예제 #1
def test_undefined_in_group_eval_three(topo, test_user, aci_of_user):
        This aci will allow access

        :id: 04943dcc-7841-11e8-8c46-8c16451d917b
        :setup: server
            1. Add test entry
            2. Take a count of users using DN_DM
            3. Add test user
            4. add aci
            5. test should fullfil the aci rules
            1. Entry should be added
            2. Operation should  succeed
            3. Operation should  succeed
            4. Operation should  succeed
            5. Operation should  succeed
    Domain(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).add("aci",'(targetattr="*")(version 3.0; aci "tester"; allow(all) groupdn = "ldap:///{}\ || ldap:///{}";)'.format(GROUPG_GLOBAL, ALLGROUPS_GLOBAL))
    conn = UserAccount(topo.standalone, DEEPUSER_GLOBAL).bind(PW_DM)
    # test UNDEFINED in group
    user.add("sn", "Fred")
    assert UserAccount(conn, DEEPGROUPSCRATCHENTRY_GLOBAL).get_attr_val_utf8('uid') == 'scratchEntry'
    user.remove("sn", "Fred")
예제 #2
def test_local_password_policy(topo, _add_user):
    """Regression test for bz1044164 part 1.

    :id: d6f4a7fa-473b-11ea-8766-8c16451d917b
    :setup: Standalone
        1. Add a User as Password Admin
        2. Create a password admin user entry
        3. Add an aci to allow this user all rights
        4. Configure password admin
        5. Create local password policy and enable passwordmustchange
        6. Add another generic user but do not include the password (userpassword)
        7. Use admin user to perform a password update on generic user
        8. We don't need this ACI anymore. Delete it
    :expected results:
        1. Success
        2. Success
        3. Success
        4. Success
        5. Success
        6. Success
        7. Success
        8. Success
    # Add a User as Password Admin
    # Create a password admin user entry
    user = _create_user(topo, 'pwadm_admin_1', None)
    user.replace('userpassword', 'Secret123')
    domian = Domain(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)
    # Add an aci to allow this user all rights
        "aci", f'(targetattr ="userpassword")'
        f'(version 3.0;acl "Allow password admin to write user '
        f'passwords";allow (write)(userdn = "ldap:///{user.dn}");)')
    # Configure password admin
    # Create local password policy and enable passwordmustchange
    Config(topo.standalone).replace_many(('passwordAdminDN', user.dn),
                                         ('passwordMustChange', 'off'),
                                         ('nsslapd-pwpolicy-local', 'on'))
    # Add another generic user but do not include the password (userpassword)
    # Use admin user to perform a password update on generic user
    real_user = UserAccount(topo.standalone,
    conn = real_user.bind('Secret123')
    UserAccount(conn, f'uid=pwadm_user_1,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}').replace(
        'userpassword', 'hello')
    # We don't need this ACI anymore. Delete it
        "aci", f'(targetattr ="userpassword")'
        f'(version 3.0;acl "Allow password admin to write user '
        f'passwords";allow (write)(userdn = "ldap:///{user.dn}");)')
예제 #3
def test_mode_legacy_ger_with_moddn(topology_m2, moddn_setup):
    """This test checks mode legacy : GER with moddn

    :id: 37c1e537-1b5d-4fab-b62a-50cd8c5b3493
    :setup: MMR with two suppliers,
            M1 - staging DIT
            M2 - production DIT
            add test accounts in staging DIT
        1. Disable ACI checks - set nsslapd-moddn-aci: off
        2. Add moddn ACI on M1
        3. Search for GER controls on M1
        4. Check entryLevelRights value for entries
        5. Check 'n' is in the entryLevelRights
        6. Try MOD with the both ACI
        1. It should pass
        2. It should pass
        3. It should pass
        4. It should pass
        5. It should pass
        6. It should pass

    suffix = Domain(topology_m2.ms["supplier1"], SUFFIX)

    topology_m2.ms["supplier1"].log.info("\n\n######## Disable the moddn aci mod ########\n")
    topology_m2.ms["supplier1"].config.set(CONFIG_MODDN_ACI_ATTR, 'off')

    topology_m2.ms["supplier1"].log.info("\n\n######## mode legacy : GER with moddn  ########\n")

