def adptr_src2Dict(srcData, isUpdateNewDataOnly):
    sNAMEFUNC = 'adptr_src2Dict()'
    sTxt = "Called... "
    sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)

    ### Input Check
    if srcData == None:
        #TODO: Needs error msg: Missing srcData Object
        return (False)

    sName = srcData.fileName
    locDataFile = 'db_' + srcData.fileName.split('.')[0] + '.json'

    ### fetch from Source location for newest version
    #srcData.getSrcData();   #TODO: This function in the clsDataSource is not completed
    # so this getRmt_File is used until class is completed

    if not getRmt_File(srcData.srcCreds,
                       srcData.filePath + srcData.fileName) == True:
        # if no source data is found, this script will exit
        return (False)

    dstData = getFile_JSON2Dict(locDataFile)
    if not dstData:
        dstData = {}

    newData = {}

    ### Here the code become specific (unique) this data source
    ###     in time I hope to refactor out as much unique as possible

    trimFile_btwn(srcData.filePath + srcData.fileName,
                  '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>', '</rss>')

    srcDict = cnvt_XML2Dict(srcData.filePath + srcData.fileName)

    srcData.pkgTitle = srcDict['rss']['channel']['title']
    srcData.pkgDscrpt = srcDict['rss']['channel']['description']
    srcData.pkgLink = srcDict['rss']['channel']['link']

    for col in srcDict['rss']['channel']['item']:
        sKey = col['guid']

        sCol = col['title']
        sDateVF = sCol.split('(')[1]
        sDateVF = sDateVF[0:-1]
        dSrt = datetime.strptime(sDateVF, "%Y-%m-%d")
        sDateVF = dSrt.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")

        sCol = col['description']
        lstAttrib = sCol.split(',')
        sURI = lstAttrib[0][4:]

        dictAttrib = {
            "dateVF": cleanString(sDateVF),
            "URI": cleanString(sURI),
            "status": cleanString(lstAttrib[1].split(':')[1]),
            "version": cleanString(lstAttrib[2].split(':')[1]),
            "hash": cleanString(lstAttrib[3].split(':')[1]),
            "title": cleanString(col['title']),
            "link": cleanString(col['link']),
            "dscrpt": cleanString(col['description']),
            "fileName": "",
            "ipAddr": "",
            "domain": ""

        if len(sURI) > 0:
            tmpList = sURI.split("/")
            if len(tmpList) > 1:
                idx = len(tmpList) - 1
                dictAttrib.update({"fileName": cleanString(tmpList[idx])})
                if tmpList[2][0:1].isdigit():
                    dictAttrib.update({"ipAddr": cleanString(tmpList[2])})
                    dictAttrib.update({"domain": cleanString(tmpList[2])})

        if sKey in dstData:
            dstData[sKey]['cnt'] += 1
            dstData[sKey]['dateDL'] = getUTCTime()
            dstData[sKey]['status'] = dictAttrib['status']

            #TODO:Check If Exist Element's inactive status changed

            ### Add new Data to local Database
            dstData[sKey] = {'cnt': 1, 'dateDL': getUTCTime()}
            dstData[sKey]['attrib'] = dictAttrib

            ### Generate list of new data only for STIX output
            newData[sKey] = dstData[sKey]

    sndFile_Dict2JSON(dstData, locDataFile)

    if isUpdateNewDataOnly == False:
        newData = dstData

    if len(newData) > 0:
        sTxt = "Found " + str(len(newData)) + " new data elements"
        sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)

        sTxt = "Found no new data"
        sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)
        newData = False

    return (newData)
예제 #2
def main():
    sSOURCEID = 'src_36'

    ### Setup for running as Main and template for use of adptr function
    tmpJSON = getFile_JSON2Dict('../../data/openSourceList.json')
    tmpDict = None

    for sKey in tmpJSON:
        if tmpJSON[sKey]['srcIndex'] == sSOURCEID:
            tmpDict = tmpJSON[sKey]

    ### Without a valide Source Meta data this function will exit
    if tmpDict == None:

    ### This infomation is only require if you wish upload this data
    ###     to a TAXII Server

    dstCreds = {
        "URI": "",
        "usrName": "lehigh_edu",
        "usrPass": "******",
        "crtName": "",
        "crtPass": ""

    dstCreds = {
        "URI": "",
        "usrName": "admin",
        "usrPass": "******",
        "crtName": "",
        "crtPass": ""

