for i in all_link_meshes.keys(): (trans, rot) = listener.lookupTransform('/panda_'+i , '/world', rospy.Time(0)) link_pose = np.array([trans.x, trans.y, trans,z]) link_quat = np.array([rot.x, rot.y, rot,z, rot.w]) l_rotMat = R.from_quat(link_quat).as_dcm() mesh_pose = np.hstack (( l_rotMat, link_pose )) mesh_pose = np.vstack(( mesh_pose, [0, 0, 0, 1] )) ## Mesh Transformation of each link to camera coordinates mesh_pose = , np.linalg.inv(cam_tf) ) all_link_meshes(i) = np.matmul( mesh_pose, np.array('/home/ahmad3/catkin_ws/src/franka_ros/franka_description/meshes/visual/'+ i +'.ply')) ) panda_points = np.vstack(( panda_points , all_link_meshes(i).copy() )) ''' Perspective projection of links into Depth Image ''' panda_points = np.hstack(( cloud_temp, np.ones((cloud_temp.shape[0], 1)) )) cam2optical = R.from_eul(['zyx', 1.57, 0, 1.57]).as_dcm() cam2optical = np.hstack(( np.vstack(( optical2cam , [0,0,0] )) , np.array([[0],[0],[0],[1]]) )) panda_points = np.matmul( cam2optical, panda_points.T ) pub_img = np.zeros((480, 640)).astype(np.uint8) panda_points_2D = bs_utils.project_p3d(panda_points.T , 1, K=cfg.intrinsic_matrix['openDR']): panda_points_img = bs_utils.draw_p2ds(pub_img, panda_points_2D, color=(255,255,255), 1) pub.publish(ros_numpy.msgify(panda_points_img.astype(np.uint8), Image)) ''' panda_points_2D = np.matmul(intrinsic_mat , panda_points ).T panda_points_2D = np.hstack(( panda_points_2D[:,0]/panda_points_2D[:,2], panda_points_2D[:,1]/panda_points_2D[:,2] ))'''
class RGBDPoseAPI(): r"""Interface of PVN3D network for inference on a single RGBD image. Parameters ---------- weights_path : str Path to weights file of the network """ def __init__(self, weights_path): # initialize configs and model object self.config = Config(dataset_name='ycb') self.bs_utils = Basic_Utils(self.config) self.model = self.define_network(weights_path) self.rgb = None self.cld = None self.cld_rgb_nrm = None self.choose = None self.cls_id_lst = None def load_checkpoint(self, model=None, optimizer=None, filename="checkpoint"): # load network checkpoint from weights file filename = "{}.pth.tar".format(filename) if os.path.isfile(filename): print("==> Loading from checkpoint '{}'".format(filename)) try: checkpoint = torch.load(filename) except: checkpoint = pkl.load(open(filename, "rb")) epoch = checkpoint["epoch"] it = checkpoint.get("it", 0.0) best_prec = checkpoint["best_prec"] if model is not None and checkpoint["model_state"] is not None: model.load_state_dict(checkpoint["model_state"]) if optimizer is not None and checkpoint[ "optimizer_state"] is not None: optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint["optimizer_state"]) print("==> Done") return it, epoch, best_prec else: print("==> Checkpoint '{}' not found".format(filename)) return None def define_network(self, weights_path): # define model object on GPU model = PVN3D(num_classes=self.config.n_objects, pcld_input_channels=6, pcld_use_xyz=True, num_points=self.config.n_sample_points).cuda() # convert batch norm into synchornized batch norm model = convert_model(model) # model to GPU model.cuda() # load weights checkpoint_status = self.load_checkpoint(model, None, filename=weights_path[:-8]) # convert model to distributed mode model = nn.DataParallel(model) return model def get_normal(self, cld): # get normals from point cloud cloud = pcl.PointCloud() cld = cld.astype(np.float32) cloud.from_array(cld) ne = cloud.make_NormalEstimation() kdtree = cloud.make_kdtree() ne.set_SearchMethod(kdtree) ne.set_KSearch(50) n = ne.compute() n = n.to_array() return n