    # being allowed to read/write the RDN attribute use to allow the RDN
    ACI_TARGET = "(target = \"ldap:///%s\")(targetattr=\"uid\")" % (PRODUCTION_DN)
    ACI_ALLOW = "(version 3.0; acl \"MODDN production changing the RDN attribute\"; allow (read,search,write)"
    ACI_SUBJECT = " userdn = \"ldap:///%s\";)" % BIND_DN

    # successful MOD with the ACI
    suffix.add('aci', ACI_BODY)

    request_ctrl = GetEffectiveRightsControl(criticality=True, authzId=ensure_bytes("dn: " + BIND_DN))
    msg_id = topology_m2.ms["supplier1"].search_ext(PRODUCTION_DN,
    rtype, rdata, rmsgid, response_ctrl = topology_m2.ms["supplier1"].result3(msg_id)
    # ger={}
    value = ''
    for dn, attrs in rdata:
        topology_m2.ms["supplier1"].log.info("dn: %s" % dn)
        value = attrs['entryLevelRights'][0]

    topology_m2.ms["supplier1"].log.info("########  entryLevelRights: %r" % value)
    assert b'n' in value

    # successful MOD with the both ACI
    suffix.remove('aci', ACI_BODY)
예제 #4
def test_admin_group_to_modify_password(topo, _add_user):
    """Regression test for bz1044164 part 2.