    ### The adpter function requires clsDataSource object populated
    ###     with a minimum of data
    srcData = clsDataSource(isDebugOn=True)
    srcData.chnkSize = 250
    # This version does not make use of the chucking capability
    srcData.dstCreds = dstCreds
    srcData.filePath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/'

    srcData.pkgTitle = "Domain Block list by MalwareDomain from Lehigh University"
    srcData.pkgDscrpt = "A list of domains that are known to be used to propagate malware are listed in Bind and Windows zone files. The domains are loaded onto an internal DNS server. When a computer requests a URL or file from one of these domains, a fake reply is sent, thus preventing many malware installs from occuring"
    srcData.pkgLink = ""

    print "------< NOT UPDATING >------"

    if not getRmt_File(srcData.srcCreds,
                       srcData.filePath + srcData.fileName) == True:
        # if no source data is found, this script will exit
        return (False)

    ### Extract(src2Dict) Transform(dict2STIX) Load(sndTAXII)
    dictObj = adptr_src2Dict(srcData, True)

    if not dictObj == False:
        iCnt = 0
        tmpDict = {}
        for sKey in dictObj:
            if not dictObj[sKey] == None:
                tmpDict[sKey] = dictObj[sKey]
            if iCnt == srcData.chnkSize:
                stixObj = adptr_dict2STIX(srcData, tmpDict)
                tmpDict = {}
                iCnt = 0

                if not stixObj == False:
                    taxiiMsg = sndTAXII(srcData.dstCreds, stixObj.to_xml(),
            iCnt += 1

    return (0)
def adptr_src2Dict(srcData, isUpdateNewDataOnly):
    sNAMEFUNC = 'adptr_src2Dict()'
    sTxt = "Called... "
    sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)

    ### Input Check
    if srcData == None:
        #TODO: Needs error msg: Missing srcData Object
        return (False)

    sName = srcData.fileName
    locDataFile = 'db_' + srcData.fileName.split('.')[0] + '.json'

    ### fetch from Source location for newest version
    #srcData.getSrcData();   #TODO: This function in the clsDataSource is not completed
    # so this getRmt_File is used until class is completed

    #print "------< Not Updating >------"

    if not getRmt_File(srcData.srcCreds,
                       srcData.filePath + srcData.fileName) == True:
        # if no source data is found, this script will exit
        return (False)

    dstData = getFile_JSON2Dict(locDataFile)
    if not dstData:
        dstData = {}

    newData = {}

    ### Here the code become specific (unique) this data source
    ###     in time I hope to refactor out as much unique as possible

    srcDict = cnvt_XML2Dict(srcData.filePath + srcData.fileName)

    srcData.pkgTitle = "Clean MX Phishing URL Block List "
    srcData.pkgDscrpt = ""
    srcData.pkgLink = ""

    for item in srcDict['output']['entries']['entry']:
        sKey = item['id']

        if item['first'] == "0":
            item['first'] = None
            item['first'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(

        if item['last'] == "0":
            item['last'] = None
            item['last'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(

        dictAttrib = item

        lstNS = []
        for i in range(1, 5):
            if dictAttrib['ns' + str(i)]:
                lstNS.append(dictAttrib['ns' + str(i)])

        dictAttrib.update({"nsList": lstNS})

        if sKey in dstData:
            dstData[sKey]['cnt'] += 1
            dstData[sKey]['dateDL'] = getUTCTime()

            ### Add new Data to local Database
            dstData[sKey] = {'cnt': 1, 'dateDL': getUTCTime()}
            dstData[sKey]['attrib'] = dictAttrib

            ### Generate list of new data only for STIX output
            newData[sKey] = dstData[sKey]

    sndFile_Dict2JSON(dstData, locDataFile)
    if isUpdateNewDataOnly == False:
        newData = dstData

    if len(newData) > 0:
        sTxt = "Found " + str(len(newData)) + " new data elements"
        sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)

        sTxt = "Found no new data"
        sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)
        newData = False

    return (newData)
def adptr_src2Dict(srcData, isUpdateNewDataOnly):
    sNAMEFUNC = 'adptr_src2Dict()'
    sTxt = "Called... "
    sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)

