예제 #1
    def online_aug_val_test(self, idx):
        A_path = self.A_paths[idx]
        B_path = self.B_paths[idx]
        rois_path = self.rois_paths[idx]

        A = cv2.imread(A_path, -1)  # [H, W, C] C:bgr

        B = np.zeros((A.shape[0], A.shape[1]), dtype=np.float32 )

        rois = read_labels(rois_path, ignore_cate=self.ignore_cate_list) # list of instances of class ObjectLabel, see obj_utils.py
        raw_boxlist = rois2boxlist(rois, (A.shape[1], A.shape[0]))

        flip_flg, resize_size, crop_size, pad, resize_ratio = self.set_flip_pad_reshape_crop(A)

        A_crop = np.pad(A, ((pad[0], pad[1]), (pad[2], pad[3]), (0, 0)), 'constant', constant_values=(0, 0))
        B_crop = np.pad(B, ((pad[0], pad[1]), (pad[2], pad[3])), 'constant', constant_values=(0, 0))

        raw_boxlist.bbox[:, 0::2] += pad[2]
        raw_boxlist.bbox[:, 1::2] += pad[0]
        boxes = raw_boxlist.bbox        

        A_crop = A_crop.transpose((2, 0, 1))
        B_crop = B_crop[np.newaxis, :, :]
        # change the color channel, bgr->rgb
        A_crop = A_crop[::-1, :, :]
        # to torch, normalize
        A_crop = self.scale_torch(A_crop, 255.)
        B_crop = self.scale_torch(B_crop, 1.0)

        data = {'A': A_crop, 'B': B_crop, 'bbox': boxes,
                'A_raw': A, 'B_raw': B, 'A_paths': A_path, 'B_paths': B_path, 'pad_raw': np.array(pad)}
        return data
예제 #2
    def online_aug_train(self, idx):
        A_path = self.A_paths[idx]
        B_path = self.B_paths[idx]
        rois_path = self.rois_paths[idx]

        A = cv2.imread(A_path, -1)  # [H, W, C] C:bgr
        B = cv2.imread(B_path, -1) / self.depth_normalize  #[0.0, 1.0]
        #B = np.load(B_path) / (self.depth_normalize / 255.)  #[0.0, 1.0]
        #B[B<0] = -1

        rois = read_labels(
            rois_path, ignore_cate=self.ignore_cate_list
        )  # list of instances of class ObjectLabel, see obj_utils.py
        #rois_mask = rois2mask(rois, B.shape) # use a mask which has same shape to lidepth  to prepresent the rois. rois have value 1., else 0.
        #B_rois = B * rois_mask

        flip_flg, resize_size, crop_size, pad, resize_ratio = self.set_flip_pad_reshape_crop(

        A_crop = self.flip_pad_reshape_crop(A, flip_flg, resize_size,
                                            crop_size, pad, 128)
        B_crop = self.flip_pad_reshape_crop(B, flip_flg, resize_size,
                                            crop_size, pad, -1)

        raw_boxlist = rois2boxlist(rois, (A.shape[1], A.shape[0]))
        boxes_padding = self.box_flip_pad_reshape_crop(raw_boxlist, flip_flg,
                                                       resize_size, crop_size,

        B_rois_crop = np.zeros_like(B_crop)
        rois_mask_crop = np.zeros_like(B_crop)
        boxes = boxes_padding
        num_boxes = boxes.size(0)
        for idx_box in range(num_boxes):
            box = boxes[idx_box]
            if box.sum() == 0:
            x1, y1, x2, y2 = map(int, box)
            B_rois_crop[y1:y2, x1:x2] = B_crop[y1:y2, x1:x2]
            rois_mask_crop[y1:y2, x1:x2] = 1

        A_crop = A_crop.transpose((2, 0, 1))
        B_crop = B_crop[np.newaxis, :, :]
        B_rois_crop = B_rois_crop[np.newaxis, :, :]
        rois_mask_crop = rois_mask_crop[np.newaxis, :, :]

        # change the color channel, bgr->rgb
        A_crop = A_crop[::-1, :, :]

        # to torch, normalize
        A_crop = self.scale_torch(A_crop, 255.)
        B_crop = self.scale_torch(B_crop, resize_ratio)
        B_rois_crop = self.scale_torch(B_rois_crop, resize_ratio)

        rois_mask_crop = np.floor(rois_mask_crop).astype(np.uint8)
        rois_mask_crop = torch.from_numpy(rois_mask_crop.copy())

        B_classes = self.depth_to_class(B_crop)
        B_rois_classes = self.depth_to_class(B_rois_crop)

        invalid_side = [0, 0, 0, 0] if crop_size[1] != 0 else [
            int((pad[0] + 50) * resize_ratio), 0, 0, 0

