def __print_bugs(self, bugs): report_num = len(bugs) if report_num > 0: index_format = ' %%%dd, ' % int( math.floor(math.log10(report_num)) + 1) non_suppressed = 0 for bug in bugs: last_event = bug.get_last_event() if self.skiplist_handler and \ self.skiplist_handler.should_skip( last_event.start_pos.file_path): LOG.debug(bug.hash_value + ' is skipped (in ' + last_event.start_pos.file_path + ")") continue sp_handler = suppress_handler.SourceSuppressHandler(bug) # Check for suppress comment. if sp_handler.get_suppressed(): continue self.__output.write( self.__format_bug_event(bug.checker_name, last_event)) self.__output.write('\n') self.__output.write(self.__format_location(last_event)) self.__output.write('\n') if self.__print_steps: self.__output.write(' Steps:\n') for index, event in enumerate( self.__output.write(index_format % (index + 1)) self.__output.write(self.__format_bug_event(None, event)) self.__output.write('\n') self.__output.write('\n') non_suppressed += 1 if non_suppressed == 0: self.__output.write('%s found no defects while analyzing %s\n' % (self.buildaction.analyzer_type, ntpath.basename(self.analyzed_source_file))) else: self.__output.write( '%s found %d defect(s) while analyzing %s\n\n' % (self.buildaction.analyzer_type, non_suppressed, ntpath.basename(self.analyzed_source_file)))
def get_diff_report_dir(client, baseids, report_dir, cmp_data): filtered_reports = [] report_dir_results = get_report_dir_results(report_dir) new_hashes = {} suppressed_in_code = [] for rep in report_dir_results: bughash = rep.main['issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context'] source_file = rep.main['location']['file_name'] bug_line = rep.main['location']['line'] new_hashes[bughash] = rep sp_handler = suppress_handler.SourceSuppressHandler( source_file, bug_line, bughash, rep.main['check_name']) if sp_handler.get_suppressed(): suppressed_in_code.append(bughash) LOG.debug("Bug " + bughash + "is suppressed in code. file:" + source_file + "Line "+str(bug_line)) base_hashes = client.getDiffResultsHash(baseids, new_hashes.keys(), cmp_data.diffType) if cmp_data.diffType == ttypes.DiffType.NEW or \ cmp_data.diffType == ttypes.DiffType.UNRESOLVED: # Shows reports from the report dir which are not present in the # baseline (NEW reports) or appear in both side (UNRESOLVED # reports) and not suppressed in the code. for result in report_dir_results: h = result.main['issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context'] if h in base_hashes and h not in suppressed_in_code: filtered_reports.append(result) elif cmp_data.diffType == ttypes.DiffType.RESOLVED: # Show bugs in the baseline (server) which are not present in the # report dir or suppressed. results = get_diff_base_results(client, baseids, base_hashes, suppressed_in_code) for result in results: filtered_reports.append(result) return filtered_reports
def get_diff_report_dir(client, baseids, report_dir, diff_type): report_filter = ttypes.ReportFilter() add_filter_conditions(report_filter, args.filter) sort_mode = [(ttypes.SortMode(ttypes.SortType.FILENAME, ttypes.Order.ASC))] limit = constants.MAX_QUERY_SIZE offset = 0 base_results = [] results = client.getRunResults(baseids, limit, offset, sort_mode, report_filter, None) while results: base_results.extend(results) offset += limit results = client.getRunResults(baseids, limit, offset, sort_mode, report_filter, None) base_hashes = {} for res in base_results: base_hashes[res.bugHash] = res filtered_reports = [] new_results = get_report_dir_results(report_dir) new_hashes = {} suppressed_in_code = [] for rep in new_results: bughash = rep.main['issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context'] source_file = rep.main['location']['file_name'] bug_line = rep.main['location']['line'] new_hashes[bughash] = rep sp_handler = suppress_handler.SourceSuppressHandler( source_file, bug_line, bughash, rep.main['check_name']) if sp_handler.get_suppressed(): suppressed_in_code.append(bughash) LOG.debug("Bug " + bughash + "is suppressed in code. file:" + source_file + "Line " + str(bug_line)) if diff_type == 'new': # Shows new reports from the report dir # which are not present in the baseline (server) # and not suppressed