def test(): nwmc = NWords2MonteCarlo( open("/home/cw/Documents/Experiments/SegLab/NWords/csdn-rded.txt"), 4) ml2p_list = nwmc.sample() mc = MonteCarloLib(ml2p_list) ipt = "" while ipt != "exit": ipt = input("Enter password: ") ml2p = nwmc.calc_ml2p(ipt) print(ml2p) print(mc.ml2p2rank(ml2p)) pass
def test(): bpePcfg = BpePcfgSim(model_path="/home/cw/Documents/tmp/model") samples = bpePcfg.sample(size=1000000) monte_carlo = MonteCarloLib(minus_log_prob_list=samples) while True: pwd = input("type in a password: "******"pwd: {pwd}, prob: {2 ** (-prob)}", end=", ") rank = monte_carlo.ml2p2rank(prob) print(f"rank: {rank}") pass
def wrapper(): cli = argparse.ArgumentParser("N words simulator") cli.add_argument("-i", "--input", dest="input", type=argparse.FileType('r'), required=True, help="nwords file") cli.add_argument("-t", "--test", dest="test", type=argparse.FileType('r'), required=True, help="testing file") cli.add_argument("-s", "--save", dest="save", type=argparse.FileType('w'), required=True, help="save Monte Carlo results here") cli.add_argument("-n", "--ngram", dest="ngram", type=int, required=False, default=2, choices=[2, 3, 4, 5, 6], help="ngram") cli.add_argument("--size", dest="size", type=int, required=False, default=100000, help="sample size") cli.add_argument("--splitter", dest="splitter", type=lambda x: str(x).replace("\\\\", "\\"), required=False, default="\t", help="how to divide different columns from the input file. " "Set it \"empty\" to represent \'\'") cli.add_argument("--start4word", dest="start4word", type=int, required=False, default=0, help="start index for words, to fit as much as formats of input. An entry per line. " "We get an array of words by splitting the entry. " "\"start4word\" is the index of the first word in the array") cli.add_argument("--skip4word", dest="skip4word", type=int, required=False, default=1, help="there may be other elements between words, such as tags. " "Set skip4word larger than 1 to skip unwanted elements.") args = cli.parse_args() if args.splitter == 'empty': args.splitter = '' nword_mc = NWordsMonteCarlo(args.input, splitter=args.splitter, n=args.ngram, start4word=args.start4word, skip4word=args.skip4word) ml2p_list = nword_mc.sample(size=args.size) mc = MonteCarloLib(ml2p_list) scored_testing = nword_mc.parse_file(args.test) mc.ml2p_iter2gc(minus_log_prob_iter=scored_testing) mc.write2( pass
def main(): cli = argparse.ArgumentParser("NWords v2") cli.add_argument("-f", "--file", dest="training", required=True, type=argparse.FileType("r"), help="training set") cli.add_argument("-t", "--target", dest="testing", required=True, type=argparse.FileType("r"), help="testing set") cli.add_argument("-s", "--save", dest="save", required=False, default=sys.stdout, type=argparse.FileType("w"), help="save results") args = cli.parse_args() nwmc = NWords2MonteCarlo(, 4) ml2p_list = nwmc.sample() mc = MonteCarloLib(ml2p_list) scored_testing = nwmc.parse_file(args.testing) mc.ml2p_iter2gc(minus_log_prob_iter=scored_testing) mc.write2(
def wrapper(): cli = argparse.ArgumentParser("Backoff words simulator") cli.add_argument("-m", "--model", dest="model", type=argparse.FileType('rb'), required=True, help="trained model") cli.add_argument("-t", "--test", dest="test", type=argparse.FileType('r'), required=True, help="testing file") cli.add_argument("-s", "--save", dest="save", type=argparse.FileType('w'), required=True, help="save Monte Carlo results here") cli.add_argument("--size", dest="size", type=int, required=False, default=100000, help="sample size") cli.add_argument( "--debug-mode", dest="debug_mode", required=False, action="store_true", help="enter passwords and show probability of the password") cli.add_argument( "--max-iter", dest="max_iter", required=False, default=10**20, type=int, help= "max iteration when calculating the maximum probability of a password") args = cli.parse_args() backword_mc = BackWordsSecondaryMonteCarlo(args.model, max_iter=args.max_iter) if args.debug_mode: usr_i = "" while usr_i != "exit": usr_i = input("type in passwords: ") prob, components = backword_mc.calc_ml2p(usr_i) print(prob) return ml2p_list = backword_mc.sample(size=args.size) mc = MonteCarloLib(ml2p_list) scored_testing = backword_mc.parse_file(args.test) mc.ml2p_iter2gc(minus_log_prob_iter=scored_testing) mc.write2(