    ### Input Check
    if srcData == None:
        #TODO: Needs error msg: Missing srcData Object
        return (False)

    sName = srcData.fileName
    locDataFile = 'db_' + srcData.fileName.split('.')[0] + '.json'

    ### fetch from Source location for newest version
    #srcData.getSrcData();   #TODO: This function in the clsDataSource is not completed
    # so this getRmt_File is used until class is completed

    #print "------< No Remote Data >------"
    if not getRmt_File(srcData.srcCreds,
                       srcData.filePath + srcData.fileName) == True:
        # if no source data is found, this script will exit
        return (False)

    dstData = getFile_JSON2Dict(locDataFile)
    if not dstData:
        dstData = {}

    newData = {}

    ### Here the code become specific (unique) this data source
    ###     in time I hope to refactor out as much unique as possible
    oDialect = clsCSVDialect()
    oDialect.delimiter = '\t'
    #oDialect.header = True

    srcDict = cnvt_CSV2Dict(srcData.filePath + srcData.fileName,

    srcData.pkgTitle = " Recommended Block List "
    srcData.pkgDscrpt = "This list summarizes the top 20 attacking class C (/24) subnets over the last three days. The number of 'attacks' indicates the number of targets reporting scans from this subnet."
    srcData.pkgLink = ""

    sDateVF = None
    s3daysAgo = None
        sDateVF = getFile_lineByValue(
            srcData.filePath + srcData.fileName,
        sDateVF = datetime.strptime(sDateVF, "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %Z")
        s3daysAgo = sDateVF + timedelta(days=-3)
        if sDateVF:
            sDateVF = sDateVF.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
            s3daysAgo = s3daysAgo.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
            srcData.pkgDscrpt = srcData.pkgDscrpt.replace(
                'last three days.',
                ('last three days (' + s3daysAgo + " - " + sDateVF + ')'))

    for col in srcDict:
        if 'End' in srcDict[col]:
            sKey = srcDict[col]['Start'] + "##comma##" + srcDict[col]['End']

        dictAttrib = srcDict[col]
        if sDateVF:
            dictAttrib.update({"dateVF": str(sDateVF)})
        if s3daysAgo:
                {"dateRange": str(s3daysAgo) + " - " + str(sDateVF)})
        if 'noemail' in srcDict[col]['email']:
            dictAttrib.update({"email": None})

        if sKey in dstData:
            dstData[sKey]['cnt'] += 1
            dstData[sKey]['dateDL'] = getUTCTime()

            ### Add new Data to local Database
            dstData[sKey] = {'cnt': 1, 'dateDL': getUTCTime()}
            dstData[sKey]['attrib'] = dictAttrib

            ### Generate list of new data only for STIX output
            newData[sKey] = dstData[sKey]

    sndFile_Dict2JSON(dstData, locDataFile)
    if isUpdateNewDataOnly == False:
        newData = dstData

    if len(newData) > 0:
        sTxt = "Found " + str(len(newData)) + " new data elements"
        sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)

        sTxt = "Found no new data"
        sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)
        newData = False

    return (newData)
예제 #5
def getRmt_data(srcData):
    from lib.utils.mngRmtObjs import getRmt_File
    getRmt_File(srcData.srcCreds, srcData.filePath + srcData.fileName)
    return ()
def main():
    sSOURCEID = 'src_83'

    ### Setup for running as Main and template for use of adptr function
    tmpJSON = getFile_JSON2Dict('../../data/openSourceList.json')
    tmpDict = None

    if tmpJSON:
        for sKey in tmpJSON:
            if tmpJSON[sKey]['srcIndex'] == sSOURCEID:
                tmpDict = tmpJSON[sKey]
        return (0)

    ### Without a valide Source Meta data this function will exit
    if tmpDict == None:

    ### This infomation is only require if you wish upload this data
    ###     to a TAXII Server

    dstCreds = {
        "URI": "",
        "usrName": "blutmagie_de",
        "usrPass": "******",
        "crtName": "",
        "crtPass": ""

    dstCreds = {
        "URI": "",
        "usrName": "admin",
        "usrPass": "******",
        "crtName": "",
        "crtPass": ""

