def run(self): global homenet global lock while 1: try: f = open('/usr/local/bro/logs/current/notice.log', 'r') lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: line = line.strip() fields = line.split('\t') if line[0] != '#': uid = fields[1] if uid not in self.recorded: line = line.strip() scan =, line) tracert =, line) if scan: ts = int(float( src = dst = duration = with lock: if src in homenet.hosts: ctime = int(time.time()) description = 'This host has been detected scanning one or multiple destination ' \ 'IP addresses for open ports. This could indicate that a hacker has ' \ 'compromised and taken control of this device and is now trying to locate ' \ 'and compromise other hosts in your network.' reference = '' a = [0, 'port_scan', ts, ctime, 0, 0, 'Port Scan', src, dst, 0, description, reference] alert_id = utils.add_alert_to_db(a) homenet.hosts[src].alerts.append(alert_id) elif tracert: ts = int(float( src = with lock: if src in homenet.hosts: ctime = int(time.time()) indicator = '%s performed a traceroute' % src description = 'This host has been detected performing traceroute on your network.' \ 'Traceroute is usually used by hackers during the initial stage ' \ 'of an attack on a new network (reconnaissance). With this the ' \ 'attacker gains visibility on how the traffic is travelling from ' \ 'your internal network to other internal networks or the ' \ 'Internet, which routers are on the way, etc.' reference = '' a = [0, 'traceroute', ts, ctime, 0, 0, 'Traceroute', src, indicator, 0, description, reference] alert_id = utils.add_alert_to_db(a) homenet.hosts[src].alerts.append(alert_id) self.recorded.append(uid) except (IOError, OSError) as e: log.debug('FG-WARN: read_bro_notice_log - ' + e.__doc__ + " - " + e.message) if len(self.recorded) > 100000: del self.recorded[:] time.sleep(5)
def run(self): while 1: try: f = open('/usr/local/bro/logs/current/notice.log', 'r') lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: line = line.strip() fields = json.loads(line) uid = fields["ts"] if uid not in self.recorded: if fields["note"] == "Scan::Port_Scan": ts = float(fields["ts"]) src = fields["src"] dst = fields["dst"] with lock: if src in homenet.hosts: ctime = int(time.time()) description = 'This host has been detected scanning one or multiple destination ' \ 'IP addresses for open ports. This could indicate that a hacker has ' \ 'compromised and taken control of this device and is now trying to locate ' \ 'and compromise other hosts in your network.' reference = '' a = [0, 'port_scan', ts, ctime, 0, 0, 'Port Scan', src, dst, 0, description, reference] alert_id = utils.add_alert_to_db(a) homenet.hosts[src].alerts.append(alert_id) elif fields["note"] == "Traceroute::Detected": ts = float(fields["ts"]) src = fields["src"] with lock: if src in homenet.hosts: ctime = int(time.time()) indicator = '%s performed a traceroute' % src description = 'This host has been detected performing traceroute on your network.' \ 'Traceroute is usually used by hackers during the initial stage ' \ 'of an attack on a new network (reconnaissance). With this the ' \ 'attacker gains visibility on how the traffic is travelling from ' \ 'your internal network to other internal networks or the ' \ 'Internet, which routers are on the way, etc.' reference = '' a = [0, 'traceroute', ts, ctime, 0, 0, 'Traceroute', src, indicator, 0, description, reference] alert_id = utils.add_alert_to_db(a) homenet.hosts[src].alerts.append(alert_id) self.recorded.append(uid) except Exception as e: log.debug('FG-DEBUG: read_bro_notice_log - ' + str(e.__doc__) + " - " + str(e.message)) if len(self.recorded) > 100000: del self.recorded[:] time.sleep(5)
def create_spamming_alert(self, src): description = 'This host has been detected to be requesting MX records for multiple ' \ 'different domains in a short period of time. This could indicate that ' \ 'this device it\'s infected with Malware with spamming capabilities.' indicators = '|'.join(homenet.hosts[src].spammed_domains) reference = '' a = [0, 'spammer', self.ctime, self.ctime, 0, 0, 'Spammer', src, indicators, 0, description, reference] alert_id = utils.add_alert_to_db(a) homenet.hosts[src].alerts.append(alert_id)
def create_dga_alert(self, src): description = 'This host has been detected to perform a well-known Malware traffic ' \ 'pattern: Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA). This is a strong indication ' \ 'on the presence of active Malware on this device.' indicators = '|'.join(homenet.hosts[src].dga_domains) reference = '' a = [0, 'dga', self.ctime, self.ctime, 0, 0, 'Malware', src, indicators, 0, description, reference] alert_id = utils.add_alert_to_db(a) homenet.hosts[src].alerts.append(alert_id)