        A = np.pad(A, ((pad[0], pad[1]), (pad[2], pad[3]), (0, 0)),
                   constant_values=(0, 0))
        B = np.pad(B, ((pad[0], pad[1]), (pad[2], pad[3])),
                   constant_values=(0, 0))

        data = {
            'A': A_crop,
            'B': B_crop,
            'A_raw': A,
            'B_raw': B,
            'B_classes': B_classes,
            'B_rois_classes': B_rois_classes,
            'A_paths': A_path,
            'B_paths': B_path,
            'invalid_side': np.array(invalid_side),
            'pad_raw': np.array(pad),
            'rois_mask': rois_mask_crop,
            'bbox': boxes_padding
        return data
예제 #3
    def online_aug_val_test(self, idx):
        A_path = self.A_paths[idx]
        B_path = self.B_paths[idx]
        rois_path = self.rois_paths[idx]

        A = cv2.imread(A_path, -1)  # [H, W, C] C:bgr

        B = cv2.imread(B_path, -1) / (self.depth_normalize)  #[0.0, 1.0]
        #B = np.load(B_path) / (self.depth_normalize / 255.)  #[0.0, 1.0]
        #B[B<0] = 0
        rois = read_labels(
            rois_path, ignore_cate=self.ignore_cate_list
        )  # list of instances of class ObjectLabel, see obj_utils.py
        raw_boxlist = rois2boxlist(rois, (A.shape[1], A.shape[0]))

        #rois_mask = rois2mask(rois, B.shape) # use a mask which has same shape to lidepth  to prepresent the rois. rois have value 1., else 0.

        rois_mask = np.zeros_like(B)
        B_rois = np.zeros_like(B)
        B_bg = np.copy(B)
        boxes = raw_boxlist.bbox
        num_boxes = boxes.size(0)
        for idx_box in range(num_boxes):
            box = boxes[idx_box]
            x1, y1, x2, y2 = map(int, box)
            B_rois[y1:y2, x1:x2] = B[y1:y2, x1:x2]
            B_bg[y1:y2, x1:x2] = 0.
            rois_mask[y1:y2, x1:x2] = 1

        flip_flg, resize_size, crop_size, pad, resize_ratio = self.set_flip_pad_reshape_crop(

        crop_size_l = [pad[2], 0, cfg.CROP_SIZE[1], cfg.CROP_SIZE[0]]
        crop_size_m = [
            cfg.CROP_SIZE[1] + pad[2] - 20, 0, cfg.CROP_SIZE[1],
        crop_size_r = [
            self.uniform_size[1] - cfg.CROP_SIZE[1], 0, cfg.CROP_SIZE[1],

        A_crop_l = self.flip_pad_reshape_crop(A, flip_flg, resize_size,
                                              crop_size_l, pad, 128)
        A_crop_l = A_crop_l.transpose((2, 0, 1))
        A_crop_l = A_crop_l[::-1, :, :]
        boxes_l = self.box_flip_pad_reshape_crop(raw_boxlist, flip_flg,
                                                 resize_size, crop_size_l, pad)
        rois_mask_crop_l = self.flip_pad_reshape_crop(rois_mask, flip_flg,
                                                      resize_size, crop_size_l,
                                                      pad, 0)
        rois_mask_crop_l = rois_mask_crop_l[np.newaxis, :, :]

        A_crop_m = self.flip_pad_reshape_crop(A, flip_flg, resize_size,
                                              crop_size_m, pad, 128)
        A_crop_m = A_crop_m.transpose((2, 0, 1))
        A_crop_m = A_crop_m[::-1, :, :]
        boxes_m = self.box_flip_pad_reshape_crop(raw_boxlist, flip_flg,
                                                 resize_size, crop_size_m, pad)
        rois_mask_crop_m = self.flip_pad_reshape_crop(rois_mask, flip_flg,
                                                      resize_size, crop_size_m,
                                                      pad, 0)
        rois_mask_crop_m = rois_mask_crop_m[np.newaxis, :, :]

        A_crop_r = self.flip_pad_reshape_crop(A, flip_flg, resize_size,
                                              crop_size_r, pad, 128)
        A_crop_r = A_crop_r.transpose((2, 0, 1))
        A_crop_r = A_crop_r[::-1, :, :]
        boxes_r = self.box_flip_pad_reshape_crop(raw_boxlist, flip_flg,
                                                 resize_size, crop_size_r, pad)
        rois_mask_crop_r = self.flip_pad_reshape_crop(rois_mask, flip_flg,
                                                      resize_size, crop_size_r,
                                                      pad, 0)
        rois_mask_crop_r = rois_mask_crop_r[np.newaxis, :, :]