    ### The adpter function requires clsDataSource object populated
    ###     with a minimum of data
    srcData = clsDataSource(isDebugOn=True)
    srcData.chnkSize = 250
    # This version does not make use of the chucking capability
    srcData.dstCreds = dstCreds
    srcData.filePath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/'

    srcData.pkgTitle = "Tor 'Exit Point' router IP/Host list"
    srcData.pkgDscrpt = " idenitifes the following IP/Host as Tor network 'Exit Point' routers"
    srcData.pkgLink = ""

    #print "------< NOT UPDATING >------"

    if not getRmt_File(srcData.srcCreds,
                       srcData.filePath + srcData.fileName) == True:
        # if no source data is found, this script will exit
        return (False)

    ### Extract(src2Dict) Transform(dict2STIX) Load(sndTAXII)
    dictObj = adptr_src2Dict(srcData, True)

    if not dictObj == False:
        iCnt = 0
        tmpDict = {}
        if len(dictObj) > srcData.chnkSize:
            for sKey in dictObj:
                if not dictObj[sKey] == None:
                    tmpDict[sKey] = dictObj[sKey]
                if iCnt == srcData.chnkSize:
                    stixObj = adptr_dict2STIX(srcData, tmpDict)
                    tmpDict = {}
                    iCnt = 0
                    if not stixObj == False:
                        taxiiMsg = sndTAXII(srcData.dstCreds, stixObj.to_xml(),
                iCnt += 1

            stixObj = adptr_dict2STIX(srcData, dictObj)
            if not stixObj == False:
                taxiiMsg = sndTAXII(srcData.dstCreds, stixObj.to_xml(), True)
def adptr_src2Dict(src_data, isUpdateNewDataOnly):
    namefunc = 'adptr_src2Dict()'
    stxt = "Called... "
    sndMSG(stxt, 'INFO', namefunc)

    ### Input Check
    if src_data is None:
        # TODO: Needs error msg: Missing srcData Object
        return False

    locDataFile = 'db_' + src_data.fileName.split('.')[0] + '.json'

    ### fetch from Source location for newest version
    # srcData.getSrcData();   #TODO: This function in the clsDataSource is not completed
    # so this getRmt_File is used until class is completed

    # print "------< NOT UPDATING >------"
    if not getRmt_File(src_data.srcCreds,
                       src_data.filePath + src_data.fileName) == True:
        # if no source data is found, this script will exit
        return False

    dstData = getFile_JSON2Dict(locDataFile)
    if not dstData:
        dstData = {}

    ### Here the code become specific (unique) this data source
    ###     in time I hope to refactor out as much unique as possible

    trimFile_btwn(src_data.filePath + src_data.fileName,
                  '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>', '</rss>')

    srcDict = cnvt_XML2Dict(src_data.filePath + src_data.fileName)

    ### DEBUG CODE ####


    src_data.pkgTitle = srcDict['rss']['channel']['title']
    src_data.pkgDscrpt = srcDict['rss']['channel']['description']
    src_data.pkgLink = srcDict['rss']['channel']['link']

    newData = {}
    for col in srcDict['rss']['channel']['item']:
        sKey = col['guid']

        sCol = col['title']
        sDateVF = sCol.split('(')[1]
        sDateVF = sDateVF[0:-1]
            dSrt = datetime.strptime(sDateVF, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
            sDateVF = dSrt.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
            sDateVF = None

        sDomain = None
        sIPAddr = cleanString(sCol.split('(')[0])
        if not isIPv4(sIPAddr):
            sDomain = sIPAddr
            sIPAddr = None

        sCol = col['description']
        lstAttrib = sCol.split(',')

        dictAttrib = {
            "dateVF": sDateVF,
            "title": cleanString(col['title']),
            "link": cleanString(col['link']),
            "dscrpt": cleanString(col['description']),
            "ipAddr": sIPAddr,
            "domain": sDomain,

        if sKey in dstData:
            dstData[sKey]['cnt'] += 1
            dstData[sKey]['dateDL'] = getUTCTime()

            # TODO:Check If Exist Element's inactive status changed

            ### Add new Data to local Database
            dstData[sKey] = {'cnt': 1, 'dateDL': getUTCTime()}
            dstData[sKey]['attrib'] = dictAttrib

