def make2dFRPlot(dataType, canv, outputDir, dataset, hist, title_indeces, name='', exportinroot = False, folder = 'fakerates_2d/', isprompt = False): # # produces all 2d fake rate maps # # this function takes the following paramters: # dataType..........type of the lepton ('mu', 'el') # canv..............canvas to be plotted # outputDir.........basic output directory # dataset...........dataset (only to take the title of the X and Y axis from) # hist..............histogram to be plotted # title_indeces.....list of two elements which are the indeces of the histograms that carry the X anc Y axis titles in their X axis title # of the output file # exportinroot......True if we want to export the canvas in a root file # may change the last outputfolder to something else than fakerates_2d # isprompt..........temporary solution to plot prompt ratio # define pad pad_plot = helper.makePad('tot') pad_plot.SetTicks(1,1) # draw histogram hist.Draw("text colz e") # cosmetics hist.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlack) hist.SetMarkerSize(1.8) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(helper.getXTitle(dataType, dataset.hists[title_indeces[0]])) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(helper.getXTitle(dataType, dataset.hists[title_indeces[1]])) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.07) hist.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.07) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.07) hist.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.07) hist.SetMinimum(0.0) if dataType == 'el': hist.SetMaximum(0.6) else : hist.SetMaximum(0.4) if isprompt == True: prepend = 'PR' else : prepend = 'FR' hist.SetTitle(prepend + " 2d Map (" + helper.getLegendName(name) + ")") # save plot helper.saveCanvas(canv, pad_plot, outputDir + folder, prepend + "_2dmap_" + name.lower().replace(" ", "_"), False, exportinroot) pad_plot.Close()
def make2dPlot(dataType, canv, pad_plot, outputDir, hist, postpend, file_name): # # a given canvas, which carries a 2d histogram, is plotted (obviously no ratio plot) # # this function takes the following parameters: # dataType....type of the lepton ('mu', 'el') # canv........canvas to be plotted # pad_plot....pad to be plotted # outputDir...basic output directory # hist........histogram in the canvas (only important to take the axis labels) # postpend....postpend to the filename # file_name...filename of the plot to be created postpend = "_" + str(postpend.lower()) # draw histogram hist.Draw('colz') # ste style thingies hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(helper.getXTitle(dataType, hist)) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle(helper.getYTitle(hist)) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.055) hist.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.07) hist.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(505) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.07) hist.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.07) hist.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(505) hist.SetTitle("") hist.SetMarkerColor(ROOT.kBlack) hist.SetLineColor(ROOT.kBlack) # save plot ROOT.gPad.RedrawAxis() helper.saveCanvas(canv, pad_plot, outputDir + "plots_2d/", file_name + postpend, False)
def make1dFRPlot(dataType, canv, pad_plot, pad_ratio, outputDir, hists, title_hist, file_name, usemarkers = False, ratio_title = '', ratio_max = 1.99, ratio_min = 0.0): # # produces all 1d fake rate plots (this function, among others, wants to be improved) # NOTE: when calling this function make sure that the first histogram in hists is the total data, and the second is the total bg (important for ratio) # # this function takes the following paramters: # dataType..........type of the lepton ('mu', 'el') # canv..............canvas to be plotted # pad_plot..........pad of the plot to be plotted # pad_ratio.........pad of the ratio to be plotted # outputDir.........basic output directory # hists.............list of histograms to be plotted to be plotted on top of each other # title_hist........histogram to get the X axis title from # of the output file # usemarkers........True if we want to plot both data and mc with markers (e.g. comparing different ewk subtraction methods), False then mc is plotted as a colored rectangle # ratio_title.......Y axis title of the ratio plot # ratio_max.........maximum Y range of the ratio plot # ratio_min.........minimum Y range of the ratio plot # define pads, draw options (we use markers for mc if if usemarkers: markersize_mc = 1.4 drawoption_data = "p e1" drawoption_mc = "p e1 same" legendoption_mc = "pe" else: markersize_mc = 0 drawoption_data = "p e1 x0" drawoption_mc = "e2 