def wrapper(model_path: str, testing_set: TextIO, save2: TextIO, size: int = 1000000): # "/home/cw/Documents/tmp/model" bpePcfg = BpePcfgSim(model_path=model_path) samples = bpePcfg.sample(size=size) # open("/home/cw/Documents/tmp/178_new.txt") scored = bpePcfg.parse_file(testing_set) monte_carlo = MonteCarloLib(minus_log_prob_list=samples) monte_carlo.ml2p_iter2gc(scored, need_resort=True, add1=True) # open("/home/cw/Documents/tmp/scored_178.txt", "w") monte_carlo.write2(save2) pass
def wrapper(): cli = argparse.ArgumentParser("Backoff words simulator") cli.add_argument("-i", "--input", dest="input", type=argparse.FileType('r'), required=True, help="nwords file") cli.add_argument("-t", "--test", dest="test", type=argparse.FileType('r'), required=True, help="testing file") cli.add_argument("-s", "--save", dest="save", type=argparse.FileType('w'), required=True, help="save Monte Carlo results here") cli.add_argument("--size", dest="size", type=int, required=False, default=100000, help="sample size") cli.add_argument("--splitter", dest="splitter", type=str, required=False, default="empty", help="how to divide different columns from the input file, " "set it \"empty\" to represent \'\', \"space\" for \' \', \"tab\" for \'\t\'") cli.add_argument("--start4word", dest="start4word", type=int, required=False, default=0, help="start index for words, to fit as much as formats of input. An entry per line. " "We get an array of words by splitting the entry. " "\"start4word\" is the index of the first word in the array") cli.add_argument("--skip4word", dest="skip4word", type=int, required=False, default=1, help="there may be other elements between words, such as tags. " "Set skip4word larger than 1 to skip unwanted elements.") cli.add_argument("--threshold", dest="threshold", required=False, type=int, default=10, help="grams whose frequencies less than the threshold will be ignored") cli.add_argument("--debug-mode", dest="debug_mode", required=False, action="store_true", help="enter passwords and show probability of the password") cli.add_argument("--max-gram", dest="max_gram", required=False, type=int, default=256, help="max gram") cli.add_argument("--max-iter", dest="max_iter", required=False, default=10 ** 20, type=int, help="max iteration when calculating the maximum probability of a password") args = cli.parse_args() splitter_map = {'empty': '', 'space': ' ', 'tab': '\t'} if args.splitter.lower() in splitter_map: args.splitter = splitter_map[args.splitter.lower()] backword_mc = BackWordsMonteCarlo(args.input, splitter=args.splitter, start4word=args.start4word, skip4word=args.skip4word, threshold=args.threshold, max_gram=args.max_gram, max_iter=args.max_iter) if args.debug_mode: usr_i = "" while usr_i != "exit": usr_i = input("type in passwords: ") prob, components = backword_mc.calc_ml2p(usr_i) print(prob) return ml2p_list = backword_mc.sample(size=args.size) mc = MonteCarloLib(ml2p_list) scored_testing = backword_mc.parse_file(args.test) mc.ml2p_iter2gc(minus_log_prob_iter=scored_testing) mc.write2(
def secondary_cracker(backwords, words, config, func_threshold: Tuple[int, int], **kwargs): save_in_folder = kwargs['save'] tag = kwargs['tag'] nwords_dict, _words = backwords_counter(nwords_list=kwargs['training'], splitter=kwargs['splitter'], start_chr=config['start_chr'], end_chr=config['end_chr'], start4words=kwargs['start4words'], step4words=kwargs['skip4words'], max_gram=kwargs['max_gram'], nwords_dict=backwords, words=words, threshold=kwargs['threshold']) fmodel = os.path.join(save_in_folder, f"model-to-crack-{tag}.pickle") with open(fmodel, 'wb') as fd: sign = kwargs['sign'] config['training_list'].append(f"{sign}") pickle.dump((nwords_dict, words, config), file=fd) backword_mc = BackWordsSecondaryMonteCarlo((nwords_dict, _words, config), max_iter=kwargs['max_iter']) # Note: this part is to "generate" some guesses and crack passwords in the testing dataset # # Besides, here we allow the user to provide a list which holds the sampled passwords # Then, we calculate the intersection of the sampled passwords and the testing dataset to # obtain the cracked passwords using_sample_attack = kwargs['using_sample_attack'] sampled_pwds = None if using_sample_attack: sampled_pwds = {} ml2p_list = backword_mc.sample(size=kwargs['size'], sampled_pwds=sampled_pwds) if using_sample_attack: f_samples = os.path.join(save_in_folder, f"samples-{tag}.txt") with open(f_samples, 'w') as fout_samples: sidx = 1 for pwd, (prob, cnt) in sorted(sampled_pwds.