예제 #1
 def set_libertic_event_supplier(self, value):
     uid = self.uid
     if value and uid:
             uid, i.groups['supplier-pending']['id'])
         # send an email to group moderators
         data = { 'user' : uid, }
         moderators = i.settings().group_moderators
         groupurl = '%s/@@usergroup-usermembership?userid=%s' % (
             getToolByName(self.context, 'portal_url')(),
         mailhost = getToolByName(self.context, 'MailHost')
         SMODERATEGROUP = _(
             '[LIBERTIC] A new user need to be added to the '
             'suppliers group: ${user}', mapping=data)
         T = self.context.translate
         msg = "\n".join(
             T(_('A new user has registered himself on OpenDataEvents website.')),
             T(_('You can move him to the suppliers group to validate its registration following the next link : ')),
             "    - %s" % groupurl])
         sub = self.context.translate(SMODERATEGROUP)
         utils.sendmail(self.context, moderators, sub, msg) 
             uid, i.groups['supplier']['id'])
             uid, i.groups['supplier-pending']['id'])
     return self.context.setMemberProperties({'libertic_event_supplier': value})
예제 #2
 def render(self):
     ret = register_collect_job(self.context)
     if ret :
         msg = _('Events will be grabbed, please refresh in a while')
         msg = _('Events are already planned to be fetched, '
                 'please refresh in a while')
 def __call__(self, context):
     terms = []
     types = {
         'csv': _('Csv'),
         'xml': _('Xml'),
         'ical': _('Ical'),
         'json': _('json'),
     if not self.export:
         del types['ical']
     for term in types:
                      (term, term, types[term]))
     return SimpleVocabulary(terms)
def unique_SID_EID_check(context, sid, eid, request=None, form=None, *args, **kw):
    db = lei.IDatabaseGetter(context).database()
    event = db.get_event(sid=sid, eid=eid)
    if event is not None:
        raise ActionExecutionError(
            Invalid(_(u"The SID/EID combination is already in use, "
                      "please adapt them.")))
def editable_SID_EID_check(context, sid, eid, request=None, form=None, *args, **kw):
    db = lei.IDatabaseGetter(context).database()
    events = [a for a in db.get_events(sid=sid, eid=eid)]
    uuids = [IUUID(a) for a in events]
    cuuid = IUUID(context)
    if (cuuid not in uuids) and bool(uuids):
        raise ActionExecutionError(
            Invalid(_(u"The SID/EID combination is already in use, "
                      "please adapt them.")))
def is_latlon(value):
        value = value.split(';')
        x = float(value[0])
        y = float(value[1])
        return True
    except Exception, e:
        raise Invalid(
            _('This is not a lat long value, eg : -47.5;48.5')
 def validateDataLicense(self, data=None):
     if data is None:
         data = self
     for url, license in (
         ('photos1_url', 'photos1_license'),
         ('photos2_url', 'photos2_license'),
         ('video_url',   'video_license'),
         ('audio_url',   'audio_license'),
         vurl = getattr(data, url, None)
         vlicense = getattr(data, license, None)
         if vurl and not vlicense:
             raise  Invalid(
             _('Missing relative license for ${url}.',
             mapping = {'url':url,}))
def sideidchars_check(value):
    for c in ['|', '_', '/']:
        if c in value:
            raise Invalid(_('${name} is not allowed', mapping={"name": c}))
    return True
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName

from plone.app.dexterity.behaviors.metadata import IDublinCore
from plone.app.content.interfaces import INameFromTitle
from plone.app.dexterity.behaviors.metadata import IPublication
from plone.app.dexterity.behaviors.exclfromnav import IExcludeFromNavigation

datefmt = '%Y%m%dT%H%M'
rdatefmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

source_status = SimpleVocabulary([
    SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(0, '0', _(u'FAILURE')),
    SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(1, '1', _(u'OK')),
    SimpleVocabulary.createTerm(2, '2', _(u'WARN'))