    :id: 12e09446-52da-11ea-aa11-8c16451d917b
    :setup: Standalone
        1. Create unique members of admin group
        2. Create admin group with unique members
        3. Edit ACIs for admin group
        4. Add group as password admin
        5. Test password admin group to modify password of another admin user
        6. Use admin user to perform a password update on Directory Manager user
        7. Test password admin group for local password policy
        8. Add top level container
        9. Add user
        10. Create local policy configuration entry
        11. Adding admin group for local policy
        12. Change user's password by admin user. Break the local policy rule
        13. Test password admin group for global password policy
        14. Add top level container
        15. Change user's password by admin user. Break the global policy rule
        16. Add new user in password admin group
        17. Modify ordinary user's password
        18. Modify user DN using modrdn of a user in password admin group
        19. Test assigning invalid value to password admin attribute
        20. Try to add more than one Password Admin attribute to config file
        21. Use admin group setup from previous testcases, but delete ACI from that
        22. Try to change user's password by admin user
        23. Restore ACI
        24. Edit ACIs for admin group
        25. Delete a user from password admin group
        26. Change users password by ex-admin user
        27. Remove group from password admin configuration
        28. Change admins
        29. Change user's password by ex-admin user
        30. Change admin user's password by ex-admin user
    :expected results:
        1. Success
        2. Success
        3. Success
        4. Success
        5. Success
        6. Fail(ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS)
        7. Success
        8. Success
        9. Success
        10. Success
        11. Success
        12. Success
        13. Success
        14. Success
        15. Success
        16. Success
        17. Success
        18. Success
        19. Fail
        20. Fail
        21. Success
        22. Success
        23. Success
        24. Success
        25. Success
        26. Success
        27. Success
        28. Success
        29. Fail
        30. Fail
    # create unique members of admin group
    admin_grp = UniqueGroups(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).create(properties={
        'cn': 'pwadm_group_adm',
        'description': 'pwadm_group_adm',
        'uniqueMember': [f'uid=pwadm_admin_2,ou=People,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}',
    # Edit ACIs for admin group
           f"ou=People,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}").set('aci', f'(targetattr ="userpassword")'
                                                     f'(version 3.0;acl "Allow passwords admin to write user '
                                                     f'passwords";allow (write)(groupdn = "ldap:///{admin_grp.dn}");)')
    # Add group as password admin
    Config(topo.standalone).replace('passwordAdminDN', admin_grp.dn)
    # Test password admin group to modify password of another admin user
    change_password_of_user(topo, [
        ('uid=pwadm_admin_2,ou=People', 'Secret123', 'hello')],
    # Use admin user to perform a password update on Directory Manager user
    with pytest.raises(ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS):
        change_password_of_user(topo, [('uid=pwadm_admin_2,ou=People', 'Secret123', 'hello')],
    # Add top level container
    ou = OrganizationalUnits(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).create(properties={'ou': 'pwadm_locpol'})
    # Change user's password by admin user. Break the global policy rule
    # Add new user in password admin group
    user = _create_user(topo, 'pwadm_locpol_user', 'ou=pwadm_locpol')
    user.replace('userpassword', 'Secret123')
    # Create local policy configuration entry
    _create_pwp(topo, ou.dn)
    # Set parameter for pwp
    for para_meter, op_op in [
        ('passwordLockout', 'on'),
        ('passwordMaxFailure', '4'),
        ('passwordLockoutDuration', '10'),
        ('passwordResetFailureCount', '100'),
        ('passwordMinLength', '8'),
        ('passwordAdminDN', f'cn=pwadm_group_adm,ou=Groups,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}')]:
        change_pwp_parameter(topo, 'ou=pwadm_locpol', para_meter, op_op)
    # Set ACI
                                  f'(targetattr ="userpassword")'
                                  f'(version 3.0;acl "Allow passwords admin to write user '
                                  f'passwords";allow (write)'
                                  f'(groupdn = "ldap:///cn=pwadm_group_adm,ou=Groups,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}");)')
    # Change password with new admin
    change_password_of_user(topo, [('uid=pwadm_admin_2,ou=People', 'Secret123', 'Sec')], user.dn)
    # Set global parameter
        ('passwordTrackUpdateTime', 'on'),
        ('passwordGraceLimit', '4'),
        ('passwordHistory', 'on'),
        ('passwordInHistory', '4'))
    # Test password admin group for global password policy
    change_password_of_user(topo, [('uid=pwadm_admin_2,ou=People', 'Secret123', 'Sec')],
    # Adding admin group for local policy
    grp = UniqueGroup(topo.standalone, f'cn=pwadm_group_adm,ou=Groups,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}')
    grp.add('uniqueMember', f'uid=pwadm_admin_4,ou=People,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}')
    # Modify ordinary user's password
    change_password_of_user(topo, [('uid=pwadm_admin_4,ou=People', 'Secret123', 'Secret')],
    # Modify user DN using modrdn of a user in password admin group