in the code. for result in new_results: if not (result.main['issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context'] in base_hashes) and \ not (result.main['issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context'] in suppressed_in_code): filtered_reports.append(result) elif diff_type == 'resolved': # Show bugs in the baseline (server) # which are not present in the report dir # or suppressed. for result in base_results: if not (result.bugHash in new_hashes) or \ (result.bugHash in suppressed_in_code): filtered_reports.append(result) elif diff_type == 'unresolved': # Shows bugs in the report dir # that are not suppressed and # which are also present in the baseline (server) for result in new_results: new_hash = result.main['issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context'] if new_hash in base_hashes and \ not (new_hash in suppressed_in_code): filtered_reports.append(result) return filtered_reports
def __store_bugs(self, files, reports, connection, analisys_id): file_ids = {} # Send content of file to the server if needed. for file_name in files: file_descriptor = connection.need_file_content( self.__run_id, file_name) file_ids[file_name] = file_descriptor.fileId # Sometimes the file doesn't exist, e.g. when the input of the # analysis is pure plist files. if not os.path.isfile(file_name): LOG.debug(file_name + ' not found, and will not be stored.') continue if file_descriptor.needed: with open(file_name, 'r') as source_file: file_content = compressed_file = zlib.compress(file_content, zlib.Z_BEST_COMPRESSION) # TODO: we may not use the file content in the end # depending on skippaths. LOG.debug('storing file content to the database') connection.add_file_content(file_descriptor.fileId, compressed_file) # Skipping reports in header files handled here. report_ids = [] for report in reports: events = [i for i in report.bug_path if i.get('kind') == 'event'] # Skip list handler can be None if no config file is set. if self.skiplist_handler: # Skip is checked based on the file path of the last reported # event. # TODO: this should be changed in later versions # to use the main diag section to check if the report # should be skipped or not. f_path = files[events[-1]['location']['file']] if events and self.skiplist_handler.should_skip(f_path): LOG.debug(report + ' is skipped (in ' + f_path + ")") continue # Create remaining data for bugs and send them to the server. # In plist file the source and target of the arrows are provided as # starting and ending ranges of the arrow. The path A->B->C is # given as A->B and B->C, thus range B is provided twice. So in the # loop only target points of the arrows are stored, and an extra # insertion is done for the source of the first arrow before the # loop. bug_paths = [] report_path = [ i for i in report.bug_path if i.get('kind') == 'control' ] if report_path: try: start_range = report_path[0]['edges'][0]['start'] start1_line = start_range[0]['line'] start1_col = start_range[0]['col'] start2_line = start_range[1]['line'] start2_col = start_range[1]['col'] source_file_path = files[start_range[1]['file']] bug_paths.append( shared.ttypes.BugPathPos(start1_line, start1_col, start2_line, start2_col, file_ids[source_file_path])) except IndexError: pass for path in report_path: try: end_range = path['edges'][0]['end'] end1_line = end_range[0]['line'] end1_col = end_range[0]['col'] end2_line = end_range[1]['line'] end2_col = end_range[1]['col'] source_file_path = files[end_range[1]['file']] bug_paths.append( shared.ttypes.BugPathPos(end1_line, end1_col, end2_line, end2_col, file_ids[source_file_path])) except IndexError: # Edges might be empty nothing can be stored. continue bug_events = [] for event in events: file_path = files[event['location']['file']] bug_events.append( shared.ttypes.BugPathEvent(event['location']['line'], event['location']['col'], event['location']['line'], event['location']['col'], event['message'], file_ids[file_path])) bug_hash = report.main['issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context'] checker_name = report.main['check_name'] severity_name = self.severity_map.get(checker_name, 'UNSPECIFIED') severity = shared.ttypes.Severity._NAMES_TO_VALUES[severity_name] last_report_event = report.bug_path[-1] source_file = files[last_report_event['location']['file']] report_line = last_report_event['location']['line'] report_hash = report.main['issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context'] checker_name = report.main['check_name'] sp_handler = suppress_handler.SourceSuppressHandler( source_file, report_line, report_hash, checker_name) # Check for suppress comment. supp = sp_handler.get_suppressed() if supp: connection.add_suppress_bug(self.