add_x_listener(self.x_update) # pack() self.notebook_region.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1) self.switch_region.pack(fill=X, side=BOTTOM) # once all gui elements are mapped, record that fact # TODO: this statement also has to be watched closely # same situation as with, "self.conf.set_viewmode(self.conf.viewmode)" window.after_idle(self.mapped.set) cb_w = cb_h = 10 # color-chooser button width & height # # ... a single bit represents each pixel (black or white) ... # ... If the image width does not match a multiple of 8, # the display mechanism ignores and discards the extra bits in the last byte of each row. ... cb_x = 0 if cb_w // 8 == cb_w / 8.0 else 8 bitmap_data = "#define im_width %d\n#define im_height %d\n" % (cb_w, cb_h) bitmap_data += "static char im_bits[] = {\n" + ",".join("255" for i in range((cb_w+cb_x)/8*cb_h)) + "\n};" def ox_update(self, conf): "PVConf.ox_listener callback function" # clear the mapped Event (used by config_handler()) # as we are going to add and resize some elements now self.mapped.clear() for ox in conf.open_experiments: if ox not in self.tabs: self.add_tab(ox) ox.views[self.window].add_listener(self.window.tk_cb(self.view_update)) # important ! # re-add ourselves to the parent PanedWindow Widget # this will resize the tab_region to make all elements in all tabs fit for pane in self.parent.panes(): self.parent.remove(pane) self.parent.add(pane) # wait until everything is packed and re-set the packed Event # --- FIXME: sometimes self.mapped is set() BEFORE all tabs and labels have their final size --- # ---> probably fixed by update_idletasks() call above self.window.after_idle(self.mapped.set) # TODO: now the size of the XYPlot might have changed - (how) is this recognized ? def x_update(self, conf): map(self.view_update, conf.ox_views()) def view_update(self, view): "ExperimentView.listener callback function" tab = self.tabs[view.ox] for i in range(view.ox.nvalues + 1): if i != self.window.conf.x_values: tab.valueboxes[i].config(state=NORMAL) tab.colorbuttons[i].config(state=NORMAL) else: tab.valueboxes[i].config(state=DISABLED) tab.colorbuttons[i].config(state=DISABLED) tab.colorbuttons[i].image.config(foreground=view.colors[i]) tab.valueboxes[i].variable.set(i in [self.window.conf.x_values] + list(view.y_values)) def viewmode_update(self, conf): "PVConf.viewmode_listener callback function" if conf.viewmode == ViewMode.graph: self.graph_button.config(relief=SUNKEN) self.table_button.config(relief=RAISED) elif conf.viewmode == ViewMode.table: self.table_button.config(relief=SUNKEN) self.graph_button.config(relief=RAISED) def choose_color(self, view, i): "color chooser buttons 'action=' event handler" view.set_color(i, askcolor()[1]) def choose_values(self, view, i): "valueboxes checkboxes 'action=' event handler" if self.tabs[view.ox].valueboxes[i].variable.get(): view.add_y_values(i) else: view.remove_y_values(i) def add_tab(self, ox): "tab setup" tab = Frame(self.notebook_region) tab.valueboxes = {} tab.colorbuttons = {} # Display Experiment Name label = Label(tab, text=ox.get_exp_name(), font=13, justify=LEFT, wraplength=300) label.grid(row=0, columnspan=2, sticky=W) tab.name_label = label for i in range(ox.nvalues + 1): view = ox.views[self.window] state = { True: NORMAL, False: DISABLED }[ i != self.window.conf.x_values ] # Display Selection Checkboxes v = BooleanVar(value=i in [self.window.conf.x_values] + list(view.y_values)) box = Checkbutton(tab, text="%s (%s)" % (ox.get_desc(i), ox.get_units(i)), variable=v, state=state, command=partial(self.choose_values, view, i)) box.grid(row=i+1, column=0, sticky=W) tab.valueboxes[i] = box box.variable = v # Color Cooser Buttons # -> creating a Button with image=... lets one specify with and height in pixels # -> for mac's aqua surface, we need a real pixmap because the button ignores all background="color" options # allways keep a reference to some the BitmapImage because if you don't, # the BitmapImage object will be reaped by the garbage collector and the button doesn't work bi = BitmapImage(data=self.bitmap_data, foreground=view.colors[i]) button = Button(tab, image=bi, command=partial(self.choose_color, view, i), state=state) button.grid(row=i+1, column=1, padx=4, pady=4) tab.colorbuttons[i] = button button.image = bi # Additional Info Label label = Label(tab, text=self.get_details_text(ox), justify=LEFT, wraplength=300) label.grid(columnspan=2, sticky=W) tab.info_label = label # get notified on resize tab.bind("<Configure>", self.config_handler) tab.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1) tab.pack(side=TOP) # keep track of the whole tab and add it to our notebook self.tabs[ox] = tab self.notebook_region.add(tab, text="Exp %d" % def config_handler(self, event): "tab region resize event handler" if not self.mapped.is_set(): # react only to user input events and not those return # which occur during the gui elements lay-ont (window mapping) phase already # wrap the info labels for tab in self.tabs.values(): tab.name_label.configure(wraplength=event.width) tab.info_label.configure(wraplength=event.width) @staticmethod def get_details_text(ox): """return actor_name, date and ev. additional_details from OpenExperiment""" # Datum date = ox.get_date() YYYY = date[0:4] MM = date[4:6] DD = date[6:8] text = "Datum: %s.%s.%s" % ( DD, MM, YYYY ) text += "\n\n" # Gruppe: Namen actor_name = ox.get_actor_name() text += "Gruppe: %s" % actor_name text += "\n\n" try: # Zusätzliche Informationen (z.b. Federkonstante) text += ox.get_additional_info() except: pass return text