same" legendoption_mc = "f" # draw histograms hists[0][0].Draw(drawoption_data) hists[0][0].SetMarkerSize(1.4) for i in range(1,len(hists)): hists[i][0].SetMarkerSize(markersize_mc) hists[i][0].Draw(drawoption_mc) hists[0][0].Draw(drawoption_data + " same") # set plot style for i in range(len(hists)): hists[i][0] = helper.setFRPlotStyle(dataType, hists[i][0], helper.getColor(hists[i][1])) if i+1 == len(hists): hists[i][0] = helper.setFRPlotStyle(dataType, hists[i][0], helper.getColor(hists[i][1]), 'FR as function of ' + helper.getXTitle(dataType, title_hist), title_hist) # define legend, fill and draw it leg1 = helper.makeLegend(0.22, 0.4, 0.47, 0.65) #if dataType == 'el': leg1 = helper.makeLegend(0.62, 0.08, 0.87, 0.33) #else : leg1 = helper.makeLegend(0.22, 0.6, 0.47, 0.85) leg1.AddEntry(hists[0][0], helper.getLegendName(hists[0][1]), 'pe') for i in range(1,len(hists)): leg1.AddEntry(hists[i][0], helper.getLegendName(hists[i][1]), legendoption_mc) leg1.Draw() # create RATIO PLOT data_bg_ratio = copy.deepcopy(hists[0][0]) data_bg_ratio.Divide(hists[1][0]) data_bg_ratio.Draw("p e") data_bg_ratio = helper.setRatioStyle(dataType, data_bg_ratio, title_hist, ratio_title, ratio_max, ratio_min) line = helper.makeLine(data_bg_ratio.GetXaxis().GetXmin(), 1.00, data_bg_ratio.GetXaxis().GetXmax(), 1.00) line.Draw() # produce plot helper.saveCanvas(canv, pad_plot, outputDir + "fakerates_1d/", file_name)
def PlotJPtZooms(dataType, outputDir, dataset, mcsets, leg): # # plotting JetPt and JetRawPt distributions in bins of lepton eta and lepton pt (binning according to fake rate maps) # NOTE: ALL SAMPLES MUST CONTAIN THE EXACT SAME LIST OF HISTOGRAMS, OTHERWISE THIS FUNCTION WILL NOT WORK # # this function takes the following parameters: # dataType....type of the lepton ('mu', 'el') # outputDir...basic output directory # datasets....list of data samples [datasample1, datasample2, ..] # mcsets......list of mc samples [mcsample1, mcsample2, ..] # leg.........legend to be plotted # define canvas and pads canv = helper.makeCanvas(900, 675, 'c1dZ') pad_plot = helper.makePad('tot') pad_plot.SetTicks(1,1) # text for eta binning t_eta = ROOT.TLatex() t_eta.SetNDC() t_eta.SetTextSize(0.05) t_eta.SetTextAlign(11) t_eta.SetTextColor(ROOT.kBlack) # text for pt binning t_pt = ROOT.TLatex() t_pt.SetNDC() t_pt.SetTextSize(0.05) t_pt.SetTextAlign(11) t_pt.SetTextColor(ROOT.kBlack) # bins in eta and pt, with total number of bins bins_eta = [0.0, 1.0, 2.4] #bins_pt = [10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 35.0, 37.5, 40.0, 42.5, 45.0, 47.5, 50.0, 55.0, 60.0, 70.0] # old bins_pt = [10.0, 20.0, 22.5, 25.0, 27.5, 30.0, 32.5, 35.0, 40.0, 50.0, 60.0, 70.0] # new bins_tot = (len(bins_eta)-1)*(len(bins_pt)-1) # iterate over all histograms in root files # it does not matter which sample we iterate on, as all samples contain the same list of histograms for hist in dataset.hists: # get index of the histogram i = dataset.hists.index(hist) # only histograms in the parameter histlist are plotted if not "JPtZoom" in hist.GetName(): continue # pre- and postpends prepend = '' postpend = '' if '_Loose_' in hist.GetName(): prepend = 'Loose_' if '_Tight_' in hist.GetName(): prepend = 'Tight_' # get the id of the plot, i.e. the last number in the name (e.g. '0' in h_Loose_DJPtZoomC_0) id = hist.GetName().split('_')[-1] # draw data hist.Scale(1.0/hist.Integral()) hist.SetFillStyle(0) hist.SetLineStyle(2) hist.Draw("HIST") max = hist.GetMaximum() # draw mc samples for mc in mcsets: mc.hists[i].Scale(1.0/mc.hists[i].Integral()) mc.hists[i].SetFillStyle(0) mc.hists[i].Draw("HIST SAME") if mc.hists[i].GetMaximum()>max: max = mc.hists[i].GetMaximum() # do some cosmetics hist.SetMaximum(1.5*max) hist.GetXaxis().SetTitle(helper.getXTitle(dataType, hist)) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitle("1/Integral") hist.SetTitle("") hist.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.07) hist.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.07) hist.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.07) hist.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.07) hist.GetXaxis().SetNdivisions(505) hist.GetYaxis().SetNdivisions(505) # draw legend leg.Draw() # write bin texts m = int(id)//(len(bins_pt)-1) n = int(id)%(len(bins_pt)-1) if "ZoomC" in hist.GetName(): write = "corr." else: write = "raw" text_eta = str(bins_eta[m]) + " #leq jet-|#eta| < " + str(bins_eta[m+1]) text_pt = str(bins_pt[n]) + " #leq jet-p_{T} (" + write + ") < " + str(bins_pt[n+1]) t_eta.DrawLatex(0.22, 0.8, text_eta) t_pt.DrawLatex(0.22, 0.73, text_pt) # draw plots helper.saveCanvas(canv, pad_plot, outputDir + "zoom_jpt/", prepend + helper.getSaveName(hist, '-2:') + postpend, False)