        A_crop_l = self.scale_torch(A_crop_l, 255.)
        rois_mask_crop_l = np.floor(rois_mask_crop_l).astype(np.uint8)
        rois_mask_crop_l = torch.from_numpy(rois_mask_crop_l.copy())

        A_crop_m = self.scale_torch(A_crop_m, 255.)
        rois_mask_crop_m = np.floor(rois_mask_crop_m).astype(np.uint8)
        rois_mask_crop_m = torch.from_numpy(rois_mask_crop_m.copy())

        A_crop_r = self.scale_torch(A_crop_r, 255.)
        rois_mask_crop_r = np.floor(rois_mask_crop_r).astype(np.uint8)
        rois_mask_crop_r = torch.from_numpy(rois_mask_crop_r.copy())

        A = np.pad(A, ((pad[0], pad[1]), (pad[2], pad[3]), (0, 0)),
                   constant_values=(0, 0))
        B = np.pad(B, ((pad[0], pad[1]), (pad[2], pad[3])),
                   constant_values=(0, 0))
        B_rois = np.pad(B_rois, ((pad[0], pad[1]), (pad[2], pad[3])),
                        constant_values=(0, 0))
        B_bg = np.pad(B_bg, ((pad[0], pad[1]), (pad[2], pad[3])),
                      constant_values=(0, 0))

        crop_lmr = np.array((crop_size_l, crop_size_m, crop_size_r))

        A_crop = A.transpose((2, 0, 1))
        B_crop = B[np.newaxis, :, :]
        # change the color channel, bgr->rgb
        A_crop = A_crop[::-1, :, :]
        # to torch, normalize
        A_crop = self.scale_torch(A_crop, 255.)
        B_crop = self.scale_torch(B_crop, 1.0)

        data = {
            'A': A_crop,
            'B': B_crop,
            'A_l': A_crop_l,
            'A_m': A_crop_m,
            'A_r': A_crop_r,
            'rois_mask_l': rois_mask_crop_l,
            'rois_mask_m': rois_mask_crop_m,
            'rois_mask_r': rois_mask_crop_r,
            'bbox_l': boxes_l,
            'bbox_m': boxes_m,
            'bbox_r': boxes_r,
            'A_raw': A,
            'B_raw': B,
            'B_raw_rois': B_rois,
            'B_raw_bg': B_bg,
            'A_paths': A_path,
            'B_paths': B_path,
            'pad_raw': np.array(pad),
            'crop_lmr': crop_lmr
        return data
예제 #4
    def online_aug_train(self, idx):
        A_path = self.A_paths[idx]
        B_path = self.B_paths[idx]
        rois_path = self.rois_paths[idx]

        A = cv2.imread(A_path, -1)  # [H, W, C] C:bgr
        B = cv2.imread(B_path, -1) / self.depth_normalize  #[0.0, 1.0]
        #B = np.load(B_path) / (self.depth_normalize / 255.)  #[0.0, 1.0]
        #B[B<0] = -1

        rois = read_labels(
            rois_path, ignore_cate=self.ignore_cate_list
        )  # list of instances of class ObjectLabel, see obj_utils.py
        rois_mask = rois2mask(
            rois, B.shape
        )  # use a mask which has same shape to lidepth  to prepresent the rois. rois have value 1., else 0.
        B_rois = B * rois_mask

        flip_flg, resize_size, crop_size, pad, resize_ratio = self.set_flip_pad_reshape_crop(

        A_crop = self.flip_pad_reshape_crop(A, flip_flg, resize_size,
                                            crop_size, pad, 128)
        B_crop = self.flip_pad_reshape_crop(B, flip_flg, resize_size,
                                            crop_size, pad, -1)
        B_rois_crop = self.flip_pad_reshape_crop(B_rois, flip_flg, resize_size,
                                                 crop_size, pad, -1)
        rois_mask_crop = self.flip_pad_reshape_crop(rois_mask, flip_flg,
                                                    resize_size, crop_size,
                                                    pad, 0)

        A_crop = A_crop.transpose((2, 0, 1))
        B_crop = B_crop[np.newaxis, :, :]
        B_rois_crop = B_rois_crop[np.newaxis, :, :]
        rois_mask_crop = rois_mask_crop[np.newaxis, :, :]

        # change the color channel, bgr->rgb
        A_crop = A_crop[::-1, :, :]

        # to torch, normalize
        A_crop = self.scale_torch(A_crop, 255.)
        B_crop = self.scale_torch(B_crop, resize_ratio)
        B_rois_crop = self.scale_torch(B_rois_crop, resize_ratio)

        rois_mask_crop = np.ceil(rois_mask_crop).astype(np.uint8)
        rois_mask_crop = torch.from_numpy(rois_mask_crop.copy())

