def wallFollowerModel(K, T=0.1, V=0.1):
    multipliedResult = K * (T**2) * V
    num1 = poly.Polynomial([multipliedResult, 0, 0])
    den1 = poly.Polynomial([1, -2, 1])
    top = sf.SystemFunctional(num1, den1)
    return sf.FeedbackSubtract(
        top, sf.SystemFunctional(poly.Polynomial([1]), poly.Polynomial([1])))
예제 #2
def angleModel(Kp, Ka):
    T = 0.1
    V = 0.1
    plant1 = sf.SystemFunctional(poly.Polynomial([T, 0]),
                                 poly.Polynomial([-1, 1]))
    smallFeedbackNum = sf.Cascade(plant1, sf.Gain(Ka))
    smallFeedbackDen = sf.Gain(1)
    smallFeedback = sf.FeedbackSubtract(smallFeedbackNum, smallFeedbackDen)

    firstCascade = sf.Cascade(sf.Gain(float(Kp) / Ka), smallFeedback)
    plant2 = sf.SystemFunctional(poly.Polynomial([T * V, 0]),
                                 poly.Polynomial([-1, 1]))
    secondCascade = sf.Cascade(firstCascade, plant2)

    return sf.FeedbackSubtract(secondCascade, sf.Gain(1))
def delayPlusPropModel(k1, k2):
    T = 0.1
    V = 0.1

    # Controller:  your code here
    ##    controller = sf.Sum(sf.Gain(k1), sf.Cascade(sf.Gain(k2), sf.R()))
    controller = sf.SystemFunction(poly.Polynomial([k2, k1]),
    # The plant is like the one for the proportional controller.  Use
    # your definition from last week.
    plant1 = sf.Cascade(sf.Gain(0.1), sf.FeedbackAdd(sf.R(), sf.Gain(1)))
    plant2 = sf.Cascade(sf.Gain(0.1 * 0.1), sf.FeedbackAdd(sf.R(), sf.Gain(1)))
    # Combine the three parts
    sys = sf.FeedbackSubtract(
        sf.Cascade(controller, sf.Cascade(plant1, plant2)), sf.Gain(1))
    return sys
예제 #4
 def poles(self):  # returns a list of the poles
     # the poles are the solutions to the poly in the denom
     # where z = 1/R
     coeffsInZ = self.denominator.coeffs[:]
     coeffsInZ = list(reversed(coeffsInZ))
     polyInZ = poly.Polynomial(coeffsInZ)
     return polyInZ.roots()
 def poles(self):
     """Returns a list of the poles of the system"""
     coeffsZ = self.denominator.coeffs[:]
     # Reverse so the coefficients are in ascending order
     coeffsZ = list(reversed(coeffsZ))
     # Create a polynomial with these coefficients
     polyZ = poly.Polynomial(coeffsZ)
     # The roots of this polynomial are the poles
     return polyZ.roots()
import lib601.poly as poly
import swLab04SignalDefinitions
       )  # so changes you make in will be reloaded
from swLab04SignalDefinitions import *

##StepSignal().plot(-10, 10)

##SummedSignal(ConstantSignal(3.0), StepSignal()).plot(-10, 10)

##ScaledSignal(UnitSampleSignal(), 3).plot(-3, 3)

##R(UnitSampleSignal()).plot(-5, 5)

##Rn(UnitSampleSignal(), 3).plot(-5, 5)

polyR(UnitSampleSignal(), poly.Polynomial([3, 2, 1])).plot(-5, 5)
예제 #7
import lib601.poly as poly
import sfSkeleton as sf

import math
import lib601.poly as poly
import lib601.util as util

# Part 1: Stable?

s1 = sf.SystemFunction(poly.Polynomial([-1]), poly.Polynomial([1, 5. / 6.,
print "dominant pole magnitude :", s1.dominantPole()
print "unstable, non oscillatory"

s2 = sf.SystemFunction(poly.Polynomial([1]),
                       poly.Polynomial([3. / 8., 5. / 4., 1]))
print "dominant pole magnitude :", abs(s2.dominantPole())
print "stable, oscillatory"

s3 = sf.SystemFunction(poly.Polynomial([1]),
                       poly.Polynomial([9. / 8., 3. / 2., 1]))
print "dominant pole magnitude :", abs(s3.dominantPole())
print "unstable, oscillatory"

s4 = sf.SystemFunction(poly.Polynomial([1]), poly.Polynomial([1. / 2., 1, 1]))
print "dominant pole magnitude :", abs(s4.dominantPole())
print "stable, oscillatory"