def preprocess_rgbd(self, image, depth, cam_scale=25.0): # preprocess RGBD data to be passed to network # get camera intrinsics K = self.config.intrinsic_matrix['ycb_K1'] # fill missing points in depth map dpt = self.bs_utils.fill_missing(depth, cam_scale, 1) rgb = np.transpose(image, (2, 0, 1)) # convert depth map to point cloud cld, choose = self.bs_utils.dpt_2_cld(dpt, cam_scale, K) normal = self.get_normal(cld)[:, :3] normal[np.isnan(normal)] = 0.0 # construct complete RGB point cloud rgb_lst = [] for ic in range(rgb.shape[0]): rgb_lst.append(rgb[ic].flatten()[choose].astype(np.float32)) rgb_pt = np.transpose(np.array(rgb_lst), (1, 0)).copy() choose = np.array([choose]) choose_2 = np.array([i for i in range(len(choose[0, :]))]) if len(choose_2) < 400: return None if len(choose_2) > self.config.n_sample_points: c_mask = np.zeros(len(choose_2), dtype=int) c_mask[:self.config.n_sample_points] = 1 np.random.shuffle(c_mask) choose_2 = choose_2[c_mask.nonzero()] else: choose_2 = np.pad(choose_2, (0, self.config.n_sample_points - len(choose_2)), 'wrap') cld_rgb_nrm = np.concatenate((cld, rgb_pt, normal), axis=1) cld = cld[choose_2, :] cld_rgb_nrm = cld_rgb_nrm[choose_2, :] choose = choose[:, choose_2] # define classes indices to be considered cls_id_lst = np.array(range(1, 22)) # convert processed data into torch tensors rgb = torch.from_numpy(rgb.astype(np.float32)) cld = torch.from_numpy(cld.astype(np.float32)) cld_rgb_nrm = torch.from_numpy(cld_rgb_nrm.astype(np.float32)) choose = torch.LongTensor(choose.astype(np.int32)) cls_id_lst = torch.LongTensor(cls_id_lst.astype(np.int32)) # reshape and copy to GPU self.rgb = rgb.reshape( (1, rgb.shape[0], rgb.shape[1], rgb.shape[2])).cuda() self.cld = cld.reshape((1, cld.shape[0], cld.shape[1])).cuda() self.cld_rgb_nrm = cld_rgb_nrm.reshape( (1, cld_rgb_nrm.shape[0], cld_rgb_nrm.shape[1])).cuda() self.choose = choose.reshape( (1, choose.shape[0], choose.shape[1])).cuda() self.cls_id_lst = cls_id_lst.reshape((1, cls_id_lst.shape[0])) def get_poses(self, save_results=True): # perform inference and return objects' poses # model to eval mode self.model.eval() # perform inference on defined model with torch.set_grad_enabled(False): # network forward pass pred_kp_of, pred_rgbd_seg, pred_ctr_of = self.model( self.cld_rgb_nrm, self.rgb, self.choose) _, classes_rgbd = torch.max(pred_rgbd_seg, -1) # calculate poses by voting, clustering and linear fitting pred_cls_ids, pred_pose_lst = cal_frame_poses( self.cld[0], classes_rgbd[0], pred_ctr_of[0], pred_kp_of[0], True, self.config.n_objects, True) # visualize predicted poses if save_results: np_rgb = self.rgb.cpu().numpy().astype("uint8")[0].transpose( 1, 2, 0).copy() np_rgb = np_rgb[:, :, ::-1].copy() ori_rgb = np_rgb.copy() # loop over each class id for cls_id in self.cls_id_lst[0].cpu().numpy(): idx = np.where(pred_cls_ids == cls_id)[0] if len(idx) == 0: continue pose = pred_pose_lst[idx[0]] obj_id = int(cls_id) mesh_pts = self.bs_utils.get_pointxyz( obj_id, ds_type='ycb').copy() mesh_pts =, pose[:, :3].T) + pose[:, 3] K = self.config.intrinsic_matrix["ycb_K1"] mesh_p2ds = self.bs_utils.project_p3d(mesh_pts, 1.0, K) color = self.bs_utils.get_label_color(obj_id, n_obj=22, mode=1) np_rgb = self.bs_utils.draw_p2ds(np_rgb, mesh_p2ds, color=color) # save output visualization vis_dir = os.path.join(self.config.log_eval_dir, "pose_vis") if not os.path.exists(vis_dir): os.system('mkdir -p {}'.format(vis_dir)) f_pth = os.path.join(vis_dir, "out.jpg") cv2.imwrite(f_pth, np_rgb) # return prediction return pred_cls_ids, pred_pose_lst