            ### Generate list of new data only for STIX output
            newData[sKey] = dstData[sKey]

    sndFile_Dict2JSON(dstData, locDataFile)

    if not isUpdateNewDataOnly:
        newData = dstData

    if len(newData) > 0:
        stxt = "Found " + str(len(newData)) + " new data elements"
        sndMSG(stxt, 'INFO', namefunc)

        stxt = "Found no new data"
        sndMSG(stxt, 'INFO', namefunc)
        newData = False

    return newData
def adptr_src2Dict(srcData, isUpdateNewDataOnly):
    sNAMEFUNC = 'adptr_src2Dict()'
    sTxt = "Called... "
    sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)

    ### Input Check
    if srcData == None:
        #TODO: Needs error msg: Missing srcData Object
        return (False)

    sName = srcData.fileName
    locDataFile = 'db_' + srcData.fileName.split('.')[0] + '.json'

    ### fetch from Source location for newest version
    #srcData.getSrcData();   #TODO: This function in the clsDataSource is not completed
    # so this getRmt_File is used until class is completed

    if not getRmt_File(srcData.srcCreds,
                       srcData.filePath + srcData.fileName) == True:
        # if no source data is found, this script will exit
        return (False)

    dstData = getFile_JSON2Dict(locDataFile)
    if not dstData:
        dstData = {}

    newData = {}

    ### Here the code become specific (unique) this data source
    ###     in time I hope to refactor out as much unique as possible

    ### Parse Source File in to a Dictionary Object
    dstData = getFile_JSON2Dict(locDataFile)
    if not dstData:
        dstData = {}

    newData = {}

    oDialect = clsCSVDialect()
    oDialect.delimiter = '\n'

    srcDict = cnvt_CSV2Dict(srcData.filePath + srcData.fileName,

    srcData.pkgTitle = "SNORT Rule by Emergingthreats | Block Botnet Command and Control"
    srcData.pkgDscrpt = "Emerging Threats Botnet Command and Control drop rules.  These are generated from the EXCELLENT work done by the Shadowserver team and the folks. All Volunteers, we're grateful for their dedication!;;; More information available at"
    srcData.pkgLink = ""

    for col in srcDict:
        # {0: u'alert tcp $HOME_NET any -> 22 (msg:"ET CNC Shadowserver Reported CnC Server Port 22 Group 1"; flags:S; reference:url,; reference:url,; threshold: type limit, track by_src, seconds 360, count 1; classtype:trojan-activity; flowbits:set,ET.Evil; flowbits:set,ET.BotccIP; sid:2405000; rev:3570;)'}

        sKey = srcDict[col][0]
        strTmp = sKey.split("(")

        tmpList = strTmp[0].split(" ")
        ipProt = None
        if tmpList[1]:
            ipProt = tmpList[1]

        ipList = None
        if tmpList[5]:
            if "[" in tmpList[5]:
                tmpList[5] = tmpList[5][1:-1]
            ipList = tmpList[5].split(",")

        ipPort = None
        if tmpList[6]:
            ipPort = tmpList[6]

        attrList = strTmp[1].split(";")[:-1]

        tmpDict = {}
        for i in range(len(attrList)):
            attrList[i] = cleanString(attrList[i])
            tmpKey = attrList[i].split(':')[0]
            tmpVal = attrList[i].split(':')[1]

            if tmpKey in tmpDict:
                tmpDict[tmpKey] += "|" + tmpVal
                tmpDict.update({tmpKey: tmpVal})

        dictAttrib = tmpDict
            'ipAddrList': ipList,
            'rule': sKey,
            'ipPort': ipPort,
            'ipProt': ipProt

        if sKey in dstData:
            dstData[sKey]['cnt'] += 1
            dstData[sKey]['dateDL'] = getUTCTime()

            ### Add new Data to local Database
            dstData[sKey] = {'cnt': 1, 'dateDL': getUTCTime()}
            dstData[sKey]['attrib'] = dictAttrib

            ### Generate list of new data only for STIX output
            newData[sKey] = dstData[sKey]

    sndFile_Dict2JSON(dstData, locDataFile)
    if isUpdateNewDataOnly == False:
        newData = dstData

    if len(newData) > 0:
        sTxt = "Found " + str(len(newData)) + " new data elements"
        sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)

        sTxt = "Found no new data"
        sndMSG(sTxt, 'INFO', sNAMEFUNC)
        newData = False

    return (newData)