# Part 2: DiffEq Behavior
sA = sf.SystemFunction(poly.Polynomial([1]),
예제 #8
import math
import lib601.poly as poly

coeffs = [1, 2, 1]
p = poly.Polynomial(coeffs)
print p.roots()
예제 #9
import lib601.poly as poly
import lib601.sig
from lib601.sig import *

## You can evaluate expressions that use any of the classes or
## functions from the sig module (Signals class, etc.).  You do not
## need to prefix them with "sig."

s = UnitSampleSignal()
#s.plot(-5, 5)

import math
cs = CosineSignal(math.pi / 8)
# cs.plot(-10, 10)

step_signal = MyStepSignal()
sum_signal = MySummedSignal(step_signal, step_signal)

# sum_signal.plot(-5, 5)

p = poly.Polynomial([1, 2, 3])
a = myPolyR(s, p)

a.plot(-5, 5)

예제 #10
import lib601.poly as poly
import sfSkeleton as sf

##  Examples from handout on SystemFunction class
##  You should comment out the parts that you don't want

s1 = sf.SystemFunction(poly.Polynomial([1]),
                       poly.Polynomial([0.63, -1.6, 1]))

print '----------------------------------------'
print 's1:', s1
print 's1.poles():', s1.poles()
print 's1.poleMagnitudes():', s1.poleMagnitudes()
print 's1.dominantPole():', s1.dominantPole()

s2 = sf.SystemFunction(poly.Polynomial([1]),
                       poly.Polynomial([1.1, -1.9, 1]))

print '----------------------------------------'
print 's2:', s2
print 's2.poles():', s2.poles()
print 's2.poleMagnitudes():', s2.poleMagnitudes()
print 's2.dominantPole():', s2.dominantPole()

T = 0.1
k = 2.0
controller = sf.SystemFunction(poly.Polynomial([-k]), poly.Polynomial([1]))
plant = sf.SystemFunction(poly.Polynomial([-T, 0]), poly.Polynomial([-1, 1]))
예제 #11
def plant1(T):
    return sf.SystemFunction(poly.Polynomial([T, 0]), poly.Polynomial([-1, 1]))
예제 #12
import lib601.sig
from lib601.sig import *
from swLab04SignalDefinitions import *

## You can evaluate expressions that use any of the classes or
## functions from the sig module (Signals class, etc.).  You do not
## need to prefix them with "sig."

s = UnitSampleSignal()
s.plot(-5, 5)

def samplesInRange(signal, lo, hi):
    return [signal.sample(i) for i in range(lo, hi)]

step1 = Rn(ScaledSignal(StepSignal(), 3), 3)
print samplesInRange(step1, -5, 5)
step2 = SummedSignal(Rn(step1, 5), ConstantSignal(-3))
print samplesInRange(step2, -10, 10)
stepUpDown = SummedSignal(step1, SummedSignal(Rn(step1, 4),
# stepUpDown.plot(-10,10)
p = poly.Polynomial([5, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0])
stepUpDownPoly = polyR(UnitSampleSignal(), p)
stepUpDownPoly1 = polyRRec(UnitSampleSignal(), p)
stepUpDownPoly.plot(0, 10)
print samplesInRange(stepUpDownPoly, 0, 10)
print samplesInRange(stepUpDownPoly1, 0, 10)
def FeedbackSubtract(sf1, sf2=None):
        sf1, sf2: instances of the SystemFunction class

        a new instance of the SystemFunction class that represents the feedback 
        subtract composition of the input systems
    newNumerator = sf1.numerator * sf2.denominator
    newDenominator = (sf1.numerator * sf2.numerator + 
                      sf1.denominator * sf2.denominator)
    return SystemFunction(newNumerator, newDenominator)

# Real poles sample output
s1 = sf.SystemFunction(poly.Polynomial([1]), poly.Polynomial([0.63, -1.6, 1]))
# SF(1.000/0.630 R**2 + -1.600R + 1.000)
# [0.90000000000000069, 0.69999999999999951]
# [0.90000000000000069, 0.69999999999999951]
# 0.90000000000000069