    UserAccount(topo.standalone, f'uid=pwadm_admin_4,ou=People,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}').rename('uid=pwadm_admin_4_new')
    # Remove admin
    grp.remove('uniqueMember', f'uid=pwadm_admin_4,ou=People,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}')
    # Add Admin
    grp.add('uniqueMember', f'uid=pwadm_admin_4_new,ou=People,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}')
    # Test the group pwp again
    with pytest.raises(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS):
        change_password_of_user(topo, [(f'uid=pwadm_admin_4,ou=People', 'Secret123', 'Secret1')],
    change_password_of_user(topo, [(f'uid=pwadm_admin_4_new,ou=People', 'Secret123', 'Secret1')],
    with pytest.raises(ldap.INVALID_SYNTAX):
        Config(topo.standalone).replace('passwordAdminDN', "Invalid")
    # Test assigning invalid value to password admin attribute
    # Try to add more than one Password Admin attribute to config file
    with pytest.raises(ldap.OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION):
    # Use admin group setup from previous, but delete ACI from that
    people = Domain(topo.standalone, f"ou=People,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}")
                  f'(targetattr ="userpassword")(version 3.0;acl '
                  f'"Allow passwords admin to write user '
                  f'passwords";allow (write)'
                  f'(groupdn = "ldap:///cn=pwadm_group_adm,ou=Groups,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}");)')
    # Try to change user's password by admin user
    with pytest.raises(ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS):
        change_password_of_user(topo, [('uid=pwadm_admin_2,ou=People', 'Secret123', 'Sec')],
    # Restore ACI
               f'(targetattr ="userpassword")(version 3.0;acl '
               f'"Allow passwords admin to write user '
               f'passwords";allow (write)(groupdn = "ldap:///cn=pwadm_group_adm,ou=Groups,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}");)')
    # Edit ACIs for admin group
               f'(targetattr ="userpassword")(version 3.0;acl '
               f'"Allow passwords admin to add user '
               f'passwords";allow (add)(groupdn = "ldap:///cn=pwadm_group_adm,ou=Groups,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}");)')
    UserAccount(topo.standalone, f'uid=pwadm_user_2,ou=people,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}').replace('userpassword', 'Secret')
    real_user = UserAccount(topo.standalone, f'uid=pwadm_user_2,ou=people,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}')
    conn = real_user.bind('Secret')
    # Test new aci
    with pytest.raises(ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS):
        UserAccounts(conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, rdn='ou=People').create(properties={
            'uid': 'ok',
            'cn': 'ok',
            'sn': 'ok',
            'uidNumber': '1000',
            'gidNumber': 'ok',
            'homeDirectory': '/home/ok'})
    UserAccounts(topo.standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX).list()
    real_user = UserAccount(topo.standalone, f'uid=pwadm_admin_2,ou=People,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}')
    conn = real_user.bind('Secret123')
    # Test new aci which has new rights
    for uid, cn, password in [
        ('pwadm_user_3', 'pwadm_user_1', 'U2VjcmV0MTIzCg=='),
        ('pwadm_user_4', 'pwadm_user_2', 'U2VjcmV0MTIzCg==')]:
        UserAccounts(conn, DEFAULT_SUFFIX, rdn='ou=People').create(properties={
            'uid': uid,
            'cn': cn,
            'sn': cn,
            'uidNumber': '1000',
            'gidNumber': '1001',
            'homeDirectory': f'/home/{uid}',
            'userpassword': password})
    # Remove ACI
                                                 f'(targetattr ="userpassword")'
                                                 f'(version 3.0;acl '
                                                 f'"Allow passwords admin to add user '
                                                 f'passwords";allow '
                                                 f'(add)(groupdn = '
    # Delete a user from password admin group
    grp = UniqueGroup(topo.standalone, f'cn=pwadm_group_adm,ou=Groups,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}')
    grp.remove('uniqueMember', f'uid=pwadm_admin_2,ou=People,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}')
    # Change users password by ex-admin user
    with pytest.raises(ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS):
        change_password_of_user(topo, [('uid=pwadm_admin_2,ou=People', 'Secret123', 'Secret')],
    # Set aci for only user
    people = Domain(topo.standalone, f"ou=People,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}")
                  f'(targetattr ="userpassword")(version 3.0;acl '
                  f'"Allow passwords admin to write user '
                  f'passwords";allow (write)(groupdn = "ldap:///cn=pwadm_group_adm,ou=Groups,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}");)')
               f'(targetattr ="userpassword")(version 3.0;acl "Allow passwords admin '
               f'to write user passwords";allow (write)(groupdn = "ldap:///uid=pwadm_admin_1,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}");)')
    # Remove group from password admin configuration
    Config(topo.standalone).replace('passwordAdminDN', f"uid=pwadm_admin_1,{DEFAULT_SUFFIX}")
    # Change user's password by ex-admin user
    with pytest.raises(ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS):
        change_password_of_user(topo, [('uid=pwadm_admin_2,ou=People', 'Secret123', 'hellso')],
    with pytest.raises(ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS):
        change_password_of_user(topo, [('uid=pwadm_admin_2,ou=People', 'Secret123', 'hellso')],