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][0]): fout_samples.write(f"{pwd}\t{prob:.8f}\t{cnt}\n") sampled_pwds[pwd] = sidx sidx += cnt pass mc = MonteCarloLib(ml2p_list) scored_testing = backword_mc.parse_file(kwargs['testing'], using_component=True) gc = mc.ml2p_iter2gc(minus_log_prob_iter=scored_testing) secondary_training = [] fcracked = os.path.join(save_in_folder, f"cracked-{tag}.txt") already_cracked = kwargs['already_cracked'] cum: List[Tuple[str, float, int, int]] = kwargs['cum'] with open(fcracked, 'w') as fout: unique, max_gn = 0, 0 gn_upper_bound, hits_upper_bound = func_threshold for pwd, prob, num, gn, cracked, ratio in gc: _pwd = kwargs['splitter'].join(pwd) if _pwd in already_cracked: continue valid1 = (using_sample_attack and _pwd in sampled_pwds) if valid1: gn = sampled_pwds[_pwd] if valid1 or (not using_sample_attack and (gn < gn_upper_bound and unique < hits_upper_bound)): unique += 1 max_gn = max(max_gn, gn) secondary_training.extend([_pwd] * num) cum.append((_pwd, prob, num, gn)) fout.write(f"{_pwd}\t{prob:.8f}\t{num}\t{gn}\n") already_cracked.add(_pwd) pass secondary_sample_size = kwargs['secondary_sample'] if secondary_sample_size < len(secondary_training): print( f"We sample {secondary_sample_size} passwords to perform secondary training in the next round", file=sys.stderr) fsample = os.path.join(save_in_folder, f"sampled-{tag}.txt") secondary_training = random.sample(secondary_training, secondary_sample_size) with open(fsample, 'w') as fout: for pwd in secondary_training: fout.write(f"{pwd}\n") pass return nwords_dict, _words, config, secondary_training, max_gn
def wrapper(): cli = argparse.ArgumentParser('Backwords secondary main') cli.add_argument("-i", "--training", dest="training", type=argparse.FileType('r'), required=True, help="The training file, each password a line") cli.add_argument("-t", "--testing", dest="testing", type=argparse.FileType('r'), required=True, help="The testing file, each password a line") cli.add_argument("-s", "--save", dest="save", required=True, type=str, help='A folder, results will be saved in this folder') cli.add_argument( "--strategy", dest="strategy", required=True, type=str, nargs="+", # choices=['guesses', 'hits', 'samples'], help= '`guesses <guesses1> <guesses2> ...` means guess number thresholds, ' '`hits <cracked1> <cracked2>` means cracked passwords, ' '`auto_hits <factor> <base> <termination>` means auto generate ' '<cracked1 = factor * base> <cracked2> <cracked2 = factor ** 2 * base>' '`samples <rounds>` means the number of iterations of' 'Monte Carlo simulation') cli.add_argument("--size", dest="size", type=int, required=False, default=100000, help="sample size") cli.add_argument( "--secondary-sample", dest="secondary_sample", type=int, required=False, default=10000000000, help="use some of the cracked passwords for secondary training.") cli.add_argument( "--splitter", dest="splitter", type=str, required=False, default="empty", help="how to divide different columns from the input file, " "set it \"empty\" to represent \'\', \"space\" for \' \', \"tab\" for \'\t\'" ) cli.add_argument( "--start4word", dest="start4words", type=int, required=False, default=0, help= "start index for words, to fit as much as formats of input. An entry per line. " "We get an array of words by splitting the entry. " "\"start4word\" is the index of the first word in the array") cli.add_argument( "--skip4word", dest="skip4words", type=int, required=False, default=1, help="there may be other elements between words, such as tags. " "Set skip4word larger than 1 to skip unwanted elements.") cli.add_argument("--max-gram", dest="max_gram", required=False, type=int, default=256, help="max gram") cli.add_argument( "--threshold", dest="threshold", required=False, type=int, default=10, help="grams whose frequencies less than the threshold will be ignored") cli.add_argument( "--max-iter", dest="max_iter", required=False, default=10**20, type=int, help= "max iteration when calculating the maximum probability of a password") args = cli.parse_args() strategy_value = args.strategy strategy = strategy_value[0] permits = {'guesses', 'hits', 'samples', 'auto_hits'} if strategy not in permits: print(f"strategy should be one of `{', '.join(permits)}`", file=sys.stderr) return if len(strategy_value) < 2: print(f"strategy should have at least 2 values", file=sys.stderr) return using_sample_attack, signs = False, [] upper_bound, hits_upper_bound = 10**14, 10**14 func_thresholds = [] if strategy == 'guesses': print(f"using