        B_classes = self.depth_to_class(B_crop)
        B_rois_classes = self.depth_to_class(B_rois_crop)

        invalid_side = [0, 0, 0, 0] if crop_size[1] != 0 else [
            int((pad[0] + 50) * resize_ratio), 0, 0, 0

        A = np.pad(A, ((pad[0], pad[1]), (pad[2], pad[3]), (0, 0)),
                   constant_values=(0, 0))
        B = np.pad(B, ((pad[0], pad[1]), (pad[2], pad[3])),
                   constant_values=(0, 0))

        data = {
            'A': A_crop,
            'B': B_crop,
            'A_raw': A,
            'B_raw': B,
            'B_classes': B_classes,
            'B_rois_classes': B_rois_classes,
            'A_paths': A_path,
            'B_paths': B_path,
            'invalid_side': np.array(invalid_side),
            'pad_raw': np.array(pad),
            'rois_mask': rois_mask_crop
        return data
예제 #5
    def online_aug_val_test(self, idx):
        A_path = self.A_paths[idx]
        B_path = self.B_paths[idx]
        rois_path = self.rois_paths[idx]

        A = cv2.imread(A_path, -1)  # [H, W, C] C:bgr

        B = cv2.imread(B_path, -1) / (self.depth_normalize)  #[0.0, 1.0]
        #B = np.load(B_path) / (self.depth_normalize / 255.)  #[0.0, 1.0]
        #B[B<0] = 0
        rois = read_labels(
            rois_path, ignore_cate=self.ignore_cate_list
        )  # list of instances of class ObjectLabel, see obj_utils.py
        rois_mask = rois2mask_shrink(
            rois, B.shape
        )  # use a mask which has same shape to lidepth  to prepresent the rois. rois have value 1., else 0.
        B_rois = B * rois_mask

        flip_flg, resize_size, crop_size, pad, resize_ratio = self.set_flip_pad_reshape_crop(

        crop_size_l = [pad[2], 0, cfg.CROP_SIZE[1], cfg.CROP_SIZE[0]]
        crop_size_m = [
            cfg.CROP_SIZE[1] + pad[2] - 20, 0, cfg.CROP_SIZE[1],
        crop_size_r = [
            self.uniform_size[1] - cfg.CROP_SIZE[1], 0, cfg.CROP_SIZE[1],

        A_crop_l = self.flip_pad_reshape_crop(A, flip_flg, resize_size,
                                              crop_size_l, pad, 128)
        A_crop_l = A_crop_l.transpose((2, 0, 1))
        A_crop_l = A_crop_l[::-1, :, :]

        A_crop_m = self.flip_pad_reshape_crop(A, flip_flg, resize_size,
                                              crop_size_m, pad, 128)
        A_crop_m = A_crop_m.transpose((2, 0, 1))
        A_crop_m = A_crop_m[::-1, :, :]

        A_crop_r = self.flip_pad_reshape_crop(A, flip_flg, resize_size,
                                              crop_size_r, pad, 128)
        A_crop_r = A_crop_r.transpose((2, 0, 1))
        A_crop_r = A_crop_r[::-1, :, :]

        A_crop_l = self.scale_torch(A_crop_l, 255.)
        A_crop_m = self.scale_torch(A_crop_m, 255.)
        A_crop_r = self.scale_torch(A_crop_r, 255.)
        A = np.pad(A, ((pad[0], pad[1]), (pad[2], pad[3]), (0, 0)),
                   constant_values=(0, 0))
        B = np.pad(B, ((pad[0], pad[1]), (pad[2], pad[3])),
                   constant_values=(0, 0))
        B_rois = np.pad(B_rois, ((pad[0], pad[1]), (pad[2], pad[3])),
                        constant_values=(0, 0))
        crop_lmr = np.array((crop_size_l, crop_size_m, crop_size_r))

        A_crop = A.transpose((2, 0, 1))
        B_crop = B[np.newaxis, :, :]
        # change the color channel, bgr->rgb
        A_crop = A_crop[::-1, :, :]
        # to torch, normalize
        A_crop = self.scale_torch(A_crop, 255.)
        B_crop = self.scale_torch(B_crop, 1.0)

        data = {
            'A': A_crop,
            'B': B_crop,
            'A_l': A_crop_l,
            'A_m': A_crop_m,
            'A_r': A_crop_r,
            'A_raw': A,
            'B_raw': B,
            'B_raw_rois': B_rois,
            'A_paths': A_path,
            'B_paths': B_path,
            'pad_raw': np.array(pad),
            'crop_lmr': crop_lmr
        return data