# Complex poles sample output
s2 = sf.SystemFunction(poly.Polynomial([1]), poly.Polynomial([1.1, -1.9, 1]))
# SF(1.000/1.100 R**2 + -1.900R + 1.000)
# [(0.94999999999999996+0.44440972086577957j), 
예제 #14
import math
import lib601.poly as poly
import lib601.sf as sf

def wallFollowerModel(K, T=0.1, V=0.1):
    numerator = poly.polynomial([K * T * T * V, 0, 0])
    denominator = poly.polynomial([K * T * T * V + 1, -2, 1])
    result = sf.SystemFunctional(numerator, denominator)
    return result

def periodOfPole(pole):
    real = pole.real
    imag = pole.imag
    if math.atan2(imag, real) == 0:
        return real
        return abs(2 * math.pi / math.atan2(imag, real))

def Pole(K):
    return (2 + math.sqrt(abs(4 - 4 * (1 + K * 0.1 * 0.1 * 0.1)))) / 2

for k in [0.2, 1, 10, 50, 100]:
    numerator = poly.Polynomial([k * 0.1 * 0.1 * 0.1, 0, 0])
    denominator = poly.Polynomial([k * 0.1 * 0.1 * 0.1 + 1, -2, 1])
    result = sf.SystemFunctional(numerator, denominator)
    print result.dominantPole(), periodOfPole(result.dominantPole())
import lib601.poly as poly
import lib601.sig
from lib601.sig import *

## You can evaluate expressions that use any of the classes or
## functions from the sig module (Signals class, etc.).  You do not
## need to prefix them with "sig."

step1 = ScaledSignal(Rn(StepSignal(), 3), 3.0)
step1a = polyR(StepSignal(), poly.Polynomial([3, 0, 0, 0]))

##step1.plot(-10, 10)
##step1a.plot(-10, 10)

step2 = ScaledSignal(Rn(StepSignal(), 7), -3.0)
##step2.plot(0, 20)

stepUpDown = SummedSignal(step1, step2)
##stepUpDown.plot(0, 20)

stepUpDownPoly = polyR(UnitSampleSignal(),
                       poly.Polynomial([5.0, 0, 3.0, 0, 1.0, 0]))
stepUpDownPoly.plot(0, 10)
예제 #16
def controller(k):
    return sf.SystemFunction(poly.Polynomial([k]), poly.Polynomial([1]))
def polyR(s, p):
    if len(p.coeffs) == 1:
        return p.coeffs[0] * s
    return p.coeffs[-1] * s + R(polyR(s, poly.Polynomial(p.coeffs[:-1])))
예제 #18
def plant2(T, V):
    return sf.SystemFunction(poly.Polynomial([T * V, 0]),
                             poly.Polynomial([-1, 1]))
예제 #19
        dominantPole = util.argmax(poles, abs)
        return dominantPole

    def __str__(self):
        return 'SF(' + self.numerator.__str__('R') + \
               '/' + self.denominator.__str__('R') + ')'

    __repr__ = __str__

def Cascade(sf1, sf2):
    d1 = sf1.denominator
    n1 = sf1.numerator
    d2 = sf2.denominator
    n2 = sf2.numerator
    casD = d1 * d2
    casN = n1 * n2
    return SystemFunction(casN, casD)

def FeedbackSubtract(sf1, sf2=None):
    # n1d2/(d1d2+n1n2)
    numerator = sf1.numerator * sf2.denominator
    denominator = sf1.numerator * sf2.numerator + sf1.denominator * sf2.denominator
    return SystemFunction(numerator, denominator)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    polys = poly.Polynomial([64, 16 * 8, 63])
    print polys.roots()
예제 #20
def makeSF(K):
    return sf.SystemFunctional(poly.Polynomial([K,0]),poly.Polynomial([K,-1,1]))
예제 #21
 def poles(self):
     reverDe = self.denominator.coeffs[:]
     new_poly = poly.Polynomial(reverDe)
     return new_poly.roots()
예제 #22
def makeSF(K):
    num = poly.Polynomial([K, 0])
    den = poly.Polynomial([K, -1, 1])
    return sf.SystemFunctional(num, den)
예제 #23
        self.m = m
        self.pureMachine = self.m

    def sample(self, n):
        if n < 0:
            return 0
            samples = samplesInRange(self.s, n, n + 1)
            return self.m.transduce(samples)[-1]

# Part 2: Application
polyList = []
for i in range(51):
    if i == 0 or i == 20 or i == 50:
p = poly.Polynomial(polyList)
inputSig = polyR(UnitSampleSignal(), p)
bankLTISM = LTISM([1], [0.99], [], [0])
bankSig = TransducedSignal(inputSig, bankLTISM)
balance = samplesInRange(bankSig, 0, 61)

print "Value at time 10: ", balance[10]
print "Value at time 20: ", balance[20]
print "Value at time 30: ", balance[30]
print "Value at time 40: ", balance[40]
print "Value at time 50: ", balance[50]
print "Value at time 60: ", balance[60]