guesses", file=sys.stderr) values = strategy_value[1:] values = [int(v) for v in values] for i, v in enumerate(values): func_thresholds.append((v, hits_upper_bound)) signs.append(f"guesses-{v:,}") pass elif strategy == 'hits': print(f"using hits", file=sys.stderr) values = strategy_value[1:] values = [int(v) for v in values] for i, v in enumerate(values): func_thresholds.append((upper_bound, v)) signs.append(f"hits-{v:,}") pass elif strategy == 'auto_hits': print(f"using auto_hits", file=sys.stderr) factor, base, termination = int(strategy_value[1]), int( strategy_value[2]), int(strategy_value[3]) end = math.ceil( math.log(termination / max(base, 1)) / math.log(max(factor, 1))) for i, v in enumerate(range(1, end)): nv = (factor**v) * base func_thresholds.append((upper_bound, nv)) signs.append(f"auto_hits-{v:,}") else: print(f"using samples", file=sys.stderr) v = int(strategy_value[1]) func_thresholds = [(upper_bound, hits_upper_bound) for _ in range(v)] signs = [f"samples-{args.size}" for _ in range(v)] using_sample_attack = True pass rounds = len(func_thresholds) splitter_map = {'empty': '', 'space': ' ', 'tab': '\t'} if args.splitter.lower() in splitter_map: args.splitter = splitter_map[args.splitter.lower()] start_chr, end_chr, training_list = '\x03', '\x00', [] config = { 'start_chr': start_chr, 'end_chr': end_chr, 'max_gram': args.max_gram, 'threshold': args.threshold, 'training_list': training_list } backwords, words = None, None training = if not os.path.exists( os.mkdir( already_cracked = set() print(f"We will have {rounds} rounds", file=sys.stderr, end=', ') cums: List[List[Tuple[str, float, int, int]]] = [] max_guess_numbers = [] for idx in range(rounds): # guess_number_threshold have default value of [args.size, ..., args.size] if it is None func_threshold = func_thresholds[idx] # Therefore, prior_guesses will always be args.size if `--using-samples` print(f"The {idx}-th iteration", file=sys.stderr) cum = [] backwords, words, config, training, max_gn = secondary_cracker( backwords, words, config=config, func_threshold=func_threshold, training=training, splitter=args.splitter, start4words=args.start4words, skip4words=args.skip4words, max_gram=args.max_gram, size=args.size, max_iter=args.max_iter, testing=args.testing,, secondary_sample=args.secondary_sample, already_cracked=already_cracked, cum=cum, threshold=args.threshold, sign=signs[idx], using_sample_attack=using_sample_attack, tag=f"iter-{idx}", ) cums.append(cum) max_guess_numbers.append(max_gn) if max_gn >= upper_bound: print( f"Too large guess number reached: {max_gn}, the training process is terminated", file=sys.stderr) break pass backwords, words = backwords_counter(training, splitter=args.splitter, start_chr=start_chr, end_chr=end_chr, start4words=args.start4words, step4words=args.skip4words, max_gram=args.max_gram, nwords_dict=backwords, words=words, threshold=args.threshold) f_final_model = os.path.join(, "final_model.pickle") with open(f_final_model, 'wb') as fout_final_model: pickle.dump((backwords, words, config), file=fout_final_model) print("Training phase done.", file=sys.stderr) backword_mc = BackWordsSecondaryMonteCarlo((backwords, words, config), max_iter=args.max_iter) ml2p_list = backword_mc.sample(size=args.size) mc = MonteCarloLib(ml2p_list) scored_testing = backword_mc.parse_file(args.testing) gc = mc.ml2p_iter2gc(minus_log_prob_iter=scored_testing) # note that this is the cracked passwords obtained according to the final model f_iter_result = os.path.join(, "iter_result.txt") with open(f_iter_result, 'w') as fout_iter_result: cum = [] for pwd, prob, num, gn, cracked, ratio in gc: fout_iter_result.write( f"{pwd}\t{prob:.8f}\t{num}\t{gn}\t{cracked}\t{ratio:5.2f}\n") if pwd not in already_cracked: cum.append((pwd, prob, num, gn)) pass cums.append(cum) pass # note that this is the union of all intermediate results # each guess matters in this result file f_sectional_result = os.path.join(, "sectional_result.txt") with open(f_sectional_result, "w") as fout_sectional_result: _cracked = 0 _total = wc_l(args.testing) for gnt, cum in zip([0, *max_guess_numbers], cums): for (_pwd, _prob, _n, _gn) in cum: _cracked += _n _ratio = _cracked / _total * 100 fout_sectional_result.write( f"{_pwd}\t{_prob:.8f}\t{_n}\t{_gn + gnt}\t{_cracked}\t{_ratio:5.2f}\n" ) pass f_config = os.path.join(, "config.json") with open(f_config, 'w') as fout_config: json.dump(config, fp=fout_config, indent=2) args.testing.close() pass