예제 #1
def main(argv):
    pathToRecipes = os.path.join(c.PATH_TO_RESOURCES, "jsonrecipes")

    # Get the full absolute file paths of all files in /res/jsonrecipes/
    # that end in ".json"
    jsonRecipes = util.listFilesWithSuffix(pathToRecipes, ".json")

    # Load all of these ".json" files into dictionaries and put all
    # these dictionaries in a list
    listOfJSONDicts = util.loadJSONDicts(jsonRecipes)

    # Merge recipes into one dictionary, deleting duplicates
    mergedDict = util.naivelyMergeDicts(listOfJSONDicts)

    # Write the merged recipe dictionary to a file
    allRecipesFilePath = os.path.join(c.PATH_TO_RESOURCES, "allRecipes.json")
    util.dumpJSONDict(allRecipesFilePath, mergedDict)
def main(argv):
	print "Merging nutrient IDs"
	pathToNutrients = os.path.join(c.PATH_TO_RESOURCES, "nutrients", "foundingredients")

	# Get the full absolute file paths of all files in /res/nutrients/foundingredients
	# that end in ".json"
	jsonNutrients = util.listFilesWithSuffix(pathToNutrients, ".json")

	# Load all of these ".json" files into dictionaries and put all
	# these dictionaries in a list
	listOfJSONDicts = util.loadJSONDicts(jsonNutrients)

	# Merge Nutrients into one dictionary, deleting duplicates
	mergedDict = util.naivelyMergeDicts(listOfJSONDicts)

	# Write the merged recipe dictionary to a file
	nutrientIDsFilePath = os.path.join(c.PATH_TO_RESOURCES, "allNutrientIDs.json")
	util.dumpJSONDict(nutrientIDsFilePath, mergedDict)
def main(argv):
	print "Merging nutrient data"
	pathToNutrients = os.path.join(c.PATH_TO_RESOURCES, "nutrients", "nutrientdata")

	# Get the full absolute file paths of all files in /res/nutrients/foundingredients
	# that end in ".json"
	jsonNutrients = util.listFilesWithSuffix(pathToNutrients, ".json")

	# Load all of these ".json" files into dictionaries and put all
	# these dictionaries in a list
	listOfJSONDicts = util.loadJSONDicts(jsonNutrients)

	# Merge Nutrients into one dictionary, deleting duplicates
	mergedDict = util.naivelyMergeDicts(listOfJSONDicts)

	# Write the merged recipe dictionary to a file
	nutrientIDsFilePath = os.path.join(c.PATH_TO_RESOURCES, "allNutrientData.json")
	util.dumpJSONDict(nutrientIDsFilePath, mergedDict)

	#This will prepare the json file of valid ingredients
	validIngredientDict = {}
	validNutrientDict = {}
	for ingredient in mergedDict:
		#print ingredient.encode('ascii', errors='ignore')
		validIngredientDict[ingredient] = 0
		for nutrient in mergedDict[ingredient]['nutrients']:
			validNutrientDict[nutrient] = 0

	print "There are " + str(len(validIngredientDict)) + " valid ingredients."
	print "There are " + str(len(validNutrientDict)) + " valid nutrients."

	validIngredientsFilePath = os.path.join(c.PATH_TO_RESOURCES, "validIngredients.json")
	validNutrientFilePath = os.path.join(c.PATH_TO_RESOURCES, "validNutrients.json")
	util.dumpJSONDict(validIngredientsFilePath, validIngredientDict)
	util.dumpJSONDict(validNutrientFilePath, validNutrientDict)