__run_id, [supp]) LOG.debug('Storing check results to the database.') fpath = files[report.main['location']['file']] msg = report.main['description'] checker_name = report.main['check_name'] category = report.main['category'] type = report.main['type'] report_id = connection.add_report(analisys_id, file_ids[fpath], bug_hash, msg, bug_paths, bug_events, checker_name, category, type, severity, supp is not None) report_ids.append(report_id)
def __store_bugs(self, files, bugs, connection, analisys_id): file_ids = {} # Send content of file to the server if needed. for file_name in files: file_descriptor = connection.need_file_content( self.__run_id, file_name) file_ids[file_name] = file_descriptor.fileId # Sometimes the file doesn't exist, e.g. when the input of the # analysis is pure plist files. if not os.path.isfile(file_name): LOG.debug(file_name + ' not found, and will not be stored.') continue if file_descriptor.needed: with open(file_name, 'r') as source_file: file_content = compressed_file = zlib.compress(file_content, zlib.Z_BEST_COMPRESSION) # TODO: we may not use the file content in the end # depending on skippaths. LOG.debug('storing file content to the database') connection.add_file_content(file_descriptor.fileId, compressed_file) # Skipping bugs in header files handled here. report_ids = [] for bug in bugs: events = # Skip list handler can be None if no config file is set. if self.skiplist_handler: if events and self.skiplist_handler.should_skip( events[-1].start_pos.file_path): # Issue #20: this bug is in a file which should be skipped LOG.debug(bug.hash_value + ' is skipped (in ' + events[-1].start_pos.file_path + ")") continue # Create remaining data for bugs and send them to the server. bug_paths = [] for path in bug.paths(): bug_paths.append( shared.ttypes.BugPathPos( path.start_pos.line, path.start_pos.col, path.end_pos.line, path.end_pos.col, file_ids[path.start_pos.file_path])) bug_events = [] for event in bug_events.append( shared.ttypes.BugPathEvent( event.start_pos.line, event.start_pos.col, event.end_pos.line, event.end_pos.col, event.msg, file_ids[event.start_pos.file_path])) bug_hash = bug.hash_value severity_name = self.severity_map.get(bug.checker_name, 'UNSPECIFIED') severity = shared.ttypes.Severity._NAMES_TO_VALUES[severity_name] sp_handler = suppress_handler.SourceSuppressHandler(bug) # Check for suppress comment. supp = sp_handler.get_suppressed() if supp: connection.add_suppress_bug(self.__run_id, [supp]) LOG.debug('Storing check results to the database.') report_id = connection.add_report(analisys_id, file_ids[bug.file_path], bug_hash, bug.msg, bug_paths, bug_events, bug.checker_name, bug.category, bug.type, severity, supp is not None) report_ids.append(report_id)
def __print_bugs(self, reports, files): report_num = len(reports) if report_num > 0: index_format = ' %%%dd, ' % \ int(math.floor(math.log10(report_num)) + 1) non_suppressed = 0 for report in reports: events = [i for i in report.bug_path if i.get('kind') == 'event'] f_path = files[events[-1]['location']['file']] if self.skiplist_handler and \ self.skiplist_handler.should_skip(f_path): LOG.debug(report + ' is skipped (in ' + f_path + ")") continue bug = { 'hash_value': report.main['issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context'], 'file_path': f_path } if self.suppress_handler and \ self.suppress_handler.get_suppressed(bug): LOG.debug("Suppressed by suppress file: {0}".format(report)) continue last_report_event = report.bug_path[-1] source_file = files[last_report_event['location']['file']] report_line = last_report_event['location']['line'] report_hash = report.main['issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context'] checker_name = report.main['check_name'] sp_handler = suppress_handler.SourceSuppressHandler( source_file, report_line, report_hash, checker_name) # Check for suppress comment. suppress_data = sp_handler.get_suppressed() if suppress_data: if self.suppress_handler:"Writing source-code suppress at '{0}:{1}' to " "suppress file".format(source_file, report_line)) hash_value, file_name, comment = suppress_data self.suppress_handler.store_suppress_bug_id( hash_value, file_name, comment) continue self.