def create_pwning_alert(self, src, breaches): for breach in breaches: description = breach['Description'] indicators = 'Site breached: ' + breach['Domain'] + '|' + 'BreachDate: ' + breach['BreachDate'] \ + '|' + 'AddedDate: ' + breach['AddedDate'] + '|' + 'StolenData: ' \ + ','.join(breach['DataClasses']) + '|' + 'Verified: ' + str(breach['IsVerified']) reference = homenet.hibp_api_url + src a = [0, 'data_breach', self.ctime, self.ctime, 0, 0, 'Data Breach', src, indicators, 0, description, reference] alert_id = utils.add_alert_to_db(a)
def create_default_creds_alert(self, threat, src, service, uname, passwd): ctime = int(time.time()) description = 'FalconGate has detected an account with default vendor credentials on this host. ' \ 'This is a serious issue which could allow and attacker to remotely access and take control of ' \ 'this device.' indicators = 'Service: ' + service + '|' + 'Username: '******'|' + 'Password: '******'' a = [0, threat, ctime, ctime, 0, 0, 'Default Credentials', src, indicators, 0, description, reference] alert_id = utils.add_alert_to_db(a) homenet.hosts[src].alerts.append(alert_id)
def create_bad_ip_alert(self, threat, src, dst): description = 'This host has been detected trying to communicate with a malicious ' \ 'IP address included in the local blacklist. This traffic was blocked ' \ 'by FalconGate. This could be an indicator of the presence of Malware or hacker activity ' \ 'on this host.' indicators = homenet.hosts[src].conns[dst].dst_ip reference = '' + homenet.hosts[src].conns[dst].dst_ip + '/information/' a = [0, threat, self.ctime, self.ctime, 0, 0, threat, src, indicators, 0, description, reference] alert_id = utils.add_alert_to_db(a) homenet.hosts[src].alerts.append(alert_id)
def create_bad_file_alert(self, src, fid): description = 'This host was detected downloading a file known to be Malware or a ' \ 'Malware vector according to VirusTotal. This file could be utilized ' \ 'to infect this machine or could indicate the presence of active ' \ 'Malware on this system.' indicators = "SHA1: " + homenet.hosts[src].files[fid].sha1 reference = homenet.hosts[src].files[fid].vt_report a = [0, 'malware', self.ctime, self.ctime, 0, 0, 'Malware', src, indicators, 0, description, reference] alert_id = utils.add_alert_to_db(a) homenet.hosts[src].alerts.append(alert_id)
def create_bad_domain_alert(self, src, dst): description = 'This host was detected trying to resolve the IP address of a domain ' \ 'which has recent Malware history according to VirusTotal and/or the ' \ 'local FalconGate blacklist. This could be an indicator of the presence ' \ 'of Malware on this host.' indicators = homenet.hosts[src].dns[dst].query reference = '' + homenet.hosts[src].dns[dst].query + '/information/' a = [0, 'malware', self.ctime, self.ctime, 0, 0, 'Malware', src, indicators, 0, description, reference] alert_id = utils.add_alert_to_db(a) homenet.hosts[src].alerts.append(alert_id)
def create_alert(self, ts, ip, mac, hostname): ctime = int(time.time()) description = 'A new device was connected to your network. If this device was not ' \ 'connected or authorized by you we recommend to check your router ' \ 'configuration and disallow the access to this device.' reference = '' vendor = utils.get_vendor(mac) indicators = ip + '|' + mac + '|' + hostname + '|' + [lambda:vendor, lambda:''][not vendor]() a = [0, 'new_device', ts, ctime, 0, 0, 'New Device', ip, indicators, 0, description, reference] alert_id = utils.add_alert_to_db(a) homenet.hosts[ip].alerts.append(alert_id)
def run(self): global homenet global lock while 1: try: f = open('/usr/local/bro/logs/current/notice.log', 'r') lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: line = line.strip() fields = line.split('\t') if line[0] != '#': uid = fields[1] if uid not in self.recorded: line = line.strip() scan =, line) if scan: ts = int(float( src = dst = duration = with lock: if src in homenet.hosts: ctime = int(time.time()) description = 'This host has been detected scanning one or multiple destination ' \ 'IP addresses for open ports. This could indicate that a hacker has ' \ 'compromised and taken control of this device and is now trying to locate ' \ 'and compromise other hosts in your network.' reference = '' a = [ 0, 'port_scan', ts, ctime, 0, 0, 'Port Scan', src, dst, 0, description, reference ] alert_id = utils.add_alert_to_db(a) homenet.hosts[src].alerts.append( alert_id) self.recorded.append(uid) except (IOError, OSError) as e: log.debug('FG-WARN: read_bro_notice_log - ' + e.__doc__ + " - " + e.message) if len(self.recorded) > 100000: del self.recorded[:] time.sleep(5)