groups = {
    'operator' : {
        'id': 'libertic_event_operator',
        'roles': ['LiberticOperator'],
        'title':'Libertic event operator',
        'description':'Libertic event operator',
    'supplier': {
        'id': 'libertic_event_supplier',
        'roles': ['LiberticSupplier'],
        'title':'Libertic event supplier',
    def handleApply(self, action):
        data, errors = self.extractData()
        if errors:
            self.status = self.formErrorsMessage
        ev_format = data['ev_format']
        ev_fn = data['ev_file'].filename
        ev_data = data['ev_file'].data
        if not ev_format and ev_fn:
            if '.' in ev_fn:
                ext = ev_fn.split('.')[-1]
                if ext in ['xml', 'json', 'csv']:
                    ev_format = '%sapi' % ext

        self.description = []
        stats_msg, desc = '', ''
        __ = self.context.translate
        if not ev_format:
            self.status = __(_('Invalid File/Format'))
            results = lei.IEventApiUtil(self.context).mapply(
                ev_format, ev_data)
            statuses, nb = {}, 0
            if results['status'] == 0:
                self.status = __(
                    _('There were fatal errors during import'))
                self.status = __(
                    _('Events import has run sucessfully, '
                      'please check the following log'))
            links = OrderedDict()
            links['created'] = ['<ul>']
            links['edited'] = ['<ul>']
            links['failed'] = []
            if results['status'] > 0:
                for item in results['results']:
                    nb += 1
                    res = item.get('status', None)
                    if res:
                        if not res in statuses:
                            statuses[res] = 0
                        statuses[res] += 1
                    if res in ['created', 'edited']:
                        if item['url']:
                                '<a href="%(url)s">'
                                '</li>' % item
                    if res == 'failed':
                        msg = '<ul class="failed-item">'

                        msg += '\n'.join(['<li><pre>%s</pre></li>' % m
                                          for m in item['messages']])
                        msg += '</ul>'
                if nb:
                    stats_msg += (
                        '<div class="lei-import-stats">'
                        '<ul>') % (
                                _('${nb} Elements processed in the file',
                                  mapping={'nb': nb})))
                    for i in statuses:
                        stats_msg += '<li>%s : %s</li>' % (
                            __(_(i)), statuses[i]
                    stats_msg += '</ul></div>'
                    desc += '<div class="detailed-import">'
                    for i in links:
                        llen = statuses.get(i, 0)
                        if llen:
                            desc += '<dl class="detailed-%s collapsible collapsedOnLoad">' % i
                            desc += '<dt class="collapsibleHeader">%s %s %s</dt>' % (
                                llen, __(_(i)), __(_('Events')))
                            desc += '<dd class="collapsibleContent">'
                            desc += '\n'.join(links[i])
                            desc += '</dd>'
                            desc += '</dl>'
                    desc += '</div>'
        self.description = '\n'.join(self.description)
예제 #11
 def update(self):
     __ = self.context.translate
     self.description = __(_(
         'Choose the dates between which you want to export events'))
     super(advanced_export, self).update()
예제 #12
        value = self.context.getProperty('ode_contact_telephone', '')
        return value
    def set_ode_contact_telephone(self, value):
        return self.context.setMemberProperties({'ode_contact_telephone': value})
    ode_contact_telephone = property(get_ode_contact_telephone, set_ode_contact_telephone)

class CustomizedUserDataPanel(UserDataPanel):
    """/personal-information (preferences personnelles"""
    def __init__(self, context, request):
        super(CustomizedUserDataPanel, self).__init__(context, request)
        self.form_fields = self.form_fields.omit('tgu')

class CustomizedUserDataConfiglet(UserDataConfiglet):
    """/user-information (manage users"""
    def __init__(self, context, request):
        super(CustomizedUserDataConfiglet, self).__init__(context, request)
        self.form_fields = self.form_fields.omit('tgu')

from five import grok

class libertic_post_create(grok.View):

    def render(self):
        return True
_('A new user need to be added to the suppliers group')
_('You can manage its groups here:')

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