__output.write( self.__format_bug_event(checker_name, last_report_event, source_file)) self.__output.write('\n') self.__output.write( self.__format_location(last_report_event, source_file)) self.__output.write('\n') if self.__print_steps: self.__output.write(' Steps:\n') for index, event in enumerate(events): self.__output.write(index_format % (index + 1)) source_file = files[event['location']['file']] self.__output.write( self.__format_bug_event(None, event, source_file)) self.__output.write('\n') self.__output.write('\n') non_suppressed += 1 basefile_print = (' ' + os.path.basename(self.analyzed_source_file)) \ if self.analyzed_source_file and \ len(self.analyzed_source_file) > 0 else '' if non_suppressed == 0: self.__output.write( '%s found no defects while analyzing%s\n' % (self.buildaction.analyzer_type, basefile_print)) else: self.__output.write('%s found %d defect(s) while analyzing%s\n\n' % (self.buildaction.analyzer_type, non_suppressed, basefile_print))
def __write_bugs(self, output, reports, files, analyzed_source_file, report_stats): """ Write out the bugs to the output and collect report statistics. """ severity_stats = defaultdict(int) file_stats = defaultdict(int) report_count = defaultdict(int) report_num = len(reports) if report_num > 0: index_format = ' %%%dd, ' % \ int(math.floor(math.log10(report_num)) + 1) non_suppressed = 0 for report in reports: events = [i for i in report.bug_path if i.get('kind') == 'event'] f_path = files[events[-1]['location']['file']] if self.skiplist_handler and \ self.skiplist_handler.should_skip(f_path): LOG.debug(report + ' is skipped (in ' + f_path + ")") continue hash_value = report.main['issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context'] bug = {'hash_value': hash_value, 'file_path': f_path} if self.suppress_handler and \ self.suppress_handler.get_suppressed(bug): LOG.debug("Suppressed by suppress file: {0}".format(report)) continue last_report_event = report.bug_path[-1] source_file = files[last_report_event['location']['file']] report_line = last_report_event['location']['line'] report_hash = report.main['issue_hash_content_of_line_in_context'] checker_name = report.main['check_name'] sp_handler = suppress_handler.SourceSuppressHandler( source_file, report_line, report_hash, checker_name) # Check for suppress comment. suppress_data = sp_handler.get_suppressed() if suppress_data: if self.suppress_handler: hash_value, file_name, comment = suppress_data self.suppress_handler.store_suppress_bug_id( hash_value, file_name, comment) continue file_stats[f_path] += 1 severity = self.__severity_map.get(checker_name, 'UNSPECIFIED') severity_stats[severity] += 1 report_count["report_count"] += 1 output.write( self.__format_bug_event(checker_name, severity, last_report_event, source_file)) output.write('\n') output.write(self.__format_location(last_report_event, source_file)) output.write('\n') if self.print_steps: output.write(' Report hash: ' + report_hash + '\n') output.write(' Steps:\n') for index, event in enumerate(events): output.write(index_format % (index + 1)) source_file = files[event['location']['file']] output.write( self.__format_bug_event(None, None, event, source_file)) output.write('\n') output.write('\n') non_suppressed += 1 basefile_print = (' ' + os.path.basename(analyzed_source_file)) \ if analyzed_source_file and \ len(analyzed_source_file) > 0 else '' if non_suppressed == 0: output.write('Found no defects while analyzing%s\n' % (basefile_print)) else: output.write('Found %d defect(s) while analyzing%s\n\n' % (non_suppressed, basefile_print)) report_stats["severity"] = severity_stats report_stats["files"] = file_stats report_stats["reports"] = report_count